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Legal Information ii. Revision History 1. Introduction 2. General Tips and Tricks 3. Level Tips and Tricks 3.1 - Green Hill 3.2 - Bridge 3.3 - Jungle 3.4 - Labyrinth 3.5 - Scrap Brain 3.6 - Sky Base 4. FAQs 5. Credits 6. Contact Information ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- =============================================================================== i. Legal Information =============================================================================== Unpublished work © Copyright 2001 Twilight. All rights reserved. This document is protected by US Copyright Law, and the Berne Copyright Convention of 1976. It is for private and personal use only. Editing, altering or changing this FAQ is prohibited. It may not be reproduced or distributed in any form, in any way, without my permission. This FAQ is a free document that may be accessed for private and personal use by the public. It may not be sold, for profit or otherwise, nor can it be used in any other commercial transaction. Do not sell it. Do not include it as a bonus gift to something. Do not use it as an incentive to buy/purchase. You do not have my permission to translate this FAQ into any other language, nor do you have my permission to HTML-ize it. Do not ask me, for the answer is no. This FAQ was created and is owned by me, Twilight . All copyrights and trademarks are acknowledged and respected that are not specifically mentioned herein. This FAQ may only be found at the following web site(s): GameFAQs If you find it on any other sites, please let me know. Other users may post this FAQ on their web site (web site only) after obtaining my permission via e-mail. Along with the e-mail, be sure to send the URL of your site. I'll look it over, and (if I decide to), I will then send you the terms I have for all who wish to post this document (sites that I submit FAQs to myself are exceptions). Breach or violation of this copyright can and will result in legal action. =============================================================================== ii. Revision History =============================================================================== ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Version: 1.0 Date: 09/09/01 80% Complete - First version! - Most secrets are up; the FAQ is pretty complete Comments: Well, it's the first version, so there really isn't much to talk about. Despite being the first version, however, the FAQ is pretty complete. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Version: 2.0 Date: 10/09/01 85% Complete - Two more general tips were added - A few typos were fixed - Other minor changes were made Comments: A small update (1 KB worth), but what I really wanted to changed was the format of the guide. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Version: 3.0 Date: 12/09/01 95% Complete - Another four more general tips were added - Another FAQ was added - Changed the copyright disclaimer - Other minor changes Comments: The main point of this update was the change to my copyright disclaimer, and I'm still tinkering around with the format. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Version: 4.0 Date: 29/09/01 100% Complete - Two more general tips were added - Some information was removed - A few other minor changes were made - The last two versions weren't uploaded, in case you're wondering Comments: The net has been screwy for the last week or so, and I haven't had time to upload the two past versions, so I figured I'd just skip to this one. I'm pretty happy with the FAQ thus far. Probably the last update of any measurable content. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Version: 5.0 Date: 17/10/01 100% Complete - Renamed from a Hints and Tips guide, to a FAQ/Walkthrough (see the Introduction section for the reasons) - The format was polished up a little - The Introduction section was redone - I added a 'Zone Analysis' for each of the zones, to help make up for the lack of a full Walkthrough - A few more FAQs were added - The FAQs were reorganised - Changed a few other things - Probably the last update for a while - Au revoir! It's been a blast. Comments: Quite a large update (for this FAQ, that is). The format of the FAQ was adjusted slightly, the name was changed, a few more FAQs were added, and more. Oh, for those who care, keep an eye out for my Team Buddies FAQ. It's the one I had writer's block in. Seems like this FAQ fulfilled its purpose. :) I like this FAQ. Its simple format really helps when you're working on monster ones. :) Laters, people. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Version: 5.5 Date: 20/10/01 100% Complete - Minor changes Comments: Nothin' big. A small change to the legal disclaimer (I seem to do that every month or so, eh?), a small change to my contact info., and small changes to some other stuff. Various fixes throughout the FAQ. Oh, yeah, three-day weekends own j00! That is all. Good day. