_________ .__ / _____/ ____ ____ |__| ____ \_____ \ / _ \ / \| |/ ___\ / ( <_> ) | \ \ \___ /_______ /\____/|___| /__|\___ > \/ \/ \/ _____ .___ __ / _ \ __| _/__ __ ____ _____/ |_ __ _________ ____ / /_\ \ / __ |\ \/ // __ \ / \ __\ | \_ __ \_/ __ \ / | \/ /_/ | \ /\ ___/| | \ | | | /| | \/\ ___/ \____|__ /\____ | \_/ \___ >___| /__| |____/ |__| \___ > \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ :::::::: :+: :+: +:+ +#+ +#+ #+# ########## ___ _ _ __ _____ / __)( )_( ) /__\ ( _ ) ( (__ ) _ ( /(__)\ )(_)( \___)(_) (_)(__)(__)(_____) _|_|_|_| _|_| _|_| _| _| _| _| _| _|_|_| _|_|_|_| _| _|_| _| _| _| _| _| _| _| _| _|_| _| ULTIMATE CHAO GUIDE FOR SONIC ADVENUTRE 2 Copyright 2001 Contact: StoOgE_Zoot@yahoo.com ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [1]. -Guide overview [.1] -Guide versions/history [.2] -Updates to come [2]. -Chao Basics [.1] -Hatching [.2] -Feeding [.3] -Breeding [.4] -Animals [.5] -Chaos drives [.6] -Kindergarten [.7] -Masks [.8] -Moods [.9] -Stats [.A] -Chao interaction [3]. -Gardens [.1] -Unlocking gardens [.2] -Chao garden [.3] -Hero garden [.4] -Dark garden [4]. -Advanced chao raising [.1] -Hero/dark/neutral [.2] -First evolution [.3] -Second evolution [.4] -Advanced chao [.5] -Colored chao [.6] -Combining Sonic Adventure chao [.7] -Death/rebirth [.8] -Special Animals [.9] -Parts Canceling [.A] -Rumored chao [5]. -Animals/Drives [.1] -Animal class [.2] -Animal Stats [.3] -Drive Stats [.4] -Locations [.5] -Animal traits [.6] -Chao boxes [6]. -Racing [.1] -Basics [.2] -Unlocking courses [.3] -Prizes [.4] -Track description [7]. -Chao Adventure 2 [.1] -Basics [.2] -Adventures [.3] -Slot-game [.4] -Mating [.5] -Fighting [.6] -Important items [.7] -Treasure Chests [8]. -Chao online [.1] -Bulletin Board [.2] -Chao Daycare [.3] -Black Market [9]. -Frequently asked questions [10]. -Records [11]. -Legal notice [12]. -Credits [13]. -Contact information ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [1]. GUIDE OVERVIEW The purpose of this guide will be to give a comprehensive overlook into everything that is involved in the world of Chao. This guide deals with Chao, as they exist in Sonic Adventure 2, and not the first game. In case you are unaware of what a chao is Chao are the cute blue/green A-life characters found in both of Sonic Teams Sonic Adventure games. They are cute creatures that you may find yourself becoming attached or entertained for hours by these cute creatures. In fact, many Sonic Adventure players will actually find more enjoyment out of raising Chao then from the actual game itself. Also, I suggest that you always keep an up to date backup of your chao in case something goes wrong. I would also like to make a note right here that while many guides floating about the net have chosen to help people with hacking their VMU and copying your chao, I will not help you do this in any way. I think that you should raise your chao the hard way as Sonic Team intended. I don't feel that helping you to cheat should be a part of this guide. -Nathan McNair Note: in order to view this guide properly, you must have the file set in a Fixed width font (I suggest Courier New, 10 point font) and be able to Display this entire line on a page. <-----------------------------------------------------------------------------> [1.1]. GUIDE VERSION/HISTORY Ver. 1.0 - 7/23/01 The first incarnation of this FAQ, the formatting is set and the basic and garden sections are done. The Advanced section is about half done. Ver. 1.1 - 7/24/01 The FAQ has gotten quite a bit done, the advanced section is complete, with the exception of information that I still need to either discover or be provided with. The Animals section is 100 percent complete unless someone can think of something or has a question regarding it. The racing section is done, with the exception of the track descriptions. I have also added to some of the older sections to make them more complete and thorough. Ver. 1.2 - 7/29/01 I have finished the reformatting of the guide. I now think that it is in the final form insofar as the look of the guide is concerned. I think that it is fairly easy to navigate the guide at this point, and now I think I can focus on getting more info into the guide. There have also been some additions to the second evolutionary path information, as well as some more racing information. I hope to have version 1.2b out tonight, with the basics of Chao Adventure 2 discussed. Ver. 1.2b-7/29/01 There has been a change to the Guide Overview regarding hacking your VMU. There has also been some major changes to the racing section and the first track descriptions have begun, as has the groundwork for Chao Adventure 2. It looks like this guide is going to come together and finish up. I am also working on getting some more sites to publish the guide, hopefully, Gamefaqs will see fit to publish this latest release of the chao guide. I have also added some more of the first evolution chao, as mine finally evolved! Ver. 1.2c-7/30/01 This is a very small update, and again isn't really worthy of its own version number. I fixed a typo that was repeated many times throughout the FAQ, touched up some formatting I still wasn't pleased with, added a new chao face, as well as some new information regarding the second evolution and some of the Chao Adventure items, as there still seems to be a bit of confusion in a few of those areas. I am trying to get this chao FAQ to a level that it will be able to serve as an answer to any questions in a few months when the boards are not as active any more. I still really need your help, as mapping all of The chao evolutionary patterns may take me several months if I have to do it on my own. I also added a view test at the top of the FAQ, as a few people have complained about it looking strange when they printed it off. Ver. 1.3 - 7/31/01 This is going to be the final "big" update to the FAQ, barring a major breakthrough by someone in some of the rumored chao. from here on out, the changes that happen will be much smaller, but will also be the things that the really hardcore chao fans are going to care about. This update has seen the inclusion of a few more rumored chao types, not known if they are real, or possible to get, but that's why they are rumors. There has also been a warning added to the rumored chao section about some recipes floating around the net that don't seem to work, as well as a warning about importing chao from SA1. It has also seen the completion (with some touching up to do) of the racing and Chao Adventure 2 sections. While it isn't as completely thorough as the FAQ dedicated to chao adventure 2, I think it deals with all of the general information you need or want to know, and gives you a detailed enough walkthrough for most players tastes (lets face it, Chao Adventure 2 is not as important as the first one was). Also, added the Chao interaction portion of the page. Ver. 1.3b - 7/31/01 This is a small update as I found some things in the first posting of version 1.3 that I was not happy with. There were some formatting problems as well as typos that I was not happy with. Ver. 1.4 - 8/1/01 The FAQ's first update in the new month comes with some small additions to a few of the sections, including a clear up on some of the Rumored chao and a new seed. The biggest change that comes with this update to version 1.4 is purely cosmetic and you probably noticed right away, there is now an ASCII title at the top of the page! I'm pretty pleased with it. I am still in the market for a more stylized one if you feel up to the task. Ver. 1.5 - 8/2/01 Another small update, this one has a few errors fixed as well as the addition of a new second evolution chao. Keep the information coming in. Ver. 1.6 - 8/3/01 Lots of updates all over the place. A new Chao adventure has been added, some more rumored chao, a lot of second evolution chao as well as some clerical errors and formatting that you will probably never notice, but they bothered me. Ver. 1.7 - 8/5/01 The FAQ is nearing completion as many of the areas people have had questions with have been rewritten and there seems to be less confusion. There have been several updates to the second evolutionary process as well as two new adventures for Chao adventure 2 added. As there are now 8 adventures, I have the feeling that Sonic Team probably programmed 10 full adventures into the game and that I am missing some. I am really pleased with where this FAQ is headed, and all I need now is your help suggestion sections that need to be added to the FAQ, so that it can become the most comprehensive Chao FAQ on the net. Ver. 1.8 - 8/9/01 The updates are becoming fewer and farther between, due to Tthe fact that there is less information that is unknown about Chao. There have been a lot of small additions all over the FAQ and are too numerous and small to list, but it looks like this FAQ is about a month to two months from now. Ver. 1.8b -8/10/01 This is a small update that fixes a few more problems, ads the final chao adventure (still need to know how to finish one of them), and clears up some more confusion. Ver. 1.9 -8/10/01 This is a rather big update, as sonic team has launched the black market, and many of the "rumored" chao are now attainable, and, it is my opinion that the rest of them will probably be added to the underground in the near future (there are some exceptions, which I think are completely bogus). There has also been a lot of information added all over the FAQ, that addresses confusion that some readers have been having, and I have also added an FAQ section and a records section, for questions readers have had, that don't fit elsewhere, and the records section is so we can see whose chao is best. Also, I have been able to confirm that normal chao have a second evolution as well, so I have added those to the second evolution section, though I am not sure what they look like yet. Ver. 1.9b -8/12/01 Small update, one new second evolution, some new additions to the FAQ section, a fix on the online section (remember, I cant connect due to having a BBA, so I need your help here) and that's it. I still really need some of your chao's best times. If I don't get any soon, I guess I will take that section down. It bugs me that I received 20+ e-mails asking for this section, and now that I have created it, no one wants to use it. Ver. 2.0 -8/16/01 This is the biggest update the page will probably ever see again, I received an e-mail with all of the missing evolutions listed. I have little doubt that these were attained via cheating, but I will list the information as I do need it. There have been a few things fixed up all around the FAQ, and I still have NO best times for chao races, I am now going on an honor system with the chao times, as it doesn't bother me if ya'll fake it. Ver. 2.1 -8/28/01 Sorry, I have been out of town for a while, for those of you wondering why I haven't updated or why I have not answered your mail. Also, UT classes start tommorow, so updates will come less often. This update has a lot of little things updated in several areas, hope you like it. [1.2]. UPDATES TO COME At this point, there is very little work left to do on the FAQ I am happy with the way this is progressing, the things that are left to do are getting smaller in number as every day goes on. I still need to get some of the rumored chao (though I think that most if not all of these chao will be found on the black market soon), the normal chao's second evolution and still have one chao adventure that no one seems to be able to beet. other than these things, this FAQ is nearing the day that I post the final version. If you have any suggestions, or feel that there are some things in the FAQ that need some polishing or feel something is missing, let me know. I also feel that I may be missing some of the lessons that the chao can learn, so if you can help me there, it would be much appreciated. