Lisa Harper, Rookie Quest Part 1
Trip to City of Minoc
As i had been given my Quest, i began to prepare, when the day grew old and most guards had finished their work, I decided it was right time to start my patrol, knowing that any that came would have to spend the night.
I began send out a number of pigeons an checked stonekeep itself, soon i had gathered together a fair number of guards, these included: Boreas, Felix, Larynda, William Saber, Xaldan, Ellyn, Leon, Uther Stormbrow, Dreamas, and Duke Jaegar, and Robert Dart who we lost to sleep after patrol started.
Soon after we had prepared and collected supplys we started out on the Long journey to Minoc, we headed out down towards the east bridge with the Duke and his personal Guard riding on ahead, and Leon as Rear Guard.
We soon came across the samurai, one which was trying to tax the duke, his pride getting the better of him, he decided to try an fight us off and soon we left 2 of their number laying by the road as we headed on.
We continued along towards minoc losing
Dreamas and William to sleep.
Our long patch took us past many interesting places and we did meet some unfriendly bandits, a few trolls and some corpsers, but it was nothing that couldnt be handled.
We began to move slower as a few Guards were muddy and we was heading through the woods themselves to get to minoc.
After quite a long journey which took many many hours we soon reached the outer part of minoc and its gypsie camps, there we rested a while to make sure everyone was with us and in good health.
I made sure everyone understood the nature of the
task ahead, and we set out.
We quickly entered the city itself where at the Local Bank i let the guards split up into groups to tour the area and speak to the locals, after a set amount of time we teurned . I spoke to three locals with Ellyn, asking if they were Fine, if all was well in the city, they also said they needed no help when we asked.
I returned to the bank and when the duke had finished speaking to two Hopfull recruits, i dismissed the group for the day and found a local Inn to sleep till the next days travels to vesper.