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- =============================================================================== 1. Introduction =============================================================================== Introduction ------------ Hello there. I'm Twilight, and I would like to welcome you to my Sonic the Hedgehog Hints and Tips FAQ. About the Game -------------- This game is for the Sega Master System, Sega's early 8-bit console. In this game you control a blue hedgehog named Sonic, appropriately named Sonic the Hedgehog. As Sonic, you must save the animals and the land from the clutches of the evil Dr. Robotnik. Or something. The game's so old I can't really remember. Sonic the Hedgehog was an instant classic, Sega's biggest Mario contender. There have been many games since. There is a Genesis version of Sonic the Hedgehog, although they're both entirely different games. I'm not sure which of the games was released first, but it doesn't really matter. One of the two spawned the hugely successful series of Sonic games, which range from Sonic Pinball to Sonic and Knuckles. Sonic the Hedgehog for the Master System is one of the best games on the system. It shows how fast and colourful 8-bit games can play, and if you have the chance, I highly recommend you pick it up. Sonic's a true classic. 'Nuff said. More importantly, though, so did I. ('Nuff can't touch the Twi-meister.) About the FAQ ------------- After experiencing a case of writer's block in my current FAQ project, I pulled out my Master System and started playing through this gem of a game. I thought I'd create a FAQ that is just really a collection of tips and tricks I've discovered during the five years I've owned this game. IMPORTANT NOTE: This FAQ was initally intended to be a Hints and Tips guide. However, I then thought of calling it a Secrets FAQ (since it lists all the secrets in the game). I couldn't, though, since I also had a few tips. I also had secrets for all of the levels. Then I really made a mistake and added a FAQ section (I know...). Someone noticed this (specifically, that dude known as Jeff "CJayC" Veasey). He listed it as a FAQ/Walkthrough on GameFAQs. Since naming it a FAQ/Walkthrough isn't off-mark at all considering its content (which originally wasn't intended to be there), I decided to do the same, too. Despite the name change, this FAQ is provided 'as is'. I will not change it, not make it thousands of KBs bigger, but I will leave it, as it was intended to be: A small document that helped me in overcoming writer's block. The only thing added was a small analysis of each of the zones, to finish off this small FAQ project. Enjoy. Contact Information ------------------- For ways of contacting me, see the final section of this FAQ. =============================================================================== 2. General Tips and Tricks =============================================================================== o Always grab your rings! These are super important, cause they're the only way to protect you (well, not including the Invincibility power-up). o 100 rings = 1-Up. o Unlike the latter Sonic games, when you get hit you'll only drop one ring. You could have 30 of them and you'd still drop one! The worst part is, you'll never be able to pick up that ring before it drops away, either! o Also unlike the latter Sonic games, when you get 100 rings you'll get a 1-Up but the rings will disappear! Although it generally doesn't matter, sometimes it does. o One of the most natural instincts for newer Sonic the Hedgehog players is to spindash. It won't work! You'll often learn that the hard way. o There is a decent way to make up for the lack of the spindash. First when you are running, hit the Down button. You'll break into a spin. Now jump around while holding Down + Right (or Down + Left, depending on which way you want to go). You won't move at spindash speed, but you'll cover good distance since you're jumping and you'll be pretty much invincible (not utterly invincible, but whatever). o When using the Checkpoints, you have to break them multiple times for them to keep working (so you could break it once, appear there and forget to break it again, but then when you died you'd start back at the beginning!). o Hold Up and Down to look up and down, respectively. A useful feature that is often overlooked. o You'll get a 1-Up when your score hits 50,000 and another for every 50,000 points after that. o Water, spikes, etc. are bad! I shouldn't have to tell you this, but I thought I would, anyway. o Watch out for springs that point to the side. They'll often send you