Lil' Ida's Sonic Championship FAQ 1. Introduction 2. Updates 3. About the Author 4. Legal Stuff 5. Info on the Game 6. Plot of the Game 7. Playable Characters, their specialties, and moves a. Sonic the Hedgehog b. Miles "Tails" Prower c. Knuckles the Echidna d. Amy Rose e. Espio the Chameleon f. Fang the Sniper g. Bark the Polarbear h. Bean the Dynamite i. Super Sonic 8. Boss Characters, their specialties, and moves a. Metal Sonic b. Dr. Robotnik 9. Arenas and Strageties a. South Island b. Flying Carpet c. Aurora Icefield d. Mushroom Hill e. Canyon Cruise f. Casino Night g. Dynamite Plant h. Giant Wing i. Death Egg's Eye j. Robotnik's Hangar 10. Some stuff on Sonic Championship ___ 1. Introduction Sonic Championship is one of my favorite Sonic games ever! It's a lot of fun. Since there aren't too many web sites that are too interested in the game, I decided to make this FAQ to people who haven't play the game or never heard of it. Also, it is a Sonic fighting game (which a friend of mine said it was a unique idea to make a game like this and I agree) and I usually don't like fighting games, but it just pulled me to it, and it blew me away. Yes, I'm a girl, so don't start nagging me. Anyway, I hope you enjoy the FAQ. It isn't much, and it's pretty lousy (especially with the moves list due to my awful memory), but I did the best I can do. If you see somewhere that I screwed up on, e-mail me at 2. Updates August '99: FAQ was born Other dates: FAQ was updated 8-19-01: FAQ was revamped a bit 3. About the Author Hiyas! I'm Ida Kathry(n), but I'm often reffered to as Lil' Ida or Ida-chan. I just loved Sonic the Hedgehog ever since I first saw him when I was 8. My first Sonic game was Sonic 2. Then, in late 1998, I went to Las Vegas with one of my classmates. I convinced my mom to take me to GameWorks. Little did I know what awaited me changed my life... 4. Legal Stuff Sega, Sonic the Hedgehog and all related characters are trademarks of SEGA. This FAQ has no relation to Sega or AM2. In other words, hopefully I'm not violating any copyrights making the FAQ. Also, please don't take anything from my FAQ without permission (although some of the info came from some web sites, so thanks to all of them!). 5. Info on the game >From what I heard from most sites, the gameplay is similar to Virtua Fighter, only on a much simpler level. The Japanese version, which is called "Sonic the Fighters", had a fairly wide release across Japan, but here, it almost wasn't released at all. Lucky for me, I was able to find it at GameWorks. These are some locations I usually go when I'm in the mood of going to GameWorks: Las Vegas (On the Strip, next to the MGM Grand) Now, here are some other locations just in case you don't live near the above areas: Seattle (7th and Pike) Dallas (In the Grapevine Mills Mall) Tempe (In the Arizona Mills Mall) All right. Back to the FAQ. Sonic Championship was supposed to be released on the Sega Saturn in May 1998, but the Saturn was old news at that time, so there wasn't any market for the game. There were rumors about a Dreamcast version, but since the Dreamcast is slowly going down the drain, there's a good chance it won't happen. 6. Plot of the Game No sooner has Robotnik's Death Egg been knocked out of the sky than the doc begins construction of a superior model: the Death Egg II. Tails' transformable reconnaissance robot locates the machine in outer space and relays images to Tails' base. Our fox buddy throws together a spaceship called the Lunar Fox to reach the Death Egg II, but there are a couple of problems: the ship requires power from the eight (yes, there are eight in this game) Chaos Emeralds to launch, and it only seats one. The Emeralds are scattered around the planet, in the possession of eight "guardians". One each with Sonic the Hedgehog, Miles "Tails" Prower, Knuckles the Echidna, Amy Rose, Nack the Weasel, Espio the Chameleon, Bark the Polarbear, and Bean the Dynamite. Sonic and Tails meet Knuckles on Floating Island to determine the best course of action. Knuckles points out that, since there's only room for one, only the strongest should go. Of course, he decides that he's the logical choice, and demands that Sonic give him his Chaos Emerald. Sonic, not being particularly fond of Knuckles' methods, prepares to start a fight. Just as the two are about to go the rounds, however, Tails interrupts the brawl with an idea: they hold a fighting tournament to determine the strongest one fair and square. 