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Guild H.Q.
Guild Shops
Magic Points
Monthly Events
Special Events

Magic Points

How Does It Work?

Well, each time you participate in a guild contest, donate something to the guild, etc. You receive a certain number of magic points! You may turn them in for specific food or items. Members that have these points will be posted here...

The Point List:

Ambria_Red: .5

Bbd121: 38

Candy8877: 635

Crazyed51: 661

Djds6: .5

Elven_Druid: 1.5

Frost_Leader: 1

Hibiscus: 373

Hyper_Girl131: .5

Icicle666: 1

Jako13: 216.5

Justinkool131313: 140

Kiroshikato_Tonushi: 108

Love__Bugg: 15

Paint_Boy182: 86

Rh_Yuu: 295

Skittles222: 145

Sungrules: 15

Suzy305: .5

Tyrannian_Leader: 1

Omegamon122: 1

Pinkrabbit876: 10

Cosmo370: 48

Lilpunk589: 1

Misspurrrrfect: 25

Zidane11429: 25

Bloody89: 50