SONIC ADVENTURE 2 Platform: Dreamcast Release: June 19, 2001 Price: $40 USD -Chao Adventure 2- Chao Adventure 2 FAQ v1.2 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ by miffo (aka Michael Paul) $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$* Updated: 7/10/01 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ ######### ### ### ### ###### ########### ## ### ### *## ##* ## ## #### ## ########## ######### -## ##- ##### ## ### ### ### ### ## ## ########### ######### ### ## ### ### ###### #### # #-* # # #### ## # ##### # # #-*- #### #### #=# # # # # #-- # # # # * * #__# #-- ############ # # #-* # #### # ## # ## # \\ #### ############ $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ *$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ *$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ You can email me at or visit my site . This FAQ is for Chao Adventure 2 in the Dreamcast game Sonic Adventure 2. It's a shorter FAQ that I don't care too much about, so I'm letting anyone use this on their own site if they wish. But this is my FAQ, not yours, so you still need to give me credit for it. If I find that you have passed it off as your own, I will probably find out about it and ask that you remove or legal action will be taken. If you could email me saying that it's in use on your site, that would be nice as well. This guide is Copyright © 2001 Michael "miffo" Paul. The newest version of this FAQ can always be found at! -=-+-=-+-=-+-=-+-=-+-=-+-=-+-=-+-=-+-=-+-=-+-=-+-=-+-=-+-=- Table of Contents *Hint - Press Ctrl+F to find a specific thing* i. Version History ii. What's To Come 1. Introduction 2. How To Play a. Overview b. Before The VMU i. Overview ii. Raising iii. Racing c. Transferring 3. Walkthrough 4. Main Menu a. Status b. Snack c. Pet d. Scold e. Items f. Slots g. Hello h. Owner i. Friend j. Options 5. Battles 6. Misc. a. Other Notes b. F.A.Q. c. Fruits and Seeds d. Anything Else? 7. Final Words -=-+-=-+-=-+-=-+-=-+-=-+-=-+-=-+-=-+-=-+-=-+-=-+-=-+-=-+-=- i. Version History v1.2 (7/27/01) I finally added some new quests and some missing info, as well as fixing some typos. v1.0 (7/10/01) I changed the layout some and it's finally done in its first form. Now I just need to work on the other stories... v0.9 (7/1/01) It's finished...basically. I'm sure I can add more later, but I finished the walkthrough. Of course I still need to put in what happens in other parts for the walkthrough and maybe touch up some things. v0.5 (7/1/01) I completed everything but Final Words and the Walkthrough. v0.3 (6/30/01) Sections 1 and 2 are complete. v0.1 (6/29/01) Well I finally did get some work done and I've finished part of the walkthrough as well as finishing the Introduction. I'm going to take a break on that and work on the other sections now. I still am figuring out what all to put in this guide. v0.01 (6/29/01) There's not much of anything here yet, I just decided to start working on it. I'm having more fun playing the real game rather than the thing on my memory card... ii. What's To Come Well I need to add some alternative routes in the game for the walkthrough. Then anything else I think of I'll put in. 1. Introduction Chao (chow) n. a small animal that exists only in the world of Sonic Adventure, that is a light blue color. Good vs. Evil. That's of course the theme of Sonic Adventure 2, and you get to play from both sides! But not only can you play with Hero and Dark characters, but you can also make good or bad Chao. Yeah, playing with your Chao plays a much bigger role this time around, and it's up to you to create the ultimate lifeform, Chao-style! But like Sonic Adventure 1, you can do more than just raise your Chao in the garden. You can put him in your VMU to play the game Chao Adventure 2. And this guide right here explains that VMU game so you can master it! So are you ready to begin? First take this test: "`'!iil^!1()('|[;," "MMW@#-/-=~WM8MOA<" "asomvcbgh12~k-weo" Are all three rows the same exact same length? If not, change your settings to a font (Courier New) where every character is the same length, otherwise some ASCII drawings/diagrams will not look right. To find a specific section from the Table of Contents, just press Ctrl+F and type in the number without any puncuation. For example, if you wanted to get to the Racing section you would hit Ctrl+F to bring up the Find window. Then type in '2biii' and you can easily find the Racing section (2biii.) 2. How To Play This explains the basics of how to play Chao Adventure 2: 2a. Overview Chao Adventure 2 is a VMU game that can be downloaded from Sonic Adventure 2. Within the Chao Garden of