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Newsletter #11		June 16, 1995

1995 NASA Standings (as of 6/16/95)

Ricky Vaughn division
			W	L	Pct.	GB	Home	Away
Wichita Whiffers	59	28	.678	--	35-11	24-17
Inwood Landfills	60	44	.577 	 7 1/2	32-20	28-24
Baltimore Buttheads	29	58	.333	30	17-30	12-28
Cicely Polar Bears	20	62	.243	36 1/2 	9-26	11-36

Roy Hobbs division

Kansas City Tornados	72	26	.735	-- 	38-8	34-18
Kenmore Knockers	55	37	.598 	14 	30-16	25-21
Brussels Sprouts	52	40	.565	17 	31-15	21-25
Prospect Park Posse	23	69	.250	46 	12-34	11-35

Crash Davis division

Yellowknife Moose	64	40	.615	--	40-18	24-22	
Mayne Islanders		51	41	.554	 7 	27-19	24-22
Cedar Rapids R. B.	45	53	.459	16 	32-20	13-33
Muncie Superbas		30	62	.326	28 	13-27   17-35

NASA Road Record:	244-316     .436

Games Played Average: 93.3


The speed with which everyone completed their Cluster 6 games has
led to a short break in new results. But with Cluster 7 instructions
on everybody's desk, things should be picking up again.

The best race continues to be the battle for the Hobbs wild card,
as Kenmore clings to a three-game lead over Brussels. The division
leaders are coasting along with comfortable leads, although both Inwood
(in the Vaughn) and Mayne (in the Davis) have managed to trim
a bit off.


John Lemek leaves for a new job in Poughkeepsie, NY on June 20th.
He hopes to check his e-mail sporadically, and asks that all NASA
information continue to be e-mailed to him. He will be checking
in with a new snail mail address and phone number in July.

Rany Jazayerli is e-mailless again this summer. He can be reached at:

1600 Foliage
Wichita, KS 67206-3326
316 634 2150

Let's not let the lack of e-mail connections be a problem this year!


Just a reminder that there is a new playoff format in effect
this year. The top two teams in each division advance to the playoffs,
with the two best records receiving byes. The remaining division winner
plays the lowest-seeded wid-card team not in their division.

In the next round, the teams will be re-seeded, with the team with
the best record in NASA playing the first-round survivor with
the worst record. Note that teams *may* be matched up against their
own division in this round.

I heartily encourage all playoff managers to try and play their series
themselves, either via phone, "talk", or the John Lemek-sanctioned telnet
site. If this fails, the commissioner's office, or a commissioner-
deputized NASA manager, will play the games.


OK, it's been about four months since Joe Leonard handed me the
reins. And while I *think* I've done a fairly good job, and
most of the informal feedback has been good, I'm trying to get
a sense of how my tenure is perceived by the league.

This isn't going to be anything formal, but if anyone, and this
includes the expansion trio, has comments, criticisms, suggestions...
anything which they would like to say about my performance so
far, or the league in general, I would heartily welcome their
input. Commenst broadcast to the entire league would, IMHO, be
the most beneficial.

Additionally, if anyone has suggestions for things to work on over the
winter: rules changes, league structure, et al...I'd love to hear
about them.

Some of my ideas for changes over the next year or so include:
adding new stat categories, centralizing card buying and distribution
(to avoid the problems we had this winter), increased use of
computer game options--sending disks with stats, instructions,
etc. Let me know what you think of these, and jump in with your own....


July 16, 1995, 6 a.m. EDT -- 	NASA Trade Deadline for deals 
				affecting current season

September 20, 1995 -- 		NASA Playoffs begin

October 20, 1995 -- 		Expansion protection lists due
				to Commissioner

November 11, 1995, 1 p.m. EST -- NASA Expansion Draft (LIVE)

November 17, 1995 --		NASA Free Agent Draft

December 1, 1995 --		Deadline for new NASA pool teams
				to be named

February 24, 1996 11 a.m. EST -- NASA Rookie Draft (LIVE)

Pencil these in now, folks. The point behind setting them early is 
to make sure there's no conflicts!


CRB trades Terry Shumpert to YKM for Mike Perez and YKM rookie #6 (1996)

MSB trades complete freedom, control of the remote and bachelorhood
on June 17th, 1995 for true love, a lady's hand, a shiny gold ring
and an undetermined number of future draft picks.

Best wishes to Steve and his bride from the whole league!

Attached are rosters and a draft pick update. Note the roster
format has changes. Players are listed by position, then alphabetically.
I hope this makes searching for players to trade for easier.

