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Power Nuts



Power nuts are in various locations throughout the game. They increase your stamina by ten percent. 1. You can find a power nut when you are digging on your farm. 2. You can buy a power nut at the Flower Festival. 3. You can win a power nut at the Egg festival. 4. If you throw a large fish into the small pond by the fisherman's tent you get one. (Note- If you throw in a small fish you get a berry that increases your strength when it rains) 5. In the winter the small pond freezes and you can walk across it to the big rock in the back and it it with a golden hammer. 6. If you become friends with Basil (Popuri's dad) then eventually he gives you one. 7. If you fish on the beach eventually you will catch one instead of a fish. 8. If you grow Pink Cat mint seeds, Stu (the little boy with black hair) will trade you marbles for one. If you are friends with the sprites then they will trade you a power nut for the marbles. 9. If you have all your strength and you throw a crop into the fountain and wish for strength then you get one. 10. Also, if you dig on the third floor of the mine, you might find one!