Knuckles Chaotix FAQ v1.1 By Chayne Paxton ( Last Update:12-29-00 Disclaimer:This document copyright 2000 Chayne Paxton. You may copy this guide as long as you do not edit it and give credit to me. Do not charge a fee for this guide. This guide can only be distributed in electronic form. If you would like to e-mail me send your e-mails to and I'll get back to you as soon as I can. Updates: 12-29-00:Updated info on the Chaos Rings and added list of sites to view my FAQ. 12-26-00:Just started this guide. List of sites to see this FAQ: Coming Soon: Boss Strategies End Boss Strategy Better Level Descriptions ASCII Art(maybe) Whatever Else I Can Think Of Index I.Intro (a).What the heck is Knuckles Chaotix? (b).What system is it for? II.How to Play Knuckles Chaotix (a).The controls (b).How Knuckles Chaotix works (c).The Bonus Stage (d).Chaos Rings (e).Power-Ups (f).Before a Level (g).In a Level (h).Beating a Level (i).2-Player Mode (j).Training Mode III.The Characters (a).Knuckles the Echidna (b).Mighty the Armadillo (c).Espio the Chamelion (d).Charmie Bee (e).Vector the Crocodile (f).Heavy and Bomb (g).Who Should I Choose? IV.The Levels (a).Practice Stage (b).Botanic Base (c).Speed Slider (d).Amazing Arena (e).Marina Madness (f).Techno Tower (g).Isolated Island(the training mode levels) V.Tricks & Codes (a).50,000 Point Bonus (b).Different Music in Techno Tower (c).Remove your partner in Marina Madness VI.The End (a).Outro I. Intro (a)What the heck is Knuckles' Chaotix? Knuckles' Chaotix is a game in which two characters are attached by a magical band of ring power. The characters in this game are Knuckles, Mighty, Espio, Charmie, and Vector. Why didn't this game star Sonic? At one time it did. There was a Genesis game that was never released called Sonic Crackers. Sonic and Tails are attached by the same magical band. The only way to play this is to get a ROM of it and a Genesis emulator. Look around the net, it's not too hard to find. (b)What system is it for? Knuckles' Chaotix is for the 32x. The 32x is an attachment to the Genesis that makes it 32-bit. It plugs into the cartridge slot and is attached to the Genesis via a special cable. It needed another a/c adaptor to power it. Check out if you want a 32x. They sell refurbished 32x units. II. How to Play Knuckles' Chaotix (a).The Controls The controls for Knuckles Chaotix are: A-Call Partner: If your partner is gone and you have 10 rings press A to call them. B-Hold:Make your partner not move. C-Jump:Well, duh. (b).How Knuckles' Chaotix works In Knuckles Chaotix the goal is to reach the end of the level before time runs out or before you die. If you collect rings when you get hit instead of dying you lose all of your rings. If your partner gets hit you lose 1 ring. You can use the "rubber band" to get around the levels. Hold B then move right or left to charge the rubber band power. If you are on a ledge above your partner and want to fling them up to where you are hold B. If your partner is on a ledge above you hold down to charge the rubber band power. To spin dash hold down and press jump. Unfortunately, it is very underpowered in this game. (c).The Bonus Level If you have 20 or more rings in a level you can enter the bonus stage. In the bonus stage you are falling down. Hit blocks to have different effects. Every second you are in the bonus level you use up a ring. The stage ends when you run out of rings or hit an exit block. The types of blocks are: Spring Blocks-Bounce you up Ring Blocks-Give you 10 rings 500 Pt. Blocks-Pretty self-explanatory Exit Blocks-Pretty self-explanatory Up Blocks-Speed up descent Down Blocks-Slow Down Descent Chopper Blocks-Make you lose rings. Be careful! Stage Select Blocks-Slows down the stage select machine the next time you go to the stage selector. Combi Catcher Blocks-Slows down the Combi Catcher the next time you get a new partner. (d).Chaos Rings If you have 50 rings at the end of a level you should see a giant ring above the clear sign. Jump in it to enter the other bonus level. You have to run through a giant ring and collect a certain amount of blue balls before the finish line to go to the next round. Complete the next round to win. You can lose by running out of rings which act as a timer or falling out of the level. If you win you earn a Chaos Ring. If you do not get all 6 Chaos Rings before you reach the end boss you will get the bad ending if you beat the game. A good way to get them is to play with manual save. If you mess up in a bonus level restart the game. This takes a while