Nimzowitsch (2718)
- Frank J. Marshall (2647)
Master's Invitational Tournament
Bad Kissingen, (GER);
(7) 1928
Goldsby I]
of Marshall's best games, this near miniature also won the FIRST
Brilliancy Prize at the
Bad Kissingen Tournament in 1928.
ratings are the ones that were assigned to this game when it was in
the database.
to Sonas, Nimzovich was
Number Five (# 5) in the World, (behind Lasker, Capa,
Alekhine and Vidmar); with a rating of 2697. Marshall is designated as
the Number Ten (# 10)
player in the World with a rating of 2622. (Rating list: Dec. 31st,
Nf6; 2.c4 b6!?; (Maybe - '!')
There are many myths about Marshall. The most popular ones are:
A.) Marshall only played swindles; and B.) He could not play a
wide variety of openings.
simple truth is that Marshall was a tremendous player. While perhaps
best known for a few
famous swindles, he could beat you in ANY phase of the game!!
(Opening, middle-game or even
in an ending.)
other myth about Marshall is he played only certain lines ... and
played them poorly.
(Fine {in the U.S. chess magazine} once wrote:
"He had a narrow repertoire, and was addicted to a few inferior
Nothing could be further from the truth. This was a man who often took
a small chess-board
and a writing pad to bed with him at night, in case he came up with a
new idea.
he plays Nimzo's own invention, and soundly thrashes him with
[ Also popular is the move:
2...e6!?; {Diagram?}
which could transpose to several
different openings, but usually
signifies the Nimzo-Indian.
Or Black could try:
2...g6!?; {Diagram?}
leading to the Benoni, the
Gruenfeld, or the King's Indian
(But masters did not
begin playing these lines until
the 1930's or even the 1940's.) ]
3.Nc3 Bb7!?;
Probably not the most accurate
move order - by the standards of
modern theory, anyway.
(But I don't
think its that big of a deal.)
[ Normal is: 3...e6 ]
This move, while very popular in
the early days of this line, is not
considered dangerous by theory
today. (The pin is not considered
all that effective, but many players
- like GM J. Timman - regularly
use Bg5 against the {regular}
Nimzo-Indian Defense.)
[ In modern times, one could expect
the following moves:
4.Nf3 e6;
5.a3!?, "+/=" {Diagram?}
transposing to the main lines.
( See MCO-14, beginning on page
number # 555.
And see columns
one through eighteen. {1-18} );
Soltis says the best line for White
is to play Queen-to-c2 on his
fourth move, with the
idea of a
very quick pawn advance, e2-e4: >/=
4.Qc2! c5!?;
Theory says this is best - but I
am not convinced.
( 4...e6; 5.e4 d5!?; {Diagram?} This allows White to fix the pawn
maybe ...d6 was better. 6.cxd5 exd5; 7.e5 Ne4!?; {Diagram?}
Hmmm, maybe ...Nfd7 instead?
8.Bb5+ c6; 9.Bd3, {Diagram?} ... "with an excellent game."
- GM Andrew Soltis.
GM S. Tartakower - GM F. Marshall; Bad Kissingen, (GER); 1928.
(Later in this same tournament!);
The other way for Black to play
this position is the following:
4...d5; ('!?/?!') {Diagram?}
This could be a very risky (dubious)
concept, at least according to
GM Andrew Soltis.
5.cxd5 Nxd5; 6.e4 Nxc3; 7.bxc3 e6; 8.Nf3 c5!?;
Black might do better with ...Be7;
followed by ...0-0; first.
9.Ne5! a6; 10.Rb1 Be7; "~" {Diagram?}
and now White played Qa4+!,
which according to Soltis gives
a very clear advantage.
(11.Qa4+!, Kf8!?; 12.Bd3, etc.)
GM F.J. Marshall - S.B. Gothilf; Moscow, (USSR); 1925.
(Returning to the main line of
analysis of this opening.)
5.d5 e5!?;
6.e4 d6; 7.g3,
"+/=" {Diagram?}
White has a solid edge, and went
on to win a very nice game.
Black's handling of the opening
was less than ideal, IMOHO.)
GM V. Smyslov - GM A. Matanovic;
(FIDE) Interzonal Tournament
Biel, Switzerland; 1976.
4...e6; 5.Qc2 h6!;
Black 'asks the question' of the
Bishop without any delay.
'!' - GM Andrew Soltis. '!' - GM F.J. Marshall
6.Bh4 Be7!?;
(Maybe - '!')
Black immediately breaks the pin.