				--Joe Sheehan,
					NASA Commissioner


	Wichita		Inwood		Baltimore	Cicely

4			PPP				KKN
7			KKN		ILF
8			BSP

	Prospect Park	Brussels	Kansas City	Kenmore

1					YKM		WWH
4							WWH
5							CPB
6							MSB
7							CPB

	Cedar Rapids	Mayne Island	Yellowknife	Muncie

3			KKN				YKM
5			YKM


YKM #2 to KCT
PPP #2 to KKN
ILF #2 to KKN


Wichita		Inwood		Baltimore	Cicely

Nilsson, Dave	Leyritz, Jim	Borders, Pat	Berryhill, Damon
Rowland, Rich	Stanley, Mike	Hemond, Scott	Delgado, Carlos
Colbrunn, Greg	Surhoff, B.J.	Parks, Derek	Fletcher, Darren
Hamelin, Bob	Wedge, Eric	Rodriguez, Ivan	LaValliere, Mike
Olerud, John	Floyd, Cliff	Clark, Will	Hunter, Brian R.
Alomar, Roberto	Palmeiro, R.	Vaughn, Mo	McCarty, David
Beltre, Esteban	Perry, Gerald	Alicea, Luis	Molitor, Paul
Gil, Benji	Pirkl, Greg	Barberie, Bret	Murray, Eddie
Valentin, John	Baerga, Carlos	Smith, Ozzie	Sorrento, Paul
Gaetti, Gary	Pena, Geronimo	Trammell, Alan	Bell, Juan
Thome, Jim	Cordero, Wil	Leius, Scott	DeShields, Delino
Green, Shawn	Valentin, Jose	Stahoviak, S.	Sojo, Luis
Hammonds, J.	Wallach, Tim	Edmonds, Jim	Disarcina, Gary
Hudler, Rex	Blosser, Greg	Eisenreich, Jim	Lee, Manny
Javier, Stan	Conine, Jeff	Jose, Felix	Listach, Pat
Newfield, Marc	Griffey, Ken	Mitchell, Keith	Brosius, Scott
Puckett, Kirby	Henderson, R.	O'Leary, Troy	Sabo, Chris
Salmon, Tim	Jackson, Bo	Plantier, Phil	Berroa, Geronimo
Sosa, Sammy	Lankford, Ray	Ramirez, Manny	Brumfield, Jacob
		Mack, Shane	Sanders, Reggie	Hatcher, Billy
				VanderWal, John	McReynolds, Kevin
				White, Rondell	Mieske, Matt
				Winfield, Dave	Munoz, Pedro
						Orsulak, Joe
						Roberts, Bip
						Ward, Turner

Anderson, Brian	Abbott, Jim	Acre, Mark	Darwin, Danny	
Appier, Kevin	Belcher, Tim	Alvarez, Wilson	Eckersley, Dennis
Belinda, Stan	Boever, Joe	Arocha, Rene	Gossage, Rich
Brewer, Billy	Candiotti, Tom	Ayala, Bobby	Grahe, Joe
Brown, Kevin	Eichhorn, Mark	Barnes, Brian	Gullickson, Bill
Clemens, Roger	Fetters, Mike	Bones, Ricky	Henry, Butch
Davis, Storm	Haney, Chris	Bottenfield, K.	Hentgen, Pat
Fernandez, Sid	Jimenez, Miguel	Guardado, Eddie	Heredia, Gil
Gordon, Tom	Karsay, Steve	Guzman, Juan	Martinez, Pedro
Hall, Darren	Mesa, Jose	Henderson, Rod	Moore, Mike
Harvey, Bryan	Mlicki, Dave	Hitchcock, S.	Navarro, Jaime
Johnson, Randy	Patterson, Bob	Mills, Alan	Olivares, Omar	
Mahomes, Pat	Quantrill, Paul	Oliver, Darren	Sutcliffe, Rick
Neagle, Denny	Rodriguez, Rich	Ruffin, Johnny	Urbani, Tom
Plunk, Eric	Rojas, Mel	Sele, Aaron
Reyes, Carlos	Scanlan, Bob	Shuey, Paul
Rhodes, Arthur	Tapani, Kevin	Tewksbury, Bob
Roper, John	Valenzuela, F.
Salkeld, Roger	Wells, David
Van Poppel, Todd
Wetteland, John

