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Rules and Regulations

Each of these is required for all members

TDS works on a 3 strikes and you're out basis, except for cheating. If a member is found to be cheating he/she will be kicked out.

  1. Each game will elect a leader and a Second in charge.
  2. Discipline

A.     1st Strike - Member is given a warning.

  1. The Tribunal

A.     For that game

1.      Player has the right to request a verbal Tribunal.

a.       Verbal tribunal will be set up for the first Saturday after the offence.

b.      Accused will have right to defend their action.

c.       Time limits will be set fro tribunal.

d.      After accused has stated case vote will be taken.

e.       After vote tribunal will decide punishment.

1.      Dropped from game group.

2.      Recommend a LSD Tribunal for dropping from LSD

3.      Only allow to play with members not in matches. For a specified time limit.

a.       Time will be decided in weeks. By group leaders or second in charges suggestion which must be a minimum of 3 choices and sent out for vote to tribunal. (1 week, 2weeks, 3weeks)


2.      If player choose not to have a verbal tribunal then it will be done on ICQ.

a.       Time limit for ICQ vote is 4 days.

b.      A person that does not return his or her vote will be considered a vote for said action.

c.       Game leader or second in charge is responsible for writing up offense and sending it to members of the game. (Only members of the game)

d.      Votes will be sent to three people the game leader, second in charge and a person of accused choice.

e.       If accused does not select a third person then it will go off the leader and the second in charges count.

f.        After vote Tribunal will then vote on punishment

1.      Dropped from game group.

2.      Recommend LSD tribunal for dropping from LSD.

3.      Only allow to play with members not in matches. For a specified time limit.

B.     For the LSD

1.      Will be done by ICQ only.

2.      Time limit for ICQ vote is 4 days.

3.      A person that does not return his or her vote will be considered a vote for the action.

4.      Game leader or second in charge is responsible for writing up offence and sending it to all members of LSD.  Also putting a post on the EZ board about the vote.

5.      Votes will be sent to 3 people the game leader, second in charge and a member of accused choice.

6.      If accused does not select a 3rd member then the count will be up to game leader and second in charge.

7.      Only vote taken her will be to kick accused.

a.       Accused can request that it be reconsider 1 month.

  1. Voting

A.     Time limit for voting is a minimum of four days.

B.     If Someone that does not vote the votes will count for action

C.     If vote is against someone they have the option to have a third person get votes sent to them for verification.

D.     If vote is to set up or change a rule for specific game then only the game leader and second in charge will vote sent to them.

1.      It is the responsibility of the person that wants a new rule or a change to write it up.

E.      If vote is to change a LSD rule then vote will be sent to each of the game leaders for verification.

F.      If vote ends in a tie the tie goes toward action.