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [2]. CHAO BASICS In this section of the FAQ, I shall go into the basics of raising chao, these are things that you should know before you enter into the chao garden for the first time. It is my opinion however, that you should completely finish the entire SA2 main game before you ever start working with chao. This gives you the opportunity to have access to all of the games levels, which you will need in order to raise effective and fun chao. Not to mention, it is the only way that you can get access to the chao kindergarten or to switch between gardens. I recommend also that you use either Knuckles or Rouge to raise your chao with, as they are less likely to accidentally strike the chao, which leads to the most important aspect of chao raising, never strike your chao. [2.1]. HATCHING There are three ways that you can hatch a chao, only one, however, is the correct way. When you reach the chao garden for the first time, you will notice that there are two chao eggs. Walk up to one and when the action button says "pick" you should pick the chao up, and hold that button down. After you rock the egg a few times, sit the egg back down, and a happy chao will pop out. You could also let the egg sit and hatch on its own, this takes longer, and the chao is not as happy, or you could throw the egg against a wall, I advise you not to do this, if you ever want your chao to like you, at all. [2.2]. FEEDING After your chao have been hatched, the first thing that you should do is to give you chao one of the tree fruits that you find on the trees located in the garden. In order to do this, you walk up to a tree and press the action button (or "B" button). Your character will then grab hold of the tree and you can shake it by moving the analog control back to forward or side-to-side. If there is a full-grown tree on the fruit, it will shake as the tree shakes, and will eventually fall off. Once this happens, simply pick the fruit up and hand it to the chao, and he will chomp down. There are also two other aspects to collecting food for your chao; both of these require your playing chao adventure 2 on your VMU. Details on how to obtain these items will be dealt with there, but here I shall discuss what to do with the items once you have procured them. If you have won a seed or a fruit in Chao adventure 2, first make sure the VMU is in a controller, you should walk up to the VMU machine located in the chao garden and step on the button. This will bring up a menu. You should then select the correct VMU, and a list of everything that you have attained during you playing of Chao adventure 2 will come up, simply highlight the item (or chao) that you want to bring out of the VMU and press the "A" button. This should leave the item/chao highlighted, even if you move the cursor. You can then select any other items that you would like. Once you have selected all of the items that you would like, move the cursor down to the "select" button and all of the items will come out of the VMU machine. If the item was a fruit, simply pick it up and carry it over to your chao, as you would a normal tree fruit. If it is a seed, you should carry it over to a chao that has won the watering pale and the shovel in the races (see the racing section for more information) and the chao will do the rest. You will then have a new tree in the garden with better fruit. The fruit from these tree's are better for increasing your chao's stamina (see stats section for more details), though they do die after time, however, your chao may water the tree after it has been planted, this will elongate the life-span of the tree. You may have up to six extra trees in any given garden at a time. Fruits: Triangle Fruit - A triangle shaped fruit Square Fruit - A square shaped fruit Round Fruit - A round shaped fruit Wonder Fruit - Not yet known Chao Fruit - Increases skills Heart Fruit - Makes your chao go into a mating season Hero Fruit - Make your chao favor the Hero side Dark Fruit - Makes your chao favor the Dark side Smart Fruit - Raises intelligence Peace Fruit - Puts chao at peace, and they will like you more Energy Fruit - makes the chao do more stuff These are all of the fruit that I have seen, again, there may be more, but I have not seen them, just let me know. Seeds: Tall Seed - Hero/neutral chao only Creepy Seed - Dark/neutral chao only Vitality Seed - Hero/neutral chao only Power Seed - Dark/hero/neutral Tasty Seed - Hero/neutral chao only Wonder Seed - Hero/neutral chao only Forbidden Seed - Dark/neutral chao only Rare Seed - Hero/neutral/Dark Rough Seed - Dark/neutral chao only Strong Seed - Dark/hero/neutral [2.3]. BREEDING There are two ways to breed your chao, one involves Chao Adventure 2 and will be dealt with in that section, and the other happens in the chao garden. It is important to note here that only adult chao can mate. Only after your chao has evolved is it capable to mate (this will be dealt with in the advanced chao raising section). When one chao can constantly be found sitting down with a ring of flowers around them, they are said to be in the mating season. When this happens, plop another chao down next to that one and they should do a little dance, and then an egg will appear. It should be noted that it is easier to get this to work, if the chao get along with each other. [2.4]. ANIMALS You may have noticed that when playing the game that you can pick up animals in the levels, when you enter into the chao garden, the animals come with you. You can then show them to the chao and the chao will take on some of the animal features as well as having a stat increase. Before giving your chao animals, you should read through the advanced chao raising section as well as the animal's section. [2.5]. CHAOS DRIVES Chaos drives are similar to animals, except you pick them up from the GUN robots. They only increase the chao's stats, and give them no traits at all. To alleviate confusion, the Robots that Eggman built do not use chaos drives, but are powered by the traditional animals. [2.6]. KINDERGARTEN The chao kindergarten is very useful on several levels. Firstly, you can go to the chao professor and learn a lot about chao, all of that information and more is available here in the FAQ, and so going there isn't necessary unless you want to. Also, the chao doctor can tell you what you chao's strengths and weaknesses are, and can help you to better train your chao for racing (note: there are some reports coming in of the chao doctor locking the game up, and you loosing the chao that you take to it. I have never had this happen, this is one reason why you should always keep a backup of your chao data). Here you will also find the classroom. Here, you can take your chao to learn several lessons, once your chao has learned a task, they will perform the learned action when they are in the garden. In order to get to the school you must have come to chao world from the stage select screen, and not from the story mode. In order to go to the garden, you should pick your chao up and carry them out of the garden, and then carry them through chao world into the school. It should be noted that you can only send a chao to a class 3 times before you will be told your chao has "mastered" this trait. I suppose that means it has become better at that lesson. The lessons that the chao can learn are: - Cymbals - Maracas - Song - Bell - Tambourine - Drums - Trumpet - Castanets - Spin Dance - Step Dance - Go-Go Dance - Shake Dance - Swing Dance - Drawing - Exercise - Flute These are all of the lessons that I know of, if there are more, please let me know and I will list it right here. [2.7]. MASKS Your chao can also wear masks if you give them to the chao. There are three masks that your chao will use. You can give any chao the top of their eggshell, and they will wear it around, if they are happy. In the neutral and hero garden, there are pumpkins that can be given to the chao to wear, and in the dark garden, there are skulls that you can give you your chao. In order to get the pumpkins or skulls, you will need to get Knuckles or Rouge the digging power up, and dig around in the garden. Note: The chao must have received a skeleton dog in order to wear a mask. The only way to remove a mask is to either throw your chao or wait until They tire of it (please do the latter, you don't want to upset Chaos [ SA1 boss]). [2.8]. MOODS/FACES -Moods There are several different moods that your chao can be in. These are all expressed with various symbols above the chaos head. - dot, halo or spike ball, chao is in a normal typical mood - question mark, chao is contemplating what his next action will be - exclamation point, chao knows what he is about to do - heart, chao is extremely happy - swirl, chao is confused/tired - laying down, if the chao is laying down snoring, it is asleep, always let a chao finish their nap, or they will wake up tired. - Faces When your chao is born it is also born with a face that cannot be changed until its rebirth (more on this later). This is affected depending on how the chao is hatched. There is some report that the chao's parents effect how the chao's face looks, though I don't think this is accurate, and some reports that the garden the chao has hatched in effects it. I have gotten most of these face types in multiple gardens, so I haven't found any proof personally about this, but it is something to consider. Happy - don't touch the egg, just let the chao hatch on it's own. This takes a long time, but the results are guaranteed, although, its not too becoming on a dark chao. Normal - The normal chao face is the hardest to get, you have to rock the chao egg just enough, but not too much, its more of an art than it is a science. Evil - This is my favorite chao look. You can get it one of several ways, you can chunk the egg (don't do this), shake the egg, put it down, and shake it again, or you can pick the egg up and run around the garden jumping. Dazed and Confused - Yes, this chao looks like he is under the influence of something. In order to get this chao, you must shake the egg far too much; this is a good look if you want a funny chao. Upside Down evil grin- This chao is very cool looking for a dark chao. You need to jump around while holding the chao egg for a very long Amount of time. You then need to sit the egg down and pick it back up Very quickly before it can hatch. Then chunk it against the wall. The Chao will not be pleased at first, but you can make it happier by Petting it. [2.9]. STATS This is the single most important basic piece of chao knowledge that I can give you and that is the stats that the chao has. If you have ever played an RPG