flying into harm. o Time your jumps accordingly. o If you don't have any rings, avoid badniks instead of trying to bop them. o If you insist on speeding down hills into the unknown, roll instead, so you'll bop any enemies waiting for you. o Always grab power-ups. There isn't any negative effects on them (well, maybe except for the Speed Shoes as you might run too fast and get into trouble). o Search around in every zone for a Chaos Emerald. o Learn and memorise each of the secrets in the game. Not only are they helpful, but you can show off in front of people. o Shields may seem useless, but they can actually be quite helpful. Remember, you can't pick up dropped rings. o Play with style. You're Sonic the Hedgehog, the fastest thing alive! Don't play like a half-asleep monkey (lame, I know)! Play fast, and have fun! =============================================================================== 3. Level Tips and Tricks =============================================================================== Here you'll be able to find the level specific stuff. Each part of this section is split into zones for easy navigation. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3.1 - Green Hill ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Zone Analysis ------------- I love this zone. It's the basic, happy, grassland-type zone that each Sonic game has. You won't find many obstacles or dangers. Keep away from the odd badnik, and keep an eye out for the spikes. Act 1 ----- -Level Skip- NOTE: Well, in all honesty this single trick was half the motivation of writing this FAQ in the first place. It is also one of the things that I remember the most about Sonic the Hedgehog during my childhood, since I was the first one to find it on our street. First run to the top of the large hill with the Invincibility power-up. Break it open and walk left a little so you are touching the tall tree. From here, run right at full speed to the drop and once you touch the edge, break into a spin. Now while still holding Right, you should hit the small ramp at the bottom and go shooting through the air. If everything goes accordingly to plan, Sonic will nick the top ring of the pyramid while flying. While flying, keep holding down Right, and Sonic should disappear off the screen. Now the screen will start quickly scrolling to the right, and (if you done everything correct) it'll stop at the end of Act 1, where Sonic will be waiting. IMPORTANT NOTE: Make sure you are always holding down Right! If you let go, Sonic will probably end up in the spikes! Also, you miss out on everything that you could have gotten after the jump (most notably, the 1-Up). OTHER INFORMATION: Grab the Speed Shoes power-up and then perform the trick. Watch Sonic _really_ go flying! -Hidden 1-Up- Keep an eye out for a 1-Up, hidden in a tree. To knock it down, jump up and knock it from below. NOTE: You won't have the chance to grab it if you use the Level Skip trick above. Act 2 ----- -Hidden 1-Up- When you first crash into the water, jump left (into the wall). It's hollow, and you can find a 1-Up in the room at the other side. -Chaos Emerald- From the Checkpoint, jump on the spring and jump up until you come across another spring and a tunnel leading to the left. Go through the tunnel and take out the badnik. Jump up the ledge and into the water. Head left, under the spikes and spin to take out the badnik. Keep heading left, and you'll come to a waterfall. Drop down, and you'll come into the chamber containing the Chaos Emerald. Grab it and then fall down the waterfall to the left. -Other Notes- o You can't get 100 rings here. You wouldn't believe how many times I've tried. Act 3 ----- -Hidden 1-Up- Head right, and jump over the first gap you come to; it's a pit of spikes. However, drop down the next gap and head right a bit. You'll come across a hidden 1-Up. Jump on the spring to get back. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3.2 - Bridge ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Zone Analysis ------------- Bridge is familar to Hill Top zone from Sonic the Hedgehog 2 (the Genesis version, that is). It's quite cool, actually. A few more badniks than Green Hill, but it's particulary pleasant to look at. Admire the scenary, but watch out for collapsible bridges. Act 2 is also one of those scrolling stages, where the screen continually moves to the side (the right, in this case). Act 1 ----- -Hidden 1-Up- When you come across the second counterweight bouncer, bounce up to the right. You'll find a hidden 1-Up. -Chaos Emerald- When you actually come across the Chaos Emerald, move to the left of the bridge. Edge on to it slightly (just slightly) so the first few parts collapse. Now while falling, jump up on to the ledge and grab the Chaos Emerald. Act 2 ----- -Hidden 1-Up- From the Checkpoint run across the bridge to the right, get on to the little part that is sticking out over the water and crouch. You should see a 1-Up floating on the water. Jump down on to it and you'll break it, and you'll also bounce up high enough to land on the platform. Act 3 ----- -Hidden 1-Up- From the start, run left a little and you'll find a hidden 1-Up. