Mikey's Team List
Here's a complete list of teams that I cooked up myself. Hope you guys out there enjoy them and
find the ways to use them like I have. Heck, you might even find more unique ways to use them yourself!
The letters beside the character's names are their assist types. Lets just remember that I'm using
(y) as a shorthand for the gamma type, or one that turns your energy bar blue.
Finally, I ALWAYS put my teams in order of least to most important, or weakest to strongest in the
party. Feel free to rearrange these anyway you like.
Team 1
Chun Li (a)
Wolverine (b) or (y)
Guile (y)
This was the first team that I ever made as soon as I had access to all characters. I found it to work
like a charm do to my fighting game nature to just annoy the crap out of people or be ruthlessly
offensive. Both of these styles work here. Wolverine in (y) type assist can get very annoying for those
characters that mostly fight on the ground simply becuase his Drill Claw has decent range and
damage; two very haunting words when facing other offensive adversaries. Also, the Variable Combination
racks up a decent amount of damage, but it is an annoying anti-close range attack that can keep
characters such as Wolverine, Servbot, Sabretooth, Captain America, and other close range fighters
at bay.
Team 2
Cable (a) or (b)
Iron Man (a) or (b)
War Machine (a)
Really, this team does not have any set order. Most of the time I set Cable in the back of the party
because I love his (b) assist, the HP Schimitar. I also love finishing off matches with him if I find
the need to. Anyway, play with this team exactly how it was setup to be: annoy people with all your high
powered projectiles that chip away at health even if they block it. Every once and a while pull a
Variable Combination off to get that team super that does anywhere from 93-112 hits. OUCH!
Team 3
Dan (b)
Guile (y)
Magneto (b)
As you can tell, this is one of my annoying teams. I'm still experimenting with the placement of moves and
assists in some combos, but it is coming along beautifully. Dan Hibiki really is the joke
character of the game, but who expected him to be matched up with such a supporting cast? Oh yeah, I
ALWAYS play with this order, never using the assist buttons to change who comes out first. This is so
my 2 best characters Guile and Magneto can come into the battle as strong as possible if Dan gets KOed.
The Variable Combination does decent damage also.
Team 4
Strider Hiryu (b)
Cammy (a)
Gambit (b)
For some reason, I love using Strider's Variable Assist type just because it is so unpredictable and
nearly unavoidable. Secondly, he comes out first because he has the worst defense of all the
characters in the party. Anyway, if I use this team, I never use the Variable Combination because the
attacks are too broken apart to really link to each other for massive damage. However, since all of
these characters have Speed Up and massive combo ability (like my fav combo with Cammy: dash in,
LP, LK, HK, super jump, LP, LK, LP, LK, HK Cannon Drill, Killer Bee Assault. You must input the
Killer Bee Assault command right after the Cannon Drill.), I think that I could work out a plan if I
get offensive enough.
Team 5
M. Bison (a) or (b)
Dhalsim (b)
Guile (y)
Ah, one of my all Street Fighter teams. Lets see Capcom make a pure Street Fighter game this free
and I'm buying it before it hits the shelves. Anyway, this team is totally unpredictable because I can
use so many different fighting styles with this team. Well, except for when Dhalsim is out because I
become an assist nusance, daring people to step beyond that imaginary line that lies about 2 steps short
of reaching full screen. Also, if you are caught in the Variable Combination, you are in for some
serious hurt; so be careful.
Team 6
Dhalsim (b)
Guile (y)
Anakaris (a)
I created this team to cover the rest of that empty space when being an annoying assist fighter. And
look: Dhalsim is out first, meaning that I will start the match fighting this way. As far as the Variable
Combination goes, it doesn't matter whether you get hit or not: it covers the entire screen and there's
plenty of chip damage if you block it.
Team 7
Guile (y)
Magneto (b)
Anakaris (a)
I LOVE THIS TEAM. Wanna talk about annoying, see if you can stand up to being comboed out the ass and
even if you start blocking you can catch Anakaris' combo (Dash in, D+LP, D+LP, D+LP, D+LK, HP, HP
Mirra Drop) which is unblockable. Then on top of that, Magneto's assist can be summoned right after that
rendering you defenseless to another combo. Finally, the Varible Combination with these 3 characters can
nearly KO anyone. How scary is that?
Team 8
Iceman (a)
Guile (b) or (y)
Magneto (b)
This team is mainly constructed around the damage from the Variable Combination. Note that Iceman is out in
front. This is because I hate this man's puny girl like defenses. Besides, he doesnt really matter in
the Variable Combination.
Team 9
Rogue (b) or (y)
Cable (a) or (b)
Tron Bonne (a) or (y)
So many different styles to choose from...do I want the Dashing Type Rogue? The Anti-Air Cable? There
is one drawback, though. Tron's assist type depends on if I want to murdelize tall/huge characters or if
I want to have her actually help me fight using her assist. If I want to murdelize huge characters, I
use the (a) assist. Her Variable Combination super is the Lunchline super, which will do massive damage
when combined with Rogue's Dashing Punch and Cable's Hyper Viperbeam; but I don't like Throw Type assists.
On the other hand, you have the (y) assist, which does the sattelite wave move when you assist Tron.