this should be fairly familiar to you. The chao has 7 basic stats that you need to keep track of if you want to race. There are a couple of theories on how to win races; I suggest that you create well- rounded chao that are capable of doing anything. It should be noted that the maximum a stat can reach is 999. The only way to view your chao's stats is to place the chao into the VMU and check through Chao Adventure 2. This is a bit annoying, but unfortunately is the only way that it can be done. Running (green)- This controls the ability of the chao to run, give the chao green chaos drives or animals with a green background in order to increase this statistic. Swimming (yellow)- This controls the ability of the chao to swim, give the chao yellow chaos drives or animals with a yellow background in order to increase this statistic. Power (Red)- This controls the ability of the chao to climb or push objects This is necessary in some of the later races especially. Give the animal red chaos drives or animals in order to increase this statistic. Flight (Purple)- This controls how well the chao can fly, this can be great for shortcuts, when many chao fall into the water and have to swim for it, your chao may be able to make up a lot of ground if they can fly well. Give the chao purple chaos drives or animals to increase this stat. Luck - This is controlled in the VMU game, Chao adventure 2. In order to increase it, you must correctly guess which of the three treasure chests has an item in it. The stat increases by 100 every time you guess correctly, and decreases by 100 every time you are wrong. This helps you chao into catching breaks as far as other chao falling in the races as well as helping your chao not to do this (a good running stat can help this too) Intelligence - Gaining smart fruit in Chao adventure 2 increases this. There is some rumor that sending your chao to class helps this as well, but this is just a rumor. Increasing this stat is essential in later races where there are puzzles for your chao to solve. Also, the chao will be likely to run the inside line in corners and not run across the track, cutting times. Stamina - You can increase Stamina by giving the chao fruits from the tree or from the mini-game. The seeds that your chao can plant actually give you more stamina. Make sure that your chao eats the whole thing. This is great, because, it allows your chao to run faster and longer, and you can cheer your chao on more. This is the most important of the "secondary" stats. [2.A] CHAO INTERACTION This time Sonic Team has increased the amount of things that the chao will do with each other. This takes the concept of A-life a lot further as the chao with develop friendships and rivalries amongst each other depending on how they feel about each other. It should be noted that interaction seems to happen more when chao either really get along or really dislike each other. Known Interactions (between chao): - Watch TV together (after TV is won, see prizes section). - Play with the ball together (after garden ball is won). - Help each other knock food out of a tree (is you starve them). - Play in a band together (if multiple know how to play). - Watch band play (if they don't know an instrument. - Watching chao may cover their ears and cry. This results in the chao playing the instrument to cry as well. - Mate on their own. - Play with the Jack in the box (when won). - Listen to the radio together(when won). - Push each other on the rocking horse. - Hold hands, skip and play follow the leader. - Fight over fruit - Walk together (not holding hands) - Dance with each other - Play ring around the Rosie Known interactions (between chao and character): - follow the character around garden skipping. - run to character when whistled to come - "Baa" at character - Squirm when picked up - Fidget gleefully when picked up - Cry - Flail arms on ground, crying Note: Each of these differs on how the chao feels about your character I think you can tell which ones happen when your chao like you, and vice versa. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [3]. GARDENS There are three chao gardens in SA2, just like in the first game. The difference is, all of the gardens in this game are much more useable. In the first game, the only garden that was useable was station square. In this game, all of the gardens are good and I keep chao in all of them. [3.1]. UNLOCKING GARDENS You may notice when you first enter chao world, there is only one garden, well, you have to unlock the other two. In order to open up the hero garden you need a hero chao. In order to open up the dark garden, you need to raise a dark chao, more on this in the advanced chao raising section. [3.2]. CHAO GARDEN This is the basic garden that you first get when you open up chao world. This garden is nice to raise any chao in; it is the smallest of the gardens, and also the only garden with the entrance to the chao races (why cant they give all of the gardens an entrance?). This is a pretty little garden, with some nice cliffs and the like. [3.3]. HERO GARDEN This garden is unlocked once you raise a hero chao. This is the prettiest of the gardens; it has a nice set of stairs up to a gazebo that allows for chao to fly from. Also, it has a pretty water area for the chao to swim in. [3.4]. DARK GARDEN This garden is ugly and evil looking, but I suppose that was Sonic Team wanted to do with the garden. It has a really expansive cliff for flying, a great flat area to feed the chao in and a bloody water area for swimming. It even has its own creepy cave. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [4]. ADVANCED CHAO RAISING This is where you can really have fun with chao raising/breeding. This is where you can raise those really cool chao that will wow your friends. This is where you will spend most of your time raising chao as it tends to be the most entertaining aspect of doing so. [4.1]. HERO/DARK/NEUTRAL The battle between good and evil is the basic idea of Sonic Adventure 2, and it carries over into the world of chao. This aspect multiplies the chao possibilities by three. This makes chao raising much more fun, as there are now more chao than can be held in your three gardens, and it will be a while before you can get all of the ones that you want. In order to raise a hero chao, you simply care for the chao with one of the hero characters (Sonic, Tails, Knuckles). To raise a dark chao, do the opposite, by raising the chao with the dark characters (Shadow, Eggman, Rouge). The neutral chao is the hardest to raise, as you have to raise the chao 50/50 between the two sets of characters. It is hard to keep track of so you may actually want to write down what you have given them and with whom. A good rule of thumb, is if the chao is greenish in color, you are on the right track to a neutral chao. [4.2]. FIRST EVOLUTION The first evolution of a chao is what changes the chao from a baby to an adult chao. The evolution takes place after you have given your chao enough items. The chao will form a teardrop shaped cocoon around them. After a moment, the cocoon will fade away, and an adult chao will come out. Depending on what you give your chao, will dramatically affect the outcome of your adult chao. There are 5 basic types of first evolutions. Which type you wind up with is completely dependent upon what you give your chao before the evolution. The five types are as follows. Note: you must give them these items BEFORE the first evolution, if you don't your chao will not be able to evolve. Normal - if you give your chao an equal amount of each color of animal and drive (or close to equal) you will get a normal chao. The second evolution of these chao is much more subtle than are the other chao types but there is a second evolution to the normal chao types as well. Running - Give your chao nothing but green animals and chaos drives, and it will develop into a running chao. From here, you can branch into various other evolutionary paths. Power (Dragon) - Give your chao nothing but red animals and chaos drives and they will become a power chao. They can't do much at first but climb, but eventually, you can balance this out, and they look really cool. Flying - to get your chao to advance to the flying chao level you must supply them with nothing but purple animals and chaos drives. This is my favorite chao type, because you can make a NiGHTS chao, from my favorite game of all time. Swimming (Alien) - To get a chao that can swim faster than any other, you need to supply the chao with yellow drives and animals, these are cool looking chao, but the second evolutionary path is another story... I need to note here that the blue chao is random in what trait it effects; so unless you don't care what chao you get, don't give your chao any of these. Also, the imaginary and ghost class animals don't affect the evolutionary path in any way, so you should stay off of them until your chao is evolved to the way that you like. I will go into further details on these animals later. Another thing to mention is a change since the first sonic adventure game, and that is how the hero/dark element changes the outcome of these chao. NEUTRAL: Normal: Just a bigger version of the chao that comes out of the egg, that's it. Running Chao : Green chao with spikes on head (sonic like). Swimming Chao: Green/yellow Chao with a long, narrow sloping head looks like the alien from the alien trilogy. Power Chao : Orange chao with yellow/orange pattern on its spikes. Flying Chao : A pink chao with two jester like rolls coming off of its head. HERO: Hero Normal : A white cute looking chao with two small antennas like objects on the top of its head and the typical hero chao, again, this is the end of the evolutionary pattern. Hero Running Chao : Chao with a Blue colored Stomach and a large single antenna like spike coming from the back of its head, this alternates white and blue in color, much like the feet and hands of a normal hero chao. Hero Swimming Chao: The Ears become elongated and flatten out, also the color changes to a white/green color pattern. Hero Power Chao : The Chao will grow several spikes on its head, and have a red/white alternating color as opposed to blue/white. Polka dots would also seem to be involved. Hero Flying Chao : Purple/White Chao with two feathers coming out of its head. DARK: Dark Normal : Evil chao that is black in color and has the spike ball that all dark chao have. Once again, this is the end of the evolutionary track. Dark Running Chao : Gets three spikes that are green in color, while the rest of the chao remains black. Dark Swimming Chao: Yellow Highlights, has same shape as neutral swimming. Dark Power Chao : A dark red/black chao with a large single spike. Dark Flying Chao : Dark blue (almost black) chao that has Black highlights on its stomach and head, and two small jester like head caps coming out of its head. [4.3]. SECOND EVOLUTION The second evolution of the chao is where you get to mix things up, instead of simply having a chao that is good at one thing, you can give your chao a second trait that it specialized in, or you can hold off on rounding out the chao's abilities and keep moving in one of the four main areas. For example, had you created a Dark Running chao, you could now move on to create