****************************************************************************** *~`~*90%Complete (28/31)*~`~* Sonic Adventure 2 - 100 Ring Guide Dreamcast Version 0.4 (Last Updated 11/25/01) By Bill Haan "xxxFTWxxx" (lilhaanski@aol.com) This file is Copyright (c)2001 Bill Haan. All rights reserved. This FAQ may only appear on the following websites . If it is on any others please contact me! The latest update will always be available at GameFAQs. -www.gamefaqs.com -www.neoseeker.com -www.cheatcodes.com ****************************************************************************** Table of Contents 1. Version History 2. Introduction a. Contact Information b. About this FAQ c. How to read this FAQ 3. Sonic Mission 2 "A" Rank Walkthroughs a. City Escape b. Metal Harbor c. Green Forest d. Pyramid Cave e. Crazy Gadget f. Final Rush * 4. Tails Mission 2 "A" Rank Walkthroughs a. Prison Lane b. Mission Street c. Route 101 d. Hidden Base e. Eternal Engine 5. Knuckles Mission 2 "A" Rank Walkthroughs a. Wild Canyon b. Pumpkin Hill c. Aquatic Mine d. Death Chamber e. Meteor Herd * 6. Shadow Mission 2 "A" Rank Walkthroughs a. Radical Highway b. White Jungle c. Sky Rail d. Final Chase 7. Dr. Eggman Mission 2 "A" Rank Walkthroughs a. Iron Gate b. Sand Ocean c. Lost Colony d. Weapons Bed e. Cosmic Wall 8. Rouge Mission 2 Rank "A" Walkthroughs a. Dry Lagoon b. Egg Quarters c. Security Hall d. Route 280 e. Mad Space 9. Cannon's Core Mission 2 Rank "A" Walkthrough * 10 . Contributors/Thanks 11 . Legal Stuff * = Uncompleted Section as of this update . -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= -= 1. Version History -= -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Version 0.1 - 7/23/01 - First Version of the FAQ . A few stages completed . I have more "A" ranks but I have to go through the levels again and type them all up! Hope to get the next update out in the next couple of days with alot more levels added . Added : + Everything here! (61% complete) Version 0.2 -7/29/01 - 74% Complete . It has been awhile since my last update because I have been out with my friends alot this week . Hopefully I will have all the levels done by the end of next week . Added : + Prison Lane + Eternal Engine + Aquatic Mine + Death Chamber Version 0.3 -7/31/01 - 81% Complete . Godji sent me these two levels and I thought I would update now since I might not play for another few days . Added : + Crazy Gadget + Final Chase Version 0.4 -11/25/01 -90% Complete . I got some levels submitted to me so I am updating my FAQ with them. As you can see I havn't updated this FAQ in a while since I don't play SA2 anymore. This will get finished eventually but I don't know when (unless people send in the remaining levels). Added : + Hidden Base + Security Hall + Mad Space -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= -= 2. Introduction -= -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= ---------------------- a. Contact Information ---------------------- My username on the message boards at GameFaqs is xxxFTWxxx . E-Mail : LiLHaaNsKi@aol.com AIM : LiLHaaNsKi or XXXXXXFTWXXXXXX MSN : LiLHaaNsKi@hotmail.com I am on alot so if you have any question you can IM me or just E-Mail me and you will most likely get a response that day or the next . If you want to add this FAQ to your site, just ask and I will most likely say yes! One more thing , since this guide is here to help people , if you see a stage I havn't covered yet and you want to add it here , contact me and if I am not working on it , it will probably be ok with me and I will give you proper credit for your work! I will check to make sure it works too! And you may be helping me get an "A" for a stage I didn't have one in yet! If you think you are following my guide exactly and you try for awile and can't get an A . Maybe I left out an important part or a hint to help . So feel free to E-Mail me about that . All the walkthroughs in this FAQ are by me unless differently stating so at the bottom (and in the credits). ----------------- b. About this FAQ ----------------- This is my first ever FAQ . Its purpose is to help people get an "A" rank on the second mission to every level , "Collect 100 rings!" . I got the idea to write the FAQ because there are no other FAQs about getting rings on GameFAQs and I want to help people out . A thing you should know about my writing - I ALWAYS give enough detail! Sometimes too much! Well there isn't such thing as too much detail in these kind of FAQs . I don't know the names to alot of the things in this game so I tried to explain it so YOU , the reader , know what I am talking about . My Goal is to help you get an "A" rank in each stage . I know there are more than 100 coins in each level and you don't have to get the same coins I got , but I will try and find the easiest route to get 100 in the time that you need . I hope this guide helps you , good luck , and have fun! :P ----------------------- c. How to read this FAQ ----------------------- No I am not questioning your IQ! I just want to explain how I went about writing this FAQ . I didn't want to make it so I say go here and get the coins and turn here and pick up some more coins and then you don't know where you are and how many coins you are supposed to have . After every sentence I put in ( ) about how many rings you should have up to that point . And on checkpoints , or some other spots I will also put about what time you should have , to give you an idea if you are on pace for the "A" or not . I really hope this helps everyone out . -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= -= 3. Sonic Mission 2 "A" Rank Walkthroughs -= -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= -------------- a. City Escape -------------- Character : Sonic Stage : City Escape Mission 2 : Collect 100 rings! "A" Rank criteria : Score - N/A , Time - 1:20 "Very easy after some practice and knowing where the rings are" NOTE : This is important for getting an "A" rank ... As you go over a ramp you need to hit the jump button at the bottom of the ramp so you get alot of height to reach ring capsules . There are no ring capsules for the first jump but you may want to hit it anyway to gain some extra speed . ALSO NOTE : It is ok if you miss some of the rings that are in rows going down the hills . Just try to get most of them . Don't miss the ring capsule though. Start : You start out on a street board going down a hill . You will ride into a row of rings in the middle as you start (5). Go to the middle of the right side of the road to grab anoter row of rings (13). Go to the left side of the road to pick up another row of rings and go over a ramp (19). You will go accross an inter- section and the next row of rings for you to collect is in the middle of the road (25). Take the turn at the bottom and pick up 3 more rings (28) . Go to right side of the right side of the road for some more rings (33). pick up 3 more rings going left around the turn (36). Make sure you have some speed going around this turn because there is a ramp in the middle and if you hit it at a fast enough speed you will hit a 20 ring capsule in the air (56) . Go around the turn to the left and pick up some more coins (62) . Then go down the middle of the road and pick up some rings and hit the ramp(68). You will then hit some speed boosters and you will be off of your board and will land on the ground (Around 50 rings and 30 seconds). Run up the stairs and down the left path up ahead . Pick up some rings and run forward and then up onto the wall on your left(yes you can do this , just make sure you have some speed) and get a 20 ring capsule that is sitting on the wall(78). Run forward and avoid the robot or kill it and break the boxes with a somersault . Grind down all the rails in front of you jumping from one to the other picking up rings along the way (90). Hit the speed booster in front of you and run up the steep ramp right in front of it to land on a ledge . Jump to the left and hit the 10 ring capsule with a homing attack to give you 100 rings . If that didnt give you 100 , do another homing attack to land on the ledge in front of a checkpoint and run forward through the next part collecting any rings you need with the time left to get 100 . You should be able to beat it in under a minute with this method! :P --------------- b. Metal Harbor --------------- Character : Sonic Stage : Metal Harbor Mission 2 : Collect 100 rings! "A" Rank criteria : Score - N/A , Time - 1:10 "Just follow my dirrections closely" NOTE : This is another level where I ended up hitting a capsule that put me over . This time it put me 8 over . So if you anywhere within 8 and are still on track time-wise , stick with it! Start : Run forward and hit the ramp to fly across the gap . Run around the loop and stay to the left to pick up at least 3 