SA2, you can put your Chao on a VMU. See Section 2c for more on that. To start the game, turn on your VMU once the Chao is in it. Press 'MODE' once so that the game (middle) icon is selected. Now press A and the game will turn on. Press A+B to begin once the start screen appears. From here you just need to know some basic controls. VMU: _________________ / \ | @ Dreamcast | | ___________ | To the left is a drawing of | | | | a VMU labelled with all the | | | | buttons and controls. Sleep | | | | Mode (VMU | | | | (changes to An official Sega Visual on/off) | |___________| | game mode) Memory Unit is require to ------|---------\ /--|------- Play Chao Adventure 2. | |¯| * * | /--|-|¯ ¯| /¯\ /¯\_|____ (128 blocks) / | ¯|_|¯ \_/ \_/ | \ | | | | B D-pad \__________|______/ (cancels) (highlights | and changes A options) (selects/ main menu) 'A' is always used to select and option and the D-pad is always use to cycle through any different options or menus. In addition, if you press 'A' when nothing is happening, you will bring up the main menu. From here you can configure various options within the game as well as taking care of your Chao. See Section 4 for more. 2b. Before the VMU I thought I'd give you a little background information on raising Chao outside of the VMU game. For more detailed information on raising a Chao, see the Chao Guide at GameFAQs. What's a Chao? Well they're these little, um, things that you can raise. These creatures start out blue and evolve from there. It's up to you to decide their life. Along with the main game you get to be the father/mother of these...things. Have a nice life! You can raise your Chao by selecting 1 Player from the main menu. From here you select either Story or Select Stage. Starting out you'll have to choose story to first gain access to the chaos. In each stage, hidden somewhere is a special Chao Key. These are inside a blue box marked with the head of a Chao. If you find a key, finish the stage and afterward you can go to Chao World. In Chao World you start out in the main room. Now walk forward to head to the chao garden. Go in the opposite room through the door marked "Kindergarten". This room takes you to-you guessed it-kindergarten, Chao style! 2bi. Overview -Chao Garden- This is where you actually raise your chao(s). It's a pretty simple layout, but it looks cool. L Trigger R Trigger (camera) VMU (camera) | | | Joystick | ____|_____ | (move) | ___/-* @ *-___ Y Button (cycle actions) \ | / | @$@ | \ |/ \ __|__/ |Dreamcast| \____/__ \ / / | |¯¯¯¯¯| | \ / \ \/ /¯¯¯¯\ | | | | \/ \ |\| | | |_____| | /¯\| | X Button (action) | \____/ \ / /¯¯\_/|¯¯¯¯¯|¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ | \ \_____/ /¯\ |/¯\ | B Button (action) | \ \_/ /\_/¯¯|¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ D-pad---|------\|¯| /¯\ | (N/A) | |¯ ¯| \_/\ | | ¯|_|¯ / \____| A Button (jump) | \ / |¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ | \ / | | /*___ /\ ___*\ | | / --/__\-- \ | \ /_______/____________\ / \ // / \\ / \ /¯ / ¯\ / \ / Start \ / \/ Button (pause) \/ The grassy field takes up the majority of it, but there's also a small pond. If you go past the water and through the door, it will take you to the race tracks (see Section 6b). The VMU doohicky is over in the opposite corner (see Section 6c.) See 6a for more on raising your Chao. You start out with only one Chao Garden but later on you can get two more. -Kindergarten- When you enter the kindergarten area you will have a few different places to go. To your right you can go to the Pricipal's Room. Next to that is the Bulletin Board, followed by the Classroom, and then the Health Center on the far left. Principal's Room: Go here and he will give you different tips. Select 'Tips' then you can scroll down to look at what info he has to offer. Bulletin Board: This will connect you to the online bulletin board of new information. When you quit this will return you to the title screen, NOT back to the Chao garden. Classroom: Leave your Chao in here for it to learn the day's lesson. You can pick up your Chao when it is done learning. Health Center: Bring your Chao from the garden to here. The doctor will give you a medical report and give you any tips to make it better. When you finish, you can return to the room you started in. Step on the pad and you can leave. 