Battles: Note: Teal Indicates Webmaster text. Battle #30: Hello, this is the Meaning of Christmas, I'm not here right, leave a message after the beep *BEEP* Location: Field 'o doom Players: Blade of Grass Lalalala. Anybody here? Good. NARRATOR dances like a FUNKY MONKEY! What are you doing? ..nothing Well, I suppose its time for your christmas bonus. YAY! But, first you have to write a battle in order for your vacation to start. Curses, so what am I supposed to do? Finding the meaning of christmas. ...goody Location: Large Field Thats not right Location : Better Player: Tiamat COLDSORE DEMON fainted! Finally, do thouest give up? KARY: Yeah, 20 of those things have fainted. LICH: Yeah, we don't have all day. KRAKEN: *flop* TYPEWRITER DEMON: I can do this all day! TYPEWRITER DEMON sent out THE LAST LEVEL OF ADEVENTURE MODE IN THE Q*BERT REMAKE DEMON Why is that annoying? < haunter_uk > ...It's almost impossiable on Easy difficulty level. KARY: Goody Location: Player: GigaVirus What are you doing? Nothing? Why do you ask? Well, your standing a giant DOOR and the location is secret military base. Shh. Your not supposed to know that. Oh fine. Hey, ITS SANTA! SANTA: Ho ho ho! SANTA! Whats the meaning of Christmas? SANTA: Ho ho. Ho HO. HOO! ...okay THERE HE IS! GET HIM! What the? *WOOP* *WOOP* GIANT DOOR is OPENING! PA: Deploying A-WINGS fly out of the GIANT DOOR! What the hell is going on? Santa didn't pay his protection money. .... So were replacing him with someone who did. MENDIN: Yo. sick monster. SANTA! SANTA: Hohoho? GIGA IS TRYING TO REPLACE YOU WITH MENDIN! SANTA:.... REINDEER turned into TIE FIGHTERS?! SANTA: HO HO HO! ...I'll be leaving now. Location: Large Field Player: Kary <MrKite > i luvz0r u g1g4 DEMON fainted! I still don't know WHY its annoying, the thing was a quote TIAMAT: Not to mention them not getting rid of the name of the poor fool who said it. KRAKEN:*flop* So, what do we do with him? TYPEWRITER DEMON is SNEAKING away! LICH: How about this? *KRAKA-WHAP-SHISH-BOOM-BA* TYPEWRITER DEMON was sent FLYING! ..whats with the sound affect? FOOLISH MORTALS! MY SOUND AFFECTS ARE TO COMPLEX FOR YOUR EARS TO COMPREHEND! ..... TIAMAT:... LICH:.... KRAKEN:.....*flop* ..... Location: Ding Star Player: Typewriter Demon Where am I? BILLY JO: You know that little star that appers when someone if hits you really hard? Yes. BILLY JO: Your on it. ...hey, weren't you flung to a desert? BILLY JO:...I missed the desert and landed here. *sigh* So what is there to do here? BILLY JO: Well, since the star rockets through the network at great speeds, you can throw a rock and hit someone! Watch. BILLY JO threw a ROCK! Location: Ghost Version Player: Floap A ROCK bonked FLOAP on the HEAD! Ow. What was that? I dunno. Location: Ding Star Player: Typewriter Demon BILLY JO: See? FUN! I suppose, but how do you get off of here? BILLY JO: Well, you could jump, thats how those rocket people got off, but you'll end up in a random version *sigh* Were trapped huh? BILLY JO: Yep Why me? Location: Field 'o Doom Player: Blade of Grass Find the meaning of christmas yet? Uhhh... MEANING OF CHRISTMAS appeared! THERE IT IS! ^^ ...grah NOW, HAND IT OVER. Fine. NARRATOR recieved CHRISTMAS BONUS! Yay. Battle #29: Four to the Fiends and one to uhhh.. DANCE LIKE A MONKEY! Location: Large field Player: Lich HI! .....hello. Whatcha doing mister? .....wondering who the hell you are. I'm Lich! You mean an Undead Skeletal Mage that appears in FF1, WarCraft 3, and Tactics Ogre? .....I suppose. And why are you here? To be cute! ^^ .....WEBMASTER! Work with me here. You of all people, I can't believe you have stooped this low. Come on! I promise it will get better! YOU LIE! ....don't make me