rings (3) . Keep going around the turn and off of another ramp . Run forward and home attack these enemies and keep going forward and jump to the left to home attack those enemies and use the light speed dash on the rings in front of you which in turn , bring you to the left(23). Use the homing attack on the guys ahead until you get to another path of rings where you use the light speed dash (42) . Hit the speed boosts to speed ahead and across another path of rings and a checkpoint less than 35 seconds , 88 rings) . Continue forward and use the light speed dash on the rings on the left and you will be brought around the turn and around a loop , bonuced off a spring , and run forward off of a ramp (98). Run forward here and somersault under the middle of the gate and you will be automatically pulled up the pulley (less than 45 seconds , 90-98 rings) . Jump off to the right at the top and roll under the middle of another gate and you will be pulled up a pulley again . Jump forward a run down the path ahead . Hit the speed boosters and go around the loop , stay to the left and hit some more speed boosters , then turn right up ahead and somersault under the gate then immediatley get up and home attack the enemies ahead to the right , and home attack the 10 ring capsule that is just to the left on the next platform just in time! --------------- c. Green Forest --------------- Character : Sonic Stage : Green Forest Mission 2 : Collect 100 rings! "A" Rank criteria : Score - N/A , Time - 2:30 "Wow, this is by far the easiest one I have done yet! I got under 2 minutes on my first try and I was only testing the level for different shortcuts!" Note : No matter how you do this level you will probably beat it on your first try . So if you accidently take a route , finish it up the way you went and you should still be able to win without my help! :P Start : Run forward at the beggining and hit the ramp (11) . The only thing you will have to worry about in the upcoming areas is getting hit by the enemies . They are not that hard to avoid or kill and you can take your time , so don't rush and lose all your coins! Anyway , run forward collecting coins and killing enemies until you reach a tunnel (18). Hit the speed booster in the tunnel keep turning at all the turns . This upcoming enemy is probably what catches alot of people unexpected . Just stay to the right and somesault when you get near him to roll right past him onto some speed boosters . Hit the ramp on your left and then go through a checkpoint (Anywhere under 30 seconds with around 15 rings) and light dash the row of rings right after the check point and follow the path to a spring which swings you around a vine and places you on a ledge (20) . The camera faces towards a tunnel with some robots in it but when I was on the vine I saw some other ledges below and I was curious . I doubt it matters which way you go but anyway... Jump off the right side and jump platform to platform until you reach a spring and another vine . This vine puts you in front of another spring so hop right on . You will swing around a vine and enter a tunnel . Run forward and grab some rings and hit a speed booster (28). This sends you around a loop and over a ramp into a new area. Pick up some rings here and beware the three robots that drop down . Take the speed booster and go around a few loops and hit some springs and end up on another area . Run over to the right and home attack a 10 ring capsule (45) . Run forward towards the new checkpoint picking up rings and getting 10 rings from the checkpoint (1 minute 40 , 60 rings). Run forward down the ramp and pick up some more rings (light dash if you want) and then stay on the right wall and hit some springs up ahead which put you on a vine which leads you too.... A new platform! Home attack a couple enemys then land on the ground next to a spring on your left . Jump up to it which throws you into a couple other springs than forward into some rings (light dash of you want to make sure to pick them up) . Run forward into another checkpoint which gives you 20 rings . This may have given you the 100 you needed . If not , you should have at least 20 seconds left and should only need a very small amount of rings so run forward and you will go around a loop and into a speed booster which throws you into a row of rings which will give you 100 rings (use light dash on them if you want) . If not , and you have some time left , keep going through the level until you get 100 . --------------- d. Pyramid Cave --------------- Character : Sonic Stage : Pyramid Cave Mission 2 : Collect 100 rings! "A" Rank criteria : Score - N/A , Time - 1:15 "Nothing much different to say here , you should beat it in one of your first few tries! :P" NOTE : In this level if you are following the guide and you are behind a couple rings , don't give up . Where you pick up the 100th ring there are at least 9 extra . So if you are less than 9 behind and are still making good time , stay on track . Start : At the start , run forward onto the speed booster to get your momentem going . After a turn or two you will see a ring capsule in the middle of the course hanging from the air . Quicky run to the right so you are running on the wall and jump off and home attack the capsule for an early 20 rings ! Go forward a little ways and light speed dash on the row of rings and hit the speed booster at the end (31) . Keep going forward and light speed dash another row if rings and go forward (ignore the extra life overhead)and hit the ramp to cross the gap (40) . As you land you will hit a checkpoint worth 10 rings and run across (or speed dash) 7 more (35 seconds , 57 rings) . Continue forward and and hit the hourglass to make the door open and in the next room hit the spring to grab the pulley to go up a floor . Head to the right down a path and instead of swinging on the overhead bar , run past it and drop down below (you won't die) and hit two 10 ring capsules (77). Hit the time capsule to climb up the ledges and at the top , hit another time capsule to open the door ahead of you , not before light dashing to pick up a row of rings along the way (85). Keep running forward to go around a loop and over a gap to a new path with two side by side rows of rings . Run or light dash into them until you collect your 100th (there is more than enough) . --------------- e. Crazy Gadget --------------- Character : Sonic Stage : Crazy Gadget Mission 2 : Collect 100 rings! "A" Rank criteria : Score - N/A , Time - 3:00 Note : The time limit on this level is sooooo loose! My best time is 1:41:06 and it can be easily beaten . As long as you don't get hit (and that IS the problem) you should get an A emblem . Start : You land on a sort of balcony . Run/Light Dash through the three rings leading to the door (3) . You enter a corridor with one GUN robot on each side . Just run between them, but be careful : at the end of the corridor, a third robot will land . Kill him or jump over him, and get the 5 ring capsule in the circular room (8) . Grab the orange bar on your left to perform that sort of reversed grind, it'll take you to the next room and grant you 7 new rings (15) . Ignore the blob-monster and rush to the gravity switch . It could be wise however to take the shield hidden in the metallic crate at the right of the blob . Activate the switch and run on the roof till you see 8 rings in circle and behind them a blob monster . You should be able to Light Dash the circle of rings, destabilizing the blob who will miss you (23) . Sneak behind the monster and activate the gravity switch . You land in front of a door which immediately opens , revealing a GUN robot . Kill him (no mercy!) and watch in front of you . You should see two rows of 4 rings and a blob monster waiting for you . This is the hard part : I usually Light Dash through the rings , and use my speed to home attack at the blob before it hurts me (31) . This works 7 times over ten , the three times I fail are the reason why I take the shield . Grab the pulley above the blob’s head (you can bounce to it) . You’re taken to another pulley , which leads you to the savepoint . This savepoint is worth 5 rings , and 6 are lying on the ground (42) . Break the glass and jump into the tube . You land in a room with 6 rings and a pit (48) . Use the electrified flying robots and the bumper to cross .You should have enough height to reach the bomb capsule and get rid of the three robots in the room (You can also bounce to that capsule.) . You should see a gravity switch , don’t activate it ! Instead , jump behind . In the metallic crate on the right is a 10 ring capsule (58) . Use the spring and grind the bar to come back to the gravity switch and activate it .Run to the bumper ahead , it’ll allow you to reach the roof of the inferior part and gives you 