>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> SONIC ADVENTURE 2 BOSS GUIDE version 1.0 <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< by Pcbot ============================================================================= TABLE O' CONTENTS ============================================================================= [1] Introduction [2] Big Foot [3] Dr. Eggman 1 [4] Shadow 1 [5] King Boom Boo [6] Egg Golem [hero] [7] Rouge [8] Dr. Eggman 2 [9] Shadow 2 [10] Hot Shot [11] Tails 1 [12] Flying Dog [13] Sonic 1 [14] Egg Golem [dark] [15] Knuckles [16] Tails 2 [17] Sonic 2 [18] Biolizard [19] Finalhazard [20] Updates [21] Closing Words [22] Credits ============================================================================= 1.INTRODUCTION ============================================================================= Ok, this is the first time I've ever made an FAQ, so pleeeeeeeease bear with me. I'll just start out by introducing myself: I'm Paul Cecchini, known on the boards as PCbot. I have liked Sonic ever since the first game came out in 1991. I first played at my cousins' house, and now I'm hooked. Sonic is now at full force! After a wonderful success in Sonic Adventure, Sonic Team went on with Sonic Adventure 2, which ended up being another smash hit by Yuji Naka. I myself have beaten the game, all 3 sides, and now have in my possession 101 emblems. The one thing I usually enjoy about Sonic games is the bosses, so I decided to write this FAQ thingy! I'll start with the hero side, then go on to the dark, and end with the last side. So, let's get started! SONIC ADVENTURE 2 BOSSES! ============================================================================= 2.BIG FOOT [fought with Sonic] ============================================================================= One of the annoying GUN's stupid robo-contraptions after Sonic, Big Foot is the first boss you have to encounter on the hero side. This boss is classified as an air/land machine, so of course it's either on land, or in the air. It starts in the air, shooting from high above at you. It's quite easy to dodge. Just move outta the way of fire. I personally like finishing the battle off quickly, so I stand on the boxes and hit it as it flies towards me. That is a fast way to finish off the battle, but know that if you hit the robot that way, it'll start firing from the air all over again. Or, you can wait until the robot lands onto the ground and starts shooting off missiles. When the bot is done shooting off, give him a good hit in the cockpit. Just...do that 3 more times and the boss is toast. ============================================================================= 3.DR. EGGMAN 1 [fought with Tails] ============================================================================= One word: COWARD!! This wimp is fought with Tails, and ol' Buttnik is obviously scared of foxes. He spends most of his time running away, so just follow him and blast him. Still be careful when he DOES attack. It takes about 4 to 6 hits to beat him. ============================================================================= 4.SHADOW 1 [fought with Sonic] ============================================================================= Shadow himself isn't the threat; the main threat is the battlefield being the size of...um...A VERY SMALL BATTLEFIELD!! Shadow and Sonic are evenly matched competetors, but you can easily change those odds. Be careful when homing in on Shadow; if he's jumping at the same time, you'll bounce off, and, knowing the small size of the battlefield, splash overboard into the water. Try attacking when Shadow is standing still. As Omochao says, you can't attack him directly. You have to hit Shadow from behind, and that's usually when he lands on the ground. Try to position yourself behind him as he lands, then home in on him. Only 3 hits. ============================================================================= 5.KING BOOM BOO [fought with Knuckles] ============================================================================= This boss takes awhile to beat. Lots consider this boss to be very hard, but all it is is annoying! You fight this boss in a circular room with a column in the middle. He starts by travelling around in a circle, chasing you and hurling blue flames. You are unable to hurt him in the darkness, so just wait until he's done hurling his four fireballs. Make sure you keep on running, even when he exhales flames from his mouth. That's your chance to run around the circle and end up behind him. DO NOT TRY TO RUN BEHIND HIM UNLESS HE SHOOTS OUT FLAMES FROM HIS MOUTH! If that happens, he'll simply turn around and go after you. Hit the baby ghost behind him, making the hourglass drop. Light enters the room, changing the spook from being "scary" to being scared! The wussy will sink into the ground and try to get away. Try stopping him by landing on his shadow. Dig it up, then give it a good whack! The second time he hides, he'll go for the side. Just climb and get it there. Continue this for 2 more times and the spook will be spooked for good. ============================================================================= 