withdraw your Christmas Bonus. FINE! What was that about? Nothing. Now, what to do with you? Awe in my cuteness! ^^ Then what? LIGHTBULB! LIGHTBULB appeared! *CRASH* ...owie DEB appeared! Now, I brought you here so you could determine whether this thing is cute or not. DEB: Okay! Now, how I'm supposed to see under the hood? You use this! NARRATOR handed DEB a ENERGIZER BATTERY! DEB:...where's the rest? uhhh.... where on a budget so, use you imagination! DEB: Fine. BRIGHT LIGHT appeared! DEB saw LICH's FACE! DEB spontaneously combusted.....for some REASON o_O! What was that for? NARRATOR looks at LICH'S face! AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH! NARRATOR ran away! 20 minutes later.... ...did you put the hood back on? YES! Good. I still don't understand why she did that.... Because you face is the very essence of terror, horror, and VILENESS! It is so disgusting it even has its own word! I'm pretty sure that vileness is word... Your missing the point. Fine, now what do we do? Well, since Deb is a pile of charred remains....I have no idea. I could do the plan thingie! What plan thingie? Mr. Demon man told me to open a portal so the rest of the Fiends could come! Fiends...? Now where did I put that key.... Looking for this? GIANT KEY fell next to LICH! Goodie! ....plot sense tingling. Didn't you say that plot were the spawn of satan? ...6 battles is enough to develop characters. No its not. WEBMASTER waves CHRISTMAS BONUS! ...bah Excuse me? WHAT? Can I activate the portal thing now? Hmmm? Oh fine. Now I just press this button... FIERY PORTAL appears! THREE OBJECTS fall from the SKY! Vweeheehee. My friends come at last! ......NARRATOR assumes that FIERY PORTAL is making LICH HIGH! ..... Thought that would shut you up. THREE OBJECTS are STILL falling! ...when are they supposed to get down? Dunno Wanna play poker? Sure. Several days later... THREE OBJECTS are STILL falling! SCREW THIS! GROUND rose! THREE OBJECTS are SLAMMED against the GROUND! THREE OBJECTS are renamed TIAMAT, KARY, and KRAKEN! Hi guys! TIAMAT: Greetings Lich. KARY: Yo girlfriend! KRAKEN: *flop* ..... ..... TIAMAT: I feel strange though... KARY: Me as well... KRAKEN: *flop* Its probably because that TIAMAT is a LARGE MAT! TIAMAT:..... KARY is a GIANT FLAMING PIN CUSHION! KARY:.... AND KRAKEN is a FISH out of WATER! ...GOLDFISH to be PRECISE! KRAKEN: .......*flop* TIAMAT: Why has this happened to us! BECAUSE its FUNNY! KARY: I don't find it amusing. THINGS are ONLY funny if there LIVING PUNS! TIAMAT: Bah. KARY: Drat KRAKEN: *flop* So, what do we do now? KARY: Well we could search for the scouting party. TIAMAT: I suppose, I wonder where they are though... .....I think there over there. LICH points! 100 DEMONS leer at you! TIAMAT: That would be them.... KARY: Its freaky when they all give you the eye like that. TYPEWRITER DEMON: You have more important thing to worry about. grrr.... TYPEWRITER DEMON: Greetings Lich. Whats up with you? HE STOLE ME KEY! ;_; ...its right there! Well, I've got it back now! Yay. TIAMAT: Now, Typewriter, what are you doing? TYPEWRITER: FOOL! You are to weak to rule us. We, The Demons Of Midly Annoying Things, shall not fear you! DOMAT wants to FIGHT! .... Comment here Recap: Being bored out of his mind, the webmaster decided not to write. However, since he needed that Update Score, he decided to have demons do it. So he summoned demons from the depths of heck, he had them then summon demons from an even deeper part of heck. this continued for about 10 minutes until he was satisfied with the author. And now the battle from Heck begins. Battle #28: The Battle from the very Depths of Heck Location: ...the Very Depths of Heck. Player: GigaVirus |