2bii. When you start out, there will be two eggs in the garden. To hatch one, pick it up and hold B. Now move the joystick to rub the egg, then set it back down. Watch the magic of life begin! Do not throw your chao to break open the egg because you won't have a very happy chao. Now that you have a real Chao and not just some egg, you need to begin to raise it. Now the first thing to know is how to keep it alive. On the trees scattered around the garden, shake one (with B) until a fruit falls down. Pick it up and give it to your Chao. Now it won't starve! Also watch so that it doens't drown in the water. Stand by it and press B to pet it. Once you've mastered keeping it healthy, you'll want to make it look cool and give it better stats. You'll notice that as you play the 1 Player game you'll find certain animals. Keep these and when you come to Chao World afterwards (assuming you find a Chao key) all the animals will be dropped into the garden. You can pick up these animals and feed them to your Chao which give them better stats as well as make them look cooler! There are three basic kinds of Chao. The neutral Chao are what you start as, and they are blue. But if you start petting one a lot with a Hero character it will turn white to become a Hero Chao. If you pet it with a Dark character, it will become a Dark Chao, which is black. To raise your stats even more, put your Chao in your VMU to play Chao Adventure 2. To do this, pick it up with B and take it over to the VMU contraption and set it down on the pad. You'll need 128 blocks to save. If the save is sucessful, you can play it on your VMU to help raise it even more! These stats ultimately help it do better in the races... 2biii. Racing To race your Chao, take it to the racing center. This is located in the rocks of the Chao Garden. Select which chao to use, which race to do, and you're off! There are no special controls except for L and R. Your chao will work at its own speed depending on how good its stats are. Hit L or R to cheer it and give it a boost. Be careful though because it's stamina drops when you cheer it. Watch the meter to keep a good balance between cheering and stamina or it will slow down! 2c. Transferring To transfer your Chao from the garden to the VMU, pick it up and take it to the transporter. Then select which VMU you want to put it on, and hit A. If you have enough free memory (128 blocks are required) your chao can go to your VMU. When you want to bring it back, stand on the transporter. Use L/R Triggers to select which memory card. When you've found your Chao, highlight 'Select' and bring it back to the Chao Garden. Another thing to know is that you can put chaos from Sonic Adventure 1 on to VMUs as well. If you do that, go to the Chao Garden of Sonic Adventure 2 and take it out. You now have another Chao egg! Be warned that you can't put it back in Sonic Adventure 1 after you take it out. 3. Walkthrough This part takes you through the adventure. If you want to experiment on your own then don't read this, otherwise this will tell you what to do. If the choices are in brackets then that means that there are several random choices. `'`'`'`'`'`'`'`'`'`'`'`'`'`'`'`'`'`'`'`'`'`'`'`'`'`'`'`'`'`'`'`'`'`'`'` To start the game, turn on your VMU once the Chao is in it. Press 'MODE' once so that the game (middle) icon is selected. Now press A and the game will turn on. Press A+B to begin once the start screen appears. NOTE: This is ONE story. There are many others, and I'll add them soon. #1 Your Chao will start out walking down a street. Right away you have mail and you'll see the mail icon on the bottom right corner of the screen accompanied by the sound effect. Press A to read it. It reads: "This is my first adventure!" Press A. "I want to learn a lot." Press A. "Will you teach me?" Press A. "Tell me about yourself!" Press A. Now you are at the name selection screen. Select the different letters and type in your name. Move down to the bottom to use the lowercase letters, and go left to use Japanese characters. Hit 'OK' and press A when you finish. You have mail again! "Omochao asked me to do him a favor!" He said, 'Bring me chocolate, a generatator, and a Chaos drive!' Even Omochao is rough with chao...Wait...Why would he want chocolate if he's a robot?" Now you have the following two choices: - Don't let it bother you. - Something's not right. Select "Something's not right." He starts talking again, "I've been thinking about this for a while, but I think there's something suspicious about Omochao! If he wants chocolate, he must not be a robot! I got it! Omochao is a beetle pretending to be a robot!! I know that's it! That's gotta be it!" I'll reveal his true identity!" Now your chao starts moving again. After waiting for a very long while, you'll get mail again. It reads, "Chao noticed something strange is at my feet. It's smaller than Chao during the day, but.. In the evening, it gets a lot bigger