RPG's (or Role Playing Games to the layperson) have played a crucial role in my upbringing.
They served to take up vast amounts of my childhood that could have been spent getting into trouble
or engaging in various constructive activities.
In addition, they have also taught me patience, and a
certain measure of self control (I've destroyed numerous controllers. But I no longer have such fits of rage)
I would like to devote a portion of my website to RPG's, as I have devoted a significant portion of my life to them
Also, I feel a distinction is necessary when I use the term "Old School RPG"
I'm not referring to those flashy, new, hi-tech RPG's with leet 3-D graphics, 20 billion particles on screen and resolution requiring a HDTV. I'm talking about classic RPG's.
Games such as Dragon Warrior and the first few Final Fantasy games (FF4 in particular).
In this category I'm also including The Legend of Zelda (never to be confused with The Adventures of Link... *retch*)
In simple terms, any RPG made in the last 5 years is automatically disqualified.
As are games made prior to 1985(these I refer to as archaic, not Old School)