7. Playable Characters, their specialties, and moves a. Sonic the Hedgehog SPECIALTY: Spin Attack MOVES Spin Dive Dizzy Spin Attack Dodging Spin Attack Spiral Spin Attack Quick Toss TIPS ON USING SONIC (by "Stone Dead") The air combo's are pretty easy and painful. The best way to cheese the game is to do the spin attack constantly, espescially in close. Just keep spin attack up, even if you're losing the round, the job will be worth it. In round two, their shield will be gone, from the constant spin attacks--when the spin is charged in close, it can obliterate the shield with one hit--the guard is worn away. So in round two they can only sidestep, which the computer doesn't do often. b. Miles "Tails" Prower SPECIALTY: Propeller Dash MOVES Propeller Dash R Propeller Dash L Kiddy Punch Spin Attack Airplane Drop Dodging Punch c. Knuckles the Echidna SPECIALTY: Knuckle Glider MOVES One-Two-Uppercut Body Dive Dodging Punch d. Amy Rose SPECIALTY: Magical Hammer MOVES Hey! What's that? Hammer Dive Head Sliding Hammer Spin Hip Attack e. Espio the Chameleon SPECIALTY: Tongue Attack MOVES Tongue Toss Long-range tounge Espio Chop Whirling Attack (Espio Spin Attack) Backhand Slap f. Fang the Sniper SPECIALTY: Popgun MOVES Rapid Shoot Great Popgun Tail Combination Horse Kick g. Bark the Polarbear SPECIALTY: Throw MOVES Triple Squash Punch Holding Punch Giant Swing Bark Strike Knock Down Throw h. Bean the Dynamite SPECIALTY: Bomb Attack MOVES Rapid Peck Shoot Bomb Throw Bomb Power Uppercut Terrific Peck Attack i. Super Sonic SPECIALTY: Super Spin Attack NOTE: Super Sonic is only accessable in Round 2 against Metal Sonic. Before that can happen, you have to deafeat every single opponent without losing a single round. I wasn't able to unlock the code, so please don't ask me questions about it. MOVES Unknown 8. Boss Characters and their specialties a. Metal Sonic SPECIALTY: All NOTE: Like Dural from the Virtua Fighter series, Metal Sonic has the moves of every character in the game at his disposal. To top that off, he takes off alot more damage, and can attack from a distance with a laser from his stomach. MOVES Unknown b. Dr. Robotnik SPECIALTY: None NOTE: Robotnik is the final bonus round. He has no special attacks at all outside of a PPP combo and a throw. The catch: you have to beat him in under fifteen seconds if you want the good ending. Otherwise, Robotnik wins and you just get a "Game Over". MOVES Unknown 9. Arenas and Strageties a. South Island Difficulty: Easy Opponent: Knuckles Chaos Emerald: Red Stragety: Strangely, Knuckles is a pushover. This is a great place to try out your basic moves. b. Flying Carpet Difficulty: Easy Opponent: Amy Rose Chaos Emerald: Pink Stragety: Nothing too much to worry about. Amy's just slightly better than Knuckles, but she shouldn't give you too much of a problem. c. Aurora Icefield Difficulty: Medium Opponent: Bark Chaos Emerald: Yellow Stragety: This guy's a bit tough. The only thing you have to worry about is his Triple Squash Punch. Other than that, you'll finish him off in no time flat. d. Mushroom Hill Difficulty: Medium Opponent: Espio Chaos Emerald: Dark Purple Stragety: Another challenge. Espio will often use Espio Chop, so watch out for that. However, he and Bark are nothing compared to Metal Sonic. e. Canyon Cruise Difficulty: Medium Opponent: Tails Chaos Emerald: Orange Stragety: If you don't know how to use the basic moves well, you'll have a rough time here. Tails also likes to use Airplane Drop. f. Casino Night Difficulty: A little harder than the first 5 Opponent: Fang Chaos Emerald: Light Purple