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3.3 - Jungle ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Zone Analysis ------------- From Bridge, you move into Jungle. IMO, quite a leap in difficulty. Act 1 isn't too troublesome, just take your time leaping on the logs flowing down the waterfalls. Act 2, however, can be a real pain. As you move upwards, the screen from below disappears, so you have no-where to go except up. Act 3 can be frustating, too. Damaging Robotnik will often result on you landing on his bombs. I hope you've practiced jumping. Luck. Act 1 ----- -Chaos Emerald- When you come to the second waterfall where you have to jump from log to log, ride a log to the bottom of the screen and walk to the left edge. As you near the water you'll see a small opening to the left. Quickly jump through. Fall off and you'll land on another log. Run left (you won't fall off) and you'll end up by another Chaos Emerald. After grabbing it, ride your log back and jump off wherever you want. OTHER INFORMATION: You can ride the log quite faraway before you have to get off, but you won't make it to the end. Act 2 ----- -Notes- o Make damn sure you don't fall here. Even a small jump will move the screen up enough that Sonic will die if he touches the floor. Don't rush, either. Simple: You rush, you die. Act 3 ----- -Hidden 1-Up- Drop into the water (not too far out, mind you) and you'll come across a hidden 1-Up. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3.3 - Labyrinth ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Zone Analysis ------------- Labyrinth... This zone will bite you if you're not careful. For one thing, you'll be thrown into the water, and to stay alive you have to touch large air bubbles. Robotnik is annoying in Act 3, but IMO he's not as difficult as he was in Jungle. Keep your cool in this act, and avoid moving unnecessarily. Act 1 ----- -Secret 1-Up- When you come to the area where there is a gray floor switch and a Super Ring power-up, stand on the switch and the Super Ring will turn into a 1-Up. -Other Notes- o Make sure to always get a bubble when you come across them. Jumping out of water also works, too. Act 2 ----- -Hidden Goodies- At the start of the act, while you start sliding to the left, jump up on to the ledge. Get over the spikes and you'll come across a few rings and a Shield. -Chaos Emerald- After making it out of the water, look around for a Invincibility power-up. Grab it and quickly make your way back into the water and run through the corridor to the right. When you reach the end, jump up the shaft and head left. You'll come to a pit of spikes. Fall in (the Invincibility is still going, right?) and you'll grab the Chaos Emerald. After that, quickly jump out before the Invincibility gives. Act 3 ----- -Hidden 1-Up- Jump on the spring and ease your way into the corridor on the left. If you can successfully navigate the spikes, you'll come across a 1-Up. -Other Notes- o You don't need to get bubbles in Act 3, so you don't have to worry about running out of air. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3.4 - Scrap Brain ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Zone Analysis ------------- From the cool, nice looking earlier zones, to the futuristic setting of Scrap Brain. This zone is a pain. Act 1, like usual, isn't anything to worry over, but in Act 2, a bit of backtracking is in order. You'll also find teleports in Acts 2 and 3. Finding your way out in Act 3 will possibly prove the most difficult task, especially if you're going through for the first time. Act 1 ----- -Notes- o This is where the game starts getting tricky. Hang in there. Act 2 ----- -Chaos Emerald- When you come to the place where you can see a 1-Up behind an immovable bar, and you can either take the top route or the bottom route, take the top one and go through the door. Follow the steep slope upwards and you'll come to a gap in the floor and a flamethrower on the roof. Jump the first gap and the second, but drop down the third. You'll land on a hidden floor. Head right and go through the opening bar. You'll come to a teleporter. Jump in it and you'll appear in the chamber holding the Chaos Emerald. Grab it and head left to exit. -Hidden 1-Up- When you come to the place where you can see a 1-Up behind an immovable bar, and you can either take the top route or the bottom route, take the bottom one and go through the door. Follow the slope