4 rings (62) . Rush to the narrow path (sommersault under it) without forgetting the three rings in the way (65) . On your err… « right » (with Sonic upside- down, it’s hard to say this but well…) to reach the second save point , worth 20 rings (85) . Grind the bar above the pool of that deadly green substance , earning another 7 rings (92) . You reach in a gigantic orange room with three gravity switches in front of you, and 8 rings leading to them… THAT’S IT ! Without hurrying , I can be there in 1 :45 so if you need a few more rings, that’s really not a problem : use the gravity switch on your riht (yours, not Sonic’s one !) Run down the wall to reach a grind-able (I’m also a Tony Hawk Pro Skater 2 fan, so that’s my private vocabulary) bar with 5 extra rings on it . It’ll take you to a new corridor and you should see 4 more rings when you land but be careful : a blob is waiting for you . After defeating (or escaping, much safer) it, you should see 8 more extra rings . This time, it’ll be good ! Once again, YOU DON’T NEED TO HURRY ! Just avoid to be hit . - Submitted by Godji ------------- f. Final Rush ------------- Character : Sonic Stage : Final Rush Mission 2 : Collect 100 rings! "A" Rank criteria : Score - N/A , Time - 1:30 -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= -= 4. Tails Mission 2 "A" Rank Walkthroughs -= -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= -------------- a. Prison Lane -------------- Character : Tails Stage : Prison Lane Mission 2 : Collect 100 rings! "A" Rank criteria : Score - N/A , Time - 2:30 START : Blast the enemies in front of you to open the door and go on . Pick up the rings in here and shoot the robot that flies at you (4). Keep firing missles as you go straight and go through another door . Turn left and shoot some more robots then turn left and then right and ride the lift up . Pick up the rings in here, take the lift, and shoot the robots to open the door(7). Go in the door and go right. Pick up the rings in here while killing all the robots that are on the outside to open the next door (13). Kill the robot blocking the door but instead of going through the door , take the lift(that is to the left of you)up . Walk to the left and the go towards the camera and jump over the little railing . The camera will spin around and you will be looking at another ledge across a gap with robots on it . Blow up those robots and all the other robots that are flying around to open the door on the ledge in front of you . Hover into it and pick up the row of rings and hit the ring capsule at the end (22). Walk out onto the small platform to move the camera . Jump towards the open platform right in front of you and ride the lift up . Go forward and jump on the boxes and shoot the robot that falls down . Jump up on that ledge and turn right . Hit the 10 ring capsule and break the boxes , kill the robot , and take the lift (32). Kill the robot in front of you and pick up the row if rings while shooting the flying robots that come in at you (38). Run through the checkpoint and blow up the robots on the other side of the gate to open it (1 minute 10 seconds,43 rings). Run forward and blow up the robots to lower the gate . Go to the right and take the lift up . Run forward picking up the row of rings and drop down to the next room (48). Shoot the 10 ring capsule to your left and then shoot the robots in this room to open the door(58). Shoot the robots in the next room and continue on and pick up the rings that are sitting in the middle then jump on the platform ahead to be taken up (64). At the top run through the checkpoint to get 20 rings (1 minute 55 seconds,84 rings). In the next room pick up the row of rings and then destroy the boxes ahead (90).Blow up the robot on the other side of the gate to open it and then destroy some more bots ahead to open the next gate . Keep going around the turn and run up to the gate and shoot the robot on the other side to open it . Take the lift on the right to go up and shoot any robots that might fly out from the room on your left . On top of the tunnel, shoot the 20 ring capsule that is sitting in front of you to end the level . ----------------- b. Mission Street ----------------- Character : Tails Stage : Mission Street Mission 2 : Collect 100 rings! "A" Rank criteria : Score - N/A , Time - 3:30 "Just follow the guide carefully and you should be able to make it." NOTE : There are not alot of rings to be found in this level so move quickly and get the ones that I mention . ALSO NOTE : You should be around 55 seconds to 1 minute when you hit the first checkpoint . START : Run forward at the start picking up rings as you shoot things and turn to the right and continue to pick up rings while taking out robots (10). Go into the tunnel on the left , take out EVERYTHING (robots , boxes , cars) in your way , until you come out of the tunnel on the other side . Here is the tricky part , you need to avoid the robots (or kill them but you have to keep moving) , and avoid the bombs that will land in the center of the bridge and keep running across the falling bridge and jump and hover as it falls to reach the other side. Aim for the left side because there will be more bombs dropping down in the middle . Once across , pick up a row of rings and walk forward to the edge of the platform (16). Hover across (even with the rings so you pick them up) when the stomping black thing is on its way down so you can land on top of it (20). Ride it to the top and jump off on the next ledge . Lock on to and blow up everything on this screen , then run over and grab the pulley on the right . Jump off to the left side and jump from each of the floating pillars to the next until you reach the top , picking up a 10 ring capsule along the way (30). Go through the checkpoint , which gives you 5 rings , and pick up the row of rings behind it (39). Jump over the crumbling floor and continue down the path taking out the robots on the side and staying to the right avoiding bombs and jumping another crumbling floor . Pick up the row of rings ahead , shoot the robot and turn left at the intersection (43). Step on the green button behind the rocket to make it go off , then turn around , and jump over the gap towards where the rocket fired . Shoot the robot in front of you , and blow up the two black containers as you pick up the rings in front of them and jumping so you don't fall off the crumbling walkway(49). Shoot the robot that is in front of you ,run forward and blow up all the black containers but watch out for the one in the middle that falls backwars towards you because if it hits you , you will lose your coins . Run forward and when you get to a wall , turn to the right and jump up on the boxes , and then up onto the ledge to your left . Kill the robot in front of you and pick up the rings (57). Blow up another robot and jump forward and hover over the cliff and land on a platform . Shoot the robots in front of you and continue forward . Be careful not to walk over under the shadow or a black crusher will fall down on you! Instead , jump over to the right where there are 3 columns . Blow up the wooden box and hit the switch that was under it . This stops the trap from falling . Go back on the path and go forward to pick up a row of rings (62). Keep going while blowing up all the robots that get in your way , and pick up some more rings sitting in the path (65). You will now walk onto the top of the trap , but it won't fall down because you hit the switch . Pick up all the rings on top if it and hover across the gap and continue on (71). Blow up the robot on this ledge and jump forward on the moving columns . Jump from one to the next until you get to the top . Run forward and hit the checkpoint which gives you 5 rings , and pick up the row of rings behind it (79). Stay on the side to avoid the bombs and hover over the floating platforms until you land on a stable surface . Turn to the left and blow up the pillars . Some of the roadway will fall down so jump on the pillar on the right which just happened to form a bridge for you to cross (you still have to jump at the end of the pillar though). Run forward while picking up a row of rings and stay to the left to avoid the incoming bombs (84). Pick up another row of rings and kill a robot then continue on (88). You will now cross and section of the road that will shake back and forth but it won't fall down . Hop from each segment to the next to avoid falling , but while jumping shoot the robots in front of you so you have somewhere to land . Continue into the tunnel ahead blowing up whatever gets in your way . When you come out of the tunnel , blow up some robots and watch that the ceiling above doesn't fall on you (run quickly past it or stay on the side and go around it) . Kill another robot and turn left picking