Sonic the Hedgehog 2 Walkthrough By Ida Kathry ( 1. Introduction 2. Legal Stuff 3. Info on the Game 4. Plot of the Game 5. Cast a. Sonic the Hedgehog b. Miles "Tails" Prower c. Dr. Ivo Robotnik d. Silver Sonic 6. Levels a. Underground b. Sky High c. Aqua Lake d. Green Hills e. Gimmick Mountain f. Scrambled Egg g. Crystal Egg 7. Differences to the Genisis and Game Gear version and misc. ___ 1. Introduction Welcome to my Sonic 2 walkthrough! Just to let you know, this is the Game Gear version I'm writing the walkthrough for. This is my first Sonic game for the Game Gear, which inspired me to get more Sonic GG games. If you noticed something wrong, let me know at 2. Legal Stuff Sega, Game Gear, Sonic the Hedgehog, Tails the Fox, Dr. Robotnik, Silver Sonic, and all related characters are trademarks of SEGA. There. I said it. I give credit where it's due. This FAQ is made by Ida Kathryn Johnson (my real name) and please don't steal ANYTHING from this. Thanks. Of course, I did have some help with this. I had some Sonic trading cards since who-knows-when and some of the info from Sonic HQ. ( 3. Info on the Game This verison of Sonic 2 is not like anything in the Genisis version. To find out what differences they have, check out the last section. 4. Plot of the Game All was peaceful and quiet on South Island after Sonic crushed the plans of Dr. Robotnik for the first time. Far too quiet, in fact, for a hyper teenage hedgehog who craves action. So, Sonic left South Island in search of other adventures. When he returned, Sonic found no sign of his friends anywhere. Confused, he went back to his digs to think, and found a note wating for him. It was from Tails, a two-tailed fox who is oe of Sonic's closest friends: "Dear Sonic, Robotnik is back, and he's captured all the animals on the island! He's holding me in a place called the Crystal Egg. In order to free me, you have to find and bring the 6 Chaos Emeralds. Robotnik made me write this. He says he's waiting for you, and he's created 6 really nasty robots in order to 'get rid of you once and for all'. I don't know what he has planned, but Sonic, please be careful! Sincerly, Tails." There was no time to waste! The letter fluttered to the floor as Sonic dashed off to find the Chaos Emeralds and save his friends. 5. Cast a. Sonic the Hedgehog This is our hero of the game: a blue, speedy hedgehog who loves action and make Robotnik's life miserable. MOVES Spin Jump (Button 1 or 2) Roll (While moving, press down) b. Miles "Tails" Prower This is Sonic's best buddy and sidekick, but in this game, he's not playable. c. Dr. Robotnik Robotnik is at it again. He's the responsible one who kidnapped Tails. d. Silver Sonic A robot couterpart of Sonic made by Robotnik. For the boss stragety, go to section 6F. 6. Levels Each level (Zone) has 3 acts each, which makes a total of 21 acts in the game. Somewhere in Act 2, you'll see a Chaos Emerald (except at Scrambled and Crystal Egg). At the end act 3, you'll fight a boss. Since you won't have any rings in the third act, don't make any wrong moves or else...seeya. a. Undreground Zone Act 1 Go right, continue along the top. Watch out for the spikes that fall from the ceiling. Continue right, using the springs to cross the lava. All the way right is the exit. Act 2 (Chaos Emerald) Head right, staying along the top all the way to the upper right corner. The Chaos Emerald will be there. Once you have it, drop to the left off the ledge. When falling, push and hold right to find the exit and finish the level. Act 3 (Boss) Roll all the way right. Jump across the large gap or you'll be fried! Continue right and roll down the slope. At the end of the slope, you'll jump across the gap and Robotnik will pick you up out of mid air and take you to the boss. The boss is at the the bottom of a hill. Boss Stragety Dodge the boulders coming from the left. If they are bouncing high, run under them. If they are bouncing low, jump over them. Since you're on a hill, it'll be pretty tough. Every time the boulder hit the boss, the scissor-like things on it will move faster. When they are movng fast enough, Dr Robotnik will come down and try to destroy you. Jump, and Robotnik will destroy the boss instead. b. Sky High Zone Act 2 (Chaos Emerald) Run and jump to get the first hang glider. When you're on the hang glider, press Left to go up and Right to dive. Press jump to get off. Use it to fly all the way right. If you get high enough, the Chaos Emerald can be found in the upper right corner above the clouds. Now, continue right to finish the level. Act 3 (Boss) Head right, avoiding the gaps. Continue right to the boss. Boss Stragety You must destroy 8 little bounce bots. When you destory the last one, you fall through the cloud cover to another cloud cover below. Four eggs lie on the ground that the bounce bots come out of. Destory them all to get rid of the bonce bots. Then, a robot pelican will stick his head out of the cloud. His lone shots are easy to avoid as they are slow in coming. c. Aqua Lake Zone Act 1 Head