While not necessarily smiled upon by
modern opening theory, I like this move.
It certainly makes sense ... Black
develops a piece, gets ready to castle
and breaks
the pin without any further
[ The more modern move today
is ...Bb4; viz: 6...Bb4; 7.e3 0-0;
8.Nf3 d6;
9.Bd3 Nbd7;
"+/=" {Diagram?}
(when) White is thought to have
a small but steady advantage.
IM B. Finegold - GM V. Tukmakov;
CAN - (open) Tournament,
Winnipeg, Canada;
(Black won in under 30 moves.)
See also:
GM G. Serper -
A. Bagheri; FIDE WCS Tournament (knock-out)
New Delhi, India; 2000.
(White won in 26 moves.) ]
White immediately grabs the center, in a purely classical vein.
Or 7.Nf3!? 0-0;
when Black's chances are certainly
no worse than White's. ]
('!') 8.e5!?,
(Probably - '?!') {Diagram?}
This is a natural reaction in this
kind of position, the Knight on
f6 is the natural defender
of Black's
entire King-side. (If it leaves, the
second player's defenses have been
weakened -
or so the theory goes.)
Modern opening theory, however, warns
against prematurely crossing the ...
of demarcation,' ... or advancing beyond
the first four rows of the chessboard.
'?' - GM Andrew Soltis.
(This looks a little harsh to me, but ...)
'?' - Fred Reinfeld. '?' - Frank J. Marshall.
Nimzovich also wanted to weaken
Black's key dark squares, but here
the idea simply
costs too much time.
[ After the ambitious:
8.f3!? d6; 9.Bd3!? c5!;
10.Nge2!? Nc6;
"=/+" {Diag?}
Black is already (a
little) better.
White's best bet is probably:
>/= 8.Nf3 d6; 9.Bd3 Nc6;
10.a3!, "~" {Diagram?}
with close to an equal position ...
but Black certainly has little to
fear here.
(...e5! Or even ...a5.)
An excellent move by Marshall ... which Nimzovich {later} admitted he
had simply missed.
(or under-estimated)
'!' - GM Frank J. Marshall.
[ Nimzovich had expected a line like:
</= 8...Ne8; 9.Bxe7 Qxe7;
10.0-0-0 c5;
11.f4 cxd4;
12.Rxd4 Nc6; 13.Rd2 Nb4; 14.Qd1 Bc6;
15.Nf3, "+/=" {Diag?}
and White is slightly better - Black
will experience problems with his
Pawn structure
for quite some time. ]
White decides to keep pieces
on the board - so that Black will
feel his lack of space
more acutely.
But here White should already be
thinking about a trying to equalize.
(Notice White has made THREE
moves with his QB already! And
will have to move
once more!!)
"Loses valuable time," says the
respected "Grand, Old Man" of
(- F.J. Marshall.)
[ Or >/=
9.Bxe7 Nxe7; {Diagram?}
but Black is fine. (This is probably
better than the game,
White avoids
any disadvantage.) ]
Many times better than other moves
like ...Nxc3.
{Diagram below.}
The Queen must move - but cannot
find a really safe and secure haven.
(Black to move: rn1q1rk1/pbppbpp1/1p2p2p/4P3/1nPP4/1QN3B1/PP3PPP/R3KBNR)
passive and safe moves might allow White to consolidate his space
advantage ...
but Marshall is NOT a routine kind of player!!
[ Or 10.Qd1
d5!; "/\" {Diagram?}
with great play. ]
Marshall had said he had studied
all of Morphy's games. Here he shows
that he clearly
understands the idea
of opening the center to exploit his
opponent's lag in development.
'!' - FM Graham Burgess. '!' - GM Andrew Soltis. '!' - GM Frank J. Marshall.
[ After a line like: </=
10...a5!?; 11.a3 N4a6;
12.Nf3, "=" {Diagram?}
White does not appear to have any
real problems. ]
This is virtually forced.
[ Even worse is: </=
11.cxd5?! Nxd5; "=/+" {Diagram?}
and Black is already (a little)
better in this position.
has a backward d-pawn and
a bad Bishop on g3.)
Absolutely horrible is: </=
11.a3? dxc4!; 12.Qd1,
This is forced.
( </= 12.Bxc4? Bxg2; 13.axb4 Bxh1;
and Black should win. ("-/+") )
12...Nd3+; 13.Bxd3 cxd3;
"/+" {Diagram?}
and Black is clearly better.