6.EGG GOLEM [fought with Sonic] ============================================================================= Of course, just when you think it's safe, ol' buttnik sends out his rock robot to kill you. Despite it's size, this boss is major easy! The guy starts by slamming on the area around you. Try to run around to his back while he's doing that. Notice panels on his back start to open up. The boss is obviously too stupid to pay attention, so just jump from panel to panel and hit the big button on his head to damage him. Try to stay on the ledges as you fight. If you fall, don't panic. Jump quickly to get out of the quicksand and reach a lever to pull you back up. Hit Gargantua four more times to win another easy boss battle. ============================================================================= 7.ROUGE [fought with Knuckles] ============================================================================= So it's rude to hit a girl. Guess Knux doesn't give a darn. The battle starts on the ground. Try to stay on the defensive to reflect her attacks, then get offensive when she's standing still. Eventually, the ground will open up, revealing a huge lava chamber. No worries. You can't fall in. Try to land on the ledge that Rouge is on, then attack her like a madman. Usually she just stays in a corner and shakes like a moron. Soon she'll get serious. When you hear her jumble her words together, get ready to dodge her reflect wave. Just keep moving fast. Keep on hitting her and avoiding attacks and you should have her beat in 4 to 5 hits. ============================================================================= 8.DR. EGGMAN 2 [fought with Tails] ============================================================================= Now, don't laugh. I honestly found him to be the hardest boss in the game! He starts the fight with a powerful strategy: running away. Blast him the same as before, but beware once you've hit him a few times. Then he starts to get serious. He might say something, so be prepared to either avoid missiles by walking fast, or a HUGE laser by staying near Robotnik. I actually still don't know the best way to dodge that attack. If you can avoid being attacked, you'll win the fight. ============================================================================= 9.SHADOW 2 [fought with Sonic] ============================================================================= Now it's time to show that "faker" once and for all who is the real hedgehog! The main thing to do when fighting Shadow is running. If you don't, one of the ledges will most likely collapse under you. The first 3 hits are easy; just home in from behind. After that, he starts to get wise and reflect your attacks. That's when you start to back off. When you get too far ahead or knock him off, he'll use chaos control. I suggest being on the ledge that he warps to, then as he runs on ahead, he'll use his special attack: Chaos Spear. You can either sombersault to avoid it, or you can, before he unleashes the attack, get a spin dash ready. When the attack is unleashed, release the spin dash and aim towards Shadow. Do it one more time to show who the ultimate being is. ============================================================================= 10.HOT SHOT [fought with Shadow] ============================================================================= Now we go into the dark side. The first battle is fought with Shadow, who is going up against the cheap copy of Bigfoot. In fact, it pretty much IS Bigfoot! The only difference is that after 3 hits, the boss will charge up a laser blast. Try to steer clear of the crosshairs, and things will go fine for the last 2 attacks. ============================================================================= 11.TAILS 1 [fought with Eggman] ============================================================================= Almost the same as Robotnik, but with much more moxy. Tails actually attacks, so as long as you can avoid the fox, you'll beat him in 5 or 6 hits. ============================================================================= 12.FLYING DOG [fought with Rouge] ============================================================================= Rouge gets a piece of the action when she gets attacked by another cheap GUN ripoff. This boss, unlike the others, doesn't land on the ground. So you have to use Rouge's flying and climbing skills. Avoid the laser fire, and soon the boss will start with the missile fire. When that's done, the boss will stay still for a few moments. Climb up one of the two walls, then glide into the cockpit. After about 3 hits, the robot will charge up a blast and shoot it off. Attack 2 more times. Boom. ============================================================================= 13.SONIC 1 [fought with Shadow] ============================================================================= Pretty much the same as Shadow. 