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Past News

Subject:Guess what, I'M BACK!!!
Date:{November 2,2002}--Magic Mario
Yes it is true, I am back, and I need to get to work fast. Now that my Computer is back, I will work on the site now, I'm so happy. There are some things I need to tell everyone, for one, Mecha-Online is no more, and this time it will be forever, you see the webmaster got in trouble, and had to shut down his site, and now he has his new site. I hope he will still Host me, so I will leave the Hosted navagational button up for the time being. Oh, oh, I need to tell everyone something, just because I have no more "Apply" links under the Affiliate section doesn't mean that I will not adcept anymore Affiliates, because I would like alot more of them, so if you would like to become an a Affiliate, go to the Become Affiliate section, and apply. Well I need to get to work, later.

Subject:Tis A Bad, Bad Day
Date:{October 8,2002}--Magic Mario
I have some bad news, no I'm not shuting down the site, my computers harddrive... well it kinda fried. And now I have to update from school, in keyboarding. I might get in truble, so I need to make this quick. It will be a while befor I get to make any very big updates. So the poll will stay up for a while. Well I do have some good news, I have started to get alot of hits. I dont know where they are coming from, but, I'm getting them, and I'm happy. Well I have to see you focks later.

Subject:Some New Stuff
Date:{September 12,2002}--Magic Mario
I have a Poll now. Yay. Well, if you expected more of an update, well...sorry. Well, I did fix some errors around the site. I promise the next update will be a bigger one, its school, its killing my online time. Sorry again.

Subject:Back Open!!!
Date:{September 10,2002}--Magic Mario
Hello, hello. I'm back from my long sleep, and boy have my hits gone down. You close your site for a week, and nobody likes my site anymore. But I'm back and I have not changed my layout, just the graphics on everything. I have taken the Tagboard, all of the Topsites, and added the Information Section. Now if you have anything to say to me, put it on the Message Board, or E-Mail me. Well, school is eating away my time, and now it will take a little longer to have updates, but there will be updates. Ez8's idea for Fu Fu Yoshi went down the drain, and now its back to Mecha Online, he has not hosted me yet, but is getting around to it. So when you look to the right and see Hosted By, Mecha Online, it means he is by not yet. Well I'm sleepy, see ya'll peoples later.

Subject:Much Good News
Date:{August 29,2002}--Magic Mario
I have very good news. Here is all the good news:
1) Ez8, has desided not to change his site.
2) I'm about to get More Hits.
3) I'm getting My Sub-Domane soon.
4) I'm makeing a new Layout, and it will be done very soon.
The only news i have is that, I'm not working on my site again until I get swiched over to the new Sub-Domane. Well I have alot to do. Later..

Subject:New Affiliate
Date:{August 21,2002}--Magic Mario
Yes I have a new affiliate. And it might take a little while longer to get hosted by Mecha-Online....because its not Mecha-Online anymore. It is now Fu Fu Yoshi. Old Ez8(hes changing his name) was getting board of his site, so he has desided to make a site about anything. It will probly be good(I know the webmaster), and with his crazy mind, it will be a pretty good site.

Subject:Custom Graphics Up
Date:{August 18,2002}--Magic Mario
Yes I have made some Custom Graphics. They may not be very good, but I am just learning so I will make some new ones that look better in my free time. I will not be able to work on my site very much due to that School is starting on Monday. So I will not work on this site very much. Tis a bad, bad day.

Subject:2 New Affiliates
Date:{August 16,2002}--Magic Mario
Wow. I went and checked my E-Mail today, and what do I see, 2 affiliation requests. Man my site must be growing alot, I'm so happy!!!

Subject:Message Board, AND I'M GETTING HOSTED!!!
Date:{August 13,2002}--Magic Mario
YES ITS TRUE, I'M GETTING HOSTED. Uhh, I'm back, my brain just killed its self, so I dident lose much. But I am getting host, no its not by Classic Gaming(there lazy), and its not by Planet Nintendo(Lazy, and dident even reply). But I'm getting hosted by one of my good friend, Ez8. You see he just got a Domain Name, and now he can host ppl, and hes hosting me. His site name is Mecha Online. Now that I'm getting hosted, I'm going to work on my site alot more now. YAYYYYYY.

Date:{August 7,2002}--Magic Mario
I have started the Graphics Section. And this thing will not be finished for A LONG TIME. Thia update wasent big but I did the boss's sprites.

Date:{August 6,2002}--Magic Mario
Ok, I'm sorry I have not been working on the site as mush as I need to but I have been hooked on playing the game RuneScape. The game is good, but now I'm cuting back and working on the site again. I've worked on the walkthrough alot. And now that Classic Gaming shot me down, I've applyed at the site Planet Nintendo. Hope for the best!!!

Date:{July 27,2002}--Magic Mario
Well from what I know Classic Gaming turned me down, and it was for a dumb reson. They said I had a Mario site...A MARIO SITE, HOW THE CHEESE DO I HAVE A MARIO SITE. But I'm not mad, in fact I started the Walkthrough Section. It will be a while befor it gos up though.

Subject:Working Hard
Date:{July 15,2002}--Magic Mario
Yay, I have all of the links up that I had on my old layout, plus I put up the Link Section and the Become Affiliate Section. Now I plan to finish the FAQ Section, and the Character Section. And if you would look over to the Affiliates, I have a new affiliate, Unofficial Final Fantasy 4. Well I have to update. Later.

