sthnews: Doody Booty! sophosneko: STOP COPYING ME! sthnews: STOP COPYING ME! sophosneko: STOP THAT! sthnews: STOP THAT! sophosneko: *ominous viens popping* sthnews: *Reveals himself and runs away giggling* sophosneko: o_O sophosneko: i'm not copying you, no way sophosneko: *runs away screaming* sthnews: *Runs after him* sophosneko: eek! Beware, or i'll run in circles screaming like a school girl! sthnews: I've got nude pictures of George Bush! sophosneko: AH! sthnews: Wanna see!? sophosneko: *runs in circles screaming like school girl* sophosneko: get away! sthnews: hehe,no! sthnews: *Shoves George Bush pictures in hisface* sthnews: See! sophosneko: AHHH!!! sthnews: *Reveals himself again and runs away taking his pictures with* sophosneko: good, he's gone sophosneko: i don't have to reviel my secret weapon sophosneko: Bob Newhart nude pics! sthnews: Ahhhhh! sthnews: Not Bob Newhart Nude Pictures!I thought I was the only one who had them? sophosneko: hehe *grins widely* sthnews: *Grabs his Bob Newhart pictures and runs away giggiling* sthnews: Hehe sophosneko: NO! sophosneko: do you know the trouble i went through to get those? sthnews: yes!Mine now sucker! sophosneko: geez, atleast he's gone now sophosneko: *maniacle laugh into space* sthnews: *Steals pictures of AKU's naked butt* sthnews: You'll never get these! sthnews: *Posts them on the internet* sophosneko: i know, i have a nice ass huh? sophosneko: *admires his butt* sophosneko: ops, this isn't rated E anymore sthnews: Very nice...I mean,AHHHH! sthnews: *Hides butt pictures...ass pictures and runs away never to return* sophosneko: hehe *sits on photo copying machine* sophosneko: *posts all over internet* sthnews: Ewwwwwwww!Now I gotta watch that! sthnews: *washes the internet* sophosneko: *uploads virus into your computer so it loads every time you think about kicked Barney* sthnews: *Hides his pair of streaked barney undies* sophosneko: now i still have the problem with the Newhart pictures... sthnews: There mine!Not yours!Mine! sophosneko: i'll just stalk him dressed in a red tressed teddy and do the monkey sophosneko: *does previously stated, hiring a camera man* sthnews: Well then...the secret crouch area will never be revealed!HAHAHA! sophosneko: *pouts* not fair! sthnews: Frisbies are cool...and so are butt warmers... sophosneko: dogs can be used to get both sthnews: Buy them now,3 payments or $29.99! sthnews: Get one for both cheeks! sophosneko: um.... sophosneko: how about if you throw in pictures of Regis and you have a deal sthnews: Excellent idea Mr. bubbly butt! sophosneko: hey! sophosneko: my butt isn't bubbly sophosneko: it is silky smooth sthnews: O_O sophosneko: feel *flashes* sthnews: Wow!*Feels* sthnews: It's! sthnews: How'd you get it so smooth? sophosneko: vasaline sthnews: *looks down at crouch*hehe...*Runs away* sthnews: This has been a presentation of the Doody Interviews!