Phantasy Star Online Version 2 Downloadable Quest Walkthrough "Letter From Lionel" By Rurouni Kaji October 19th 2001 Version 1.0 This document copyright 2001 Rurouni Kaji ----------------------------------------- Index - 1. Introduction 2. How to download and play the quest 3. Areas 4. Locations of Lionel's parts 5. Q&A 6. Credits ------------------------------------------ 1. INTRODUCTION First of all, this is my first FAQ on Gamefaqs, though I am writing others for PSO and other games. So bear with me and don't kill me if my information is incorrect. I am guessing that you are all familer to playing quests. For those of you who don't, I advise you to play PSO and go to the Hunters Guild and talk with the desk clerk. If you are, then continue reading this faq. ^_^ This is the first downloadable quest on PSO version 2 for US gamers, and at the moment, the only downloadable quest. Now on with the show. ------------------------------------------ 2. HOW TO DOWNLOAD AND PLAY QUESTS You will need two things to play these quests. The ability to go online with PSO and a memory card with 57 free blocks (2 files, 10 blocks for the first, and 47 blocks in the second) When you sign online with version 2, the first menu that pops up on the screen and gives you two choices. SHIP SELECT and DOWNLOAD QUEST Can you guess what you chose? That's right, DOWNLOAD QUEST. It will then take you to another screen, pick DOWNLOAD QUEST again. Then pick "Letter for Lionel" and it will ask you where to save the data. Choose the memory card you want it in, and then leave online mode (It should give you a choice to go to SHIP SELECT or go offline, if it does not, go to a ship then after you load, log off, unless you want to play online and play quest later. Once in offline mode, go to the Hunter's Guild and talk to the desk clerk. She'll show you a list of quests. Move down to DOWNLOAD QUEST And choose it. Make sure you have the memory card with the QUEST data plugged into a controller. It will search for the data, and a list of all downloaded quests will apper. Choose, of course, "Letter from Lionel" and off you go! ------------------------------------------ 3. AREAS FOREST 1 - You will run into the usual groups of monsters, with a few extras. Nothing to hard for a skilled hunter like you! FOREST 2 - Once again, the same groups of monsters. Though, becareful! You will have to fight 3 Hildabears/Hedilts at once, so be prepared. CAVE 1 - More then the usual share of monsters, and they move a little faster (so it seemed) and there where more Neno Dragons and Pan Arms. Cave 2 - Short, but filled with lillies. Careful on Ultimate mode, where they can spit medgid! ------------------------------------------ 4. LOCATIONS OF LIONEL'S PARTS If you haven't played the quest, you're probably wondering what I mean by "Lionel's parts." Well, play the quest and find his first part in Forest 2, where you will also meet a RAmar snickering about selling something on the black market. In the room before the final room (You are by the dome, but not the final room.) On the left side there is a warp that will take you to a small hidden area where one treasure box is hidden. Go ahead and get the treasure (usually a random atomizer) and before you head back into the warp, look around. You will find "Android's Head" !!! Go to the menu and select items, then to Quest Board and select "Android's Head." That's right, it's our buddy Lionel! He tells us he got badly damaged and went into sleep mode, then when he woke up, he.. well, he was just a head. For the first part of his body, go into the final room of Forest 2 and defeat all the monsters. then look off to the left, See that area that you coulden't access before? Well, now it's open! Go there. Just leave the dome area, and take a right when you get out onto the ground again, and into the room on the far right. You will be attacked by a Hildabear/Hedilt, defeat it and you will get another android part. Then talk to Lionel and he will tell you his other parts are both in water, but one is underground and one is in open air. Head back to Forest 1 and go to the biggest room on the map, Lionel's part is by the river. Now time to head back to Forest 2, and then to Cave 1. In Cave 1, there are no parts. So just play though normally. Finally you will make your way to Cave 2, and right away you'll see Lionel's parts across the way on the other side of the room. You will have to play through a little, till you get to that area of cave. Not to hard to get, but there is still one missing. Remember that sneaky RAmar? Well he's in town by the Hunter's Guild, Go talk to him. After a little time hurassing him, he'll give up and give you Lionel's Chest! Wonderful, isn't it? Lionel will happily put himself back together and thank you, and of course he'll tell you to pick up the reward at the guild counter. A simple quest, neh? I was expecting it to be a little more complicated, oh well. ^_^; -------------------------------------------- 5. Q&A "Why did you write a FAQ to such a simple quest?" Well, I saw a small handful of posts on the message board for it. o.o I figured, hey, why not? Seems like fun for my first FAQ. "Do you get any weapons for this quest?" No.. you get money.. o.o "What weapon did you use to get through the QUEST?" I used my trusty Monkey King Bar and lot's o' techs! "MONKEY KING BAR?! cAn I HoV iT PWEEEZE?" No. ^_^ "Where did you find it?" That has nothing to with this faq, I will not answer. "Wow! You're great! Do you have a website???" Yes, ----------------------------------------- 6. CREDITS First to Sega for translating the game and this quest. To Precious Brat for bringing PSOver2 to my home. :D And finally to all those wonderful Rappies that let me beat them up so I can look good in front of the level 200s. Enjoy!