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Non Player Characters
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Non Player Characters


A fae woman who haunted Miles dreams after his encounter with her in the Old Vicarage, and then materialised in his garden. Striking black-haired beauty with the pale skin and the thin, chiselled face that would look at home on a porcelain doll. But the most striking thing is the lady's large, oval eyes cast in a midnight blue colour. Was enslaved by a mage and forced to carry out assassinations for a group of Dearlcastle gangsters. Has managed to free herself, and several of the group of characters have pledged to assist her return to her homeland. Others in the group mistrust her motives, which has led to a violent encounter. The group tried to imprison her in a magical sleep, but she awoke, broke out of the house, and has vanished.

Ben Archer A local farmer.
Mrs Amelia Brown Friend of Mrs Flossie Smith, who usually cannot get a work in edgeways, and so stays silent.  In the Historical and Cultural Society and the WI.
Alan Carder, BVMS, B.Sc. MRCVS The local vet.  Took over the practice in Totterington Rd two years ago.  Has regular small animal clinics on the premises in mornings (Mon, Tues, Fri, Sat), and visits farms in the afternoons. A middle aged man, fair skinned with thinning, straw-coloured hair. Wears oval glasses and has a hawkish nose. It appeared that he might be a powerful mage, with contacts among gangsters in Dearlcastle. In the first adventure, the mages discovered that he was a Nephandus, scheming to bring a demon through to this plane. They managed to foil his plan, and imprison him.

In the latest adventure, he has managed to escape.

David Claughton The local handy-man and proprietor of Repair-It-Rite. His family has lived in the Little Totterington area for centuries and is one of the two that traditionally participate in the Furrey Dance. In his mid-50s, with adult children who have moved away from the village.
Mary Claughton Married to David Claughton. Secretary of the local Women's Institute (WI). In her mid-50s.
Father Clay Anglican Vicar. A tall, stout man of perhaps 50 years, melodious baritone voice. Very High Anglican. He arrived in spring 2002, and is different from the previous vicar. He has insisted on all sorts of changes to the order of service (e.g. King James Bible, using incense). Lives in New Vicarage, Hearne Road. When the previous vicarage had been sold to the incumbent in the nineteenth century, the diocese had built a new smaller one, here, slightly further from St Godolphin’s. Behind the low privet hedge was a noticeboard with a poster: Jesus Saves! Will He save you? and a list of the times of services, confirmation classes and several church societies.
Miniver (Minnie) Donovan Lived in Meridian House in Little Totterington. A cousin of Helen Riley's mother (ie aunt once removed), and Helen's last remaining relative. She and her family had lived in Little Totterington for generations. Minnie was member of the Little Totterington Magical Society, (a seer) and she and Jeffrey Stone had been lovers. She has recently died in unusual circumstances, and the murder is unsolved.

In the latest story she has mysteriously come back to life, much to Jeffrey's wonder and anguish.

David Eckersly The milkman of Little Totterington. His milk-float and TJ's Range Rover almost collided early one Sunday morning.
Mr Entwhistle Chairs Little Totterington Historical and Cultural Society. Dignified old man
Miss Erecks

Woman who lives in the village, spreads (sometimes unpleasant gossip).  Mentioned by Mrs Flossie Smith ‘horrible things she said about my custard pie last week'.