Stragety: Your biggest worry here is Fang's popgun. And it doesn't make you feel any better that he uses it often. He also uses barriers a lot, so break 'em all and avoid the popgun so you can show him what's what. g. Dynamite Plant Difficulty: Medium Opponent: Bean Chaos Emerald: Green Stragety: Look out for this guy's bombs! Bean often uses Hyper Power, which cuts out your work for you since he loses a barrier. Bash Bean when you get the chance and you'll be fine. h. Giant Wing Difficulty: Most of the time medium Opponent: Sonic Chaos Emerald: Blue Stragety: If you thought Tails and Nack were hard, get ready. Sonic seems to read your tricks and often uses Quick Toss when his future looks bleak. Look out when he uses the Dizzy Spin Attack! Not only you won't be able to move while he's doing it, but you'll take damage by falling on the ground. This is just preparing you for the next stage... But before that, a cutscene plays with your character in the Lunar Fox, heading toward the Death Egg II. Now, get ready to battle... i. Death Egg's Eye Difficulty: Hard Opponent: Metal Sonic Chaos Emerald: None Metal Sonic. This guy makes all stages 3-8 look easy! Metal Sonic can really whoop you if you're not careful. Worse yet, he does this weird attack where sticks his arms out, spins clockwise, and bases you against the wall. Throw in the fact that he has a laser and you got a tough opponent. It won't be easy taking him out. After you beat Metal Sonic, a message appears saying that the Death Egg II will explode in 30 seconds...and counting. You on a moving platform, and when you're at the bottom, guess who you'll run into? Robotnik! You use the power of the Chaos Emerald and the final battle begins (despite what the game tells you)... j. Robotnik's Hangar Difficulty: Not extremely hard Opponent: Robotnik Chaos Emerald: None Robotnik only has a triple punch combo and a throw, but if you keep on thrashing him, you'll knock him out. Congratulations! You've beaten the game! After you beat Robotnik, your character flies the Lunar Fox as the Death Egg II explodes. Then your character heads back to Earth. Then the Credits roll as you watch replays of your victories in the second round of each stage. After the credites are done, Robotnik (in a spaceship) waves his arms in anger and flies away. Metal Sonic follows. 10. Some stuff on Sonic Championship There is a OST that has the music of the aracde game. The tracks are: 1. Advertise (K.I.Y.O.) 2. Character Select (Get Into The Wave 2) 3. Game Start (Are You Ready?) 4. South Island (Lovers) 5. Flying Carpet (Back To Soul) 6. Aurora Icefield (Black Bed) 7. Mushroom Hill (Come On, Mr. Sonic) 8. Canyon Cruise (Blue Garden) 9. Casino Night (Here We Go) 10. Dynamite Plant (Try Again) 11. Giant Wing (Fire Stone) 12. Chaos Emerald (Emerald) 13. Death Egg's Eye (Never Let It Go) 14. Death Egg's Hangar (Hurry Up) 15. Mission Complete (Egg's Fanfare) 16. Super Sonic (Everything) 17. Sonic vs Knuckles (North Wind) 18. You Are Winner (Winner's Fanfare) 19. Name Entry (What's Your Name?) 20. Ending Theme (Take Me Away) 21. Continue (Continue) 22. Game Over (Game Over) 23. Character Select (Bonus Track 1) 24. Sunset Town (Bonus Track 2) Bark and Bean appeared as hidden characters in the Saturn game "Fighters Megamix". Believe it or not, due to the game's lack of popularity, I decided to make a fan cartoon called "Wacky World Adventures" staring the characters of the game (except Metal Sonic and Robotnik). You can find more info on it at And while you're there, please sign my guestbook and my SlamBook. ^_^ Track 24, "Sunset Town" is for a level that didn't make it in the game. In the opening sequence, Robotnik's name is spelled "Robotnic". To use the Hyper Power, push the joystick to the left and press the P and K button at the same time. You'll know you got it up and running if stars form around your character. The catch is that you'll be sacrificing a barrier if you use it. Well, that ends the FAQ. If you have any comments or anything at all, e-mail me at