(If Qxd3?, then ...Bxg2.) ]
11...Bxd6; 12.0-0-0!? N8c6!;
Marshall goes for Tal-like piece
play ... in a position where many
masters said
...c5; was the best
move. (Maybe - '!!')
'!' - FM Graham Burgess.
[ Interesting was: 12...c5!?; "~"
( Black is at least a little better.
If d4xc5?!, then ...Qg5+. "=/+" ) ]
One player - in a European newspaper
- very stupidly criticized this move ...
but an extremely deep analysis of this
position shows that it is probably
(I shall allow this person to
dwell forever more in a state of
blissful anonymity.)
[ One writer said that exchanging
here was bad, and that a3 ...
"was much better." But after
the following moves: </=
13.a3? Na5!;
14.Qa4 Bc6; 15.Nb5 Qg5+!; 16.f4,
This could be forced.
( </= 16.Kb1? Be4+; 17.Ka1 Bc2; "-/+" )
16...Bxf4+; 17.Bxf4!? Qxf4+;
18.Kb1 Qf5+; 19.Ka1 Nc2+;
20.Ka2 Ne3;
White will simply lose a great
deal of material here. ]
14.a3, ('!?')
Nimzovich looks like he is daring
Marshall to take .. and Frank gladly
obliges him!
Burgess allows this move to be played
without comment ... or a mark of any
Soltis appends a question mark ('?') to
this move, but does not trouble himself
to inform
the reader what move was
clearly better than a3. Meanwhile, I
have worked on this game
for YEARS.
My analysis indicates that White is
in a bad way - no matter what move
Nimzovich would have chosen to
play in this position.
I must say something here! First allow
me to qualify the following statement
by telling you that
I am a big Soltis
fan, and I own nearly every book he
has ever written. However, this kind
of silly
and completely thoughtless
annotation - attaching question marks
to great players' moves without
verifying that there is a line or variation
that is substantially better - is simply
wrong and almost
unforgivable. It also
scars great games and makes it very
difficult for subsequent generations to
make an unbiased and honest judgment
of these games for themselves!!!
[ Several writers have said that the
move Nf3 was better ... but this has
never been
carefully checked.
For example:
RR14.Nf3 Na5!;
15.Qa4 Bc6; 16.Qa3 Bxf3; 17.gxf3 Qf4+;
{Diagram?} This is probably forced.
( Obviously worse was:
</= 18.Kb1? Qxf3; 19.Bg2 Qxg2; 20.Qxb4 Nc6;
21.Qb5 Nxd4!; {Diagram?}
White is down two pawns ... and
will probably lose more. ("-/+")
{If Rxd4??, then ...QxR/h1+.} )
"/+" {Diagram?}
and White will start dropping
Reinfeld says Knight-to-Knt5 was
better ... but his analysis is very
</= 14.Nb5!? Qe7?;
The only move given by Reinfeld,
but both Q-B5+, (...Qf4+) and
(...Na5); were much
better than the simple ...Qe7.
( After the moves: >/=
14...Qf4+; 15.Rd2, {Diagram?}
This looks nearly forced.
( Instead - after the moves: 15.Qe3? Qf5!; 16.Bd3 Nxd3+;
17.Qxd3 Qxf2; 18.Nh3!? Qh4!; "/+" {Diagram?}
Black is clearly MUCH better. )
15...a6; 16.Nc3 Rfd8; 17.Nh3 Qd6;
18.d5!? Na5; "/+" {Diagram?}
a strong IM - who used to give
me Internet lessons - agreed (with me) that
Black is practically winning.
(In this position.) )
15.a3 Na6;
"~" {Diagram?}
Reinfeld and Marshall conclude that
"Black has good attacking chances." ]
(Maybe - '!!!') {Diagram?}
An incredibly brilliant move, especially
as Black had other moves that also
a clear advantage on the
second player here.
'!' - FM Graham Burgess.
'!' - GM Andrew Soltis. '!' - GM Frank J. Marshall.
Most annotators give this just one
exclam ... there is no doubt it really
deserves two ...
it is incredibly
brilliant and daring. (Black goes
down in material, in some lines if
his attack
gives out - - - he will
simply be lost.)
"An unexpected sacrifice which gives
Black a lasting initiative because of his
opponent's backward development." - GM Frank J. Marshall.
[ Interesting was the simple move
of ...Qf4+; which seems to give
a very sizable edge: 14...Qf4+!;
15.Rd2 Rad8!; "=/+"
We could stop here and adjudicate
this position as MUCH better for
Black. For example: 16.d5,
White cannot defend the d4-square.
