Recap: In our last episode, the 5 forces of Eclipse Version were sucked into the worm-hole. But one must wonder, where does this wormhole lead? To Earth? To a parrallel reality? Or perhaps another version that the Webmaster is making? But no one in there right minds would do that, unless they were made of lead, or perhaps some other metal. And of course, what will they find there? Nobody knows. Except Robby. Wait a minute, why would he know that? He doesn't run this version. And why am I still talking? Ok, your begining to annoy the audience. But I'm not done yet... The recap is over. Fine. Battle #35: Of wormholes amd a-holes Date: 02-17-02 Location: Giga's Fortress of Fourty Player: GigaVirus Minions, we are at least near the end of our quest, I have already recieved our demon catcher, soon there powers will be ours! That is so dan vague it isn't funny. I thought it was rather imformative. VIRALS: Yay GOGO: Psst What? GOGO: We never got the Demon catcher things.... ....great. I guess will have to go to Plan B. GOGO: Oh no. GIGAVIRUS hit the BUTTON marked PLAN B! MANY LITTLE SHIPS were DEPLOYED! ....they look like Pac-Man. Location: Inside the wormhole Player: That gust of wind that knocks all the papers out of your hand Demon Bah, I didn't expect us to be going home so soon. The Great one must have gotten impatient. ITCHY SOCK DEMON: Don't complain, it will be nice to be home. I suppose, hopefully J- SILENCE! *WHAM* SILENCE: The plot has been saved. SILENCE vanishes! YOU WILL NOT SPOIL THIS PLOT! Ow. ITCHY SOCK DEMON: ...that wasn't kawaii. Go- BE SILENT! *WHAM* SILENT: Zzzz SILENT vanished! Your not allowed to utter that catch phrase either. Ow ITCHY SOCK DEMON: Might as well listen to the r- Red text. ITCHY SOCK DEMON: Right, what else would I call you? I dunno. EVIL PAC-MEN appeared! EVIL PAC-MEN: Munch munch crunch crunch. FOOD! EVIL PAC-MAN devoured ITCHY SOCK DEMON! ITCHY SOCK DEMON: omg nooooo! *CHOMP* ....AHHHHHHH! THAT GUST OF WIND THAT KNOCKS ALL THE PAPERS OUT OF YOUR HAND DEMON was DEVOURED! ARGH! *CHOMP* Location: Halberd II Player: Meta Knight Bah, I'm glad we got away from them. They were insane. META AXE: Look whose talking. THATS INSUBORDINATION! META KNIGHT hits THE BUTTON! META AXE fell into the REACTOR! Anymore comments? META AXE: YOU IDIOT! THERE IS NO FIRE DOWN HERE! .... META AXE: And you removed the bloody guns, how am I supposed to die down here? Excuse me. META KNIGHT picks up a PHONE! Yes he's still alive. No, there isn't any fire down there. Yah alright. META KNIGHT puts the phone down! META AXE: Hello there. So he finally sent someone down-OW! WHY DID YOU SHOOT ME?! Now that thats taken care of- META AXE: YOU DIE NOW! AXE DECAPITATION! *THWACK* *WUMP* META AXE is climbing up the CHUTE! .... META MACE: CLOSE THE TRAPDOOR YOU FOOL! ..riight. META KNIGHT hits THE BUTTON! HATCH CLOSED! IT thwacked META AXE in the PROCESS! Yes, perfect. MWUAHAHA! META KNIGHT does the DR. EVIL PINKY THING! FINGER still can't reach! Hand me my sword. META MACE: But sir, I wouldn't do that... Just give it to me! META MACE: Fine. META MACE hands META KNIGHT his SWORD! META KNIGHT does the DR. EVIL PINKY THING again! META KNIGHT impaled himself! o.O OW! META MACE: Told you. Location: Inside the wormhole Player: Lich Guys... TIAMAT: Yes, what is it? Did you notice that we are the only ones left? TIAMAT looks behind him! MANY EVIL PAC-MEN leer at YOU! EVIL PAC-MEN: Munch munch crunch crunch. TIAMAT: I didn't notice that. KARY: Neither did I. KRAKEN: *flop* Did you also notice that the Great One is right in front of us? GREAT ONE: HIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII! :) TIAMAT: Greetings KARY: Yo KRAKEN: Word to your mother. ... KARY:.... TIAMAT:... GREAT ONE:.... KRAKEN: I mean *flop* GREAT ONE: I'm sorry about this, but I'm gonna have to eat you. kk? :) GREAT ONE opens his MOUTH! TIAMAT was SUCKED IN! TIAMAT: NOOOOOOOO! *CHOMP* KARY was SUCKED IN! KARY: NOOOOOOOO! *CHOMP* KRAKEN was SUCKED IN! KRAKEN: I'M NOT JUST A FISH! I HAVE FEELINGS- *CHOMP* OH NO YOU DON'T! LICH casts