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  Basic Ending, # 1
(King-and-Queen vs. a lone King)   

 This is BOTH a text-score page and there is a js-replay board for you to play through the 
 main line of the solution. BUT! ... you still should probably have a chess board to be able to   
 follow this game in a relatively reasonable manner.   

 Click  HERE  to go to a page where I explain most-or-all of the symbols that I normally use  
  in annotating a chess game. 

  basic-eg_cv-chspos1.gif, 07 KB


Any player, # 1 (1100) - A.O. player, # 2 (1100)
Practice Ending #1;  Pensacola, FL, (USA)  20.07.2003

[A.J. Goldsby I]



 The following ending is very simple, but you need to learn it in order to master the endings.   

(Position check: The White King is on the h1-square, the White Queen is on the a2-square. 
 The Black King is on the e5-square, and it is White's turn to move in this position.) 

 Notice the technique - the active co-operation of the King and Queen is a skill to be learned.


1.Qc4!,  {Diagram?}  
The correct move.  The Queen just deprived the Black King of the use of  over 50 squares 
the chess board ... with just one move!! 

White has created ... "a wall" ... or a box, that the Black King cannot escape from. The idea is 
to slowly decrease the amount of available travel squares that the enemy king can use. 
(I.E., make the box smaller and smaller.)

     [  Not as accurate is:  1.Qb2+!?{Diagram?}  
         which is more or less a check, simply for the sake of giving a check. ]  


1...Kd6;  {Diagram?}  
The Black King has to fall back, the second player simply has no choice here. 

An important note: The  DEFENDER  should  always  stay as close to the center as possible.
(AVOID the edge of the board, and the corners - if possible!!) 

     [ </=  1...Kf6!?2.Qd5,  etc. ]  


2.Qb5!,  {Diagram?}  
The White Queen continues to box in the Black King.  

White can also bring up his King, but in this endgame, it is probably simplest to nail the King to 
  the edge of the board, and then bring up your King last. 

     [ Also good was: 2.Kg2! ]  


2...Kc7;  {Diagram?} 
Once again, the King is forced back.  

     [ If  2...Ke7;  then  3.Qc6,  etc.  ]  


3.Qa6;  {Diagram?} 
Notice that the Black King is forced back once again ... and is limited to the use 
of the first two ranks.

I am NOT interested in finding the very best move here, or using the trickiest move order! 
What I am trying to do is find the simplest method for showing the general method ...  
and  making it as easy for the beginner student to learn this technique! 

     [ Also good is:  3.Qd5!? ]  


3...Kb8;  {Diagram?} 
This is a tricky move designed to confuse White. 

(Black purposely goes near the corner in the hopes that the first player 
  will become confused.) 

     [  Black could also play other moves. But White's technique is  basically 
        the same.  WE  analyze: 3...Kd7!?4.Qb6 Ke75.Qc6 Kf76.Qd6,  
        6...Kg77.Qe6 Kh78.Qg4!{Diagram?}
        The Black King now only has three squares to play on ... all that remains is to 
        march the White King up and administer the check-mate.  

          ( Or just  8.Qf6 Kg8; 9.Qe7, etc. )   

        8...Kh69.Kg2 Kh710.Kf3 Kh611.Ke4 Kh712.Kf5 Kh8;  
        13.Kf6, {Diagram?}  and mate next move.  ]   


4.Qc6!,  {Diagram?} 
The simplest and probably the best ... White has other ways of winning, but this is certainly 
one of the most efficient, and easy for a beginner to learn.  


Master these techniques! They will pay big dividends when you need to accomplish these 
tasks, but you only have limited time on the clock. 

     [  White could bring his King up:  4.Kg2 Kc75.Kf3 Kb86.Ke4 Kc7;  
         7.Kd5 Kb88.Qc6!{Diagram?}  
         The best ... and the same basic technique as in the main line.  

            ( Definitely  NOT:  8.Kc6??; {Diagram?} and it is a draw!!      
              (Stale-mate.) )     

        8...Ka79.Qb5 Ka810.Kc6, {Diagram?}  
        and mates.  


        White could also play:  4.Qb6+!? Kc8{Diagram?}   
         This is forced. 