up a row of rings (92). Avoid falling robots and pick up another row of rings as you turn right (95). More robots will fall down so kill or avoid them and head forward but stay to the side so the falling celing won't hit you . Kill whatever robots are left and jump in the big ring ahead that sais BACK . Surprise! You are at the start of the level! But you keep the rings , and time that you had and the whole level , including rings , are reset . So quickly run forward to pick up some rings , and while avoiding the robots and the bombs , run forward some more and pick up the last rings you need to reach 100! ------------ c. Route 101 ------------ Character : Tails Stage : Route 101 Mission 2 : Collect 100 rings! "A" Rank criteria : Score - N/A , Time - 1:30 "No need for walkthrough to this level . All you really need to do is know the level . And make sure you don't miss the balloons . They are 20 rings each . Do this and you should be able to win within your first few tries ." -------------- d. Hidden Base -------------- Character : Tails Stage : Hidden Base Mission 2 : Collect 100 rings! "A" Rank criteria : Score - N/A , Time - 3:15 NOTE : You should practice at jumping and firing the vulcan at the same time, as you need to blast some doors and blocks which are slightly higher than you. ALSO NOTE : Make sure that you get _all_ of the rings mentioned, as you won't get that 20 ring bonus otherwise. START : Run forward shooting the ring container and the robot that appears out of the sand. Then hop onto the platform with the wooden crates and pick up the ring that is there. Quickly shoot the rightmost of the crates and jump past the raised step. Shoot the robot that appears to the right, then hover over to the next platform collecting the rings in the air (17). Shoot the dynamite packs and jump onto the platform that falls down. Continue up the steps into the walled room. Shoot the door and the dynamite packs on the other side. If you move forward a bit you can get all 9 dynamite packs in one go. Jump up on the first platform and start running forward firing to get rid of those pesky doors. Ignore the robots and keep running. After a corridor and a fourth door, you will be attacked by three robots. Shoot the center one but ignore the others and keep on moving. When you reach a dead end, turn left and shoot the door. Run through it shooing to get the airplane that attacks you. Now, you should see first checkpoint right ahead. But *don't* bother going through it. Instead, jump over the left side of the walkway and hover down to a long platform with 4 rings on it (21). Ignore the first pulley and grab the second one over the small platform. When you get to the top, shoot the door and hop in. Turn left and shoot another door. Hover over to the first platform, and wait there for the robot to appear. Shoot the robot, and hover over to the platform to the far left. Shoot the dynamite packs and continue over the platform that falls down, and onto the next one. Turn right and hover over to the pulley. From the top of the pulley, shoot the dynamite packs and jump onto the platform. Turn left and follow the platform, picking up the rings (27). While hovering over to the gray playform, lock on to the dynamite packs and the two robots that appears. When you have disposed of them, use the pulley to get onto the platform. Take the open door to the left, and grab another pulley. Ignore all the monkeys, and jump of the pulley to the right, sticking right next to the wall. You should reach a small passageway from which you can see a large quantity of dynamite packs. Blast them, and hop onto the platform. Hover along the wall to reach the door right ahead (land on the red pillar to gain more altitude). Blast through the door and continue forward. Hover over to the checkpoint, where you will be awarded a 5 ring bonus (32). Your time here should be around 1:45. Blast throgh the door and get the two rings on the other side (34). Ride the pulley upwards getting all the rings on the way (40). Leave the pulley at the top and hover over to the next pulley, slightly to the left. Use it to get up to the door, and blast through. Shoot the spiked thing on top of the pillar, and use the spring to get up on that same pillar. Shoot the monkey on the right, then the ring containers on the ground right ahead (60), and finally blast through the door. Hover over to the opening, then take a right on the other side. After you blast through the door you'll find there, keep going straight forward blasting through another door and a red block. Then keep left of the pillars and take the door right ahead, not the one to the right. Go through the checkpoint for a 20 ring bonus (80). When you get down on the first platform immediately after the checkpoint, stop right away. Hold down the B button and turn right, and you'll find that hidden behind a pillar in the corner are two ring containers (and an extra life)! You should now have exactly 100 rings, and a nice time of about 2:30. -Submitted by marcus@mc.pp.se ----------------- e. Eternal Engine ----------------- Character : Tails Stage : Eternal Engine Mission 2 : Collect 100 rings! "A" Rank criteria : Score - N/A , Time - 3:30 NOTE : Be careful not to blow up the green bombs with your missles because it will put holes in the spacecraft and you can be sucked out to your death . START : Shoot the robots in front of you to open the door . Run forward picking up rings and shooting down robots that get in your way avoiding any bombs they might drop(6). Turn right , go through a door , kill a robot , and turn left . Kill the robots and pick up the rings then continue on through the door(10). Take the spring on the right to hit a pulley . It will bring you in front of some rings , hover through them and grab another pulley (13). Hover forward and kill the robot that is there . Run forward picking up rings and killing another robot (21). Go through the checkpoint in the next room (35 seconds,26 rings). Get the 5 ring capsule ahead of you and go through the door on your left (31).Shoot the robots in here and when you get to the red barrier , jump to the side of it and walk forward on the small ledge there then jump back onto the main ledge, pick up the rings, and go through the door(37). Shoot the robot in this room and go straight into the next room . Just walk around the boxes to hit the switch and the go back into the intersection and turn left and go through the open door . Shoot the robot in front of you and go through the door . In here , just walk through the middle and avoid the thing in the middle and grab the ring capsule all without shooting anything and go through the door (42). Shoot the robots out here and walk forward to the edge. Jump off and hover onto the blue platform with the rocket . Hit the green button to fire the rocket and then jump on one of the side moving platforms to get to the middle moving platform to take you to where the rocket shot off to . Jump over the cages and go through the door . Watch out for the falling platform in the middle,shoot the thing inbetween the two springs to unveil a switch go AROUND the black shadow and hit the switch . Jump on the right spring to hit a ring capsule and hover to the left spring to bounce above the black thing (47). Hover on top of the black thing and jump up to grab the pulley . Jump forward to the next pulley and jump forward to hit a checkpoint (2 minutes 20 seconds,57 rings). Pick up the rings in front of you an go through the door (65). Watch out for the blue enemy with long arms in this room , then go left after killing him . Kill another blue enemy and then two enemys that are hanging from the ceiling (jump and lock on to kill them).At the red barrier, jump to the ledge on the side and then jump back to the main ledge and go through the door. Kill the robots in here and jump up onto the next ledge . Jump from platform to platform but stay between the red beams so if it goes under you won't hit a red beam . Go forward and hit the checkpoint (to be cont...) -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- -= 5. Knuckles Mission 2 "A" Rank Walkthroughs -= -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= -------------- a. Wild Canyon -------------- Character: Knuckles Stage: Wild Canyon Mission 2: Collect 100 rings! "A" Rank criteria: Score - N/A , Time - 1:30 START : Pick up the rings that are around you when you start (8). Glide forward and to the right and climb the column right in front of you . Glide from column to column picking up all the rings and ring containers (52). There are two lower columns that each have a circle of rings on them (64). Jump in the wind to get taken to the upper area . Land on one of the upper ledges in this area with two ring containers (94) . Fly towards the crate things with wooden boxes