Battles: Battle 5: How the webmaster takes out his stress (seriously). Location: The Webmasters Computer.. Player: Billy Jo Bob,The Infected Elf Ahh.. a nice relaxing day messing up the webmasters webpage.. WEBMASTER is ANGRY! So he always is big deal... WEBMASTER is going to get RID of you ONCE and for ALL! One, I'm so scared and two, how do you detirmine the words you pick to capitilize? NARRATOR picks NAMES and PWETTY WORDS! "Pwetty" words? PWETTY WORDS! Ok... Now where is the webmaster and his so called threat? WEBMASTER is TIRED of your INSOLENCE! WEBMASTER sent NORTON ANTI-VIRUS! NORTON ANTI-VIRUS used ANTI-VIRUS! Thats original.. Go Infected Nome! The enemys can control the fabric of time and space,Go INFECTED NOME! Aren't we a little biased? WEBMASTER pays NARRATOR! Hmmm... Infected Nome use Bribe! INFECTED NOME used BRIBE! INFECTED NOME attempted to BRIBE NARRATOR! BRIBE was high enough it had no AFFECT! WEBMASTER used COUGH! WEBMASTER got the NARRATORS attention! ANTI-VIRUS was super effective! INFECTED NOME ain't err... ISN'T infected anymore! NOME RAN AWAY! Bah.. go me use Crash. INFECTED ELF sent out INFECTED ELF! INFECTED ELF used CRASH! WEBMASTER'S COMPUTER crashed! INFECTED ELF won! Ahhh.. that was entertaining now to get back to my soda.. Battle 4: Enter the Hero(yeah right) Location: The pure chamber... Player: Puree of Purity PURITY MASTER used SUMMON! PUREE OF PURITY was SUMMONED! Sire why have you summoned me? PURITY MASTER wonders if you have noticed the coming EVIL? Why yes I have it is very strong. PURITY MASTER suggests creating a WARRIOR! Yes that would work but where would we get him? PURITY MASTER has and IDEA! Player: Mitch, Paladin in training Location: Medevil England, 1400 MITCH is TRAINING Yes I be traing for thy rightous day when I am a full fledged Paladin. A WHITE CLAW used GRAB&PULL! MITCH was pulled into VORTEX and DISAPEARED! Location: The pure chamber... Where be I! PURITY MASTER says Your accent is annoying! PUREE OF PURITY agrees! PURITY MASTER uses A SPELL! MITCH now has no funny accent and speaks clear ENGLISH! Wow.... PUREE OF PURITY says Now you shall spend 10 days in the Hyperbolic Time Chamber II. To train and get older that 5 years old really fast! PUREE OF PURITY says You will train by yourself with no one else excluding the Narrator. And now GOOD BYE! PUREE OF PURITY used OPEN THE GATES! BILL GATES was disected! PUREE OF PURITY growls.. GATES for the HTC II were also OPENED! MITCH was PULLED into GATES! GATES were LOCKED! Ohhh... Great. Battle 3: The Essence of Evil... Location:Deep in in Giga's Viral Castle.. Player:Giga Whoa.. I've never seen this place before.. Narrator says that you have had this place for only five minutes! SO! Hey whats that over there. Reminds me something I saw on thundercats.. Statues say MUM-RA! Statues say "Oh sorry... but could you release us anyway?" Sure but how do I do that? Statues say "Very simple you just kill one of your own men" Well that one be so hard. Now whos been the least loyal lately.. GIGA pulls out LIST! LIST uses WHOS BEEN BAD?! MINION 21 HAS BEEN BAD! MINION 21 WAS SACRIFICED! ESSENCE OF EVIL WAS RELEASED! ESSENCE OF EVIL says "Thank you!" ESSENCE OF EVIL CAN NOW RELEASE ITS MASTER AND CONQUER THE NETWORK! ESSENCE OF EVIL RAN AWAY! Dang he might beat me to the punch! Battle ends in a draw! Battle 2: Giga VS Narrator Location: Eclipse Version Player: Giga Go MissingGlitch! Giga Sent out MissingGlitch! Narrator sent out Narrator! Use Glitch! MissingGlitch used Glitch! Narrator was glitched solid! Yah take that! MissingGlitch Return! Umm... Hello! Great I messed up the narrator.... Doo de doo de doo... Substitute Narrator appeared! Good now can I have that floating Castle thingie I asked for? Castle Thingie appeared! Yes! I shall call it Sky Tomb! Goon says that that is already being used! Ok then I shall call it Viral Castle! Goon2 says that name is rather lame but your the boss! Battle 1: Giga Arrives Location: Eclipse Version Player: Giga Giga arrives in Eclipse Version! Minion says that you never went to aqua! I don't care right now ok! Minion says your stupid! Minion wants to fight! I've been having to much mutinie.. Ok go MissingGlitch! Giga sent out MissingGlitch! Minion sent out Raticate! MissingGlitch use Delete! MissingGlitch used Delete! Raticate was deleted! Yes! MissingGlitches attack continues! MissingGlitch used Delete! Minion was deleted! Yes! MissingGlitche's attack continues! MissingGlitch used Delete! Lacky was deleted! Ok thats enough. MissingGlitch's attack continues! MissingGlitch used delete! Lacky Jr. was deleted! Ok enough Return! MissinGlitch return Ok Mr. Narrator give me a floating castle thingie. Narrator says that it doesn't listen to mortals! Narrator wants to fight! Great... |
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