News (February 6, 1998)
Just a few reminders:
1. The rookie draft is scheduled to begin at 12 pm ET on Feb 28. Cuts
are due by Sunday, Feb 15*. Remember that the draft picks you may
make is equal to 40 minus the number of players on your roster after
cuts. If you make more cuts than you have draft picks, you may draft
after the 8th round. If you make fewer cuts than you have draft picks,
you forfeit picks, starting with the last one you own by cutdown date and
working backwards. Also remember that if you cut someone who did not
play for a NASA eligible team in 1997, they cannot be redrafted in the
rookie draft.
2. Please get your yearbook articles in as soon as possible. Don't
forget to include an about the author section.
3. Get your $10 NASA dues in ASAP, so I can get the yearbook out to you
quickly. Again, let me know if there are any problems.
Have a great weekend,
* - later changed to February 22.