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Exclusive Interview : WB

sthnews: Hey WB,thanks for joining and becoming Sonic News 4th exclusive interview!

WB:No problemo ^^

WB:Thanks for having me ^^

sthnews: I always ask the first question as,why are you important in the Sonic Community,and who's your favorite Backstreet Boy?

WB:I have no favorite Backstreet Boy. backstreet Boys are evil and must BUUUUUUUUURRRRRRRRRRRRRRN !!!!!!!! ^_____^ I didnt think I was famous....I'm cute and all the wimmins love my 8 tracks, But I dont think I'm that famous. just your average longtime fan. :-) For about 5 years or so...5, 5 and a half I was the second webmaster of Sonic HQ. I co-modded with vector who is still there. I also do a lot of Sonic art as well, though I havent updated my old archives in a long time a lot of people still like the stuff I did I guess ^___^

WB:I'm also currently still a Mod at the tSf board and frequent a lot of places in the Sonic community :-)

sthnews: When did you first start your love of Sonic The Hedgehog?

sthnews: Better yet,how?

WB:Geez....Make me feel all old why dont you. ^^ I had ALWAYS liked Sonic. My first game was Sonic 1, but i fell in love at Sonic 2. Super Sonic is what did it. I thought that was just the most awesome thing in the world for some reason. ^____^ And by Sonic 3 it was just all over. :-) But, I think it started at the end of high school. I'm in college now, but I think i was looking for info on either a Sonic game or info on the comic. I browsed a bunch of pages - Kedzie's wasnt up back then, but I came across Zifei's Sonic Page and a little derelict joint called the Mobius Forum. I made a post there in typical newbie fashion ("HI MY NAMES WB AND I LOKE SONIC STUFF !! YOUR PAGE IS KEWL !!!!!!!!!!!!") and it just sorta ballooned from there. the people were real cool and there was a good atmosphere. So it became my "hangout" on the net. And thats how I became absorbed into the Sonic community ^^

sthnews: From then on you've been big in the community.Where did WB come from anyways?Did your friends just decide to call you that or does it have a reason?

WB:"WB" came from my roommate in college. I drew....A LOT....and I had a BIG LOVE for Warner Bros. cartoons & animation. Still do. Thats my ultimate goal in life actually is to become an animator. So instead of Jonathan, he called me WB, and that became my name all over campus and I liked it so much that its the name I use on the net. Even when I transferred to SCAD some people down here call me WB because I'm so used to it now ^__^. Eassentially it means "Warner Brothers" ^__^ Surprisingly I get that Q a lot.

sthnews: When did you start drawing excellent pictures of Sonic and Co for Sonic HQ?Why did you decide to give Vector your webmaster spot at the HQ?

WB:I did all the Sonic Icon pictures at Sonic HQ with the exception of Tony Nguyen who did the awsome 3D pictures that you see floating around in the titlebar. :-) I think i wanted to do something new and had found a script that allowed you to randomize pictures. So, I drew several small pictures of the characters in the classic "Sonic rings" and welded them down a bit to fit. :-) It was just something I did cause I thought it'd be cool to do plus it gave me an excuse to draw tons of characters. ^___^ cont-->

WB:Actually, the reason why I ultimately stepped down from SHQ was because I wanted to pursue my own career in art and build a portfolio. This was something i couldnt do, because SHQ did consume a lot of my time cause I was so dedicated to it and the people there. A lot of friends of mine, Kedzie and Katrice were the ones who convinced me that I really should pursue an online comic strip and go for it after I had told them my ideas. I had the idea, but dint think it'd go anywhere, but they convinced me and I did. I ultimately decided that 5 years at SHQ was more than enough and I had done what I wanted to do. It didnt mean leaving, just going on to new things. So I told Vector before hand (who went into panic attack mode at first, but understood being the cool person that he is ^___^) and chose my successor as Kat "True Red" who does the Knuckles Haven homepage. :-) After which, I went and worked on my TWO daily comic strips, Chip And Walter & Time Trouble, which you can find here: I think its been a pretty good success so far, and I'm happy and I dont regret my decision ONE BIT. ^___^

sthnews: Your into Sega Sonic,are you also into the other universes of Sonic?

WB:Blackbat2: You havent read CNW and TT! Shame! Shame! :D

WB:yup. I like and still read the Archie Comic (when it does OK, when it doesnt I become violent and brood ^___^). It has its issues but I think it stands on its own fairly well. I like SatAM (thank heavens that we'll finally be getting DVD's so now I have MORE excuses to spend my money :-) ) and of course I love SegaSonic. AoSTH is OK in ***small doses***.....Yes - I am the one that is guilty of writing the AoSTH episode guide on Sonic HQ. The culprit is me. Its not bad...but its not good either..Mama Robotnik must DIE. And I'll probably piss of the Sonic Underground fans but I'm not really that big a fan of it. It could have been tolerable maybe without the music...its NOT as bad as AoSTH in many areas, but its not good either...Its like...Alvin And The Chipmunks meets STH. And thats just a nono !!! ^____^ But hey - you win some you lose some. Sorry SU fans its not my cup of tea.

sthnews: Have you been doing some Sonic art lately?Where did you get the ideas for your online comic and have you ever though about doing Sonic fan fiction?