Each hit from this 3 hit move does 15 damage, which makes it the most damaging assist in the game. But
with this assist type, Tron uses the King Kobun super in Variable Combination, and it WILL miss the
opponent when combined with Rogue's Dashing Punch and Cable's Hyper Viperbeam. Most of the time I use the
(y) assist type.
Team 10
Silver Samaurai (y)
Storm (a) or (y)
Hulk (b)
I always use this order, simply because I am not comfortable fighting with Silver Samaurai; so he
must get KOed first in order for me to begin switching in battle. Secondly, I only switch Storm with Hulk
when her energy is really low. This is because Storm is so fast I think that I can combo people out the
ass for a win; so I try my hardest to do that before switching to Hulk. Hulk is in the back because all
of his supers do massive damage. Finally, the Variable Combination is very very nice, even better with
Storm in (y) assist type.
Team 11
Omega Red (any)
Silver Samuarai (y)
Storm (y)
I'm not quite yet comfortable with this team, but my friend Vic said that it was pretty decent and the
Variable Combination is not only rewarding with damage, but prettiness also.
Team 12
Servbot (y)
Megaman (a)
Rogue (b)
I started to forget about this team since half of the members are really weak. However, this is the team
where I came up with the annoyer fighting style. Just look at it: Servbot and Megaman? Together? Juggernaut
will smash them in seconds! The Varible Combination is something to treasure though. If the enemy does not
block, they will take massive damage from all three attacks since they do link perfectly together. And
even if they do block, they will STILL take massive damage since the Servbot Raid does nearly triple
damage on those who block it. Not to mention the chip damage added on from Megaman and Rogue.
Team 13
Strider Hiryu (b)
Jin (b)
Guile (y)
I also admit that having Jin in (b) assist type will give you some very very nice combos to work with
if you place the assist at the correct time. Then on top of that, Jin Variable Combination super is the
Blodia Punch, which does massive damage by itself. Combine that with the Sonic Hurricane and Strider's
Legion and you have a decently powered Variable Combination on your hands that's also nearly
unescapeable. When I use this team, I go on an all out offensive with Strider, then switch to Jin. Guile
ony gets his action from assisting, and if Strider and Jin get KO'ed.
Team 14
Cyclops (a)
Gambit (b)
Magneto (b)
Well, the Variable Combination is nice, there's not that much to say about this team.
Team 15
Cyclops (a)
Magneto (b)
Anakaris (a)
Since Anakaris is replacing Gambit, there's less assisting going on during battle. So DAMN! I can't
be pretty anymore during battle. Anyway, when there is an assist, be prepared for a massive damage combo
coming up because I will exploit every time you get caught with an Anakaris Cobra Blow or Magneto's
Hyper Gravitation.
Team 16
Shuma Gorath (a)
Cable (b)
Rogue (b) or (y)
Well, Shuma Gorath can get very annoying at times with that Mystic Stare of his. Also, since he is in the
Projectile Type Assist, he will do that move every time he is called in to assist. The closer the enemy
is to Shuma Gorath, the more hits there will be. If they are right in front of Shuma Gorath, it does 12
hits. Mmmmm, imagine the kinds of combos you can pull off with that. Anyway, if I have Rogue in Throw Type
assist, then she will sometimes get some action from me assisting her. Else, Rogue won't get any action
until Shuma Gorath and Cable are KOed (unless I'm fighting Abyss, which the first form gets beat down
by Rogue and Shuma Gorath ). Finally, the Variable Combination is held together by Cable, so try your
hardest not to get Cable KOed unless you are as good with Rogue as me and my godbrother are.
Team 17
Shuma Gorath (a)
Strider Hiryu (b)
Cable (a) or (b)
Notice that in this team, Strider replaces Rogue. Because of this, I sometimes would like to have some
long range move to help protect me since Strider has such low defenses. Anyway, I am even more offensive
with this team than Team 16, and if neccessary Cable will be finishing off matches for me. Since the
Variable Combination with this team does less damage, I try to combo my enemy more.
Team 18
Strider Hiryu (b)
Cable (a) or(b)
Rogue (b) or (y)
This is the most offensive team of the teams 16-18. Rogue is back, meaning that Strider is replacing Shuma
Gorath and I can try my hardest to kick butt. So HA! Oh yeah, I do use the Variable Combination a lot with
this team.
Team 19
Sabretooth (b)
Cable (b)
Rogue (b) or (y)
Oooh,...that Sabretooth in the Projectile Type assist can get very annoying because you can constantly
misplace the timing on when the assist attack occurs. Secondly, it does decent damage for it to only be 3
hits and leaves you open for all Aerial Rave Launchers, whether fast or slow. All supers do
combine nicely in the Variable Combination, doing considerable damage. Just beware that if I have Rogue
in the Throw Type assist, you will be in for some serious combo hurt since Rogue's kiss is unblockable.
Team 20
Cyclops (a)
Hulk (b)
Iron Man (a) or (b)
Just to let you viewers out there know that when I'm using this team, Hulk will come out about every 5
seconds with his Gamma Charge. If Iron Man is in Anti-Air assist type, he will alternately come out with
Hulk. You will face massive intimidation trying to be an offensive player; and you will be even more scared
when you see the damage from the Variable Combination linking together. Anyway, think about it: Cyclops, a
character who can fight exceptionably well, assists characters who use moves that leave you incredibly
open for attack afterwards. Yes, you will get your ass kicked if you are not a Turtle type player. This team
will certainly teach you how to be one.