SONIC BLAST For Sega Game Gear Violence: Like most game gear games, none at all. Credits: I got all this information from one source: playing the game myself. Difficulty: Medium My e-mail address: . Notes: This game is SO simple, I want any e- mails to be about things important enough to be covered - no dumb e-mails please. Also e-mails containing ads, quizzes, obscenity, hate mail, chain letters, things about my personal life or things already covered in this walkthrough will not be replied to at all. BASICS Sonic Blast is one of several Sonic the Hedgehog games for Game Gear. All you've got to do is complete five zones. Each one consists of three acts, a boss at the end of the last two. To move, use the D-pad. Press 1 or 2 to jump, start to pause, and down + jump to spin dash. If you press 1 or 2 while in the air you'll do a double jump (if Sonic) or a glide (if Knuckles). As Knuckles you can also climb a wall by gliding into it. Other than that, both characters are identical. To roll on the ground press down while running. Every time you get hit, you'll lose 10 gold rings. If you get hit with no rings you'll lose 1 life. To get bonus goodies either bash open monitors or hit the end- of-level marker - you may get a goodie. Notice: Sometimes the end-of-level marker shows an emerald but this will not award you a chaos emerald. To enter a special stage, you must first enter a large gold ring. Once inside you'll go along a track and must collect at least 50 rings. You can use boosters to blast ahead, bumpers to bounce back, and springs to bounce up to rings in the air. If you collect 50 rings by the end you'll get an extra life (if in an act 1 stage) or a chaos emerald (if in a act 2 stage). Some levels have no special stage. Also, if you collect a chaos emerald or complete a level you'll score 100 points for each ring, and also a time bonus at the end of each level. Good luck! Notice: I don't cover some of the hidden goodies in this game, so feel free to explore yourself. ZONE 1: GREEN HILL ZONE Act 1: Just make your way to the far right. Use your spin dash to go through loops and also jump on top of trees - some have rings above them. Also watch out for fish that jump up at you on bridges and monkeys that drop coconuts. To beat an enemy, jump on it. Act 2: It starts like act 1 - go to the far right. When you find the red pipe, walk in and you'll be taken to a lower part of the act. If you're playing as Knuckles climb the wall above the pipe to reach an extra life monitor. You can't reach this as Sonic. Then go to the far left, beating the enemies that fly above you and shoot fireballs. At the far left drop down the hole to find an arrow monitor that saves your place. Hit the spring and go to the far right, avoiding/beating enemies, until you find another hole. Drop down again and enter the pipe. Go through the water, entering some pipes. At the far right, either climb the wall or double jump to reach the cliff, then go right to the exit. Act 3: Go all the way right to a cliff. Jump and glide/double jump right and if you hit the button, go back left and jump over the spikes to find a store of rings. or, simply go right to the boss. Bosses are explained at the end of this walkthrough. Giant gold ring, act 1: Couldn't be easier -when you fall in the water, go right and jump through the rocks (or spin dash, whatever) to find it. Giant gold ring, act 2: Definitely the longest path. Just after the midway arrow monitor you'll go right. You'll see a ledge above you. Jump up there and go to the right. At the far right it's there, just past the spinning spiked pole. ZONE 2: YELLOW DESERT ZONE Act 1: Just follow the normal path, collecting a lot of rings, especially the ones above trees - you can get 100 here, and that's worth an extra life. Also jump over the pipes. Act 2: Again, not much of a challenge. Make your way right. If you take the high road, some of the ceiling spikes fall on you, and if you take the low road you must jump over pits of spikes. Take note: Just before the hole that takes you to the sand slides, go up and above the ceiling where a lot of spikes are. There's a 1-UP there. Grab it and go right down the hole. There's some sand slides here that move you in one direction, so make your way right jumping over spikes. At the far right, drop down again, then go left to a large bleu wall. You'll be shot around an be unable to control yourself. Just go left when you stop, then left again, and you'll be shot right onto the end-of-level marker. Act 3: There's some secret stuff here, but it's hard to get. I recommend just going down to the bottom. Don't worry - there's no spikes. At the bottom go left and soon you'll find the boss. Giant gold ring, act 1: Remember those two pipes? Of course, it's there. Drop into one and you'll find two quicksand bogs which will KILL you if you don't jump out quickly. The ring is right above the two pipes, either double jump or climb the wall. Giant gold ring, act 2: Easy to reach, hard to figure out