right, jump on the water while pushing right to skip across the water. Hold and continue right until you see more water. Drop into the water and head right to finish the level. Act 3 (Boss) Head right, skipping across the water to the boss. Boss Stragety Wait for the bubble to appear on the seal's nose. When the bubble is half inflated, jump and hit it to defeat the seal. It's a good a idea to keep bouncing on him. d. Green Hills Zone Act 1 Go right all the way to finish the level. Act 2 Same as above. Act 3 Use the springs to avoid the spikes. Once you've successfully passed the spikes, go right to the boss. Boss Stragety The boss will either do one of four attacks. He'll jump up in the air over to the other side, roll to the other side, fly striahgt to the other side, or jump to the other side and then roll or fly back. After he does an attack, he'll act like a gorilla for a second, stomping his feet and waving his arms. Hit him then. e. Gimmick Mountain Zone Act 1 Head right, jumping onto the spring and then onto the spinning wheel. Use the wheels to get to the very top and head right across the conveyor belts. Continue right and you'll go through a speed tune. Go left, then down, then to the right. Eventually, you'll reach large slow spinning wheels. Once there, head up. At the top, head right to another set of large slow-spinning wheels. This time, go up using the blue platforms. At the top, get the invincibility and go to the left all the way to the bottom. At the bottom, you'll come to another slope. Head left, down the slope until you come to an area of spikes. Cross the spikes to the left to the exit. Act 2 (Choas Emerald) Head rght along the platforms. Go up a long slope to the upper right. At the top of the slope, jump to the left and go through the wall. Go left until you reach the spring. Use the srping to go up to the spinning wheels. Proceed up at the top and go all the way right to the Chaos Emerald. Once you have the emerald, head back to the left and down to the right. Go through the same wall to the right to the top of the slope. Go up and to the right to the spinning wheels. Use them to get up and continue all the way to the right. Then, drop down and to the left. Continue left, then down, then right to finish the level. Act 3 (Boss) Boss Stragety Jump over it as it comes at you and jump on it after it rebounds off the wall and retracts its spikes for a second. If you hit it fast enough, then the three pieces of dangerous, small rock that fall to the ground after he steadies himself will not fall. f. Scrambled Egg Zone Act 3 (Boss) At the right, use the spring and go through the tube. Once through the tube, take the springs up to the upper right. Continue to the right to a platform and jump to a tube above you to find the boss. Boss Stragety Jump and hit Silver Sonic when he's not bunched up into a ball. After defeat the boss, you'll get the last Chaos Emerald. NOTE: If you don't have all the Chaos Emeralds, the game will be over. However, you won't get a bad ending. g. Crystal Egg Zone NOTE: You must have all the Chaos Emeralds to enter this level. Act 1 Head right, watching out for falling blocks and spikes Continue all the way right to finish the level. Act 2 Go right and get to an area with several springs and rings. Go to the top (using the springs) and head left and then down the slope, jump all the way left to a blue Flywheel. Use the flywheels to jump up to the upper right corner. In the upper right corner, you'll find a spring. Jump on the spring and head left to a room with 6 springs in it. Use the springs to continue left. When you get to the far left, climb up to the right. Continue right to finish the level. Act 3 (Final Boss) Boss Stragety He attacks in a machine that takes up the whole room. Around the room are circular warp tubes that you can use to escape his attacks. What you must do is hit him at the beginning and jump in the warp tube. Continue to roll around it as he uses his multiball attack and his room electrocute attack. Keep in mind that you won't jump out of the warp tube unless you press down or up when you reach an exit hole. When the electrocute attack finishes, jump out of the warp tube and bop him, then jump back in. 7. Differences to the Genisis and Game Gear version and misc. Genisis Version: Tails is a playable character 11 Zones Special Stages Super Sonic is obtainable after collecting Chaos Emeralds 7 Chaos Emeralds Not all Emeralds are needed to obtain a good ending 2 Acts in each Zone (Except in Metropolis, Sky Chase, Wing Fortress, and Death Egg) Game Gear Version: Tails is not a playable character 7 Zones No Special Stages No Super Sonic 6 Chaos Emeralds All Emeralds needed to finish the game 3 Acts in each Zone Miscellenous: Level Select When the intro plays, hold Down, Left, 1, and 2. When it ends, wait for Tails to blink 3 times. At the 3rd time when his eyes are shut, press Start (while holding the above button). Well, that's all for this walkthrough. If you have any comments or anything at all, e-mail me at