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About Me



My first computer was a Commodore 64 with no hard drive. Although it couldn't do much I was hooked for life.  In 1995, I purchased my first PC with Win. 95 and an AMD Dx4-100 processor, and I have had one or more computers ever since.

 Until recently most of my knowledge about hardware, software and configuration was self taught. In August 2000, the manufacturing facility where I had worked twenty-one years closed. Rather than stay in the same field, I chose to return to college where I am presently studying for an Associate Degree in Information Systems. Upon graduation, I hope to find a position troubleshooting, repairing and upgrading PC's. 

Unfortunately, since I had been away from formal education for an extended period, my schoolwork absorbed the majority of my free time leaving me little time to enjoy gaming. My course load has now diminished somewhat, and I hope to  again become active in gaming  and also design  some new custom scenarios for Panzer General.