in them . On top of one of them there is a circle of rings , pick up these for 100 . --------------- b. Pumpkin Hill --------------- Character: Knuckles Stage: Pumpkin Hill Mission 2: Collect 100 rings! "A" Rank criteria: Score - N/A , Time - 3:00 "I usually get under 2 minutes when I take this route , so you should have no problem getting an "A" within your first few tries ." START : Glide forward from the beggining through the balloon and land on the ledge in front of you(10).Grab the rings on the small walkway to the right of you and then turn around and grab the rings on the small ledge to the left and then take the rocket to the top (20). Glide forward and land on the orange ledge . Pick up the rings on here and the ones around all the gravestones (32). Glide back down to the beggining of the level and this time go backwards and glide through a balloon here and land on a ledge(52). Go to the right and take the rocket . Glide forward so you are on the second level from the top . Run around a circle collecting all the rings(58).Then drop down a level and do the same thing(68). Drop down off of this and glide around until you find a walkway that connects to a ledge with a ring capsule on it (73). Glide forward on here and a little to the left and land on a ledge that is straight ahead of you . When you land you will see a balloon sitting there . Glide into it and another balloon will appear . Keep gliding forward through the balloons until you land on top of a little pumpkin (93). Glide forward towards the middle of church mountain (the one with the church on the top) and you will see a balloon that is above some wooden boxes . Glide into it if you can but if you miss , just drill claw into the boxes to hit a hidden spring which bounces you into the balloon to give you 100 rings . --------------- c. Aquatic Mine --------------- Character: Knuckles Stage: Aquatic Mine Mission 2: Collect 100 rings! "A" Rank criteria: Score - N/A , Time - 1:50 "You know the passageway to get the air necklace upgrade ?There are 71 rings in it . That means you need at least 29 before you go in there so you can get 100 without having to come back out of the tunnel wasting valueable time." NOTE : Get familiar with the level before you try to beat it . There are two of those caution signs with the ghosts on them where you drop down . The first time you drop down on the upper one and the second time you drop down the lower one with a spring at the bottom (where the air necklace upgrade used to be). START : Pick up the rings in the circle at the beggining (8). Glide into the post in front of you and climb up it and jump on the pulley hit the level "3" water switch and the 10 ring capsule and fall back out (19). Stay on the upper level when you fall out and jump in the hole with the caution sign with the ghosts on it . Walk through the little tunnel and drop down . Walk forward and you will be in a room . Run around until you see a 20 ring capsule in the air . Jump up to hit it and then go back the way you came to get to the main room of this level (where you start) (39). Now go down to a lower level and jump in the other hole with the caution sign with ghosts on it . Avoid hitting the spring and jump through the little tunnel in the wall and you will land in some water . Dive down and keep going down until you hit the ground . Swim through the little tunnel here and hit some speed boosters and pick up some rings (50). Hit the 5 ring capsule and dive down to hit a 5 ring capsule and a 20 ring capsule (80). Keep swimming down and go through another tunnel with rings (90). Swim around here until you see a 20 ring capsule . Break it and you have 100. ---------------- d. Death Chamber ---------------- Character: Knuckles Stage: Death Chamber Mission 2: Collect 100 rings! "A" Rank criteria: Score - N/A , Time - 2:30 START : Jump up on the ledge in front of you and pick up the rings and hit the hourglass (6). Run through the door , pick up the rings and go through the next door before it closes (12). Watch out for the robot that shoots beams at you in here and jump up a couple ledges and hit the hourglass,break the boxes and jump up through the door before it closes. Jump down in front of you but don't land on the ledge in front of you, fall down into the gap and land next to the blue chao box. If you are facing away from the box, turn to the left and grab the rings then go around the big circle until you are back to the blue chao box(behind the statue after the mytic melody statue, there is a 10 ring capsule for you to grab)(when you get to the black squisher thing, climb up the wall on the side and go over it to get to the other side)(46). (to be cont...)(go through blue section at top with metal crates). -------------- e. Meteor Herd -------------- Character: Knuckles Stage: Meteor Herd Mission 2: Collect 100 rings! "A" Rank criteria: Score - N/A , Time - 2:00 -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= -= 6. Shadow Mission 2 "A" Rank Walkthroughs -= -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= ------------------ a. Radical Highway ------------------ Character : Shadow Stage : Radical Highway Mission 2 : Collect 100 rings! "A" Rank criteria : Score - N/A , Time - 1:20 "Not a tough level as long as you follow the exact dirrections I give" NOTE : If you are at the spot in the guide and are even 10 rins short , don't give up . There is a 20 ring capsule at the end that usally puts me well over 110 rings so if you have a little less you should hit 100 fine . Start : Grind down the rail (while crouching for extra speed) , then run over to the middle and grab the spring and bounce to the next level (6). Run in the middle and use the light speed dash on the row of rings and run straight forward and grab the next set of rings on the way down the hill and take the left path (26). Keep going and light speed dash on the next set of rings and grab as many as you can in the next group (36) and hit the speed booster to get over the gap . Run past the enemy and jump up and grab the pully . Jump off here and run up to the rings and light speed dash collecting the rings , which kills the enemy , and then run forward and hit the springs to go up (42). Instead of going forward where the arrow is pointing , turn around and the camera will turn to reveal a pipe that you need to somersault under (35-40 seconds , 42 rings). Use the light speed dash to get across the row of rings and hit the springs on the other side to bring you to a new platform (56) . Run to the left and somersault (you must have the flame ring upgrade) into the steel containers on the left revealing a switch . Hit the switch to make a rocket appear . Take the rocket to a new area and run forward and take another rocket to a platform with a checkpoint , which gives you an additional 10 rings (55 seconds , 66 rings) . Somersault forward under the pipe and run forward down a hill staying in the middle to collect rings . You will go around a loop and forward into some springs . After spiraling downward hitting a series of springs , you will hit a 20 ring capsule which gives you more than what you need to finish this level ! -------------- b.White Jungle -------------- Character : Shadow Stage : White Jungle Mission 2 : Collect 100 rings! "A" Rank criteria : Score - N/A , Time - 1:30 "As always , once you get to know the level you should be able to beat it with plenty of time to spare!" Start : Right when you start the stage , Light Dash to pick up the 7 rings in front of you and continue running and Light Dash for another 7 and continue until you hit the spring (14) . Swing around on the vine and you will land on some springs where you use the homing attack on him and land on a platform and pick up 3 rings here (17) . Run past some enemys and instead of grabbing onto the pully thing , somesault under the wodden fence on right , run under some enemys and quicky run by the bomb that is throw at you (before it blows up) at you and pick up 3 more rings a grab onto the pully (20) . Push your body to the platform on the right and run through the 1st check point where you get an automatic 5 rings for walking through ( 35 seconds , 25 rings) . This next section you want to concentrate on getting as many rings as possible but don't worry if you miss a few , you can make up for that later . Anyway , run forward through the middle of the rings and go down the incline and pick up some more rings at the bottom and hit the speed booster (39). You will go around a loop and pick up 7 rings 46) and then go around the corner at the bottom and try to stay in the middle to pick up as many as you can as you hit the ramp and fly over a gap (45 seconds with at least 62 rings ; You can do it with at least 57 if you are making good time ). You will hit some springs and be hit backwards into some