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Here are some of the questions people have asked me in my days of playing FF2.

Site Questions

1.Why FF2?
2.Why not do all the FF's?
3.Can I join the staff?
4.Can I be a affiliate?
5.Can I put you as a link on my site?
6.Nice layout, can you make me one?
7.I hate your layout, make a new one?
8.You need more content, you going to work on your site?
9.What did you use to make your site?

FF2 Gameplay Questions

1.When does Cecil turn Paladin?
2.How do you get the Adamant Armor?
3.How do you get the "Secret Summons"?
4.I'm not strong enough to beat the boss battle I have to fight, what do I do?

Site Questions

   Q: Why FF2?
   A:I have just one thing to say, why not FF2? I happen to think that FF2 is a great game, and that there are not enough sites on the web that concentrat on just FF2 alone. So I make a FF2 site, and I hope for it to be the best.

   Q: Why not do all the FF's?
   A:The reason I don't put all the FF's on my site is because:
1.I have a love for FF2, and wanted to make a site on it alone.
2.Do all the FF's would take up to much time, and that is time I don't have.

   Q: Can I join the staff?
   A: To put it simple, no. I do not wan't help of anykind wih my site. I wan't complete control over my whole site. So no you cannot join my staff.

   Q: Can I be a affiliate?
   A: There is a chance that I will let you be an affiliate. If your site has to do with Final Fantasy 1 through 10, send me an E-Mail, with your site name, and address, and I will think about putting you up as an affiliate.

   Q: Can I put you as a link on my site?
   A: I don't care, If you like me site enough to put it on your site, without me having to do anything, go right ahead.

   Q: Nice layout, can you make me one?
   A: No, not without you winning one of my future contests. Or if you pay me some money I will. I will have this other information up in awile.

   Q: I hate your layout, make a new one?
   A: I don't really care if you like the layout of my site or not, I wan't make a new layout, I like the one I have now. It took long enough to make this one, and I don't have the time to make another one.

   Q: You need more content, are you going to work on your site?
   A: Hey, I work on my site alot. I'm sorry I have a life, and don't spend all my time on my computer. Plus I'm the Co-Webmaster of the site DBZ:Over the Limit.

   Q: What did you use to make your site?
   A: I used Angelfire, and I coded it by hand. Took me awhile too.

FF2 gameplay Questions

   Q: When does Cecil turn Paladin?
   A: When you get to the last area in Mt. Ordeals. You must fight the Dark Cecil, and he gets Dark Wave(Not Fair). The way to win this battle, is just by defending, don't attack at all. You will lose if you do.

   Q: How do you get the Adamant Armor?
   A: Well for one the Adamant Armor is the best, and the hardest armor to get. First you have to fight a monster called the PinkPuff, It's in the last dungeon. It is one of the hardest enemys to find. But if you do happen to find oone, kill it and pray to god that you get a PinkTail. If you do, which is hard to do in its self. Bring it to the kid that collocts tails, and he will give you the Adamant Armor for the PinkTail.

   Q: How do you get the "Secret Summons"?
   A: Well there are 3 of the Secret Summons. And you have to fight a certen monster to get the Summon Call. The way to get the three are:
1.Imp Call Spell: You have to fight a Imp to get the Summon Call.
2.Bomb Call Spell:You have to fight a Bomb to get the Summon Call.
3.Mage Call Spell:Well lets see, try to guess what you have to fight to get this one....thinking.....steal thinking...mabey a Mage. Yeah thats probley right.

   Q: I'm not strong enough to beat the boss battle I have to fight, what do I do?
   A: Well you do what your suposed to do,....you FIGHT. Go out and fight. I have a way to fight, and you will get alot of levels. Get near a Save Point so that you can heal when you need to. Get into a battle and kill everyone execpt the person you wan't to get the levels. Then fight alot of battles, and the person that is alive will get all of the Exp.
NOTE:It would be a good idle if you have alot of heal potions, or you could die very easyly, from doing this.

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