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Here is the complete list of Items in the game. And for things that I missed, E-Mail me at magic_mario@hotmail.com.

Field Items
Tower Key Used in the lower levels of
Tower of Bab-il
Pink Tail Give this to the guy who collects
tails for Adamant Armor
Pan Used to wake up Yang in the Sylphan Cave
Adamant Used to make the Legend into the Excalibur
Rat Tail Give this to the guy who collects tails for the Adamant
Darkness Crystal Can never be used. Stolen by Kain
Luca Key Use this key to open the Sealed Cave
Magma Key Use this key to open the way to the underground
Earth Crystal Can never be used. Given to Golbez
Sand Ruby Use this to cure Rosa's fever
Baron Key Used to open the Weapon/Armor
shops in Baron and also the hidden passage in Baron
Package Can never be used. Contents destroy the Village of Mist
Whistle Use this to summon the Fat Chocobo
Pass Use this to enter a hidden place in Toroia
Carrot Use to summon the Fat Chocobo in Chocobo forests
Mage Call Spell Use this and Rydia will gain
the ability to call a Mage in battle
Bomb Call Spell Use this and Rydia will gain the ability to call a Bomb in battle
Imp Call Spell Use this and Rydia will gain the ability to call an Imp in battle
Cabin Use this on the world Map and on Save Points to totally restore HP/MP
Tent Use this on the World Map and on Save Points to restore 1,000 HP and 100 MP
Battle Items
Crystal Use this item on Zeromus at the end of the game
Lit-Bolt This item will use a Thunder attack on all enemies(not useable)
Fire Bomb This item will use a Fire attack on all enemies(not useable)
Battle & Field Items
Cure-1 Potion This potion will restore 96 HP
when used in the Field, and will restore a random
amount of HP when used in Battle
Cure-2 Potion This potion will restore 480 HP
when used in the Field, and will restore a random
amount of HP when used in Battle
Cure-3 Potion This potion will restore 1,920 HP
when used in the Field, and will restore a
random amount of HP when used in Battle
Ether 1 This will restore 48 MP when used
in the Field, and will restore a random amount of
MP when used in Battle
Ether 2 This will restore 144 MP when used
in the Field, and will restore a random amount of
MP when used in Battle
Life Potion This potion will restore
life. The amount of HP that a character is revived
with, depends upon their level
Heal Potion This potion will heal all status
aliments such as poison, toad, small, etc.
Elixir Restore all HP & MP to a single ally

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