downwards and drop down the shaft to the right. Just keep falling and you'll eventually hit the ground. Head left through the open bar and you'll come to a teleporter. Run in, and you'll appear in the room with the 1-Up. Grab it and go out through the right (the bar will now open). Act 3 ----- -Notes- o It's nearly impossible to give directions here. The best to map your progress is to grab every ring you come across. That way, whenever you come across rings, you'll know you're in a new place. o There's a 1-Up around somewhere, too. I wouldn't bother actively trying to find it; look for the way out, instead. o When all else fails, wander around aimlessly. Maybe you'll get lucky. It's the only way I've been about to get out of this place, and I've been playing Sonic for years. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3.5 - Sky Base ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Zone Analysis ------------- I hope you're a good jumper. Lightning flashes, flying platforms, and other strange things await you in Sky Base. Make sure to time your jumps here, cause one slip and you'll fall. If you can hang in through the first two acts, however, you'll finally get a chance to sink your spikes into Robotnik. It's time to save the world, Sonic. Act 1 ----- -Notes- o Avoid jumping between two of those diamonds when they start charging lightning, or else you'll get zapped. o Watch where you're jumping, because you can fall to your death if you're not careful. o A tip when you're riding those flying platforms: When you aren't touching them, they'll stop moving. This is useful to know if you find yourself flying into a lightning field. Act 2 ----- -Hidden 1-Up- From where you start, turn to the left and crouch. You'll see one of those flying platforms from Act 1. Drop down on to it and go with the flow until you come to another one. Quickly jump on to this one and then up the ladder. Grab the 1-Up from up there. -Chaos Emerald- NOTE: These directions follow directly after the ones above. After grabbing the 1-Up, walk to the edge of the platform. You'll see another one of those flying things. Jump on to it and (like before) go with the flow until you come to another one. Jump on to this one and you'll eventually reach the final platform, that is scrolling vertically. Quickly jump on to this one and you'll come to the Chaos Emerald. Jump up and grab it, and exit to the left (you can pass through the chain). Act 3 ----- -Notes- o This is the final act of the game! Go and kick some Robotnik ass! =============================================================================== 4. FAQs =============================================================================== Q: What game was released first, Sonic on the Master System or Sonic on the Genesis? A: I honestly don't know... The first time I played this game (way back in 1994, I think it was), they were both released (I think, I can't vividly remember that far back). Q: Is this game just an 8-bit version of the Genesis Sonic the Hedgehog? A: No, definitely not. Although some of the zones share the same names, the whole game is different. The acts are different, the bonus stages are different etc. As such, the information in this FAQ won't help you in that Sonic game. Sorry. Q: I can't find this damn game. Is it rare? A: Yes. In some countries I've heard it is rare, but I've never really considered it rare because I've always been able to find copies of it. I've heard there's a good chance that you could find it somewhere in Australia, and New Zealand was a good place to find it a few years ago, too. If you can't find it anywhere, try looking for it over the net. And no, sorry, I can't help you here either, since I don't know any sites that have it. Q: Do the Chaos Emeralds do anything significant? A: Yeah, they change the ending slightly. They also give you lots of points at the end of the game. Q: Can Sonic turn into Super Sonic? A: Nope. Check out Sonic the Hedgehog 2 on the Genesis. Q: Not even with the Chaos Emeralds? A: Nope, sorry. :) Q: Does that sign at the end of the levels mean anything important? A: Sort of. If it shows Robotnik, nothing happens. However, if it shows Sonic, then you get a 1-Up. If it shows a ring, you get 10 rings. If it shows an exclamation mark (!) then you get to play a bonus stage. In the bonus stages you bounce around, collecting lots of rings and perhaps a Continue and a 1-Up. Q: Where's Tails? A: In Sonic the Hedgehog 2, on the Genesis. Q: Why isn't he here? A: Cause he wasn't introduced until later in the series. Q: How did you find all of these secrets? A: Playing. Lots of it. You've got to remember, I've been playing Sonic the Hedgehog for years, but only in the last few days or so have I brought all my knowledge together in the hopes of making this