than Chao. It also follows Chao when on an adventure. Even if Chao runs, it won't go away. I'm afraid that it will eat Chao someday. Now you have the following two choices: - Hahaha! - I'll save you. Select "I'll save you." It says, "Really? You are the best, ." I will go with you" Now he starts walking down a road again with question marks (?) all around. Soon you'll get mail from him again. "Adventures are so fun! I want to learn a lot. Will you teach me?" Now you have the following two choices: - Ok! - No. Select "Ok!" "How old are you, ?" he continues. The next screen prompts for you to enter your name. Use the D-pad to select your age, then hit A when ready. Now he continues to walk more down that same road... Mail time! "We're here! I wonder if we really can find it in the mountain..." "Hey!" "There's a beetle eating chocolate over there! That's great! I'll just ask the beetle to share some with me! Hello beetle!! Do you think you could spare me some of your chocolate?" asks Chao. "beetle: Sure! Take some!" "Wow! Thank you! Now, I need to get a generator... But..." Now you have the following two choices" - I'm tired... - There's something suspicious about Omochao... Select "There's something suspicious about Omochao..." Now your Chao will continue to walk again, this time down the streets of a city. "!!" Your Chao will be excited and the VMU will start beeping. Press A and you will have to fight. See Section 5 on how to do battles. Once you win the fight you will conintue walking again. "Adventures are so fun! I want to learn a lot. will you teach me?" Now you have the following two choices: - Ok! - No. Select "Ok!" ", boy Chao or girl Chao?" Now you have the following three choices: - ? - Boy - Girl Um, I didn't understand the question so I selected '?'. This just brings you back to the same streets where you'll start walking again. Now he says, "But wait a second... the beetle was eating chocolate... Is it normal for a beetle to eat chocolate? Does tht mean Omochao is a... beetle?!" "Hey!" "There's a store here that is selling a generator! Can I buy a generator please!" Merchant: "Welcome! You need a generator? If you have one of these, you can power any robot!" "Robot?! Maybe Omochao is a robot after all... I'm so curious now!" <<<<>>>> Now you have the following three choices: - Last Chapter - Chao Owner 3 Select "Chao Owner 3" You are walking through a forest now. When you get mail it reads, "Hey, ... has been meaning to ask you for advice. Why was born? What purpose do I serve here? Could you tell me the meaning of life?" [Ha ha ha!] Now you have the following two choices: - There is no meaning. - I'd like to know! Select "I'd like to know!" "I see..." he says. "You should stop playing games occasionally, [like that will happen.] and spend a little time thinking about things like that. But, I suppose that is also one way of living life. I think I've learned something from watching you, ! Maybe rather than spending all my time worrying about the meaning of life, I should be out laughing and crying and experiencing it for myself! Enjoying the time that we've been given here on Earth is the most important thing of all!" Wow, that was a long speech!!! After this he starts moving through the park again. "Adventures are so fun! I want to learn a lot. Will you teach me?" Now you have the following two choices: - Ok! - No. Select "Ok!" "When's your birthday, ?" The next screen prompts you for your birthday before he continues his stroll. "!!" After a while you end up in another fight...beat the guy first before continuing. "I can't wait until I finish this chore so I can go out and play!" he says. "!!" "Why is there a Chaos drive just sitting here? I love Chaos drives! I want to drink it, but I can't... It's for Omochao! Omochao is just like a normal Chao... wanting a Chaos drive and all..." "?!" "Now I get it! Omochao is just a Chao pretending to be a Chao! [How does that work?] That's gotta be it! Now you have the following two options: - You might be right! - You're wrong! Select "You might be right!" "Omochao isn't really a robot!" he continues. "I'm going to go home and yank out his wind up key! I'm positive a Chao will come out from inside! I found out a terrible secret by doing him a favor!" 