NOTE:I have applyed to the site Classic Gaming, so I can get hosted. I have not got the reply yet, but I'm hoping for the answer to be yes.

Subject:New Layout
Date:{July 10,2002}--Magic Mario
Well I have a new layout. And It took me a week to do. Trying out other layouts, with tables on the right only, and compareing them to my old one. It was heacktic week, and now I would like to present my new layout. I'm very proud of my new layout, and things will be a little messed up while I apply the layout to all the pages.

Subject:Finished Boss Section
Date:{July 2,2002}--Magic Mario
Well I'm bringing in the new month with the Finished Bosses Section. Next I play finish the FAQ Section. And after that, The enemy Section. so do not look for them to soon. It will take me a long time to do the Enemy Section.

Subject:Boss Section
Date:{June 25,2002}--Magic Mario
Hello, hello. Yes I do know it's been a week sense I have updated, but I'm coming back strong. I have started the Boss Section. Plus I have also started the Enemy Section, and the FAQ Section. So those will be up soon, so look for them. And if you look at my Affiliates you will notice that there is only one affiliate up there. I have been meaning to get Final Fantasy Tower off there, but if you will also look at my Shout Box, it will explane that Final Fantasy Beyond is shut down, and will not be back up again. So I have taken them both down. So now you see what I have been working on, in the last week.

Subject:Finished Map Section
Date:{June 18,2002}--Magic Mario
The Map Section is up. Even though my good friend Sans told me to do something else, I wonted to do the Map Section. It was easy to do, should have done that first.

Subject:Finished Item Section
Date:{June 7,2002}--Magic Mario
Out of the blue I descided to do the Item Section. It is now done, and I dont have a clue of what to do next. Help!!

Subject:Finished Story Section
Date:{June 2,2002}--Magic Mario
Now that I have finished the Story Section, I think I will take alittle break from the site. About 10 secs will be good.10..9..8..7..6..5..4..3..2..1....Well that was a good break, time to get back to work.

Subject:Finished Armor Section
Date:{May 29,2002}--Magic Mario
Yay, I finally finished the Armor Sectrion. Now I need to work on the Story section. Alot of big updates coming soon, look for them.

Subject:Armor Section
Date:{May 28,2002}--Magic Mario
Well I did not finish the Armor section yet but it will be done tomorrow. Then I will work on the Story Section. I dont ever have any time off from this.

Date:{May 27,2002}--Magic Mario
Well I'm back from the mountains. The thing is that I can't work on the site, because i just got back at 8, and I have to get ready for school tomorrow. But I hape to have the Armor Section up either Tuesday or Wednesday, so look for it.

Subject:Armor Section
Date:{May 23,2002}--Magic Mario
Time to work on the Armor Section, I guess. The good thing is it wont take me long. But the bad thing is a wont be able to get it up until Monday, because I'm going to the mountains this weekend. I hope I dont fall of the mountain. Hehe, anyway I dont have a clue what to work on next, because I have so much I have unfinished it will take me ALONG time to finish. Well if I dont get back to work I wont finish anything.

Subject:Finished Weapon Section
Date:{May 20,2002}--Magic Mario
Well it took long enough. I have finished the weapon Section. That was kinda sudden wasent it. Well now its finished and I plan to get alot of other stuff up. I is hard to work on this and I dont get but about 2 hits a day. Mannnnn.

Subject:Finished Magic Section
Date:{May 16,2002}--Magic Mario
Finally, the Magic Section is finished. It took long enough. Now I have to finish the Character Section. Mannnn this is hard. I can't even type that fast. On with the updates.

Subject:Magic Section
Date:{May 15,2002}--Magic Mario
Well I guess I did not finish the Magic Section yet. Almost though. Hope to tomorrow. Plus I wont to get the awards to Win, and Awards I've Won.Hopefully...

Date:{May 14,2002}--Magic Mario
Well I guess I did not get the stuff up I wonted, but my dad told me to get off(meanie). Well I hope to get it all up today. Plus the Magic Section. If not, oh well. And ohhh if you have any Fanart or Fanfics you wont to send in, well... send them in. Of chorse I will give you full credit.

Subject:Chacacters Section
Date:{May 13,2002}--Magic Mario
A big update(and I mean big)I dont plan to finish the Character Section, but it will be half way done(at least).Plus I wont to get the Awards to Win, and award I'v Won Sections up(even though I haven't won any awards yet). But like I said look for big updates.

Subject:Past News
Date:{May 11,2002}--Magic Mario
Time to update again.This time I have put up the Past New section. Now time for the Magic Section.

Subject:Characters Section
Date:{May 10,2002}--Magic Mario
I have the Pics and Sprite Images for all the characters. I have the maker of Eyes on Final Fantasy to thank for the Pics. Thanks guys.

Date:{May 8,2002}--Magic Mario
Another update, not much though. Only a couple of things.

Subject:Big Updates
Date:{May 7,2002}--Magic Mario
Well I plan to be up here for a longtime. I have to say I don't know much about FF2, but I love the game so I'm doing a site about. Now time to update.

Subject:Welcome To FF2:TSC
Date:{May 6,2002}--Magic Mario
Hey, it's me again. I have made a new layout. As you can see its better than my old one. plus I have desided to do FF2. Not FF7. So now it might be better(don't know) anyways I plan to update alot(ALOT). So I have to update(Alot)Later.

~FF 6 Abyss
~Unofficial FF 4
~DK's RPG Realm
Do You Think I Update To Little?
Get To Work, You Lasy Bun!

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