FAQ. =============================================================================== 5. Credits =============================================================================== o Sega : For all of their consoles. No matter what anyone else thinks, Sega will always be kind of special to me. o The Sonic Team : For creating one of the most classic series to date, and for those games that made my childhood seem very interesting. o Mike and Helen: For loaning me out this game, no matter how annoying I seemed. ;) o Mum and Dad: For also buying me lots of Master System games back in the golden age of Sega vs. Nintendo. o Adele: For buying my family our first console (a Master System), for being cool, and for indirectly introducing me to videogames. o Jeff "CJayC" Veasey : For maintaining the greatest site on the net, and for all of his hard work and dedication to GameFAQs. You're cool, Jeff! =============================================================================== 6. Contact Information =============================================================================== ==================================================== || Contact Details || ||------------------------------------------------|| || >> E-mail: tw1l1ght@hotmail.com || || >> ICQ: 118986797 || || >> Web Site: ---- Sorry, I don't have one yet || ==================================================== Contributing ------------ Before sending in questions, tips, or any other information to contribute, it's important to read these guidelines first. Anyway, feel free to send in information, tips, strategies, questions that ARE NOT answered in the FAQ, corrections, whatever. The only thing changed will be the format; I'll have to remake the lines to fit in with the guide. Also, there are two big things to remember. One is that you are polite, the other that you spell properly. I mean, I don't mind if you use the odd internet slang etc., but if the majority of your e-mail/message is made up of one letter words (which, in all honesty, aren't really words to begin with), then it'll be ignored. The preferred mode of contact is e-mail, but if for some reason that won't work, use ICQ. Do not contact me via MSN. All contributors have been credited somehow within the document. E-mail Guidelines ----------------- These are the guidelines you MUST follow if you wish to e-mail me. They're just simple rules to save time and clear confusion. I will respond to and include these types of e-mail: o Tips or strategies you may have to contribute o Corrections about wrong information in the FAQ I will respond to but not include these types of e-mail: o Comments about the FAQ o E-mail asking permission to use this FAQ on your web site. Read the copyright notice for all the details. I will not respond to but include these types of e-mail: o Typo/grammar corrections o Questions that are not covered/included in the FAQ Send me these types of e-mail, and I guarantee you won't get a reply back: o Questions that are already answered in the FAQ o Questions that do not relate to the FAQ o Information that is already included in the FAQ o Unconstructive criticism o Chain letters o Hate mail o Any e-mail that is in ALL CAPS o Any e-mail that demands an answer o Mail requesting me to send you the latest version of this FAQ. The latest version can always be found at GameFAQs . If you keep sending me stupid e-mail, just remember I can and probably will block your e-mail address. Sorry to sound harsh, but this has to be stated to save my time as well as yours. ICQ Guidelines: --------------- o Don't flood me o Don't get angry or upset if I deny permission to add me to your contact list. It's not because I'm a prick (haha, I know), but because I don't know most of my FAQs' readers. I don't know them, thus I don't really have much to discuss. Sure, I'll be happy to answer the occasional question. However, if I get spammed by 20 messages in a row while talking to my friends, don't expect a reply back. o Remember, ignorant, hateful, or otherwise unsavoury messages will be ignored. Consequently, so will you. =============================================================================== Thanks for reading, and farewell... /| /=| __ _| ||_____________________________________________________ / _\=========/___/------------------------------------------------- / \__/=========\_ \====================================================' | || - T - W - I - L - I - G - H - T - \=| \| ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The latest version of this document can always be found at: GameFAQs - http://www.gamefaqs.com If you find this FAQ on any other sites, please let me know. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- _______________________________________________________________________________ © Copyright Twilight 2001 -End of FAQ-