'Tasty Seed' ------------- GOAL!!! You have now comleted Chao Adventure 2 and won a seed which can be used in the Chao Garden. `'`'`'`'`'`'`'`'`'`'`'`'`'`'`'`'`'`'`'`'`'`'`'`'`'`'`'`'`'`'`'`'`'`'`'` #2 (thanks to Brian Caudron) Chao: "I've been asked to run an important errand today! Tails asked me to deliver an important letter to professor Chao! If i do my job well i'll reciebe a reward! But, why would Tails send a letter to Professor Chao? Makes me curious. I wonder what it says..." Chao: "My head itches. I need a mirror. Oh my!!! (Blue hair/Green Mould/Mushrooms) is growing from my head!" -Fascinating -Uh oh! (Choose this one) (I have tried this quest both ways and know that this is the correct answer because if you choose 'fascinating' chao thinks that he is good but everyone disagrees and if you choose 'Uh oh' chao thinks that he looks wierd but everyone thinks that he looks cool ^_^) Chao: "If blue hair stats growing on me, i can't go to Chao kindergarten." Amigo: "Hey, it's Amigo. Are you awake, Chao?" Chao: "A friend close to my heart!" Amigo: "Hey! What happeened to your head?" -Looks nice (Choose this one, Be nice ^_^) -Looks terrible Amigo: "Cool! What'd you do? Suits you perfectly! Chao: "Are you sure? Tell me the truth." Amigo: "I'm sure! Let's ask everybody." Chao: "What? All right." Amigo: "Look, everybody! That Chao is cool!" Chao: "..." Bear: "That really looks good on you" Chao: "You can't fool me!" Bunny: "Cool! How did you do that?" Chao: "You guys are teasing me! Frog: "I don't want to admit it but you are the real fashion leader, not me." Chao: "Do you really think that i'm cool? From now on, I'll try harder as a blue hair Chao." !! (Treasure Chest! I picked the wrong one again >_<. Don't pick the one on the right. Chao: "Hmm... I really want to know what the letter says... It's really bothering me! I want to read it! -Go ahead! Read it! -No! Don't read it! (Choose this one) Chao: "Yeah! it would be bad to look! But maybe it would be all right just to take a peek... This letter might contai top secret info! Somebody might try to come after me! I think has a right to know! -You better not peek! (Try this one, it is the better alternative) -You have a good point! (Choose this one) Chao: "Really? I'll just take a peek." ..... "I can't do it. This is dishonest! Good Chao don't do things like that! I will deliver the letter to Professor Chao and fulfill my duties!" Chao: "I'm Samurai Chao! I'm always working hard for my family. Is that toys over there? Let's begin a match!" Man: "You look cool! That Sarurai outfit looks good on you! Where did you get that?" Chao: "This? It's a secret, but you can buy it in the (Black Market/Space Colony). Man: "Thanks! I'll go there and buy it right away. Chao: "Thank you! I'm happy that you think so. I'm done playing Samurai. Let's play something else." Chao: "This is really bothering me! What does this letter say? I keep thinking about it so much that i can't enjoy my advent? Wait... could this be...? Could it be a challenge from Tails to Professor Chao? I can't believe it! Wow!" !! (Treasure chest choose right for a hero fruit) Chao: "Guten Tag! i bet i never told you this, but knows a lot! Did you know that flowers have meanings? For instance, a lilac represents innocent love. And a lilac represents innocent love. Suprising, huh? I know a lot more, too!" Chao: "Did you know that a lilac represents innocent love...? and a lilac represents innocent love! Amazing, huh? knows a lot!" Chao: "Now i'll show you something truly amazing1 A thorny flower represents a hopeless departure... and a thorny flower represents a hopeless departure... You don't have to look at me in such awe! it's embarrasing! Now, i'll teach you the meaning of a special flower! A Chao flower represents... (maybe later./You know...)" Chao: "If this letter really is a challenge! Then what is Tails thinking?! I can't believe Professor Chao!! What do you think this letter is?" -No Idea (Choose this one) -Challenge Chao: "Hey! It's Professor Chao! Professor Chao! I'm here to deliver a letter! It's from Tails!" Prof: "Well Done! Thank you very much!" Chao: "Yay! Professor Chao pet me! did a good job!" For finishing this quest in this order you get a Wonder Seed. `'`'`'`'`'`'`'`'`'`'`'`'`'`'`'`'`'`'`'`'`'`'`'`'`'`'`'`'`'`'`'`'`'`'`'` #3 (also by Brian Caudron) "Look, I borrowed a camera from Omochao. I'll take lots of nice pictures. What should I take a picture of first? -Beautiful Scenery (Choose this one) -Something Secret "We're in a flower field now... I'll take lots of beautiful pictures! ?! Hey! Isn't that (Sonic/Rouge/Knuckles) and (he/she's) (Whistling/Eating Food/On a Date). What an opportunity for pictures!! *Snap!* ...I can't believe how lucky I am. But if (he/she) ever finds out, (Sonic/Rouge/ Knuckles) is going to be really mad at me... I should get out of here!" !! (Fight) "I love taking a walk through the city like this! It's days like this that make me want to (hug/kiss/fight/tickle) everyone I meet! Hey! It looks like someone is coming this way! (Papa/Principle/Eggman)! (Come here!!