a Dark Running/Running Chao or a Dark Running/Swimming Chao, etc. It is important to note a change from the first sonic adventure , before your chao can take the second evolutionary path; you must wait for your chao to have its first mating season(see the chao basics section for more info). Then you can pick where you want to go next. I also need to let you know that the chao does not go into a cocoon for the second evolution. It is a gradual change that is not as easily noticed as the first evolution, but is very noticeable, none the less. This can take an insane amount of time it would seem, I would suggest using Drives for the second evolution as they seem to work faster this time (in a change of roles), but you still will find yourself giving your chao 250-500 chaos drives for the second evolution. You will probably doubt that there is a second evolution after hours with no change, but I promise that it will come, just be patient, the effects are worth it, as these are chao to definitely show off to your friends. Some people have reported that some of the chao, take a very long time to get, taking up to 1000 items, for the shadow chao. Note: Some of the more sought after chao, such as the shadow, sonic and NiGHTS chao, would seem to take longer to evolve then normal chao. NEUTRAL: Note: It would seem that Sonic Team has left the neutral evolution patterns the same as the first game. Normal/Running : Top of Chao's head grow longer and pointy. Normal/Swimming : The top of the chao's head becomes thinner and curves forward more, it resembles a thorn almost. Normal/Power : Chao Spike splits slightly, typical of horns, only smaller. Normal/Flying : The tip of the chao's head curls up. Running/Running : Sonic Chao. This chao is the sonic chao, and is a fun chao to show to your friends. Running/Swimming : The chao will turn aqua and will become elongated and have a very aerodynamic look. Running/Power : The Chao's spikes will turn upward and he will get huge fists. Running/Flying : The Spikes on the head and end of the toes curl up. Swimming/Swimming: The head and body become streamlined and the ears become huge and hang down, all the way to the ground. Swimming/Running : The head will shorten and the chao will turn greener than it had been. Swimming/Power : This Chao is fat. It is a huge chao and looks like it would fit into the infamous Weird AL video. Swimming/Flying : The head curl upward, like a regular chao, but is a much darker color. Power/Power : Retains the shape of the normal power chao, but turns a very dark red. Power/Running : Spike curls down, similar to sonic chao. Power/Swimming : The head becomes very long, and resembles the rocketeer (if anyone remembers the rocketeer). Power/Flying : This is the coolest chao in the game, it gets Knuckles like fists, and the head curls up and down, trust me, it is worth it. Flying/Flying : This is the NiGHTS chao. It looks just like NiGHTS from Sonic Team's great game. Flying/Running : The spikes curl around much like a rams horns, it also turns a deeper pink. Flying/Power : Turns red and the spikes turn upward at a steep angle. Flying/Swimming : This is my second favorite chao in the game, it becomes very elongated and arms become very wing like, this is a great chao. HERO: Hero/Normal/Running : antenna elongate. Hero/Normal/Swimming : Not sure just yet, if you have one and can send a picture, please do so, or a description and I will post it and give you credit. Hero/Normal/Power : Not sure just yet, if you have one and can send a picture, please do so, or a description and I will post it and give you credit. Hero/Normal/Flying : Not sure just yet, if you have one and can send a picture, please do so, or a description and I will post it and give you credit. Hero/Running/Running : The Antenna splits into three at the end, Retains the coloration, and the antenna keeps the spiked look It initially had. Hero/Running/Swimming : he still has the spike, but 2 spikes pop Out and bends down at a 45 degree angle. the spikes' colors are blue, yellow, blue, yellow ect. the belly's blue part turns smaller and it has a yellow border. Hero/Running/Power : The single antenna spike becomes much Larger and the chao takes on a purple coloration. Hero/Running/Flying : Tail and Head Spike split into two towards the end of both, and become more rounded and less spike like , the blue/white alternating colors change to a blue/purple pattern, pretty cool chao. Hero/Swimming/Swimming: The antenna become longer. Hero/Swimming/Running : The chao has a teardrop shaped head and turns aqua in coloration. The wings are maroon. Hero/Swimming/Power : Makes the antenna shorter Hero/Swimming/Flying : The wings and tail become huge, and it gets "teddy bear" type ears. Hero/Power/Power : Looks like the Hero/Power Chao, but the spikes are bigger, with the middle one being the longest. the white dots are also more visible. Hero/Power/Running : Looks like the Hero/Power/Power, but is a very light orange color to it. The spikes on its head are flat on top, and stretched back like he's running. Hero/Power/Flying : Pink coloration, and the Spike splits into three Longer skinnier spikes. Hero/Power/Swimming : Red coloration, spike splits into two larger head Spikes. Hero/Flying/Flying : Looks like the Hero/Flying, but the 2 "feathers" on its head are longer and thicker. Also, two additional smaller "feathers" have grown as well. It has large, sky Blue Angel wings. Hero/Flying/Running : The wings and feathers become very elongated and aerodynamic looking. Hero/Flying/Power : The spiked head becomes much more obvious and the feathers turn up a bit. Hero/Flying/Swimming : The feathers brush further back down the head and the spike turns back into a more streamlined look. DARK: Dark/Normal/Running : Not sure just yet, if you have one and can send a picture, please do so, or a description and I will post it and give you credit. Dark/Normal/Swimming : Not sure just yet, if you have one and can send a picture, please do so, or a description and I will post it and give you credit. Dark/Normal/Power : Not sure just yet, if you have one and can send a picture, please do so, or a description and I will post it and give you credit. Dark/Normal/Flying : Not sure just yet, if you have one and can send a picture, please do so, or a description and I will post it and give you credit. Dark/Running/Running : Red Stripes, the Shadow Chao, also the spikes become longer and more numerous. Dark/Running/Swimming : The stripes turn yellow. Dark/Running/Power : The stripes shorten. Dark/Running/Flying : The stripes change to a blue color. Dark/Swimming/Swimming: Very similar to the second evolution neutral version, only white in coloration. Dark/Swimming/Running : The wings become slightly larger and it grows to large tooth like objects that point downward. Dark/Swimming/Power : Three really large spikes form on the back of the head. Dark/Swimming/Flying : Bottom half of head becomes deep blue, along with spikes the bottom spike comes closer to top spike, and both go out, up and out again, wings grow larger Dark/Power/Power : The swirled spike on the top of its head gets longer and wider. Dark/Power/Running : The spike gets more of a "swooshed" back look to it, and the chao gets a slight yellow coloration to the highlights. Dark/Power/Flying : This chao is the most evil looking chao, it gets two large spikes that turn inward and make a bit of a holder for the spike ball above the chao's head, all of the highlights get a purple coloration. this is a cool chao. Dark/Power/Swimming : the body of this chao retains its shape but its head looses its curly spike and is replaced with a smooth top plus the head starts to grow a bit and its feet and belly change to a misty \ yellow/green. Dark/Flying/Flying : Jester hat like rolls become longer. Dark/Flying/Running : The two Jester rolls get bat-wing like extensions to them, along with the wings this chao has come to be known as the Rouge chao. Dark/Flying/Power : Becomes a deeper purple color and the jester rolls swing out to the sides of the chao. Dark/Flying/Swimming : The Jester rolls turn down the back of the chao And the chao gets a similar purple as the dark/flying/power chao. [4.4]. ADVANCED CHAO There are three kinds of advanced chao in the game. In the first game, there was only one, the light (or chaos) chao. In Sonic Adventure 2, the light chao is still around, but the hero/dark chao theme continues on. Instead of just the light chao, there is now also a Devil and Angel chao. In order to get any of these chao, your chao must be reborn twice (see Death/Rebirth below for more information). During this chao's third life, you need to get it one of each animal type. There are 21 total types of animals; see the animal section for locations. Once this is done, you should then decide which of the three advanced chao you would like. These chao cannot die. Light Chao - for a light chao, you should now give the chao a chao fruit, which must be found in Chao Adventure 2. Or you could raise the chao like Angel Chao - for an Angel chao, you should give the chao a hero fruit, which must be collected in Chao Adventure 2. Devil Chao - for a Devil Chao, you need to give the chao a dark fruit, which again can be retrieved in Chao Adventure 2. Note: Or you could raise the reborn chao with dark characters only. As far as the advanced chao, those are the three most wanted chao to be found in the game. Though, more will be added soon. [4.5]. COLORED CHAO Colored chao come in several different variety, there are your black chao (not dark chao) that enable even hero or neutral chao to be dark in color. There are your metallic chao, both silver and gold, which can then be mated to create many different colors, and there are lastly, the jewel chao that shine like jewels. Any of these different colored eggs can be used to create any type of chao mentioned in the FAQ. This means that it is possible to have two shadow (Dark/running/ running) chao that are completely different colors. There are two ways to get the colored chao types, one involves combining SA1 chao (see below) and the other involves downloading the chao from the black market (see chao online section). Here, I will discuss the different colors and ways to combine them. Note: At this point, it is as of yet unknown how to unlock the jewel chao but it is believed that they will be added to the black market soon (see chao online section) Gold - Acquire from SA1 or Black Market (see above) Silver - Acquire from SA1 or Black Market (see above) Black - Acquire from SA1 or Black Market (see above) Bronze - Mate a Gold and Black chao Obsidian - Mate a Black and Silver chao Platinum - Mate a Gold and silver chao Ruby Jewel - Acquire from SA1 or Black Market (see above) Sapphire Jewel - Acquire from SA1 or Black Market (see above) Blue Jewel - Not yet known Purple Jewel - Not yet known Yellow Jewel - Not yet known Note: there are several websites that list literally 5 times these many possibilities, but I assure you that if they worked, I would post them in the FAQ. Also, these do not happen all of the time, like SA1, if you mate in the VMU, chances are more likely. [4.6]. COMBINGING SONIC ADVENTURE 1 CHAO Warning: This may corrupt your save file. This is yet another reason that you should keep a