Subj: Sonic 2 FAQ (Game Gear/Master System) - Updated Again Date: Monday 2 April 2001 13:26:12 From: To: SONIC 2 For the Master System/Game Gear FAQ by (Please write to this address if you spot anything I missed). Version 7 - 2 April 2001 Copyright notice: The contents of this FAQ are the property of the author. Copying of any part of this without including my name is basically not allowed. Contents: 1 The Story 2 Items 3 Baddies 4 The Sign 5 Levels 6 Bosses 7 Chaos Emerald Locations 8 Level Select Cheat 1 The Story The story is similar, except that Robotnik has captured Sonic's new friend, Tails and imprisoned him in the Crystal Egg. Sonic has to get all six emeralds go rescue him! 2 Items Rings Pick these up to give you one hit point; getting 100 gives you an extra life, but your ring meter will return to zero. Unlike Sonic 1, you can pick rings up again after you've lost them, but be quick! TV Sets These may contain: Ring 10 rings! Shield You get an extra hit point. Two shields will not count as two extra hit points though :( Running Shoes Speed you up temporarily Invincibility Makes you invincible Ñ but not from falling off the screen or drowning Sonic Gives you an extra life 3 Baddies Unlike most parts of Sonic 1, all baddies come back to life after you've left an area and returned. Moto Bug (Underground Zone) Simply runs back and forth, shouldn't be a problem. Newtron (Underground Zone, Green Hills Zone) Appears in the air briefly to spit an energy ball at you. Spinning Turtle (Sky High Zone, Scrambled Egg Zone) This will fly at you like a frisbee when you least expect it! Crabmeat (Aqua Lake Zone, Green Hills Zone, Scrambled Egg Zone) Watch out for the fireballs this crab fires from its claws. Lobster (Aqua Lake Zone) This bad guy will home in on you, so be careful. Burrowbot (Gimmick Mountain Zone) Watch out! This bad guy jumps out of the floor at you. Bouncing Pig Zone (Gimmick Mountain Zone) They practically stay in the same place. They're easy to kill. Bomb Bot (Gimmick Mountain Zone, Scrambled Egg Zone) Watch out! This will explode into shrapnel if you go near it! 4 The Sign At the end of Acts 1 and 2 of every level, you will come across a sign. When you pass, it will display one of the following: Robotnik Absolutely NOTHING! This one is the most common. Ring You get ten rings; this will only crop up if you have a ring total divisible by ten (i.e. 0, 10, 20, etc.) Do NOT exit with 90 rings or your total will go back to zero! Sonic You get an extra life. This only crops up if you lost a life on the previous level. Tails You get a continue; I've never had this, but I guess it probably turns up if you had to continue while on a level :) 5 Levels Underground Zone The first level is actually quite tricky; on both stages try and keep to the top of the level as much as possible; at the bottom you must leap over lava pits and avoid falling spikes. The boss is pretty tough too (see bosses). Sky High Zone This is actually one of the game's hardest zones. To get past act 1, you must know how to use the hang glider. Run into it at full speed and keep pressing down/left on the direction pad and Ñ after a lot of practice Ñ you will make it over the chasm. Act 2 is very nasty too. If you can, take the path through the clouds and avoid the section where you have to hang glide with spikes on the floor AND ceiling. The lightning cannot hurt you, though. Aqua Lake Zone The main problem here is the water. When inside, keep finding bubbles. If you don't, a 5 second count down will begin before you drown. Some bubbles simply give you air, but others will allow you to travel in them, but will burst if you hit something. Acts 1 and 3 shouldn't be a problem as you can avoid going in the water by running at it and holding down, causing Sonic to skim the surface. Of course, if you're daring you can dive down anyway. Act 2 is perhaps the hardest level in the game. It is completely underwater and is full of traps. I have included a guide to the level: When you start, run along and drop through the false floor. Run left and Ñ as you enter the tube Ñ hold down and you'll pop out into a shaft full of rings to land on an invincible below. Use this to your advantage and cross the spikes. Get air and travel up the shafts using bubbles. Eventually you will pass through another section of tubing. There is an emerald here (see section 7 of this FAQ). At the end, jump in a bubble to get up the