springs and then hit some more that send you into the air . Aim for the 20 ring capsule and don't land on the spiky guys at the bottom (82) . Run forward and somersault under the right side of the fence where you will hit a speed booster . As you run forward you will see a bomb capsule on your left , jump up and homing attack it to kill the enemies in front of you (1 minute , 82 rings). Run forward and grab onto the pulley on your right which leads you to another platform . Run forward and grab the group of rings (90) and wait until the the squisher trap is in the air and quickly role under the left side of it and hit the spring on the other side which propels you into the air . Aim towards the tree on the right as you come down to hit a 10 ring capsule in a tree ( don't overshoot it!) to get 100 rings with at least 15 seconds to spare . If you are a few rings short like I said you would be before and you have at least 15 seconds left , go forward and grab the pully thing , land on the ground next to the enemy and then jump up and home attack him . Somersault under the fence and light dash to what should be the last rings you need on your right . If you have more time and need more rings keep going through the tunnel and light dash for another row of rings. If you don't have 100 by now you probably won't have much time left so start the level over and keep trying ! ----------- c. Sky Rail ----------- Character : Shadow Stage : Sky Rail Mission 2 : Collect 100 rings! "A" Rank criteria : Score - N/A , Time - 1:15 "It is a little tight but with practice you should be able to beat it with just seconds to spare!" Start : You start out the level grinding down on a rail with another rail parallel to the left of you . Go forward while and collect 6 rings , then quickly jump over to the left rail and collect 6 more rings while crouching(12) . Let yourself fall forward and hit the speed booster to the left of the spring which bounces you higher on the spring so you can home attack towards the ring (13) on top of the pillar in front of you and then fall forward and use the homing attack on the top of the hour glass with a propellar attached (Hourglass from now on!) and keep using the homing attack on it (leave some space inbetween jumps to give it time to fly up) until you get to the ring at the top which means to can't go up anymore. While still airborne , homing attack forward and you should hit a 10 ring capsule 23) and then fall to the ground . Run forward and jump up on the ledge in front of you . Jump over to the left but instead of using the rocket , homing attack the floating enemy on the left and land on the platform with a spring . Jump on the spring and grind down the left rail and pick up some rings (26) . Ignore the Hour Glass and run up the path to the left and jump on the sping which propells you into a trail of rings and a 5 ring capsule (38) . Land on the right rail and keep going forward until you hit the 10 ring capsule (48) , then jump to the left rail and pick up another 10 ring capsule (58) and stay to the left (there is an extra life on the right but why risk it) until you pick up a row of rings (64) . Ride forward and then jump on the right of the new set of rails and pick up another trail of rings and then jump to the spring which bounces you up to a new platform while collecting more rings) (76) . KIll the enemy here (55 seconds , 76 rings) . Dodge the bullets of other enemies while you rides some hourglasses up until you reach a checkpoint which gives you 20 rings when you walkthrough! 1 minute 5 seconds , 96 rings) . You have about 10 seconds left so hurry up and jump on the right rail and crouch down and ride it until you get to a 5 ring capsule which gets you to 100 rings a few seconds before the timer hits a 1:15 ! If you miss it keep practicing and you will eventually get to know the level better and you should be able to get the "A" easy! :P -------------- d. Final Chase -------------- Character : Shadow Stage : Final Chase Mission 2 : Collect 100 rings! "A" Rank criteria : Score - N/A , Time - 1:30 Note : This one requires some practice and knowledge . You can't miss many rings if you want to succeed . The times I give are from one of my best runs (1:14:52) . So as long as you aren't more than ten seconds late at the last checkpoint , you can do it. Start : Crouch till the end of the rail . Do a long jump at the end, and home attack at the two 5 ring capsules (10) . Pass the checkpoint (12 seconds) . Take the road going down . Slightly on the left is a frist row of five rings (15) . Then, immediately go to the right for another 5 rings , and come back as close to the center of the road as possible (20) . You'll be thrown into couple of speed boosters and a row of 6 rings (26) . Don't Light Dash through them or you'll be hit by the blob creature . Instead as soon as you took the last ring , jump over the enemy and directly land on the vertical rotating pillar (the ones you find all along the level) .At the top of it , jump at the platform with the Shielded GUN robot . Ignore it and rush towards the bumpers . Perform a home attack on the 5 ring capsule beneath you (31) . I highly recommend then to do another homing attack : it allows to avoid the blob creature on the platform beneath . You should land near the springs , but instead of landing on the platform with the shielded GUN robot , go to the platform on the left . You'll find a 10 ring capsule (and an extra life) (41) . Use the bumpers to come back to the platform with the GUN robot . Ignore it as you did with the first one and run through the tunnel . At the end , do a long jump ; you should be able to home attack the 5 ring capsule and to land on the pillar on the left (46) . 4 rings are on it , collect them using a Light Dash and home attack at the new 5 ring capsule on the left (55) . Manage to land on the third pillar (this can be hard the first times) . From here jump onto the solid platform . You will need to run through five rings and then to jump to avoid a fat blob as you did earlier in this level (60) . Land on the vertical pillarand from its top jump to a new platform .At its end, you should see an asteroid . Beware! The explosion of those rocks can hurt you . Avoid it ,run up the new vertical pillar and use the bumper at its top to reach a new platform . Run through it and you'll be throw onto an horizontal pillar (55 seconds) . You'll then have to change for a further pillar (jump or wait to be sucked in) and finally for a third one , vertical . At the top of this pillar is a bumper , avoid it ! Instead get the 6 rings leading to a checkpoint (66) . This checkpoint also gives you 20 rings (86,between 1:05 and 1:10)) . If you have missed less than four rings, GO! You're now running down a hill . Stay exactly in the center to earn 8 new rings (94) . You'll then begin falling , make sure to avoid the asteroids . Finally , on the platform where you land there are two 5 ring capsule for a total of 104 rings . Missing as few rings as possible seems easier to me, but if you reach the final capsules around 1:20 but can't manage to have 100 rings , hurry to the end of the platform and jump on the rotating pillar . Just keep the keypad up, cross your fingers and you should avoid the monsters and the electrical traps . You'll land on a platform with a bomber (you don't care, run!) and should see a row of 5 rings, a checkpoint and another ten rings monitor which should allow you to finish . - Submitted by Godji -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= -= 7. Dr.Eggman Mission 2 "A" Rank Walkthroughs -= -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= ------------ a. Iron Gate ------------ Character : Dr.Eggman Stage : Iron Gate Mission 2 : Collect 100 rings! "A" Rank criteria : Score - N/A , Time - 1:35 START : Run forward killing any robots that get in your way . A door will shut in front of you , like you will do to all doors in this level , blow off the red hatches in all 4 corners of the door to blow it up . Contine on to the next room and kill the robots then take the lift on the left . Blow up the wooden boxes , and in the next room kill the robots and drop down and hit two ring capsules on the left and then continue on through the next door (15). Kill the robots and then blow up the door in front of you . Instead of wasting time riding the lift down, jump off and when you get close to the door start to hover and move forward and shoot down the door and quicky get in . Run forward and just start shooting missle like crazy in the next room and hit the checkpoint which gives you 5 rings then pick up the rings in the next room and fire missles to hit some ring capsules (53). Turn right from this room and head down the hallway and blow up the door at the end . Blow up robots in this room while you go to