how to reach. In the wall with the holes that shoot you around, instead of going left the second time jump up and right and if you times it right, you'll land in the hole up/right of where you are, it takes you to the ring. ZONE 3: RED VOLCANO ZONE Act 1: Make your way to the far right, jumping over lava and hitting those red guys away from the flames. Don't worry - lava doesn't kill you. After the place with the platforms that appear and disappear you'll find the exit. Act 2: Go right and you'll find a thing on the ground that spews smoke. Jump over it or run by when it's not spewing. To cross the lava pit, use the yellow spring-like thing, but be careful of the fire enemy. On the other side go through a loop and you'll find a weird device that springs you up. It's hard to get up there and there's nothing good, so keep going right. (Some steam things and fire enemies won't be mentioned). Cross the lava pit on the steam spring, then go through a loop to another bouncing thing. This time, bounce up, land on the upper ledge. Those five smokers aren't up there for nothing - they're guarding a 1-UP! Now go back down and right. Drop down and you'll soon find an arrow box indicating you're midway through. Go left, down a hill and at the bottom drop down. Then go right to a machine. Use it to go up by spin dashing on it (or climb the wall as Knuckles) and then go right. For some rings, about midway up jump left through the wall. Then go right and spin dash on the machine to go down. When you're almost at the bottom jump left into the wall for even more rings. Go left, cross the lava on a steam spring, and then go up on another machine. Go left, down, and then to the far right to finally reach the end. Act 3: Make your way to the very top on spin dashing machines and walls. When you see some rocks to the right, smash through for a 10-ring monitor. At the top, jump on the little red-blue thing and you'll go to the boss. Giant gold ring, act 1: At the end with the platforms that appear and disappear climb up to the top right one, then jump right and you'll find it in midair. You only have one chance to do this, so do it right. Giant gold ring, act 2: This is really hard for Sonic. After the midway arrow monitor instead of going down at the bottom of the hill go left up another hill. At the top all Knuckles has to do is glide right, but Sonic must double jump and bounce off the fire enemy to make it. ZONE 4: BLUE MARINE ZONE Notice: If you stay underwater too long you'll die. Gobble up air bubbles, jump out of the water or enter a pipe to replenish your air. Act 1: First go all the way right. If you make it without falling in any pits you'll find a 1-UP! Then go back left and get in the pipe at the bottom of a small hill. It takes you underwater. Go right and you'll be between two pipes. Enter the left one. When you come out you'll be in a bubble stream. When you stop moving you'll be next to a pipe. Don't enter it! instead jump up to another pipe. Don't enter it either, instead either climb the wall or double jump up to find two pipes, one with bubbles coming out. Enter the lower one and you'll go out of the area. Now regain control and go left and up. Keep going up and don't bother to take side paths. This is easier for Sonic because he can double jump. You can't get any air here or go back to the pipe, so prepare to drown a few times. when you reach the surface, you made it. Go right to the exit. Act 2: This is definitely the longest act in the game. It's easy to get lost, but not with a walkthrough sitting right next to you, of course. First go right and after the first collapsing bridge, jump over the spring and go right to a 10-ring monitor. Walk into the wall behind it - it's fake. Go down into the water and then enter the pipe. Enter either upper pipe for some rings or the bottom pipe to enter the main area. Go right, down, left and jump left and go down on the left side. You'll go down again. Above you is a pipe but it leads nowhere. Instead, go right and you'll find some breaking rocks. Go through and beat a crab, then go right to more rocks. Drop again. If you don't do this next thing right you'll be caught in bubbles and go back to the pipe I told you not to enter. What you must do is drop through and glide/double jump right at just the right time to land on the ledge. Go right, and enter the pipe. You cannot go back to the earlier section now. When the bubbles stop you'll land near a stream of bubbles going up. It won't move you but grab the big bubbles to replenish your air. You've got to double jump or jump and wall climb up so the bubbles don't get you but you reach the arrow monitor. You need to get up there to continue, so keep trying. Then jump up on several platforms, one has a bubble stream that can help you get air. At the top, go right and climb even higher on a tiny ledge. Go right, jump over the hole and keep going right to two pipes. Enter the lower one. Then go right to two more pipes. Enter the lower one again, and ten