shaft. The only problem is that there are spears which fire from the walls at you. Press down to slow down the bubble when you see one. Also, there are at least three lobsters in the vicinity. They'll home in on you, so take evasive action. Exit the shaft to the left, at the top and you're just about at the end. If your bubble bursts in the narrow shaft you enter, don't panic Ñ it's possible to get up it by jumping. Green Hills Zone For once, this is a very straightforward level. The only problems are all the spikes... Gimmick Mountain Zone This is one of the best levels! It's straightforward again, but you get to use all sorts of moving platforms; take care in the shafts with the spinning platforms and spikes on either side and use the moving platforms above to get to the top. To get a really difficult 1 up on act 1, get to the top of the shaft and ignore the invincible. Run left and into the cart and wait until you are jumping the gap that leads to a row of spikes which the cart destroys. Jump out and you should land on a platform with a life on. Get back to the invincible and use it. Then run down to the left and jump the gap, and run over the spikes. Scrambled Egg Zone The only problem here is the maze of pipes on this level. You must hold left, right, up and down to change direction or risk being impaled. Okay, here's a guide: Act 1 Run right and jump up the pipe taking a detour to the right, then going up to collect loads of rings, then go left again. Use the pipe at the end and then cross over all the gaps to the third pipe. Now is the first difficult one: Enter the pipe and then use the following combination: First left, then down (take the next right to get a 1 up) and you should be able to get out safely. If you make a mistake, you will land on a bed of spikes! Once you have got out of the pipe, jump left quickly, before the platform falls, and through two pipes at the end. Jump onto the platform above and enter a pipe to collect a 1 up, then return though the pipe. Now, jump onto the moving platform and travel left to the last pipe and enter it. In the last pipe, use this combination of moves to get past: Down, Left, Down, Right. Fortunately, you don't land on spikes if you make a mistake. At the end is the exit. Act 2 Pass the platforms with the Bomb Bots on and enter the pipe. At the top, run down the hill, press down and jump to clear the gap. Enter the pipe and take the next right, then next left, followed by up. At the top, clear the gap the way you did before and get a 1 up. Collect all the rings in the pit (roughly 100) and then go left and the extra life will have returned. Drop down for another 1 up, then get on the moving platform. Make sure you enter the pipe halfway across or you will not make it. Repeat this with the next moving platform and you will be at the hardest point in the stage. It floats up to a pipe overhead, so jump in it and hold left, then down; you will land on the platform again. Jump off immediately into the pipe and hold left. You will get back to the platform. Carry on, jumping over the platform that's in your way and then entering the pipe at the end. Crystal Egg Zone You can only get here if you get all the emeralds. The level is fairly easy, though and doesn't need much comment. Watch out for the spikes and swinging balls and you should be okay! 6 Bosses Be warned: There are NO rings on the boss levels! Underground Zone: Mad Robotnik and the Claws Follow the act along and you will reach a pit which you cannot jump over. Jump down and just as you are about to die a fiery death, Robotnik will save you (what???) and drop you by a pair of claws. Stand on the slope and be alert Ñ about six ball bearings will bounce down, one at a time. Some will bounce higher than others. Try and leap over each one and then Robotnik will try to ram you. Jump over him and he'll collide wit the claws and destroy them. He won't return until the Crystal Egg Zone (if you make it that far). Sky High Zone: The Birds! Jump over the gaps and enter the clouds. Four birds will appear, so kill them and another four will follow. You will then drop down to another set of clouds with four eggs on, which are releasing birds. Kill them, and destroy the eggs. When all the eggs are destroyed, mother bird will appear (well, she's a robot actually) and she's angry. Wait until the bird is about to spit a fireball, and jump on her head. Be careful or you will rebound into the