Sonic Adventure 2 Kart Racing Guide v2.5 written by "Strangevision" Use of this FAQ and all its contents is permitted as long as you notify me at and give me credit for my own work. Changing or altering this FAQ in any way is prohibited. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>o Table of Contents o<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< I. Introduction II. How do I get it? III. Characters A. Sonic B. Tails C. Knuckles D. Shadow E. Eggman F. Rouge IV. Courses V. Techniques VI. Post your Best Time!! VII. Closing VIII. Credits >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>o Revision History o<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< v1.1 major areas completed. v1.2 time sent in. New technique. v1.3,v1.4,v1.5,v1.6,v1.7,v1.8,v1.9 more best times added. v2.0 Updated info on Rouge. More times added. v2.1,2.2,2.3,2.4 more best times added. v2.5 Tips added. >>>>>>>>>>>o Introduction o<<<<<<<<<<< Welcome to my kart racing FAQ for the awesome platform game, Sonic Adventure 2. I hope you enjoy reading this FAQ as well as playing the game . If you have any questions, etc. you can e-mail me at Thanks! >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>o How do I get get it? o<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< To get the Kart Racing mini-game is simple. Simply beat Tails' action stage in which he races against as fast as he can to catch the president. After completion you will be rewarded with the mini-game complete with all characters and stages. Also in the Dark adventure stages, you will play a similar level with Rogue that will open 2P mode. Have fun! Note: This can also be done vice-versa. Most people would play the Hero adventure first anyway. But if not beat Rouge's mini-game to win the first three tracks and then Tails' to get 2P mode. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>o Characters o<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< As you would expect Sonic is a speed demon on the race track. He has avereage control and acceleration as well. A must if you are a beginner. The only downside to Sonic is that he doesn't handle very tight turns to well. Best suited for: Beginner/Standard Tracks _______________________________________________________________________ Miles Prower (aka Tails) is a bit slower than his friend Sonic. He has great acceleration however and will speed past the other vehicles at the start of a race. He also handles turns well. Sadly Tails doesn't have enough speed to benefit from straightaways. Best suited for: Standard/Expert tracks. _______________________________________________________________________ Probably my favorite character. He doesn't excel in any particular area but all his stats are well above average. His main strengths are speed and control. Best suited for: All tracks _______________________________________________________________________ Think Sonic. He is exactly the same so only choose him if you are in an evil mood. Plus Shadow just looks cool. Chaos Control! Best suited for: Beginner/Standard tracks. _______________________________________________________________________ Playing as the bad guy can be a lot of fun! Dr. Robotnick is similar to Knuckles but has better control. He is probably the best character overall. Best suited for: All tracks _______________________________________________________________________ What a disapointment! I really liked Rouge in SA2 but racing with her is a disgrace. She has great acceleration like Tails but not even half the speed! If you use Rouge gather lots of rings because you will have to rely on boosts. On a higher note, she handles turns well making the expert tracks fairly easier. *Note* Even though Rouge seems to have the same stats as Tails she still is worse. Trust me. IT *must* be some sort of glitch. Best suited for: Expert Tracks (the only track where speed is not as important as control) _______________________________________________________________________ >>>>>>>>>>o Courses <<<<<<<<<>>>>>>>>>>>>>>o Techniques <<<<<<<<<<<<<<>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>o Post Your best Time!! <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>o Beginner Course o<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< 1. 1:53:53 Sonic contributed by: Dragon XTC (No more beginner times will be excepted!) 2. 1:53:96 Shadow (arrrrgh!) contributed by: Doomsday 3. 1:54:48 Sonic contributed by: Dean Tallon 4. 1:54:73 Shadow contributed by: Firehawk 5. 1:54:86 Sonic contributed by: Kiyo 21 (What happened to Tails and Rouge?) (Anybody.............?) 6. 1:55:53 Sonic contributed by: Kiyo21 7. 1:55:91 Shadow contributed by: Shadow the Hedgehog 8. 1:56:33 Shadow contributed by: Firehawk 9. 1:56:43 Shadow contributed by: Sonic 2517 10. 1:56:96 Sonic contributed by: geZus (some of you are dropping off the list!) >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>o Standard Course o<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< 1. 2:22:22 Sonic contributed by: Oopster 2. 2:23:96 Shadow contributed by: SpanishSyko 3. 2:25:10 contributed by: Shadow the Hedgehog 4. 2:26:53 Shadow contributed by: Pete 5. 2:27:73 (unknown) contributed by: mrb319 6. 2:29:26 Shadow contributed by: Sonic 2517 7. 2:30:60 Shadow contributed by: Sonic 2517 8. 2:36:23 Knuckles contributed by: LK4O4 9. 2:36:63 Eggman contributed by: Poodgie 10. 2:36:71 Knuckles contributed by: LK4O4 (some people are dropping off the list!) >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>o Expert Courses o<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< 1. 3:01:95 Eggman contributed by: Magcannon 2. 3:10:41 Shadow contributed by: Pete 3. 3:13:93 Shadow contributed by: Shadow the Hedgehog (Is Expert that Hard?!) (Send me some times!) 4. 3:15:25 Shadow contributed by: Sonic 2517 5. 3:19:38 (unknown) contributed by: mrb319 6. 3:19:60 Shadow contributed by: Sonic 2517 7. 3:38:38 Sonic contributed by: LK4O4 8. 3:39:13 Knuckles contributed by: Poodgie (Poodgie (?) says Sonic is a smurf) 9. 3:40:68 Shadow contributed by: Hibiki 10. 3:41:18 Sonic contributed by: LK4O4 _______________________________________________________________________ >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>o Closing <<<<<<<<<<<<<<>>>>>>>>>>>o Credits <<<<<<<<<<<