/Good Morning!)" "Get away from me, ! I gotta get out of here!!!" "What was that about? All I wanted to do was say hi... I feel so (lonely/depressed/happy)... I know! I'll go for another walk, through the sky to make myself feel better!" "We've been walking for a while! The sky sure is big! Hey! It looks like someone else is coming this way! Hey (Papa/Principle/Eggman)! (Come here!!/Good Morning!)" "Oh No! It's ! Stay away from me! Everyone, run away!!" "I feel so (lonely/depressed/happy) again! is so nice! Everyone keeps making me feel so (lonely/depressed/happy)! I know! I'll take a walk through another dimension to make myself feel better!” !! <_____ Fruit> (I found Rouge and got a dark fruit, it may be random though) "It sure is comforting talking a walk through here... Everyone here is always so nice to ... Hey! It looks like someone else is coming this way! Nobody here will run away from me! (Papa/Principle/Eggman)! (Come here!!/Good Morning!)" “! What is that?! Something’s on your head! I gotta get out of here! “Huh? Wait! Something’s on my head? I wonder what it is… Let’s take a look in the mirror… !!!!!!!! OH NO!! A (smelly bird/sticky monster) is on my head!” “Wow... That was a surprise... My heart is still racing. This time, I’ll find some beautiful scenery for sure! There’s a beautiful forest over there! Let’s go take a look... Wait... There’s something strange just over those hills over there... Which way should we go?” -To the Forest -To the Hills !! Treasure Chest (Choose any, Except the one on the RIGHT, it’s empty) “We’re at the forest! I’m sure I’ll be able to take some pretty pictures here!” !! “This time, (Dr. Eggman/Tails/Shadow) is eating snacks!! I’m a bit scared, but I can’t miss this opportunity!” *snap!* “If I get caught with this picture. I’m dead meat! Let’s run!” “Whew... We finally got out of there. But, I took plenty of great pictures! I must be a natural cameraman! I should go and show everyone the pictures I took.” ...!! “Oh No!!! I forgot to put film in the camera!!! But it might be for my own good... I shouldn’t go around and expose everyone’s secrets! (Yay!! You get a Rare Seed 100% of the time if you finish this bloody tedious quest ^_^) 4. Main Menu Whenever you are in an area where nothing is going on (i.e. your chao is just walking) press A to bring up the main menu. You have the following options: - Status - Snack - Pet - Scold - Items - Slots - Hello - Owner - Friend - Options 4a. Status This menu gives you the status of your chao. Hit Up/Down to view the different options. - Name - SWM, FLY, RUN, PWR - LCK, INT, STA 4b. Snack Here you can look at any food items you have earned. Select a food item and you have the option to give or abandon. Select Give to feed it to your chao, or Abandon to discard. 4c. Pet Select this to pet your chao. This will make it happy! 4d. Scold Select this to scold your chao. There are times when you may need to do this... 4e. Items Here you can view or discard any items you have collected. 4f. Slots This is where you can earn items. When here, press Up/Down to change the bet. You must bet at least 1. Once you've selected your bet, hit A and it will take away however many points you bet (you start out with 100 points.) Hit A to start spinning, then hit A three times to stop all three wheels. If you get three of something in a row, you win! This is hard to do because of the small VMU screen, so it's basically a matter of luck. If you win, your points get reset back to 100. If you line up three fruits then you will win that fruit to feed to your chao. 4g. Hello This allows you to connect two VMUs together, and you can mate your Chao if they are both mature. 4h. Owner View and change personal data for the owner (you) of the chao. You can chance the following options: - Name - Age - Sex - Birthday - Blood type - Favored (what you would like) - Secret You can type in all of these using the in-game keyboard. Select the different letters and type in your name. Move down to the bottom to use the lowercase letters, and go left to use Japanese characters. Hit 'OK' and press A when you finish. NOTE: Throughout the adventure your chao will prompt you to enter this information. If you fill out this ahead of time in the menu, he will not ask. 4i. Friend This allows you to view data from a friend's chao when you have another VMU connected. 4j. Options Here you can configure options. You can change the following options: - Chao (name) - Owner (Tell/No Tell) - Sound (On/Off) You can type the names using the in-game keyboard. Select the different letters and type in your name. Move down to the bottom to use the lowercase letters, and go left to use Japanese characters. Hit 'OK' and press A when you finish. 