enter another pipe from the room you land in. You can't go back after this, so make sure you've got the giant gold ring if you want it. When you come out you'll go a long way down. Don't enter any of the ledges on the left, instead just keep going down. There's some jellyfish down there, so watch it. Then go left, enter the tube, and hit another arrow monitor. Go right, Beat two jellyfish and jump up. Instead of climbing farther spin dash through the rocks and go left until you find a pit. Drop in and hold right to reach a button. Hit it to partially drain the level. Then hit the spring and then either double jump or climb the wall to go up, taking out the jellyfish. When you come to the top of the water you'll see a pipe. Sonic can reach it easily but Knuckles has to spin dash toward it, jump and glide at the right time to get in. Once you're in it, jump the instant you come out or you'll enter another pipe. Jump above the pipe, and go right to the exit. Act 3: Drop through the first bridge, and go down as far and fast as possible, but be sure to collect some rings. At the bottom some bubbles take you to the boss. Giant gold ring act 1: Believe it or not it's at the very end. Instead of going to the exit go left jumping across the platforms, hitting an arrow monitor as you go (why it's here I'd like to know) until you find a button. Hit it to drain the level. Then go all the way back to the bottom, and go right. Don't worry, you have no air problems, but underwater enemies (crabs and jellyfish) won't die. At the bottom go right to a chamber with tiny ledges in the center. Either climb a wall or double jump up the ledges, the ring is at the top. Giant gold ring, act 2: Remember those two pipes shortly after the midway arrow box? Well, enter the upper one. Directly above the other end of the pipe is a button - hit it and go back through the pipe. Go left, jump over the hole, and then go back to where you climbed up on the tiny platform. Go right, through a door the button opened, and climb up on a tiny platform to reach it. ZONE 5: SILVER CASTLE ZONE Act 1: Since this is the last zone, don't expect it to be any pushover. You'll need a lot of skill to make it. To start, go right. Don't enter any teleports unless I tell you to. also note that only teleports that have red lights will work. The enemies are hard to beat, so I suggest you ignore them. Keep going right until you find an enemy that fires off two fireballs. You can enter the teleport above you for some rings, but you'll go back to the start. Anyway keep going right and you'll find two teleports. Enter the lower one. Go left, past some enemies, and jump over the spring. Keep left, jump the spikes, and when you come to a fork take the low route and go left. Jump left to a shield, then drop down. A spiked wall chases you so run right as fast as possible. Enter the teleport, then go right, past some spikes, to the exit. Act 2: Go right, past some enemies which will KILL you in one shot because of lack of rings, and spin dash through some rocks. Slow down fast to avoid some electric beams. When they turn off run by. Jump over the hole and go right to a super ring between two weird yellow panels. Go right jumping over spikes to another pit. Drop in, but hold right and you'll land on a collapsing bridge. Go right, jump and enter the teleport. Cross some spikes by bouncing off the enemy, and enter another teleport. Go left, jump the spikes, and enter another teleport. Another spiked wall chases you so run left like mad while jumping over enemies. When the wall stops drop down and go right to the exit. Act 3: Just enter the first teleport you see to enter the boss. Giant gold ring, act 1: This one took me a long time to figure out. In fact, I discovered it while making these tips. Remember the place at the end of paragraph 1 with two teleports? Enter the upper one. Use a double jump or wall climb to reach it. You'll be in a room with eight tiny platforms in a circle. Get on the bottom one and jump right one platform. Each time you do this the platforms move and after six times the teleport on the right becomes active. Enter it and voila! Giant gold ring, act 2: If you take the shortcut that I described you'll find it right next to the third teleport. You have to get it and by grabbing it you start the stage over. BOSSES Green Hill boss: Boomerang Blaster Hits: 6 He'll fire a boomerang at you. Jump over it and then hit the cockpit - any other place won't cause damage. After two fires he'll fly off the screen only to reappear. Really easy. Yellow Desert boss: Carpet Cruiser Hits: 8 This boss will be tougher than the last one. He'll fly onto the screen. Jump and hit the cockpit 1-2 times. Then he'll fly across the screen, holding out a red spear. Jump and hit him and hopefully you won't get hit. Keep this up until he's defeated. Red Volcano boss: Pogo Pod Hits: 8 This is a really hard boss. He'll spring up on one side, then drop a rock that tries to hit you. He'll then go back down and come