backup chao file at all times. If you do this, there is no risk to doing this. If you drop a chao from Sonic Adventure into Chao Adventure, you can pull them into a Sonic Adventure 2 game. For the most part, this is useless, except that there are three metallic chao that are easily available in Sonic Adventure. (Check out a Sonic Adventure Chao FAQ for more info). Once the chao comes into the garden, it may in all probability loose its color and look like a normal chao. This is not a problem, the metallic color is still in the Chao's DNA. If you breed this chao or have it reborn, the color will stick. You can then do color combinations just as you did in Sonic Adventure. This is risky, but there is nothing like a Super Sonic and Super Shadow chao. Note: be very very careful when taking these chao to the chao doctor, they have a tendency to lock the game up, and you will loose your garden data. You must back up your chao data before doing this. WARNING: While some people have had no problems with imported chao, it would seem that there have been a lot of bugs out there that result from importing chao from SA. I initially thought that this was something that Sonic team had intended for players to do, as it would be nice to be able to bring your favorite chao back into the game. I am now warning against using these chao as even having them can corrupt your garden data file. I will leave this section as a reference for those that are brave, but I no longer suggest this action, as it is seeming more and more like sonic Team never intended for it to work this way. [4.7]. DEATH/REBIRTH When a chao gets old, sadly, it dies. The chao goes back into a cocoon just as it is evolving, and fades away into nothing. Now, if you were nice to your chao and they especially liked you, when the cocoon fades away, there will be an egg left by the chao. It will have the same name, and retain the same love for you. The stats will take a hit, but will be better than a normal baby chao. Other than that, the chao will look and act just like any other baby chao. If the cocoon fades away, without leaving an egg, you will never see your chao again, sorry. [4.8]. SPECIAL ANIMALS There are several types of special animals. Firstly, there are the blue class animals. If you don't care what type of evolutionary pattern that your chao takes, you can give them blue animals, the chao's stats will be immediately better off, as the blue animals don't detract from any stats, and only ad. The better option is to wait until your chao is evolved just the way that you like it, and then begin giving it any of the special class animals that you want. They wont effect the outcome of the chao's evolution (only after you are done evolving the chao) and don't detract from any stats. So, if you want to round out a chao after they look the way you want, begin giving them blue, ghost and imaginary class animals (refer to the animal section for more information). Example: After raising a Dark/Running/Running (or Shadow chao) you may notice that while your chao is fast as lightning on land, it is not capable of anything else. This is because the animals that you have been giving it ad to the running Stat (in this case) and detract from all of the other main four stats. This is normal and nothing can be done to stop it, but you can fix the problem. After the chao is evolved give it one of these 12 special animals. These only ad to all four stats, so after a while your chao will be just as good at swimming flying and power as it is at running. This is the only way to round out any of the special chao, and is well worth the trouble. [4.9]. PARTS CANCELLING Parts' canceling is the act of removing animal parts from a chao. After evolving a chao you will notice that it has all sorts of animal parts that you just don't want. In the first Sonic Adventure, this was a major pain, as certain animals were needed to cancel certain parts, and it didn't always cancel the part. Sometimes, it simply added another part. In Sonic Adventure 2, things have become much simpler, as a single animal will remove parts, and never ever ad parts to your chao. Just go grab about 20 skeleton dogs, and give them to your chao and all of the animal parts will be gone and you will have your chao just the way you want them. [4.A]. RUMORED CHAO I am hoping at some point to be able to remove this section and replace it with facts about how to attain the jewel and metallic chao. As of right now, here are the rumors on how to attain these chao. Note: there are some FAQ's and web pages out there that have 'recipes' to attain these and other rare chao combinations. they usually involve mating imported chao (from SA1) with Ruby Red chao. However, the Ruby Red Chao recipe doesn't work, and neither do any of these recipes. That is why this FAQ does not contain them, and will continue to label them as rumors until I can personally create one. Jewel Chao - When mating Chao, one in 30 is a jewel chao. These chao are shiny, but not reflective like a metallic chao. They are slightly see-through looking, yet are sill opaque. They can be seen in a challenge race. In all likely hood, these will be added to the black Market. Ruby Red Chao - Mate a Light Chao with a Devil Chao - (or) mate a dark with a hero chao - (or) mate a Devil and an Angel Chao This chao is probably not real, but I will leave it here, just in case, as it would seem that none of these methods works. Omochao - Not known, but people who hack games hex code claim that it is possible, hopefully legitimately. Egg Chao - A Chao that is nothing more than an egg with eyes arms and legs, this can be seen in once of the challenge races, no one knows how to get it just yet. Small Animals - You do race against the small animals at one point, but I don't think you can actually raise a chao that becomes a small animal, but that has never stopped rumors, before. So, I will list it here, because if it were true, it would be pretty cool to outrun a shadow chao with a gorilla. Chameleon Chao - This chao has been reported and is most likely a glitch in the code, the chao changes color as you rotate the camera and in general is weird as far as coloration and color patterns go. Maybe this is intended to happen, but more than likely it is a game glitch. Big Chao - This chao is rumored to be roughly twice the size of a normal chao. As the rumors go, you need to mate two neutral/power/power chao to unlock this oversized chao, remember, this is just a rumor. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [5]. ANIMALS/DRIVES The Animals and Chaos drives are now the only way to increase your chao's four main stat areas. In the first game this could also be accomplished in Chao Adventure, but now you must do this in the confines of the main game. This is not a problem, as it is actually quite a bit easier to do so. There are two ways to get animals, and one way to get chaos drives. First, most of the animals in this game are going to be roaming around the levels freely, you simply must look for the animal and pick them up. However, and of Eggman's machines (the pyramid levels) will have animals in the machines as you are used to. Chaos drives, are found in the GUN robots after you destroy them. This is a bit of a change, but for all of the levels except for the pyramid levels, this is true. In the pyramid levels, it is impossible to get Chaos drives, sorry. [5.1]. ANIMAL CLASS There are 7 classes of animal in Sonic Adventure 2 (refer to the advanced chao raising section for more information). These are: Green (Running), Yellow (Swimming), Red (Power), Purple (Flying), Blue (Random), Imaginary and Ghost. (See special animals in advanced chao raising section for more info) Below is a list of the animals in each class. Green (Running): -Boar -Cheetah -Bunny Yellow (Swimming): -Otter -Seal -Penguin Red (Power): -Gorilla -Tiger -Bear Purple (Flying): -Condor -Parrot -Peacock Blue (Random): -Sheep -Raccoon -Skunk Black (Ghost): -Half-fish -Skeleton Dog -Bat Orange (Imaginary): -Unicorn -Dragon -Phoenix [5.2]. ANIMAL STATS Each of these class of animals also has stats that effect your chao's own statistics. It is important to note that these are the maximum statistics that your chao can receive from these animals, and not necessarily what they will receive. The more of an animal class your chao has received, the more stats your chao can take away from the class of animals. Example: You have a Dark/Running/Running chao, this chao will be getting nearly all of the stats the green class can offer him, due to the fact that he has received so many of them. Running (Green) SWM FLY RUN PWR - Bunny 0 4 20 -8 - Boar -2 -6 16 8 - Cheetah -4 -4 20 4 Swimming (Yellow) SWM FLY RUN PWR - Seal 20 -8 0 4 - Otter 22 -2 4 -8 - Penguin 18 6 4 -12 Power(Red) SWM FLY RUN PWR - Tiger -4 -8 10 18 - Bear 4 -8 2 18 - Gorilla -2 -4 2 20 Flying (Purple) SWM FLY RUN PWR - Parrot 0 24 -10 2 - Peacock 6 24 -8 -6 - Condor -10 30 -12 8 Random (Blue) SWM FLY RUN PWR - Raccoon 10 6 2 4 - Sheep 4 6 10 10 - Skunk 4 6 6 4 Black (Ghost) SWM FLY RUN PWR - Half-fish 16 0 4 12 - Skeleton Dog 4 4 16 8 - Bat 4 20 4 4 Orange (Imaginary) SWM FLY RUN PWR - Dragon 10 2 4 16 - Unicorn 8 6 18 0 - Phoenix 6 16 2 8 [5.3]. DRIVE STATS The Chaos drives also effect the chao's four main statistics, but it does it in a different way. A chaos drive is one color, and only effects that trait. Again, this is the maximum that a chao can receive per drive. The more of a particular color animal/drive that a chao gets, the closer to the maximum benefit the chao will receive. Green Drive - +8 running Yellow Drive - +8 swimming Red Drive - +8 power Purple Drive - +8 flying As you can see, only the four main animal class types are represented in the chaos drives. [5.4]. ANIMAL LOCATIONS This may be the most useful part of the guide when it comes to actually developing your chao, and may be the reason that you want to print this FAQ off. This can be very useful to have at hand when raising chao. SONIC: Level Loose Animals Third Chao Box ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. City Escape - Raccoon, Rabbit, Skunk, Sheep Unicorn 4. Metal Harbor - Seal, Penguin, Peacock, Raccoon Phoenix 5. Green Forest - Rabbit, Cheetah, Parrot, Raccoon Half-Fish 11. Pyramid Cave - Condor, Peacock, Bat, Sheep S. Dog 15. Crazy Gadget - Bear, Tiger, Seal, Skunk Phoenix 16. Final Rush - Peacock, Condor, Penguin, Sheep Dragon *. Cannon's Core Sonic - Cheetah, Rabbit, Parrot, Skunk Dragon KNUCKLES: Level Loose Animals Third Chao Box ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2. Wild Canyon - Peacock, Condor, Cheetah, Sheep Dragon 6. Pumpkin Hill - Cheetah, Boar, Bat, S. Dog Half-fish 8. Aquatic Mine - Penguin, Seal, Condor, Skunk Dragon 12. Death Chamber - Tiger, Gorilla, Rabbit, Skunk S. Dog 14. Meteor Herd - Penguin, Seal, Rabbit, Sheep Phoenix *. Cannon's Core Knuckles - Otter, Seal, Cheetah, Raccoon Unicorn TAILS: Level Loose Animals Third Chao Box ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3. Prison Lane - Tiger, Gorilla, Otter, Sheep Unicorn 7. Mission Street - Boar, Rabbit, Gorilla, Sheep Phoenix 10. Hidden Base - Penguin, Otter, Tiger, Skunk Half-fish 13. Eternal Engine - Condor, Parrot, Boar, Raccoon Dragon *. Cannon's Core Tails - Seal, Otter, Bear, Raccoon Phoenix SHADOW: Level