( White is lost after: </= 16.axb4? Nxd4; 17.Qd1 Nb3+!;
18.Kb1 Nxd2+; 19.Ka1 Nxc4; "-/+"
And an inferior line was: </= 16.Nf3?! Nxd4; 17.Nxd4 Rxd4;
18.Nb1 Be4!; "/+" {Diagram?}
Black is very clearly better if not just simply winning outright.
17.Qd1 dxc4!!; {Diagram?}
A very brilliant piece sacrifice.
( If 17...Na6; then just 18.Nxd5, "+/=" )
18.axb4, {Diagram?}
Now White is virtually forced to
capture on b4 here.
( 18.Nf3? Na5!; "-/+")
18...Nxb4; 19.Nh3 Qf6;
20.f3!? Rxd2; 21.Qxd2 Rd8; 22.Qe1 Qf5;
23.Qf2 Rd4;
24.f4 c5; 25.Rg1 h5!;
"/+" {Diagram?}
Black is clearly better ... with three
healthy pawns for a Knight ... and
White can move nothing.
(For example if Be2???, Black
simply replies with ...Qc2#.)
{I first came up with this line as a
teen-ager and scribbled it in the
margins of my book.
The amazing
thing is 30+ years later, even the
computer cannot find any real
way to
improve on this line!!}
(Maybe - '?!')
Nimzovich decides that he wants two
pieces for the Rook.
Burgess gives this move (Rxd4) a
'dubious' appellation, but it is not
really certain
that White has anything
that is clearly better.
[ After the moves:
= 15.Qxb4!? c5; 16.Qa4 Bc6;
17.Qa6 Qf4+;
Qxf2; "/\" {Diagram?}
Black has very obvious
"compensation" ... and it is very hard
for White to move anything without
dropping more material.
(Nimzovich saw this continuation ...
and rejected it out of hand.) ]
16.axb4 Qxf2;
White has two 'horsies' ... while
Black has a Rook and a couple
of buttons.
But it is not the material
balance that is important, but the
extreme activity of
Marshall's pieces
that is the key to this position.
(White's King is also somewhat
exposed here.)
This is almost forced ... but it is
much too late for White to be able
to organize
a successful defense.
[ The noted author points out that:
= 17.Nh3!? Qe3+;
18.Kb1 Be4+!; 19.Ka2 a5!, {Diagram?}
The sharpest and best.
( Interesting was: 19...Bf5!?;
"/+" )
20.b5 a4!; "-/+" {Diagram?}
... "gives Black an overwhelming
attack." - FM Graham Burgess.
(This line is also in the original
book of the tournament -
by GM Savielly Tartakower.)
Also the move Nf3 was no good:
17.Nf3? Bxf3; 18.gxf3 Qxf3;
19.Rg1 Qe3+; ("-/+")
(Black forks White's King and
Analysis by ...
- GM Savielly
18.Qe2 Qf4+; 19.Kc2, {Diagram
This is pretty much forced ...
otherwise the Black Rook will
penetrate to the seventh rank.
(Black to move: r2r2k1/pbp2pp1/1p2p2p/8/1PP2q2/2N5/1PK1Q1PP/5BNR)
only question now is ...
how does Black proceed from here?
[ </=
19.Kb1? Rd2; "-/+" ]
Another very brilliant move ...
that is less than obvious to the
average player.
(I have tested this
position on literally dozens of my
students ... most do not even
this move in this particular position.)
"Black will keep pushing this pawn
until lines are opened."
- FM Graham Burgess.
'!' - FM Graham Burgess. '!' - GM Andrew Soltis.
'!' - GM Frank J. Marshall.
It is interesting to note that I have
found several different lines which
all lead to a clear advantage
Marshall from this position.
(No other author mentions these
different possibilities.)
[ Interesting was: 19...Qf5+; "/+" {Diagram?}
and Black is probably for choice.
(Maybe - '?!')
Nimzovich agrees to the immediate
opening of the a-file, but he hopes
to activate his pieces.
This is an interesting concept, but
it was probably wiser to play b5
[ It was almost forced (best) for
White to play b5, but this move
would not have saved him. Viz:
>/= 20.b5 a4!;
21.Nf3 a3!; 22.bxa3 Rxa3; 23.Kb2!? Qd6!;
Black is clearly MUCH better ...
if not just plain old winning
(Probably "-/+")
20...Rxa5; 21.Nf3 Ra1!;
Now White cannot move his
KB for a spell.
