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"One to be born from a dragon
hoisting the light and the dark
arises high up in the sky
to the still land.
Veiling the moon with the light of eternity,
it brings another promise
to mother earth
with a bounty and mercy."

This is what it says when you start a new game. After that you start out on the Red Wing, as Cecil Harvey, The Camander of Baron's Red Wing's. Cecil is on his way back from stealing a crystal from a defenseless village of people. Cecil knows its wrong to do what he did, but he cannot disobey his Lord. The King of Baron had ordered Cecil to do steal the crystal. Cecil has not a bad heart, but like I said he cannot disobey his Lord. On the way back from the village the Red Wing is attack by two monsters. After Cecil has defeated the two monsters, you are back at Baron. As you are escorted to the Throne Room, you think you start to think if what you are doing is the right thing. When Cecil get to the King, Cecil hand over the Crystal he stole, and starts to walk off, But desides to talk to the king. After all the King did take Cecil in as his own, and raise him to be the Dark Knight he is. When Cecil asks why he must steal from defenseless people to get a crystal, the King get furious, calls Cecil a trater and tells Cecil he has lost camaned of the Red Wing. Cecil has done nothing wrong, all he did was ask why he must do theis things for his King, but none the less the King steal is mad and tell Cecil to deliver a Package to the Village of Mist, at the exact moment the gardes grab Cecil to throw him out of the Throne Room, Kain runs in trying to tell the King that Cecil has done nothing wrong, now the King is mad at Cecil and Kain. So he tells Kain to go with Cecil to the Village of Mist. So Cecil and Kain are thrown out of the Throne Room. After that Kain tells Cecil to get some rest for the travel they must do on the next day. As Cecil walks to his room, he is stoped by Rosa. Thay talk and Cecil tells her to come back at night. When Cecil gets to his room, he lays down and go to sleep. When Rosa comes in Cecil wakes up, and they talk. Cecil tells her he is "Just a Dark Knight, that cannot disobey his King." Rosa tells him not to talk like that. And tells him to be careful the next day, and leaves. Cecil say "I'm steal just a Dark Knight." The next day Cecil walk out in the main hall, and him and Kain walk out of the Castle, and into a journey that will chance the world, and Cecil. And so the journey begins...

~FF 6 Abyss
~Unofficial FF 4
~DK's RPG Realm
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