the right and then turn left . Blow up a bunch of ring capsules that are straight ahead of you and then turn to the left and blow up the robots then continue on (73). In the next room , land on the left ledge and blow up the ring capsules that are sitting there (98). Now drop down to the right and shoot the robots ahead of you and then turn to the left and run through the checkpoint and blow up the door . Hit the 20 ring capsule to the left when you enter to give you over 100 rings . ------------- b. Sand Ocean ------------- Character : Dr.Eggman Stage : Sand Ocean Mission 2 : Collect 100 rings! "A" Rank criteria : Score - N/A , Time - 3:30 "Ummmm... This is insanely easy! I did a test run on my first try , taking my time and I got a time of around 2 minutes . I don't see how you can not do this in the given time! :P " START : At the beggining , turn around and drop down on a small ledge with some coins (5). Jump back on the path where you started and walk forward picking up coins until you reach the spinning platform (11). Jump on it and blow up the boxes on the right and jump onto that the platform . Walk forward and kill the 3 robots that rise up . Jump on the moving platform in front of you , stay on one side on the way there , hit the balloon , then stay on the other side on the way back to get all the rings (29). Go back towards the spinning thing and take it to the platform to the right of where you are . Collect the rings on this pathway and kill the robot that drops down in front of you (35). Jump from each of the platforms to the next and jump up the steps . Blow up the dynamite sticks and the 2 ring capsules (45). Jump on the pillar that falls and walk across it to the other side shooting some robots that get in your way . Before you drop down , jump up and shoot some missles in the air to hit the balloon that is in the air right in front of you (50). Drop down the ledges and blow up the thing that gets in your way . Turn right at the bottom and then hop on the ledge and blow up the ring capsule that is right in front of you (55). Walk to the left and pick up the rings that are there(61). Hop down the ledges to your left and pick up the rings on that platform while shooting some robots that are hovering around(64). Jump on the two pillars that are sticking out of the ground (they are against the wall to your right) and shoot a stick of dynamite , and a 20 ring capsule that are across the gap (84). Jump on the pillar that fell and walk across to the other side and hop down while shooting a few robots that are comeing from straight ahead . Run forward and jump up the ledges on your right(with rings on them) and pick up the rings at the top(89). Blow up the sticks of dynamite in front of you to make the pillar fall . Jump on the pillar and walk forward on it killing some robots that are flying in from in front of you . From the end of the pillar , hover towards the checkpoint that is on a lower ledge ahead , and jump on the spinning platform . On the other side , pick up the rings that you need for 100. Even if you don't have 100 by then , you should have plenty of time left so just advance forward in the level until you get the rings you need . -------------- c. Lost Colony -------------- Character : Dr.Eggman Stage : Lost Colony Mission 2 : Collect 100 rings! "A" Rank criteria : Score - N/A , Time - 2:00 START : Blow up the dynamite in front of you to open the door . Run forward in the next room and pick up the rings while shooting enemies (10). Shoot the enemies to open the door and turn left into the next room . Kill enemies in here to open the door and jump on the pulley in the next room. At the bottom , turn around and shoot the ring capsule (while still on the pulley) then shoot the dynamite on the door and hover through (20). Pick up the rings in this room while shooting enemies (31). In the next room , blow up the boxes in the corner and step on the switch to open the door . Run forward while shooting enemies and you will hit some speed boosters to take you to a new room with green lava stuff in it . Look to the right to see a spring sitting in the lava . Hover on top of the spring to bounce to the pulley . (To be continued....) -------------- d. Weapons Bed -------------- Character : Dr.Eggman Stage : Weapons Bed Mission 2 : Collect 100 rings! "A" Rank criteria : Score - N/A , Time - 2:00 START : Run around the enemies to the left and pick up all the rings on the ground here (12). Run around to the right and go past all the enemies but kill the robot up ahead because he shoots rockets at you . Blow up the first door on the left to uncover a little room filled with rings for you to loot (24). Come back out and go straight ahead where there are boxes stacked up on each other . Blow out the the ones on the bottom (the G ones don't blow up), to make a little stair case . Climb up and jump to the other side and land on a platform with a checkpoint . Cross the checkpoint which gives you 5 rings(29 rings). Hover across the gap and avoid the bombs by staying to the bottom left side of the next platform . Run up onto the speed boosters to send you forward on a narrow walkway. Continue along the series of walkways clearing out all robots and boxes that get in your way , until you come across a gap with some boxes on the other side . Blow those up and hover across. Walk forward and hit the springs then hover forward until you hit the ballon that gives you 10 rings , then quickly turn around in mid air to collect everything on that little platform (77). Before hovering to the next platform in the distance , shoot the robot that is at the edge of it so he doesn't hit you while you are in mid-flight across the long gap . With him gone , hover across the gap and land on the walkway . Walk forward killing a robot that gets in your way and jump to grab the pulley at the end to go up. Blow up the robot before he shoots you and jump out onto the groud . Run over to the right where there are those red dynamite sticks strapped to the walls . Blow them all up and 3 little rooms will open up . Grab all the rings from the two rooms with rings and ignore the room in the middle with the robots (95). Go back out to the main path and go forward shooting any robots that get in your way until you get to a part with some rings sitting right in the path . Pick up the remainder of the rings you need to reach 100 rings for this level! -------------- e. Cosmic Wall -------------- Character : Dr.Eggman Stage : Cosmic Wall Mission 2 : Collect 100 rings! "A" Rank criteria : Score - N/A , Time - 1:30 "Very simple and straighforward level . Shouldn't take you more than a couple tries." NOTE : The gravity is low in this level so if I say "hover up to the platform" that means you jump and hover to go higher in the air . START : Start out the level my blasting the two 10 ring capsules in front of you (20). Hover up to the next platform and shoot the enemies in your way as you hover again to the next one . Run to the left while shooting enemies and hover up again . Run forward and jump to the platform on the right and pick up all the coins while killing the enemies here and grabbing the rings in the circle (40). Hover up while shooting the blue enemy hanging upside down on the platform and pick up the row of rings while shooting the enemies in front of you (43). Hover up to the platform on the left and grab all the rings on the left (61). Hover above the black squisher (you don't have to jump on it), and shoot the enemy ahead of you . Go forward and hover up the platform on the right . Shoot the enemies ahead of you while picking up the couple rows of rings and hitting the checkpoint which gives you 20 rings (93 rings , 55 seconds). Hover to the ledge in front of you and then jump to the one on your left . Blow up the house thing and the blue enemies hanging from the ceiling on the right . Hover up to the platform on the right and look to the left and you will see another platform . Hover over to that and blow up that robot on your left as you land (he would have shot you with a rocket as you were getting ready to pick up your last rings!). Shoot the little house thing in front of you and and then jump up and hover and shoot the house to your right as you fall and then land on that ledge while still in the air . Pick up the rings on this ledge and you have 100 with at least 10 seconds to spare! -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= -= 8. Rouge Mission 2 "A" Rank Walkthroughs -= -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= ------------- a. Dry Lagoon ------------- Character: Rouge Stage: Dry Lagoon Mission 2: Collect 100 rings! "A" Rank criteria: Score - N/A , Time - 2:00 Start : Grab all the rings in the circle around you at the start (8). Glide to a lower ledge on the left and pick up 4 rings (12). Climb