WB:Sonic art - surprsingly YES. :-) I'll be doing some new logos for tSF (one that should be ready by next week if all goes well). I'm currently slated to do the cover for Other-M #16 and if I have time I'd like to do 17 as well. If I have some time over Christmas Break I'd like to maybe spend some time doing another classic collage picture that I like to do so much :-) cont-->

WB:As for my online comic - all the characters with me are my own and have been with me since middle school :-) They've ALWAYS been mine. time trouble is a little more special though because it relates to Sonic fandom in a way. Each one of the main cast is based loosely off someone I know. My old cast that i had for it never really gelled with me, so i retooled it over time and asked certain people if I could use thier name and such. For example - the main character is named Kedzie Collington of all things :-) Lienne Chan is named after Lien Nguyen, another popular Sonic fan artists who's a cool friend of mine. Astute Sonic fans should notice ian influence in every main cast character with the exception of Lucky and Sterling. :-) Since I do 2 comic strips, its two seperate storylines. CNW is based off my love for the classic Disney stories that i remember so fondly (you remember them, back before the Disney Afternoon sucked?) and my love of the work of Carl Barks. Time Trouble actually evolved from a short story I wrote in middle school and I like dthe concept so much, that i kept it. :-) Its a fantasy/action/comedy cartoon strip. So both are two entirely different genres. but LOTS of comedy ^___^

WB:And I've NEVER thought of doing fanfiction, though I guess I can write since I do the strips (havent heard a complaint yet! ^____^). But if I were to do one, I'd rather draw out a fanfic. i had actually planned on drawing out a Dan Drazen fanfic once.

WB:But that was RIGHT before I launched CNW and TT :-)

sthnews: I think Dan would enjoy something like that,maybe if you get any extra time you could do so.What do you think of Sonic going on to other non Sega systems,like Gamecube and GBA?

WB:I dont mind it at all. I never really did. Sega will still be under control of Sonic and Sonic Team will still have thier baby. :-) As long as the games are good and the gameplay rocks, the Sonic series will never die :-) Its just in the realm of Nintendo and Mario land now. And who am I to complain as long as Sonic stays alive? :-) If you had asked me BEFORE if we'd have ever seen Sonic and Mario together though, I'd have called you a loon.... ^____^ But personally, I think its really cool, and a wise decision for now ^^

WB:I forgot - A good perk of this is that we'll finally have another handheld 2D Sonic game considering what SNK did after Sonic Pocket was released^___^

sthnews: SNK just quit recently actually,I guess sales won't going to well.

sthnews: Will you ever think about going back to Sonic HQ's staff or working on a Sonic Fan Site of your own?

WB:No. I'm through with Sonic sites. They're too freakin' had to maintain! LOL! (j/k) :-) With the exception of modding at the Sonic Foundation board, lurking around on the mailing lists, popping into the Mofo to utter random nonsense or checking Ken Penders board to harass the locals (KARL BOLLERS IS SMOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOTH! ^____^) I wont do any new webpages anytime soon. Its all about CNW now. :-)

sthnews: Could you explain This?

WB:LOL! We dont like to talk about that. It tends to scare the children when we release it on the public :D

sthnews: About the car crash also,rumors are all over saying a crazy old lady with 400 cats started it,is this true?

WB:LOL! Actually it was an old guy AND an old woman. I remembered the woman first because she was the first and only thing i saw before I blacked out after the air bag went all Mike Tyson on me and tried to bite off my ear. ^__^ BUT basically this guy who was older than the egyptian pyramids pulled out in front of a tractor trailer to do an illegal left turn. I was on the other side of the tractor trailer and he didnt know I was there. you do the math ^__^

WB:As for the 400 cats....well......rumor has it that there were 500 total...but nothing has been proven

WB:YET !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :D

sthnews: When you win your emmy award,what will you say to the crowd?and also,thanks for taking the time for this interview,click WB's name to sample his art and head to his website.

WB:Screw the emmy. I'm goin for the Nobel prize baby !!!!!! **AHEM** I WOULD LIKE TO THANK ALL THE LITTLE PEOPLE !!!!!!!! THANK YOU FOR BEING MY STEPPING STONES IN LIFE AND BEING THERE TO JUST BE THE DARLING THINGS YOU ARE!!!!!! :D You've been simply faboo! We must do this again sometime - you, me, the Hamptons, it will be the GALA event of the year you silly thing you ;D And who said the interview was over???? What aout MY questions? For instance if you can't believe it's not butter then what did you believe it was before you ate it?" ^___^ Ba-dump-bump! :D

WB:Seriously - thanks for interviewing me - it was fun ^^