but it works. (e).Power-Ups Super Ring:Gives you 10 rings. Combine Ring:If you get hit all of your rings will become 1 big ring. Grab it to get all of your rings back. Power Sneakers:Speed up temporarily. Shield:Absorbs 1 attack. Invincible:Think about it. Swap:You and your partner change places temporarily. Grow:Become bigger, heavier, and stronger for a short time. Shrink:Become smaller and lighter for a short time(I think this is more of a power-down than a power-up). Change:Turns your partner into the person on the screen for a limited time. (f).Before A Level Before a level you can stop at the Combi Catcher. Here you can use the arm to grab a new partner. The attraction information shows info about each level. Then you choose a level. Hit the star ball to stop the roulette. (g).In A Level In a level you must collect rings and power-ups to get through it. Badnix will try to stop you along the way. Use the ring power to get past the obstacles. (h).Beating A Level To win a level reach the exit before time runs out. You have 9min. 59secs. to get through it which is plenty of time. (i).2-Player Mode After beating the first level in a quest game you can play with 2 players. Player 1 selects Player 2's character with the combi catcher. There is no hold command in 2-player mode. Either player can pause the game. (j).Training Mode There are 4 training levels that have no enemies. They are good for practicing skills. See "Isolated Island" under Levels. III. The Characters (a).Knuckles the Echidna Knuckles is an all-around character. His special abilities are gliding(jump then press C) and climbing walls(glide into a wall). (b).Mighty the Armadillo This character is like Sonic. He is very fast. His special abilities are kicking off walls(jump onto a wall and press C to grab on. Press C again to kick off) and jumping up walls(jump on a wall and press C. Then hold up and press C again). (c).Espio the Chamelion Espio is awesome! He is fast and powerful. He has a whirling attack instead of a spinning attack and it has a wider range. He can run on walls(jump against a wall then press and hold C to grab on. Run up and down the wall while still holding C)and ceilings(same as the wall thing-just apply it to a ceiling). (d).Charmie Bee Charmie isn't very good. He flies(press the direction button for a direction and C to fly) and hovers(hold up and C at the same time in mid air). (e).Vector the Crocodile Vector is mediocre. His moves are a power boost(jump then press C again) and climbing(jump agains a wall and press C). (f).Heavy and Bomb Heavy and Bomb are two of Robotnik's mechanix. Heavy is big, slow, and useless. Bomb explodes at the first sign of danger. You can get these two as partners in the Combi Catcher. (g).Who Should I Choose? I recommend using Espio as your main character and Mighty as your partner. This is a very good team to use but you should choose your own favorite team. IV. The Levels (a).Practice Stage In this stage you have to play as Knuckles with Espio as your partner. This is just a stage to show you the basics of the game. It has no enemies. (b).Botanic Base This level is full of plant life and things like that. Some bridges in here collapse. (c).Speed Slider High speeds rule this level. Race through one roller coaster ride after another. (d).Amazing Arena Set the clocks ticking and go but beware the sound room. You'll face one of Robotnik's inventions. (e).Marina Madness Travel from boat to boat through this level. See my Codes & Tricks section for a trick in this level. (f).Techno Tower The only way to go here is up. Robotnik billboards hide suprises sometimes. (g).Isolated Island(the training mode levels) These are the training levels. Levels 1,2, and 4 require you to reach the flower jewel at the end. Level 3 requires you to get all of the flower jewels. V. Tricks & Codes (a)50,000 Point Bonus Once you get all 6 Chaos Rings go back to the bonus lever. It will be in wireframe now. Win to receive a 50,000 pt. bonus. (b)Different Music in Techno Tower In Techno Tower Zone acts 1 & 2, go in a bonus stage and leave. Just as the screen goes from white to the zone press start. This will let you play different music for the rest of the zone. (c)Remove Your Partner in Marina Madness To remove your partner in Marina Madness, lose them and hit a yellow boat switch. They won't come back for the rest of the level. VI. The End (a).Outro Thanx to Sega for making this game. Thanx to Will for giving me more info on the Chaos Rings. Thanx to anybody who's reading this FAQ. See ya later!