           ( Or   4...Ka8!?;   5.Qb5!, "+/-" )   

        5.Qa7 Kd86.Qb7 Ke87.Qc7 Kf88.Qd7 Kg8;  
        9.Qe7,  ("+/-")  {Diagram?}  
All that is needed is for White to march his King - unopposed - across the board  
        and deliver a mate. ]   


4...Ka7;  {Diagram?} 
Black's ONLY legal move.  

5.Qb5!,  {Diagram?} 
This is the best. Notice how only five moves have been made - yet already Black has gone from 
having the use of (almost) the entire board, to being limited to only TWO travel squares!  

This is good technique.

     [  I once gave this position to a nearly beginner student. He thought for a minute 
        or two and suggested:  5.Qa4+?,  {Diagram?}  which is an extremely thoughtless 
        and very silly check. Notice too how many more squares are available (now) to  
        the Black King. (As compared to before this check was given.)  ]    


5...Ka8;  {Diagram?}  
Black's ONLY legal move.  

This is very nearly the ideal procedure for the player in this ending. 

  (K+Q vs. lone King) In other words, the lone King is forced into a     
  CORNER as quickly as possible.   


6.Kg2!,  {Diagram?} 
Once the King has been boxed in, all that remains is to bring up your King to deliver 
the knock-out blow. 

Notice you  MUST   leave Black at least two squares to move back and forth on. 
If you take away any more squares from the hapless Black King, you allow a draw. 

NOTICE SOMETHING ELSE!!! While you can box in the enemy King with only one piece, 
(your Queen); you need the ACTIVE PARTICIPATION of YOUR KING to deliver the ... 
 'coup de grace.' (Check-mate.) 

     [  Not  6.Qb6 ???,   STALE-MATE!  ]    


Now it is very simple. The White King simply marches - by the MOST DIRECT ROUTE! - 
... to the c6-square, and mate follows very quickly. Meanwhile Black is helpless ... and can 
only dance back and forth with his King ... while awaiting the fall of the executioner's axe!  

6...Ka7;  7.Kf3 Ka8;  8.Ke4 Ka7;  9.Kd5 Ka8;  10.Kc6 Ka7;  
11.Qb7#,  {Diagram?}
And the game is over.

 1 - 0 


This ending reminds me of a story.

I was a chess coach in Albuquerque for close to 5 years. 
(I was stationed at Kirtland A.F.B., NM. This was in the late 70's and early 80's.)  
One of my students - who was only 7 - got stuck in this ending. He was playing a student 
who was probably twice his age, and it was the last game of the round to finish. 

[Often in long games, I would give both sides ten minutes each on their clock and instruct them 
  to play it out right to the end.] 

Despite only having a minute or two to finish the game, my student won all of his opponents pawns, 
promoted one of his own, and mated him in a fairly accurate manner. 
 (I was also the TD for this tourney.)   

Many parents, some may have come from more than 10 different states, were amazed at the prowess 
and the ability of my very young student. But he had followed my advice, and practiced this ending 
many times. He said after the game, somewhat modestly: 
 "Mr. Goldsby made me learn that ending early on ... I can now do it in my sleep."   


  Copyright (c) A.J. Goldsby I   Copyright (c) A.J.G;  2003.  


   (All games - HTML code initially)  Generated with  ChessBase 8.0  

   Replay the basic moves of this ending just below.   

Any player - A.O. player 
Simple ending #1
Pensacola, FL, 20.07.2003

   1.Qc4 Kd6; 2.Qb5 Kc73.Qa6 Kb8; 4.Qc6 Ka7; 5.Qb5 Ka8; 6.Kg2 Ka7; 7.Kf3 Ka8;  
    8.Ke4 Ka7; 9.Kd5 Ka8; 10.Kc6 Ka7; 11.Qb7#.   

  1 -  0  

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      (This is my main chess web-site.)   

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    Click  HERE  to go to (or return to)  my  FIRST  Article  for the "CV-CHESS" organization. 

    Copyright (c) LM A.J. Goldsby I    Copyright (©) A.J. G;  2003, 3004 & 2005.  

  Copyright (©) A.J. Goldsby, 2005. All rights reserved.  


  Page first posted in 2003.  Last edit or save on: 01/06/2005 .  

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