[ Black was also clearly better
after moves like: 21...Qf5+!;
forcing the King to b3. ("-/+");
Or even the move: 21...c5!?; {Diagram?}
with the idea of ...b5 next,
is VERY promising for Black.
(If Qe5!?, then just ...Rd2+!) ]
Nimzovich felt this was forced.
("In order to parry ...Qc1; with
the move Qc2." - Tartakower.)
[ 22.g3??
Qxf3; "-/+" {Diagram?}
and Black has a completely
won game.
</= 22.h3? Qc1+; 23.Kb3 Bxf3;
24.gxf3 Rd2; "-/+" ]
A very alert and sharp move.
(Black opens more lines to the
hapless White Monarch.)
'!' - GM Andrew Soltis. "!' - GM Frank J. Marshall.
"A new and more powerful stroke."
- The Tournament Book.
(Repeated by - GM A. Soltis.)
Black's last move ...
"freshened up the attack."
- GM Frank J. Marshall.
[ Good was: 22...Bxf3!?;
"-/+" which also clearly favored Black.
Now it might be best to take on
b5 - with the Knight, but White is
definitely lost in any case.
Nimzovich understandably wants to
exchange the Queens to relieve the
pressure and slow
Black's attack.
[ After the moves: 23.Nxb5 Qc1!;
This is probably best.
( Some sources only give:
</= 23...Be4!?; "/+" instead. )
24.h3!? Rd1!;
"-/+" White could throw in the towel.
And after the moves: </= 23.cxb5? Bd5+;
24.Nxd5 Qa4+;
25.Kc3 Rxd5;
("-/+") ... "and mates." -
GM Andy Soltis.
(And also Marshall gives this
line as well.) ]
This is forced.
[ Bad was: </=
24.Kc2?? Qc1#; {Diagram?}
Also unattractive for White was the following continuation:
</= 24.Bxc4? Qxe5;
25.Nxe5 Rxh1; {Diagram?}
because Black is winning. ("-/+")
Once again Marshall finds the very best move.
(Several other tries were good enough to win, but this is definitely
[ Or
24...Qxe5!?; 25.Nxe5 Rd2; "-/+" ]
c5+!; {Diagram?} White ...
...c5+; says Tartakower - "Elegant to the end."
(and ... "Marshall at his best.")
like this - it is witty. (Nimzovich can either get mated ... or lose
his Queen. I.e, Kxc5, Rd5+.
Or Qxc5, ...Qxb2+ and mates. But ...Qc2!; would have worked as
well. GM A. Soltis - as
well as Marshall - also gives Black's 25th move {...c5} an exclamation
point here.)
is definitely one of Marshall's best games and clearly showed why -
when he was ...
'firing on all cylinders' - he was one of the World's most feared and
respected tacticians!!
(Soltis jokingly calls it a "humiliating situation" for poor
Nimzovich's King!)
whole series of surprising moves, intertwined with a positional
sacrifice (14...KtxP);
leads to a winning attack by Black. A game of outstanding
- GM Savielly Tartakower and James du Mont
I used to have an old book - in German I think - on this
But I primarily used the following books to annotate this game:
# 1.) "My Fifty Years of Chess,"
('The triumphs of an American Chess Champion.') by GM Frank
J. Marshall.
Copyright (c) 1942 by the author. Copyright (c) 2002 by the publisher.
(Hardinge Simpole, Classic Reprint.) ISBN: # 1-84382-053-6
# 2.) "Chess Highlights of The
20th Century," by FM Graham Burgess.
Copyright (c) 1999, by the author. Published by Gambit Books.
ISBN: # 1-901983-21-8
# 3.) "Collected Brilliancy Prize Games,"
by Drazen Marovic.
(This book is in Yugoslav. I can't read the words - I do well to
follow the variations.)
# 4.) "Great Brilliancy Prize Games
of The Chess Masters,"
by Fred Reinfeld.
Original hard-back edition. Copyright (c) 1955 by the author.
Published by Collier Books. (NY)
# 5.) "Frank J. Marshall, United States
Chess Champion,"
(A Biography with 220 Games) by GM Andrew Soltis.
(c) 1994, Published by McFarland. ISBN: # 0-89950-887-1
Chapter 16 , pg. # 306; Game # 182.
# 6.) "500 Master Games of Chess,"
by GM S. Tartakower and J. du Mont.
(1975 - Dover reprint.)
Copyright (c) A.J. Goldsby I. Copyright (c) A.J. Goldsby, 1989-2004.
Copyright (c) A.J.G; 2005.
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