Mrs Linda Farthingale Runs Linda’s Tea Rooms. On the Totterington Rd, a shop with large curved windows, set back a short distance from the street.  Pretty green gingham curtains framed the windows, and matched the table-cloths that were easily visible on the tables inside. 
Claudia Farthingale Daughter of Linda Farthingale aged 19 or 20. Works as waitress in tearooms.
Jennifer Claughton MacInnes Mother to Campbell. Niece of David Claughton.
Campbell MacInnes Boy about 9 years old. Mother is niece of David Claughton. Father is scottish. Lives in Little Totterington. Everyone says there is something a bit odd about him. The family home was totally burnt down in a mysterious fire, and TJ helped the family find temporary accommodation while it was being rebuilt.
Nora MacNab Young woman, 23 works as receptionist and nursing assistant at Totterington Veterinary Centre. Recently returned from studying in New England with a degree in sociology and anthropology.
Charles McIntosh Mid-30s. Lives in the up-market Wadebridge suburb of Dearlcastle, with his ex-model wife and two young daughters. Appears to be a solicitor, or developer, or 'in property'. In fact is the boss of a gang. Members include Kevin, who was present when Charlie instructed Aleska to murder a local magistrate
PC Martin Lovett Local community policeman
Professor Helen Riley This Professor of History at one of Britain's most prestigeous universities came to Little Totterington searching for answers to her newly-discovered magical abilities. She had inherited Meridian House from an aunt (Minnie Donovan), discovering that she had unsuspected family ties to the village. The red-haired, green-eyed professor was killed soon after a meeting with several of the player characters.
Clive Risley Member of Parochial Church Council. In mid-50s. Recently retired sports teacher. Very keen to be active in the local community. A very fit man, who specialised in rugby (county referee) and judo. Had a very unsettling experience in the church one day (because he was possessed by a demon!).
Miss Ettie Smith Runs the sub-Post Office and corner shop.  She just about makes enough to keep the shop afloat, through terrific hard work, no holidays and a very modest life-style.  Her parents moved to the village in 1967 to run the post office but were both killed in their mid-50s in a tragic car accident in 1992, and Ettie took over the business when she was 30.
Mrs Flossie Smith Not related to Ettie Smith. Overpowering woman, the sort of loud woman who would dominate any gathering, but she had a willingness to take things on and get them done.  In the Historical and Cultural Society and the WI.
Snupkins Terrier that vanished, and only pink collar, wisps of fur and some paw-prints left on verge in Hearne Rd, near New Vicarage.
Bill Sowerbutts Elderly man. Used to be an agricultural worker. Lives in Sandyleaze, when not in the Laughing Cavalier. Has an opinion on everything. Very fond of a pint.
Detective Inspector Telegraff Assigned to head the investigation into the murder of Helen Riley. Very experienced in this type of inquiry. Later led a police investigation of events at Jeffrey Stone's house, following reports of gunshots near Christmas Eve. It now appears that the Inspector is also part of an organisation that has an interest in controlling time travel.
Alan Threlfall A youngish man, dressed in a dark-blue suit and magenta tie, when he first appeared at the emergency meeting of the Historical and Cultural Society.  His family (Threlfall) is one of the two that have participated in the Furry Dance for centuries
Humphrey Threlfall Young son of Alan, who has been looking forward to the dance all year. Aged 7.
Susan Threlfall Eldest daughter of Alan and Sophie Threlfall. Aged 17, she has ambitions of becoming a vet, and is working on Saturdays and some evenings in Alan Carder's practice to gain experience.
Kevin Tymmings Man encountered in the Laughing Cavalier, who leaves with Aleska, who beats him up in the grounds of the Old Vicarage.  He is a gangster from Dearlcastle, who had done his boss, Charlie, the favour (so he thought) of taking Aleska out for the day. A group of the players went to Dearlcastle, after scrying his location, to ask him about his boss. He shot at them after they burst into his house, but they knocked him unconscious and Grace learnt from his mind something about Charlie, and Kevin's link with Little Totterington.
Tracey His girlfriend, who was startled to meet TJ, Jack, Aaron, Edith and Grace when they burst into the house in Dearlcastle that she shares with Kevin.
Bishop Watterson Bishop of the Diocese of Suisby, which includes Little Totterington
Mrs Wickins Owner of the late dog Snupkins

NPCs associated with the Player characters:

Jack Peterson  
Abbey Hairdresser in town. Late 20s. Jack and she have started an affair.
Tom Cousin of Jack Peterson who had once collided with a deer up in Utah. The animal ended up dead, but so did the little saturn wagon his cousin had been driving.
Kayla Ex-girlfriend of Jack Peterson.  Had lived with him in his New York for two years, but was moving out as he left for trip to England to do some shots of the English countryside.  Relationship had come to an end.
Samantha A mage who has taught him spells in the past
Edith Cooper  
John Her late husband, died in June 2002, three months after the elderly couple moved to the village from a council estate in Dearlcastle.
John Her son, age 38 unmarried.
Elizabeth Her daughter, age 41, married with 2 children (ages 14 and 17). Took some of the players home from Dearlcastle when TJ left in his car, leaving them stranded.
Aaron Knight  
Avra A mage with whom Aaron contends, and who was much stronger than him.  She knew almost as much as he did about magic, and she had the raw power he lacked.  On her first appearance in this story, she was dressed in a long black dress and completed the black ensemble with a pair of leather boots. Age 26 (in 1996).
Jacob Age 23 (in 1996), Apprentice to Markus
Markus Age 43 (in 1996), Friend of Aaron, Mage of the Order of Hermes
Melinda Age 36 (in 1996), Friend of Aaron, Mage of the Dreamspeakers
Jeffrey Stone  
Alfred Butler to Jeffrey Stone
TJ Simpson  
Terri His PA in the London office of his stock-broking firm.
Ethel His Volkswagen camper van
Keith His mentor, lives in and around Canterbury, used to be in a punk band in the seventies called 'Pontifex maximus'.  Sent Nap here after seeing omens in the stars.
Arthur Coleman His father. He works in business rather than criminal law, it is perhaps in a high up position in a large company. Nap thinks his father is is a Mason, and is very much into helping mates out etc. Arthur has recently taken up a hobby of collecting wine, and is currently hording an epic collection of red wine in the cellar of the very nice country barn conversion where he and his wife Annette live.
Annette Coleman His mother. Trained as a lawyer but now retired because she wants to spend money rather than make it. Still thinks of Nap as her little son Horry. She and his father live a wealthy lifestyle, which they can easily afford. They throw parties perhaps once a month, buy beluga caviar without flinching at the cost, and drink Moet like most normal britons drink tea. Everything is perfect apart from their pseudo anarchist progeny who is currently just going through a phase (they hope!)

People who have been mentioned, but not named:

Jack’s publisher - a woman in USA
A young couple, visiting the village and intending to see the dance, who are into crystals etc.  Met by Edith in the Post Office.
Two women joggers dressed in running shirts and t-shirts.  One is a brunette.  Live somewhere in the village.  Met by Jack.