Loose Animals Third Chao Box ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4. Radical Highway - Cheetah, Boar, Seal, Raccoon Unicorn 9. White Jungle - Peacock, Parrot, Bear, Skunk Dragon 11.Sky Rail - Bear, Tiger, Condor, Sheep Phoenix 14.Final Chase - Otter, Penguin, Tiger, Skunk Phoenix ROUGE: Level Loose Animals Third Chao Box ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2. Dry Lagoon - Otter, Penguin, Peacock, Sheep Unicorn 5. Egg Quarters - Gorilla, Bear, Parrot, Skunk Half-fish 8. Security Hall - Parrot, Condor, Tiger, Raccoon Phoenix 12. Mad Space - Parrot, Peacock, Gorilla, Raccoon Phoenix *. Cannon's Core Rouge - Boar, Cheetah, Condor, Skunk Dragon EGGMAN: Level Loose Animals Third Chao Box ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Iron Gate - Gorilla, Tiger, Rabbit, Skunk Dragon 3. Sand Ocean - Parrot, Peacock, Bat, Raccoon S. Dog 6. Lost Colony - Rabbit, Boar, Bat, Raccoon S. Dog 7. Weapons Bed - Seal, Otter, Cheetah, Sheep Phoenix 13. Cosmic Wall - Rabbit, Cheetah, Otter, Sheep Unicorn *. Cannon's Core Eggman - Bear, Gorilla, Seal, Skunk Unicorn [5.5]. ANIMAL TRAITS Each animal affects a chao in two ways. First, the chao takes on part of the animals look. If you give it a cheetah it may get a tail or paws that resemble a cheetah. The more of one type of animal you give your chao, the more the chao will begin to look like that animal, until the chao can no longer ad any more animal parts. This is true of all animals except the ghost class. The ghost class behaves differently. The skeleton dog does not ad any parts to the chao at all (see parts canceling for more info) The bat removes the chao's legs and gives him a ghost look, and the half-fish removes the dot, halo or spike ball from the chao's head and gives him a flame dot. The second way that a chao is changed by the animals given to him are the actions that he can do. Each animal gives the chao a different action to perform while in the garden. Bear Growls Boar Charges Cheetah bathes Condor Does situps Dragon Breathes fire (very cool for an evil looking chao) Gorilla Pounds chest Parrot Sings Peacock Struts like a peacock Penguin Slides Phoenix Wags tail Rabbit Hops Raccoon Stands on tip toes making noise Otter Backstroke Seal Rolls Sheep Back flips Skunk Emits gas Tiger Claws Unicorn Bucks feet Bat nothing Skeleton Dog nothing Half-fish nothing Again, you can see that the ghost class animals behave differently from the other groups of animals in this category as well. If you happen to know or think you know what the Condor and Raccoon do for the chao, please drop me a line, you will be given credit and cool points. [5.6]. CHAO BOXES In each level there are three chao boxes that can be found. I will not go into detail on where they are in each level, as there are already many good walkthrough FAQ's that discuss this. I may contact the author of one of those to see if I could use their chao box information at a later date, but for now I will simply describe the functions of a chao box. The first chao box that you unlock gives you the key to chao world, in the story mode, this is the only way you will ever see the chao garden, but I don't suggest going into the garden in story mode anyway. The second box will give you 4 animals (at random) from the list of animals that are in that level. It is usually two animals from two different animal classes. The third chao box contains one of the ghost or imaginary class animals; this is typically where you will find these animals (but sometimes they are loose in the level). If you look at the list of animals in each level, the animal in the final chao box is listed last. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [6]. RACING Racing is what all of the rest of this guide is about. The entire purpose behind raising the ultimate chao is so that you can race them. This serves a few purposes, first of all, it is a whole lot of fun, you can race your friends chao, and prove who truly is the chao raising master, you can win your chao toys, and you can win all of the races and get the 10 chao emblems needed in your ultimate quest for all 180 emblems. If none of this excites you, it is also a good measurement tool for just how good your chao is, and what aspects you need to work on with your chao. [6.1]. BASICS There are really only two things that you need to know in order to raise chao. The first thing that you need to do is to raise your chao's stats in all 7 categories (see chao basics). A well-rounded chao is necessary to become the grand master of the chao races, so be sure that your chao has what it takes to win. The only other thing that you need to know about is cheering for your chao. By pressing either the L or the R button, you can cheer for your chao. This results in a quick boost of speed on the chao's part. The drawback is that this boost of energy eats from the chao's stamina, and once the stamina is gone, your chao is going to be hard pressed to win the race, as he drops to half speed. In that regard, you should budget your cheering for times when your chao really needs it or is falling behind. Just don't overdo it. [6.2]. UNLOCKING COURSES Most of the courses for your chao to race on are not immediately available to be played on you must earn them. Here are the requirements for unlocking all of the courses. Jewel/Challenge races - complete all of the beginner races Onyx and Diamond Jewel races - complete the first race of all other jewel races. Hero races - you must have a hero chao (only hero and neutral can race) Dark races - you must have a dark chao (only dark and neutral can race) Third Row Challenge races - must complete all other challenge races leading up to it. Note: in order to advance to the next level in any of the races, you must complete the race before it. [6.3]. PRIZES The Prizes are toys or tools that your chao wins in the races and can play with once they are back in the garden. You must win all of the levels of racing in order to get the prizes (3 in beginner and 5 in Jewel) unless it is once of the three challenge types of courses, in which case, certain races win certain prizes. All of the toys stay hidden by the chao until they want to play with them, with the exception of the challenge races, which are larger prizes that stay in the garden. The Prizes are as follows: Beginner Races Crab Pool -Shovel Stump Valley -Watering pale Mushroom Forest -Rattle Block Canyon -Toy car Jewel Races Aquamarine -Sonic doll Topaz -Whisk broom Peridot -Picture book Garnet -Pogo stick Onyx -Crayons Diamond -Bubbles Challenge Mode (stays in Chao Garden) Fourth Race -Beach ball Eighth Race -Jack in the box Twelfth Race -Television Dark Races (stays in Dark Garden) Second Race -Beach ball Fourth Race -Radio Hero Race (Stays in Hero Garden) Second Race -Beach ball Fourth Race -Rocking horse [6.4]. TRACK DESCRIPTION This section is still under construction, but is well under way. BEGINNER RACES: Crab Pool: This race is all about water, in fact, it is nothing more than a swimming competition, so make sure your chao can swim before you bring it here. Luckily, it is a beginner race, so your stats don't have to be too high. Stump Valley: This track should be a breeze for a chao that is good at running and flying. However, if your chao is not good enough at flying you may have to climb up the cliff below. if your chao is especially weak at flying, you may have to swim to the cliff before you can climb. Mushroom Forest: This track is all about running. There is no other skill used in this race. Block Canyon: This race has a main focus on your chao's ability to climb, But being able to run wouldn't hurt either. JEWEL RACES: Aquamarine: This Race has a focus on running and swimming primarily. your chao will have to navigate both the large and small swimming pools. Secondarily, a chao that has a high flying stat may be able to take a shortcut by flying over the water for a bit. Topaz: This track puts a focus on every single element of chao racing with the exception of intelligence. Your chao only needs to navigate the large swimming pool however, assuming it can fly well enough to miss the river below. Peridot: This track is just a very long running section, with no focus coming elsewhere, though some nice stamina will help. Garnet: This race has a main focus on running and power. There is a cliff that needs to be climbed as well as a tree that needs to have a fruit knocked down as well as eaten. Flying is a good secondary skill to have mastered. Onyx: This race is the first to put a focus on intelligence. Your chao has 3 different puzzles to conquer, and you will probably scream at your chao as you realize that he is probably not the most intelligent creature that you have ever encountered. The only other stat that needs to be worried about in this race is your chao's ability to run. Diamond: This race is the mother of them all. Your chao must be able to do everything, and do it well. Intelligence, running, climbing, swimming and flying are all tested to the max. Also, you will need a lot of stamina for your chao to finish this race, as the race runs about 4 minutes long. It will take a while to make a chao that can tackle this race. CHALLENGE RACE: Race 1: Gold and Silver Long and winding course that tests everything. Race 2: Chacron Returns Same track as Race 1. This is the return of Chacron from SA1, though his name is different. Race 3: Omochao This race against Omochao is nothing but a long running race. Race 4: Small Animals This time you race small animals, on the same track that you take on Chacron. Race 5: Cockroach Chao race This race is where you can see the Dark Hero Chao. This race tests running intelligence and has the small swimming pool to navigate. Race 6: Egg Chao This Race is where you take on Chao that are nothing more than Eggs. This race course is the same as the Omochao races. Race 7: Skeleton Groups This time you take on the chao that are wearing skeleton masks, this uses the same track as the first Race. Race 8: Pumpkin Group This is similar to the skeleton group, except this time They are wearing the pumpkin masks, and using the same Track. Race 9: Ghost Group Same track, this time the chao you take on all have ghosts tails and flames above their head. Race 10: Chacron Strikes Back This time Chacron comes back a whole lot bigger and badder. It uses the same track as the the first time you meet him. Race 11: Jewel Chao This is where you find the much-rumored Jewel Chao. It uses the same track as most of the other races in the Challenge races. Race 12: Light Chao This is the final 1 on 1 race between your chao and the Light chao. Uses the same large track as most of the other races. DARK RACES: Race 1: Baby Angel This track tests nothing but running, and a lot of it. Race 2: Angel This uses the same track as the light chao course. Race 3: Flying Angel This time the course changes up and puts a large focus on your chao's ability to fly and swim, and a secondary focus on running. Race 4: Angel Chao This battle happens on the same track as the battle with light chao. This is very similar to the race with Light Chao. HERO RACE: Race 1: Baby Devil This is the same running track that you traverse with the baby angel race. Race 2:Child Devil Uses the same course as the Light/Angel Chao race. Race 3:Death Troops This track puts a lot of focus on your chao's power statistics. There are two cliffs to climb as well as the tree obstacle. The other stats to worry about are running with some focus on your chao's ability to swim and fly. Race 4: Devil Chao This race is the same as the race with the Angel and Light chao, with the difference being this time you are taking on the Devil chao. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [7]. CHAO ADVENTURE 2 The Chao adventure 2 section will be the last that is added to the guide, as I intend to make it very comprehensive, my intention is to provide a walkthrough to all of the different adventures that your chao can go on, please be patient at I work hard at finishing this up. Thanks for your patience. [7.1] BASICS There are a few basics that need to be discussed before you play Chao adventure 2. In order to place a chao into Chao Adventure 2, you must pick the chao of choice up in the garden, and walk up to the machine that resembles a VMU. The VMU will then prompt you to select which VMU you would like to place the chao in. Pick a VMU with at least 128 blocks of memory free, and wait for the file to finish saving. Then, exit the game and you are ready to play with the VMU mini game. The only other pointer I can give you is to be nice to your chao. Your chao will love you if you answer his questions nicely, and become upset if you don't. During the game, you will also have the ability to select chapters that you would like to explore. Unlike the first game, these do not effect outcome of the adventure, and simply serve as side stories to the main adventure that your chao is on. If you notice that your chao is sitting while he should be moving, go to the menu and give him a pat on the head and he should be off again, your little buddy just needs a bit of encouragement. Menu: Pet - Pat your chao on the head. Scold - Correct your chao's actions. (Note: Avoid use) Items - This lets you take a look at what seeds and fruits you have collected to use in the garden. Snack - Give your chao a snack won from the slot game (note: useless) Slots - Play the slot game (see Slot Game section for more info) Hello - Connect your VMU to your friends, and receive their data. This can also be used for mating. See mating section for more info. Owner - View information about yourself (your chao will ask you for this data) Name Age Sex Birthday Blood type Favored Secret Friend - View information about friends that you have connected to. [7.2] ADVENTURES This section will eventually house the walkthroughs for Chao Adventure 2. For now, I will simply list the different adventures that I have found in Chao adventure. If you know of any others, please let me know so that I can get a walkthrough up for it. There are two endings to each of these adventures, if you follow the good path, your chao will receive a seed to plant in the garden. If something goes wrong, your chao will get nothing. 1) Deliver a letter In this adventure, your chao has been entrusted by one of the games other characters to deliver a top secret letter to another character. The only real advice that you need on this one is do not let your chao open the letter or you will not get the seed at the end of the adventure. Also, your chao may ask you what you think the letter is, do not egg him on. Simply play it cool and continue to point out to the chao that it is none of his business. They sure are nosey little creatures. In this adventure, your chao will also have something grow on him, mine had mushrooms, but it can be other things as well, simply encourage your chao and tell him that it looks good on him, and he will become happy on his adventure. 2) Run an errand for Omochao In this adventure your chao has been instructed your chao to bring him three items. One of these will be a robot part, one will be something that a Chao likes and the final one will be some sort of food. throughout the adventure your chao will question whether or not omochao is a robot. in order to successfully complete this mission, you need to encourage your chao in the belief that omochao isn't a robot. play along with your chao's conspiracy theory, and you will get the seed. 3) Take pictures with Omochao's camera In this adventure, your chao will ask you what he should take pictures of. Tell him to take pictures of beautiful scenery, and not of secrets (he will do the latter anyway). After taking some shots of Sonic Adventure characters doing things, he will realize that he forgot to put film in the camera, and you will get your seed. 4) Chao thing is missing In this adventure, your chao will complain that his chao thing has Gone missing. A chao thing is the "dot" over your chao's head. In this, all that you need to do is encourage your chao that he Still looks good without the chao thing. He will go to a series Of stores searching for the chao thing and eventually will find it Hidden on himself and you will get the seed. 5) Make the ultimate recipe for sick character This adventure is the one that I have had to play the most in chao adventure (I have played through the game about 25 times thus far). in this adventure, your chao is going to make the ultimate recipe for one of the sonic characters who has become ill. The only thing that you need to know for this adventure is to encourage your chao whenever he gets scared, and DO NOT allow him to eat any of the ingredients or the finished product, or you will not get the seed. 6) Chao's Toothache In this adventure the only thing that you need to do, is after your chao complains about his tooth hurting, you need to make sure that your chao goes to the dentist no matter what the chao wants to do, and you will receive your seed. 7) Chao Idol In this adventure the Chao wants to be petted by one of the games characters. The problem is, there are a lot of chao. So, your chao talks to several animals and tries to become like them. On the third animal your chao will ask you if he should mimic that animal or not. Tell him no, he will give an inspirational speech about being yourself and will be petted by the character, and you will receive your seed. 8) Walk in a Straight Line In this quest, you should encourage your chao to continue to walk in a straight line, until an event triggers a sense of nostalgia in your chao, then you should allow him to deviate from his path and check it out, the chao will be pleased, and you will get a seed. 9) Walk King No one seems to know how to get through this adventure, but if you can, please e-mail me how to do so. 10) Pumpkin Hill In this adventure, your chao must travel to pumpkin hill. He will first try to talk to a pumpkin, with no response, your chao will then talk to the pumpkin papa, who will warn him about poisonous pumpkins. As your chao walks along, make sure that he does not eat these pumpkins, as ghosts will try to persuade him to. A character from the game will then appear, and the ghost will disappear. Take the pumpkin like object, and you will discover it is your seed! Note: There are slight variations on each of these, however they are the same basic adventure. [7.3] Slot-Game The most disappointing change from Chao Adventure to Chao Adventure 2 is the change that has come to the mini-game within the mini-game. Instead of a skill matching game that unlocks fruit that increase your chao's statistics, you have been given a slot game that does not effect anything as far as your chao's stats go. Therefore, rendering the game useless, as well as requiring no skill as everything is a matter of luck. [7.4] MATING It is much harder to mate your chao this time around. In order to mate you must have an adult chao in each VMU. When you connect them together and use the hello option, at random, you will receive an egg. Most of the time you won't, but if you continue to use the Hello option, you will eventually get an egg. [7.5] FIGHTING At random (as opposed to forcing battles in the first one) your chao will encounter wild evil chao bent on hurting your chao and stealing your items. When your chao gets in a fight, simply stop the moving wheel on the one of the clear buttons, just not the black buttons. It takes three hits to win or loose the fights this time around. If you win the fight, you get to keep your items, if you lose, the wild chao steals one of your items. [7.6] IMPORTANT ITEMS The important items that you can find in the Chao Adventure 2 game are the seeds and fruit. Of particular importance is the smart fruit that will be especially important in later races. There are other items that can be won in the mini-game, but they are of little use, as they accomplish the same thing as a good pat on the head. The seeds that you get from Chao Adventure 2 are more beneficial to your chao's stamina than are normal tree's fruit. [7.7] TREASURE CHESTS The treasure chest games are another random event in the game. Every now and then you will come to a point where you pick one of three treasure chests. If you pick the one that has an item in it, you will get an increase in your luck, if you pick wrong, you will loose your luck. Check the stats section for more information. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [8]. CHAO ONLINE Unlike the first game, Sonic Team has gotten the online aspects of Sonic Adventure 2 working. There are three that I will discuss here, though, I do need some help, as I connect my dreamcast to the internet through a broadband adapter, and cannot get online with SA2 (why would people on ebay pay 200+ bucks for one of these things, it isn't supported by much,), so some of this will be a little broken and might be inaccurate, so I really could use your help with exactly how some of these things work, and how you access them, as I don't know. [8.1] BULLITAIN BOARD This feature is accessed inside the chao daycare, and can be used to connect to a chao BBS, where you can discuss all things chao with other chao fans. This is a good place to get your questions answered that cannot be found in this FAQ (hopefully not too many). [8.2] CHAO DAYCARE The Daycare is a place where you can upload and download your chao. this allows people to trade chao over the net. When you upload your chao you can put a brief description of the chao online, as well as set a password, so that you may control who downloads your chao. I personally don't care for this feature as I think that it will shorten the amount of time that most people play the game, but if you want to, you can participate in this. [8.3] BLACK MARKET This is the main reason that you would want to connect to Sonic Adventure 2 online (and the main reason I wish I could). In this area you can download different chao, that you could not otherwise get. In order to get many of these eggs, you must have a certain number of emblems in your SA2 save file, and 6 free blocks of memory on your VMU. It should be noted that you do not "spend" the emblems you have earned, you merely must have that many to unlock current eggs (much like the rooms in Mario 64). Note: You may only download one chao at a time, import it into the garden, and then you may download another. Below are the current downloads allowed: Black chao - free Silver chao - 5 emblems Gold chao - 10 emblems Ruby chao - 20 emblems Sapphire chao - 20 emblems ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [9]. FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS This section will be used to answer questions that I frequently receive e-mails dealing with. Some of these questions are answered elsewhere in the FAQ, some are not, but this section will be added to every time I receive an e-mail with a question, to help answer any questions readers may have. Can a chao evolve after the story mode has been completed? - Yes, in fact, it is suggested to do so. How many drives do I need to give a dark/running chao to evolve into a shadow chao? - There is not a set number that you need to give your chao, but can range anywhere from 250 to 1500, if you keep your chao happy and well fed, it will go much quicker though. What can I do if my chao dies and doesn't leave an egg? - Sorry, there is no way to get your chao back. How can I keep the game from locking up and loosing data? - Keep a backup of your garden data, never remove your VMU during play, and refrain from importing chao from SA1. Why does my Sonic chao only have one spike? - If this has happened, it means that your chao is a hero/running chao, Sonic is a neutral chao (i.e neutral/running). Do I have to use a dark/hero/chao seed to make a Light/Angel/Devil chao? - It is not absolutely necessary, but there seem to be less problems reported when you do use the seed, so I suggest it. My chao has mated, does that mean it has gone through a mating season? - Not necessarily. It only counts as a mating season when that chao has had the flowers around it (mating optional). Not through the VMU or mating with another chao in its mating season. Why is the half-fish called the half-fish? It doesn't look like half a fish at all. - That is because it is called half-fish because it is half-fish/ half-man. Think creature of the black lagoon, except they can't call it that, due to copyright issues. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [10]. RECORDS This section will be used to record the top three times for readers chao on the non-challenge races. When you send in your times please send in your name, chao's name, chao's stats, chao type (i.e. hero/ flying/flying, angel chao, etc.) and time. It should be noted that I do have a fully maxed out chao, and while I will not be recording my own best times, I will know if your time is completely outlandish. If you send in a time I have some trouble digesting, I will have to ask you to send a screenshot or picture to me. I know that this is a hassle, but it is the only way I can assure that the times are real. please, don't send in fake times, as it doesn't hurt me, only you, the readers. Also, times that knock off the top place must have a picture, that way, people don't simply take the time recorded and knock a few seconds off to get the best time. Again, sorry for the inconvenience, but it is the only way to do it. Crab Pool: 1st: Chao name: Chao Type: Chao Stats: Running - Flying - Swimming - Power - Stamina - Intelligence - Luck - Chao Type: Time: 2nd: Chao name: Chao Type: Chao Stats: Running - Flying - Swimming - Power - Stamina - Intelligence - Luck - Chao Type: Time: 3rd: Chao name: Chao Type: Chao Stats: Running - Flying - Swimming - Power - Stamina - Intelligence - Luck - Chao Type: Time: Stump Valley: 1st: Chao name: Chao Type: Chao Stats: Running - Flying - Swimming - Power - Stamina - Intelligence - Luck - Chao Type: Time: 2nd: Chao name: Chao Type: Chao Stats: Running - Flying - Swimming - Power - Stamina - Intelligence - Luck - Chao Type: Time: 3rd: Chao name: Chao Type: Chao Stats: Running - Flying - Swimming - Power - Stamina - Intelligence - Luck - Chao Type: Time: Mushroom Forest: 1st: Chao name: Chao Type: Chao Stats: Running - Flying - Swimming - Power - Stamina - Intelligence - Luck - Chao Type: Time: 2nd: Chao name: Chao Type: Chao Stats: Running - Flying - Swimming - Power - Stamina - Intelligence - Luck - Chao Type: Time: 3rd: Chao name: Chao Type: Chao Stats: Running - Flying - Swimming - Power - Stamina - Intelligence - Luck - Chao Type: Time: Block Canyon: 1st: Player: Chao name: Chao Type: Chao Stats: Running - Flying - Swimming - Power - Stamina - Intelligence - Luck - Chao Type: Time: 2nd: Chao name: Chao Type: Chao Stats: Running - Flying - Swimming - Power - Stamina - Intelligence - Luck - Chao Type: Time: 3rd: Chao name: Chao Type: Chao Stats: Running - Flying - Swimming - Power - Stamina - Intelligence - Luck - Chao Type: Time: Aquamarine: 1st: Chao name: Chao Type: Chao Stats: Running - Flying - Swimming - Power - Stamina - Intelligence - Luck - Chao Type: Time: 2nd: Chao name: Chao Type: Chao Stats: Running - Flying - Swimming - Power - Stamina - Intelligence - Luck - Chao Type: Time: 3rd: Chao name: Chao Type: Chao Stats: Running - Flying - Swimming - Power - Stamina - Intelligence - Luck - Chao Type: Time: Topaz: 1st: Chao name: Chao Type: Chao Stats: Running - Flying - Swimming - Power - Stamina - Intelligence - Luck - Chao Type: Time: 2nd: Chao name: Chao Type: Chao Stats: Running - Flying - Swimming - Power - Stamina - Intelligence - Luck - Chao Type: Time: 3rd: Chao name: Chao Type: Chao Stats: Running - Flying - Swimming - Power - Stamina - Intelligence - Luck - Chao Type: Time: Peridot: 1st: Chao name: Chao Type: Chao Stats: Running - Flying - Swimming - Power - Stamina - Intelligence - Luck - Chao Type: Time: 2nd: Chao name: Chao Type: Chao Stats: Running - Flying - Swimming - Power - Stamina - Intelligence - Luck - Chao Type: Time: 3rd: Chao name: Chao Type: Chao Stats: Running - Flying - Swimming - Power - Stamina - Intelligence - Luck - Chao Type: Time: Garnet: 1st: Chao name: Chao Type: Chao Stats: Running - Flying - Swimming - Power - Stamina - Intelligence - Luck - Chao Type: Time: 2nd: Chao name: Chao Type: Chao Stats: Running - Flying - Swimming - Power - Stamina - Intelligence - Luck - Chao Type: Time: 3rd: Chao name: Chao Type: Chao Stats: Running - Flying - Swimming - Power - Stamina - Intelligence - Luck - Chao Type: Time: Onyx: 1st: Chao name: Chao Type: Chao Stats: Running - Flying - Swimming - Power - Stamina - Intelligence - Luck - Chao Type: Time: 2nd: Chao name: Chao Type: Chao Stats: Running - Flying - Swimming - Power - Stamina - Intelligence - Luck - Chao Type: Time: 3rd: Chao name: Chao Type: Chao Stats: Running - Flying - Swimming - Power - Stamina - Intelligence - Luck - Chao Type: Time: Diamond: 1st: Chao name: Chao Type: Chao Stats: Running - Flying - Swimming - Power - Stamina - Intelligence - Luck - Chao Type: Time: 2nd: Chao name: Chao Type: Chao Stats: Running - Flying - Swimming - Power - Stamina - Intelligence - Luck - Chao Type: Time: 3rd: Chao name: Chao Type: Chao Stats: Running - Flying - Swimming - Power - Stamina - Intelligence - Luck - Chao Type: Time: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [11]. LEGAL NOTICE This guide is copyright 2001 Nathan McNair. Sonic Adventure 2, Chao and all associated characters are the property of SEGA. You may use this guide on your site under the following conditions 1. You do not put this on a CD. 2. You do not profit off of it 3. You receive written consent from me via e-mail 4. You do not alter the FAQ in any way 5. You do not take credit for the FAQ I will be on the lookout for this FAQ being used in any format that I have not given permission for. I will in all likelihood allow you to use the FAQ, unless you are running some sort of really strange web site, so just ask before you use the FAQ without permission. Current Sites that may use this FAQ: www.Gamefaqs.com www.geocities.com/chao_team2001/ http://www.angelfire.com/games3/sonichedgehogs www.neoseeker.com http://www.geocities.com/robynhedgehog http://www.cheatcc.com/ (pending posting) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [12]. CREDITS Currently, I would like to thank the creators of all of the great Sonic Adventure 1 Chao FAQ's for getting me addicted to chao to begin with. Hopefully, I will get some help writing this pretty quick from contributors out there, so it will become the most comprehensive chao FAQ on the web. Also, many of the users of the gamefaqs message boards who helped me to figure out how some of the newer chao items work. Several websites and individuals out there have helped me to learn what I know about Chao, I did not do all of this alone. The Prima guide gave me my initial start into the world of SA2 chao, but was very limited in information, other than that I have taken what I know from Sonic Adventure, and what I have learned through experimentation and playing the game and written it down. If you feel that I in some way owe you credit for something, e-mail me and we can discuss it, but I assure you this is all original work. Raymond D. Roberts - For the information about the normal chao's second evolutionary pattern. SuperSonic019 - for the Condor and Raccoon animal actions. Mark Medrano - for a daycare class I had overlooked and a description of a hero/swimming chao. As well as second evolutionary pattern info for hero/swimming/swimming and hero/swimming/power. Epsilon 159 - for descriptions of first evolution hero chao, and second evolution chao. Sonic 90 - Chao interaction information Chasupi - Chao interaction information Tikiman49 - Chao interaction information Jsimmons is back - Chao interaction information RyudoX - Chao interaction information Make7UpUrs - Chao interaction information SCSA - Chao interaction information Night Chao - Chao interaction information ShinAkuma678 - Chao interaction information Vassago Stolos - Chao interaction information Paper Banjo - Chao interaction information RJCliffy - Information on another chao adventure, chao's toothache. As well as a brief synopsis of the adventure, thanks! Magcannon3687 - For the cockroach chao information. Off The Heezy - Strong Seed information, A chao adventure adventure and A description of that adventure and the "Big" Chao rumor. Ryoga H. - Several Second Evolution Hero Chao information. onyta arekja - The Chameleon Chao rumor, mask info DCSonic01 - Second Evolution information trez28 - animal info Louie Fenton - interaction info and a correction on the chao adventure 2 Section. Dane McCappin - second evolution information. Kevin Ding - second evolution information Jerrold Vickers - Added a chao adventure, corrected some info on the FAQ, and pinned down the truth behind the condors trait given to the chao, and normal chao second evolutions. Adam Martin - Quality control Sandman1278 - Added a chao adventure pete jones - evolution information Josh Elliott - Online information Tony Jarek - online information Tyler Schulmeister - evolution information. Adam Baldwin - online information Thanks for your help, hand keep the info coming! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [13]. CONTACT INFO If you need to contact me because you have a question, want to contribute, think something is wrong, want to host this FAQ, or just want to talk to me, drop me a line at StoOgE_Zoot@yahoo.com. Thanks for reading. Note: Before contacting me, please read through the entire FAQ to make sure your question has not been answered here (this is the point to a FAQ, so hopefully your answer is in here). Secondly, everything that you need to know to attain a shadow chao is in the FAQ, and can be found here, so please don't email me about the shadow chao. [See you Space Cowboy...]