fireball and die! Keep hitting the bird until it's destroyed. Aqua Lake Zone: Performing Seal The easiest boss in the game! The seal will balance a ball on its nose, so jump on it and hit the seal. Jump on the seal again and it will balance you on its nose. If you push right, the seal will move in that direction. It will then throw you off. Repeat as above. Green Hills Zone: Sumo Pig After navigating the spikes using the springs, you will find a ditch with a sumo wrestler/pig on one side. Stand in the middle and the pig will curl up into a ball. This is a really tough boss! It will either roll across (jump), shoot across horizontally (duck) or jump across, then roll back. As soon as it uncurls, hit it. And keep avoiding its attacks until it's dead. Gimmick Mountain Zone: Spiked Pig This is REALLY easy! Jump over its head as it tries to ram you and avoid the shells that appear from above, and hit the pig while its spikes are temporarily retracted. Scrambled Egg Zone: Silver Sonic Another easy boss. As well as jumping at you, he will slide at you and try to grab you. If you hit him when he's curled up Ñ providing you're spin Ñ attacking yourself, you will just bounce off. Hit him when he's standing upright. Crystal Egg Zone: Robotnik As soon as you enter the arena, drop into the pipe. Robotnik will send all sorts of stuff into the arena, followed by a lightning flash. After this, hold up to exit the pipe and hold up and right to hit the doctor and quickly return to the pipe. Eventually you'll beat him and he'll run off into a teleporter. Tails will appear. 7 Chaos Emerald Locations Unlike Sonic 1, ALL the emeralds are on act 2 of their level. Underground Zone Stay at the top of the level and, at the end, there is a big gap you must jump over. The emerald is on a hard Ñ to Ñ reach platform above the exit. Sky High Zone Ugh! Horrible! Get the hang glider at the beginning and keep flying along, and don't hit anything, which is easier said than done. The emerald's way up in the clouds. **Okay, calm down. Its not that hard. I got this hint from The "It isn't that hard, there's a cloud hidden before the platform that hosts the emerald that can bounce you up. It's a small cloud, and If I recall right, has a bigger "Plus" Like cloud."** I have tried this and it does work. I'll try and explain this a bit more simply - head right until you reach a long cloud platform (you can either jump or spring up to it) and find the cloud spring at the right hand end (if you fall there are some springs below so you can make your way up again). You will probably take a few tries, but by springing right from here you should find another cloud spring. Land on this and you should make it to the emerald. Aqua Lake Zone In the last tube section, before the really hard bit with the rising bubble and the creatures that attack you, hold left and you will shoot down another pipe, leading to the emerald. Green Hills Zone About half way through act 2, there is a platform with three springs on, just left of some spikes. Used the springs to spring as far right as you can and you should Ñ after some practice Ñ land on some more springs. Hold right again and you will land on a ledge with he emerald. Gimmick Mountain Zone After the first set of conveyor belts, you will go up a hill. Just before the Burrowbot appears, jump left to find a false wall. Just follow the passage behind. Scrambled Egg Zone Beat Silver Sonic. It's the only way :) 8 Level Select Cheat **Okay, I've been a bit lame with this lately - bear with me. I kept changing it, forgetting to save it after I'd sent in the updated FAQ, then sending another update with it all wrong.** It is very easy to get stuck on this game, and Ñ unlike the original, which had NO cheats Ñ this has a level select! You can now play the Crystal Egg Zone to your heart's content without having to collect the emeralds. To do the cheat, hold DOWN/LEFT, and buttons 1 and 2 on the SEGA screen. Press start to skip the intro. On the title screen, watch Tails. He blinks once, then twice more, in succession. On the third blink, press start (this will take a few attempts to get right). Select the level you want by pressing button 2. This may take several attempts to get just right. **This is the only way it can be done and it does work; I've tried it myself. Please do not write to me just to say you can't get it to work; all I can say is "keep trying".** END OF FAQ. Hope it helped!