up on the other side. You'll be fighting on that little platform but can't fall off. When he comes up, jump and hit him. If you miss, you'll wind up under him and get hit. After hitting him bounce to the far side of the screen to avoid the rock. Then run to the other side to avoid him. Blue Marine boss: Submarine Ship Hits: 6 This boss is fought underwater, so periodically get air. First he'll fire an arrow at you. Jump over it and hit the cockpit. He'll fly across the screen, then come back and fire another arrow - hit him again. The third and fourth times he'll fly across without firing an arrow or even stopping. If you need air, don't hit him when he fires an arrow and it hits the floor, causing a bubble to appear. Silver Castle boss: Mechanical Monstrosity Hits: 10 This can be really easy if you do it right, and almost impossible if you have no idea what to do. He'll fire an energy blot at you. Jump over it. You can't move during this boss, but by running along the wheel at the bottom you'll move the platform above you. You can't jump on it, but what you must do is move it under the side the bolt is coming on. To do so, run in the opposite direction you want the platform to go. If the bolt hits the platform, it'll bounce back up and hit Robotnik. Final boss: Spark Surge Hits: 12 You only fight this boss if you collected all five emeralds. Also you'll start with 99 rings, but can't get any additional ones during the battle. If you didn't collect all the emeralds, you can skip this battle. Robotnik flies above, dropping pairs of sparks. Avoid them and jump on the object in the center of the room and Robotnik's face on his ship becomes an arrow pointing up. That's your cue - jump on him, being careful not to hit either spike on the side of his ship. If you hit him he'll go to the center and fire four sparks. Run to the far side and jump to avoid them. After 6 hits the object in the center moves, making it more complicated. Be careful not to get between it and a wall, it can crush you and KILL you. THE END Congratulations! You just destroyed Robotnik! Now you can watch as Robotnik's latest invention goes right where it belongs - the bottom of the sea. Well done! Then you'll see the credits for the game. These are other great Sonic games for Game Gear: (None of these games have any violence, and I hope to do tips for them soon). Sonic 1: This is the first game for game gear. It has no spin dash or special stage, the emeralds are hidden in some stages. Also each stage has one 1-UP, making it more fun. On the down side, in this game you'll lose all your rings if you get hit and can't get any back. One of the simplest games I know, but fun nevertheless. Sonic 2: Robotnik has kidnaped Tails and Sonic must rescue him. This game is ruined by the extreme difficulty of the first boss, but after that it gets easier. This game is the toughest of all Sonic Game Gear games, but on the bright side, you'll still lose all your rings if you get hit, but can get them back. Also should you get all the emeralds (which are hidden in some acts) you'll play not a boss but a whole new zone! Sonic Chaos: Another neat game, this one is a lot like Sonic Triple Trouble, and you have the following new things: -Act 3 now has rings, making bosses much easier (In Sonic 1 and 2, there's no rings in act 3). -Now emeralds are hidden in special stages, but each stage is very different and is a maze which has the emerald at the end. -You can play as Sonic or Tails, and Tails can use his two Tails to fly if you press up + jump. -Spin dashing is now allowed. Acts are much more interesting, with breakable blocks and death pits, along with more secrets. -This game has a very unique way of entering special stage: Get 100 rings in one act. Sonic Triple Trouble: The newest and best game, it has the spin dash, more complex special stages reached by finding and hitting a monitor with an emerald and then jumping into the stars if you have more than 50 rings. You can play as Sonic or Tails, and Tails can still fly. Also when you get hit instead of losing all rings you'll lose some, increasing with each hit. It's everything Sonic Chaos has and more. Sonic Labyrinth: This game involves Robotnik stealing Sonic's superfast shoes, slowing him down drastically. He can still spin dash, and spin dash he will in each of 12 3-D levels. In each level you must find three keys and enter the exit door before time runs out. Power-ups are now triangle formations that change every few seconds, so by memorizing what each one represents you can get the power-up you want. Hint: Three yellow = extra time. Get bonus time by grabbing keys, beating badniks (who steal keys and time) or using power-ups. There are no special stages, instead you get one emerald for beating each of the four bosses. Rings are only found in boss stages, and you'll lose them all and can't get them back if you get hit. With four spin dash power levels, key-hoarding badniks and secret doors, Sonic Labyrinth is a classic. Good luck!