up the wall to the left of you until you reach the top . Look for a ledge with a 10 ring capsule (on a platform with some boxes) and get it(22). Get back to the highest level and jump towards the center and aim for the 10 ring capsule and then you will be floating on some air (32). Collect the rings around you (40) and then move to the side until you start to fall and the glide on top of the building in the middle . Pick up all the rings in the circle(48) . There should be 3 ring capsules at about your level at this height so fly around and hit them (98). Jump towards the bottom where there is a 5 ring capsule on a ledge(100). --------------- b. Egg Quarters --------------- Character: Rouge Stage: Egg Quarters Mission 2: Collect 100 rings! "A" Rank criteria: Score - N/A , Time - 2:00 "Don't be worried if you don't get this on your first try. It takes speed for collecting rings, and smarts to how you should avoid the Giant robotic flying beetle!" Note: The trick to this level is knowing the best route, and how to avoid the flying beetle, before it zaps you. You should be able to do it within five tries. Start: As you begin, quickly rush over to your left and collect the circle of six rings (6). Then run over to the other corner for another six rings (12). Now, hop onto the ledge to your left, and you will encounter, the beetle! Just wait until he passes omochao, then collect the 6 rings there, and rush into the hallway nearest you (18). Break the boxes to your right, then the chest inside for a 10 ring capsule. Finish collecting the rings in this hallway, then go into the room directly in front of you, that has two robots (40). Quickly run past them and fall into another small hallway, and collect that line of rings (45). In this next room, run over to the other corner until you see a missile, facing at a monkey in a cage. Run over and stand to the left of the cage until you see the beetles shadow just pass over you. When it does, jump into the next room, and dodge the robot to your right, and break the box in the far right corner for another 10 ring capsule (55). Run into this next hallway, and collect the rings there. As you enter the "Green room", jump off directly to your right, where you will see 6 rings. Snag them, then rush to the other side for another 6 rings. Now wait right here! The Evil Beetle is on it's way! Rush over to the shadows to your left, and wait until he passes. When he does, run into that hallway, where you will meet up with omochao, and another 6 rings. Then proceed into the next, huge room. And break the box to your left, for 20 more rings! You should have 105 rings total by this point. But if you have, say, 99. Jump onto one of the pillars that are in the room, and theres some extra easy access rings up there! -Submitted by DarkWorm@aol.com --------------- c. Security Hall --------------- Character : Rouge Stage : Security Hall Mission 2 : Collect 100 rings! "A" Rank criteria : Score - N/A , Time - 4:00 First when you start, go forward. Then turn left and climb up the box with the spring that brings you to the pulley. If you want get the 10 rings, it's in the little room with the rocket then use the pulley to get upstairs. Climb up the wall right in front of the pulley. You'll be facing a whole bunch of lasers and there will be 4 colums use these to get onto the small ledge. There should be a wooden box break it and get the Magnetic Shield. If it's not in that one check the other ledge. Then climb up a wall and to the far left and use the Mystic Melody. After just fall of the ledge and about 40-45 rings will be yours. Repeat. -Submitted by nightopian88@hotmail.com ------------ d. Route 280 ------------ Character : Rouge Stage : Route 280 Mission 2 : Collect 100 rings! "A" Rank criteria : Score - N/A , Time - 2:00 "Not too hard . No need to write a walkthrough . Just remember where the rings are and hit all the balloons because they are worth 20 rings each . Once you know the stage this should be no problem ." ------------ e. Mad Space ------------ Character : Rouge Stage : Mad Space Mission 2 : Collect 100 rings! "A" Rank criteria : Score - N/A , Time - 2:30 NOTE : There's not much time here, so you may have to practice getting the ring containers on the capsule planet quickly, since the capsule planet is tricky to move around on. START : Follow the line of rings over to the switch, while destroying the robot along the way (9). Touch the switch, then jump over the side and glide down to the floor below (which is smaller, so you have to glide inwards). Get the 20 ring container which is there (29), then jump straight outwards and glide over to the pair of platforms that are very close to each other. (You may have to turn a little right to find it.) There is a stomping black thing on the outer platform, so land on the inner platform and get the rings there. There is an extra ring container in the metal box that stands in the corner of the platform (42). Never mind the single ring under the stomper, you don't need it. Glide away to the next platform to the left, where you'll find another ring container (52). Go yet another platform further and there's a rocket that takes you back to the beginning. Turn left to the red lights and run over to the switch you touched previously. Jump up on the black container, turn around, and jump up on the roof to grab a rocket to the capsule planet. When you land, you'll find yourself on a portion of the planet that slants heavily to the left. Run right to reach the crest, then run along it down the length of the planet. When you reach a pair of hexagonal towers, jump up to the right of them. Then jump up and glide in the direction of the light pole which can be seen to the right. If you continue in a straight line you should get to a ring container with 10 rings (62). After you take it, go back left towards the crest and you'll bump into "machine 3". Jump up on the central tower (with the rotating thingy). Follow the leg of the machine downwards toward the narrow end of the planet (not the ones to the sides). When you reach the tower at the end, you should see another ring capsule to the left. Grab it, then return to the tower and turn around to face the center of machine 3. There is yet another ring container just to the right, between the legs of the machine. Glide over and get it, then glide back to the center of machine 3. Look uphills again, and you'll find the last ring container on this planet halfway over to machine 2. Glide over and get it. Then, turn back and glide over to the rightmost leg of machine 3. Here is a spring which you should use to get over to the holy planet. Glide over to the tower at the center and take the rocket. When you reach the platform above, again take the rocket. However, before taking the rocket after that, turn around and you'll see two containers. In the left one, there is a ring container. Get it (87). Now, back to the platform with the red lights and take the rocket. When you let go of the rocket at the highest point, turn around and glide over to the balcony with the blue lights. Climb up on it and you should see a ring container straight ahead hanging in the air. Glide over and grab it (97), then turn right and fall down a bit and you should discover a ring container with 5 more rings (102). -Submitted by marcus@mc.pp.se -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= -= 9. Cannon's Core Mission 2 Rank "A" Walkthrough -= -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= -= 10. Contributors/Thanks -= -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= + Sonic Team for making this addicting game! :P + Thanks to CJayC (www.gamefaqs.com) for hosting my FAQ and doing a great job with his site . + Thanks Godji for contributing the Crazy Gadget and Final Chase levels! + Thank you DarkWorm@aol.com for contributing the Egg Quarters Section walkthrough ! You da man! :P + marcus@mc.pp.se for contributing the Hidden Base and Mad Space levels. + nightopian88@hotmail.com for contributing the Security Hall level. + isv666 who inspired me to write a FAQ for this game . + Me For typing this up and (hopefully) getting you some of those "A" ranks! -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= -= 11. Legal Stuff -= -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= This FAQ cannot be reproduced, retransmitted, or re-written in any other form except by the notice of the author. It is to be used and only used by the public itself and cannot be sold . If you want to use this FAQ on your webpage , free of charge , E-Mail me and I will most likely let you as long as nothing is changed and I am given credit . ****************************************************************************** This document is (C) Bill Haan; 2001 ******************************************************************************