XXXX! MILLIONS of PORN MAGAZINES RAIN FROM THE SKY! .... GREAT ONE just kind of SITS there! o.O LICH sneaks away! NARRATOR glances at the MAGAZINES! NARRATOR tilts HEAD! I didn't know people could BEND like that, and this one is just ewww..That dog was not necessary. Location: ER's Moving Mansion of Mellow Player: Mitch LOUD BANGING is HEARD! What could that be? DARKROJIN: Probably those Pac-Men things. No, there over there, dragging that big thing into the Fortress of Fourty. DARKROJIN: I guess, I'll go open the hatch. DARKROJIN opens the HATCH! LICH falls IN! DARKROJIN: are? LICH: I am LICH! A great Black Magician. Really? You look like a Two Year-old. LICH: What are you talking about? Your two feet tall. LICH: Oh, that. That'll change when pass the halfway point. In fact there it is now. Location: Inside the wormhole, Toll Booth Player: Toll Man FORCES OF ECLIPSE appear! Hello there, welcome to the Halfway point. In order to pass you must pay one yen. JPG: Thats pretty cheap, lets see here... GIGAVIRUS: HA! I'm not paying! FORTRESS OF FOURTY zoomed PASS! So did ER'S SHIP, THE HALBERD II, and JPG'S OGE! JPG: Sorry, but I don't have any yen. .... TOLL MAN looks ANGRY! o.O THEY BROKE MY CROSSING GUARD! Uh oh. THATS IT! ALL ASKED FOR WAS ONE YEN! BUT DO THEY PAY NO! Calm down Toll Man... I'M SICK OF THIS! I MUST MAKE AN EXAMPLE OF THEM! Now let's not get drastic.. EAT TOLL JUJU! TOLL MAN casts EVIL BAD JUJU TOLL CURSE! CLIFFHANGER activated! BATTLE ended! Comment on this battle Battle #34: Battle of the Location: Somewhere near the sprialing vortex. Player: Nothing, the webmaster's right-hand man Date: 02-10-02 Excellent, this plot should-hey, wheres the white text? Dunno. This was supposed to be a fanfic! WHERE IS FANFIC NARRATOR?! Well, after the explosion, Me and Sound Narrator were fine while Fanfic was.... evacuating the stragglers under JPG's oge. Oh shiznit. So he's probably in some alternate reality, right? Knowing this version, yes. You go looking for him, in the meantime Battle Beginner Narrator shall take your place. NARRATOR zooms off! zzzzz WAKE UP! Huh what? Oh yeah. Battle #35: - NO YOU MORON! YOUR GOING TO BE A NARATOR! ....a real one? Yes. I'M GOING TO BE A REAL BOY! have no gender. It then. So go narrate the battle or something. Will do! Location: A wee bit closer to the spiraling vortex. Player: GigaVirus KEFKA: UWEHEHEHE! CELES: hahaha! GESTAHL: HAHAHA! Yes yes, all goes according to plan, oh and take off those mimics, were in a fanfic now, the narator won't know. KEFKA: Oh fuddy duddy. CELES: Oh poo GESTAHL: Bah KEFKA and GESTAHL vanished! CELES transformed into....GOGO?! WHAT THE?! Narration? This can't be good.. Fanfic Narrator was blown to Kingdom come. Hmmm? So the version needs a New Fanfic Narrator, MissingNo- No, he was literally blown to kingdom come. Location: Kingdom Come HELP! BIBLO: HI MOM! Location: A wee bit closer to the sprialing vortex Player: Gogo This is all very intresting, but exactly what am I supposed to do now? ER is approaching! GIGAVIRUS: Go deal with them when they arrive, they won't be able to fight themselves. Correct. GOGO leaves! GIGAVIRUS: At this rate, those Demons will be mine to command and the network will be mine Location : Bridge of the SS Daragen Player: Mitch I'M ALIVE! AND I GOT AIRTIME! WOOHOO! ...who resurrected him? DARKROJIN: That would be me. ahem. SILENCE! DARKROJIN: NOO- *WHAM* SILENCE: I DISRESPECT YOU! SILENCE ran away! So, where is the Doompuff spinoff? DARAGEN: I'm right here Where? DARAGEN: HERE! ..your the ship? DARAGEN: Of course I'm the ship, I'm a metamorph you twit. got them to trust you how? DARAGEN: Free unlmited internet access. .... MITCH AND VARIOUS crew are playing RO! ...figures. LOTS OF FIGHTING can be seen OUTSIDE! DOMAT are heading towards the SPIRALING VORTEX! METAKNIGHT'S FORCES are heading towards GIGA'S fleet! EASTERN RENEGADES are heading for GIGA'S FLEET! BQ is going down the HOLE! Location: The Hole Player: BQ WEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE! BQ is falling! BQ passed VARIOUS TERRIBLE VERSIONS! |