...Ice Shadow...
Ice Shadow
Hi Again
In the darkness of a lost forest, you come across a large meadow. You look around, wondering where the heck you are, and how you got here. Suddenly, you turn,just to see a flash of silver, hidden in the woods. You spin around again, just to see a flash of black this time. Then, out of no where, a deep lupine howl beckons you forth. You don't know where to turn, what to do, where to hide, but then, you realize you have no choice. A large silver female wolf leaps out of the dark forest, staring straight at you. She takes a few catious steps forth, but you can see there is no fear deep in her emerald eyes, so deep, it was like a never ending pool of emerald water you were falling into, never to return to the same world again. She then turns on her glimmering haunches in the fading moonlight and dissapears against the shadows of her forest once again. You stand frozen, wondering if you should follow. Minutes later, you reconize the deep cry of the female again, this time joined in with more from her pack.
The songs of the wild soon die down, and your courage is regained as you take a tentative step towards the howl. Just as you take that first step a disgusted snort is heard from behind you. Your body wheels around in fright, just to come face to face with a large stallion. The stallion stands tall before you, his golden pelt gleams from the rejected sun from the snow. Depthless ebon orbs stare straight into yours. He then rears up showing his dominance of all here, and power, his ebon ending pistons flaring wildly above you. They then catiously return to the ground. His amazing body turns away from you, back into the shadows. But as you look up to watch him go he is already gone, only a puppet of the shadows...
You are then left standing there, cold, and defensless against the shadows. You don't know which way to turn or how to deal. For you, my friend, have befallen across the place cursed Ice Shadow, where the wild creatures run, reside, and kill.
Will you stay and join them, or cower in the safety of the dark forest forever...
Choose now or be forever alone....
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...Lupine Dwellings...
...Equine Trails...
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