5. Battles Every once in a while, your chao will enter a random battle. Fighting is easy. You will see the two chaos next to each other standing above their HP (health power) meters. Your Chao is the one on the right. At the bottom of the screen you'll see a graph that looks like this: * * * <> <> * * = black circle <> = white circle There are six circles at the bottom lined up horizontally. They are randomly places and won't look exactly like that above, but will be similar. The cursor will go across them over and over and highlight each circle as it passes. Press A as soon as it highlights a white circle to punch your opponent. If you hit a black circle you will miss your opponent and lose HP. The first person to drop all their HP loses, so be careful and good luck! 6. Misc. Here are the other things that weren't included in another section... 6a. Other Notes The following are just some things that didn't seem to fit anywhere else or aren't really pertinent: - Sometimes on your adventure, your chao will fall asleep. To wake him up simply pet him by selecting Pet from the Main Menu. - There are many different ways to play this's like a Choose-Your-Own-Adventure book. Whenever you have a different option to select, it can completely change how you play the story. In the walkthrough whenever I say, "Select " I'm not saying you HAVE to, that's just the one I happened to select and the rest of the walkthrough is based on picking that option. After I play through Chao Adventure 2 a few more times I can put in what happens when you select the other options. - If your VMU runs out of batteries you cannot continue until they are replaced. To replace them, unscrew that back, take out the batteries, and insert two new CR2032 batteries correctly. - Do not leave your VMU in Game Mode if you put the VMU back into a controller. If left in game mode while on the Dreamcast, the card and/or controller will not respond correctly. To adjust this, hit the 'Mode' button on the VMU. 6b. F.A.Q. -Frequently Asked Questions- "Why doesn't your FAQ explain ?" This is mainly focused on the VMU game of Sonic Adventure 2, and other Chao questions can be found in another guide. 6c. Fruits and Seeds Here are some fruits and seeds you can earn: (special thanks to newpikablu for the info) FRUITS Heart: Allows adult Chao to go into "mating season", looks like a heart. Chao: Raises FLY, RUN, SWM, and PWR, looks like the tear-shape symbol of Chaos. Energy: Says in VMU makes Chao active, don't quite remember, I think it's like a pineapple. Hero/Dark: Chao will favor Hero/Dark, Hero looks to me like a golden melon, Dark looks like a Red Pepper. Peace: Don't remember, but it says on VMU it makes a Chao mellow. Round/Square/Triangle: Raises Stamina, looks are self-explanitory. Smart: Raises Intellegence by 15, looks like a purple pear. SEEDS Strong: Looks like a large vine. 6d. Anything Else What did I forget? I know I left some things out because I'm not perfect. If there's anything I didn't put in, please tell me. If you have any tips to give me that I didn't know, tell me that as well. See Section 7 for contact information. You will get credit for helping me remember! 7. Final Words Thank you for reading this guide. I you have any questions, that WERE NOT CLEARLY ANSWERED IN THIS GUIDE feel free to contact me. Tips, suggestions, and friendly criticism are also welcome. Remember that you will be credited if you contribute! Oh, and please don't email me asking to tell you when I'll update this. Email: My site: I've taken my AIM name off due to the overwhelming amount of messages I've gotten in a few days, plus a few people have had too much fun with the warn button. But email is fine, and I answer to 100% of messages that arrive in my inbox. Just a few things to note: I don't mind you mailing me just to comment on my FAQ, but I probably won't answer you. Also, please don't reply with "thanks" if I help you, just because it's another email I have to read. (I get a lot of mail.) Thank you. I would like to thank to following: - Brian Caudron He wrote two of the adventures, and contributed much of this FAQ! - newpikablu He gave me a lot of helpful information, and a lot of the things you see written here today. - Sega/Sonic Team For making this game and the VMU game! - GameFAQs For hosting this guide. - You For reading this and maybe giving suggestions. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ This document is Copyright © 2001 Michael "miffo" Paul.