'Nuff said. ============================================================================= 14.EGG GOLEM [fought with Eggman] ============================================================================= Sonic has had his fun, so now it's the Egg's turn. Apparantly Buttnik didn't build his bot very well[so what else is new], as he has to destroy his own creation. Rocky has his attacks from when Sonic fights, so avoid them and shoot the volcan cannon at his body. If you shoot him enough, one of the battery thingies opens up. Home in 3 blasts on it, then continue at the body with the volcan cannon. NOTE: If Golem knocks you off, you must NOT land in the quicksand! Eggman's mech isn't as light and agile as Sonic is! QUICKSAND=INSTANT DEATH! Try to land on one of the blocks. If you need energy, aim for one of the item boxes. Jump on the lever to get pulled back up. Keep shooting each battery thing and you should win easily. ============================================================================= 15.KNUCKLES [fought with Rouge] ============================================================================= Knuckles is the same as Rouge, except for his special attack. After a few hits, he'll send a few bolts of lightning at you. Just run or glide quickly to dodge the attack. ============================================================================= 16.TAILS 2 [fought with Eggman] ============================================================================= Same as fighting Eggman. HARD!! 'Nuff said! ============================================================================= 17.SONIC 2 [fought with Shadow] ============================================================================= Same as Shadow except for special attack. Avoid the Sonic Wind. Use the same techniques. The end. ============================================================================= 18.BIOLIZARD [fought with Shadow] ============================================================================= Now you reach the profs. pathetic prototype[hey! I made an alliteration!]. This boss can be difficult near the end, especially if you don't have a few rings. Make sure you have at least 3 or 4 rings at first. Dino starts off, trying to bite your head off. Run quickly to avoid the head, but not too quickly, or you'll get beaten by the gargantuan tail. Soon the Flinstones reject will tire out. That's your chance to grind up the life support system on the left side of his mouth and jump on the big plug thing on his back. The next time the boss attacks, it won't give out right away. Get ready to either sombersault under the high energy attack, and jump the low energy attack. After 8 blasts, grind the pipe again...then go for it a third time, whittling the boss to half health. Now after the energy attack, the boss will bring up a bunch of little eggs that home in on you. Home in on them first. When you reach the top of your jump, aim towards another, until you finally home in on the pluggy thing. After 2 more times, the boss will attack with the eggs again, but this time, you'll float through the air. Try to get a few rings. If you get hit, you WON'T be able to go back down after them. Try to find an open space to land near the plug and attack one more time. ============================================================================= 19.FINALHAZARD [fought with Super Sonic and Hyper Shadow] ============================================================================= The final boss! This boss can be a breeze if you maneuver carefully and know the controls. A sends you up, B down. You'll need that. The first hit is easy; go straight towards the big red throbby thing, avoiding one of the six eggs shot at you. Continue on like that, avoiding all of the lasers and eggs. If you get hit, you'll be shot back. You have the first 4 hits with 50 rings, and 40 rings for the last 3 hits. If you find yourself running out of rings, overshoot the lizard to switch to the other character. WARNING: if you keep overshooting, the ring count will go down by ten every time. If you can avoid the lizard's lasers and eggs, hitting the boss every chance you get, then you'll beat the final boss and conquer Sonic Adventure 2! ============================================================================= 20.UPDATES ============================================================================= None so far. LEAVE ME ALONE! ============================================================================= 21.CLOSING WORDS ============================================================================= I know Sonic is done for the Sega Dreamcast, but we all know Sonic won't be taken out that easily. I look forward to more Sonic action for a long time. I leave this FAQ, saying my thank yous: GameFAQs: Without them, I would never be able to share my love of video games. SonicTeam: For making the wonderful games to comment on! Yuji Naka: The big man, who brought the hedgehog into everyones' life. LONG LIVE NAKA! =============================================================================22. CREDITS ============================================================================= Sonic the Hedgehog, and everything related to him, are all trademarks of SEGA. This FAQ may not be sold for any amount of money. If you use this for anything public, please be sure to give the proper credit. ;) Siyonara!