Prospect Park	Brussels	Kansas City	Kenmore

Fabregas, Jorge	Alomar, Sandy	Karkovice, Ron	Kreuter, Chad
Hoiles, Chris	Knorr, Randy	Laker, Tim	MacFarlane, Mike
Clark, Phil	Ortiz, Junior	Tettleton, M.	Pena, Tony
Fielder, Cecil	Jefferson, R.	Turner, Chris	Jefferies, Gregg
Jaha, John	Martinez, Tino	Franco, Julio	Joyner, Wally
McGwire, Mark	Perry, Herbert	Morris, Hal	Boone, Bret
Snow, J.T.	Branson, Jeff	Diaz, Mario	Hale, Chip
Easley, Damion	Lansing, Mike	Lind, Jose	Reboulet, Jeff
Kent, Jeff	Ready, Randy	Gomez, Chris	Treadway, Jeff
Ripken, Cal	Ripken, Billy	Guillen, Ozzie	Bordick, Mike
Cirillo, Jeff	Samuel, Juan	Schofield, Dick	Gonzalez, Alex
Ortiz, Luis	Cruz, Fausto	Berry, Sean	Fryman, Travis
Buhner, Jay	Gagne, Greg	Davis, Russ	Bragg, Darren
Curtis, Chad	Hocking, Denny	Owen, Spike	Carter, Joe
Gilkey, Bernard	Gomez, Leo	Ventura, Robin	Davis, Chili
Gonzalez, Juan	Greene, Willie	Lofton, Kenny	Gibson, Kirk
Greenwell, Mike	Naehring, Tim	O'Neill, Paul	Nixon, Otis
Sanders, Deion	Perez, Eduardo	Phillips, Tony	Pride, Curtis
Singleton, D.	Seitzer, Kevin	Walker, Larry	Tartabull, Danny
Young, Ernie	Sprague, Ed	Voigt, Jack	Whiten, Mark
		Belle, Albert	Canseco, Jose
		Bichette, Dante
		Cuyler, Milt
		Felix, Junior
		McRae, Brian	

Banks, Willie	Castillo, Tony	Bailey, Cory	Aguilera, Rick
Cormier, Rheal	Cone, David	Bolton, Rodney	Aquino, Luis
DiPoto, Jerry	Davis, Tim	Clark, Mark	Bosio, Chris
Fleming, Dave	Erickson, Scott	Cook, Dennis	Campbell, Kevin
Henneman, Mike	Fajardo, Hector	Cummings, John	DeLeon, Jose
Holmes, Darren	Gubicza, Mark	Dopson, John	Grimsley, Jason	
Leftwich, Phil	Jackson, Mike	Fernandez, Alex	Guzman, Jose
Minchey, Nate	Leiper, Dave	Hanson, Erik	Haynes, Heath
Miranda, Angel	Leiter, Al	Hernandez, X.	Howard, Chris
Ogea, Chad	McElroy, Chuck	Hill, Ken	Jean, Domingo
Osborne, D.	Saberhagen, B.	Howe, Steve	Kamieniecki, Scott
Pichardo, H.	Shaw, Jeff	Hutton, Mark	Lilliquist, Derek
Rogers, Kenny	Smiley, John	McCaskill, Kirk	Lopez, Albie
Springer, Russ	Wickman, Bob	Montgomery, J.	Martinez, Dennis
Stewart, Dave	Williams, Woody	Munoz, Bobby	McDowell, Jack
Swindell, Greg			Nagy, Charles	Orosco, Jesse
Valera, Julio			Risley, Bill	Schourek, Pete
Vanegmond, Tim			Russell, Jeff	Swift, Bill
Watson, Allen			Taylor, Billy
White, Gabe

Cedar Rapids	Mayne 		Yellowknife	Muncie

Harper, Brian	Steinbach, T.	Matheny, Mike	Mayne, Brent	
Nokes, Matt	Webster, Lenny	Pagnozzi, Tom	Valle, Dave
Walbeck, Matt	Neel, Troy	Parent, Mark	Wilson, Dan
Mattingly, Don	Thomas, Frank	Tackett, Jeff	Dorsett, Brian
Knoblauch, C.	Cora, Joey	Taubensee, E.	Costo, Tim
Fermin, Felix	Frye, Jeff	Galarraga, A.	Segui, David
Leius, Scott	Rodriguez, Alex	Hrbek, Kent	Amaral, Rich
Silvestri, Dave	Vizquel, Omar	Gonzales, Rene	Gallego, Mike
Hayes, Charlie	Weiss, Walt	Grebeck, Craig	Gates, Brent
Martinez, Edgar	Coolbaugh, S.	Redd, Jody	Kelly, Pat	
Velarde, Randy	Magadan, Dave	Shumpert, Terry	McLemore, Mark
Carr, Chuck	Palmer, Dean	Whitaker, Lou	Fernandez, Tony
Cole, Alex	Anderson, G.	Larkin, Barry	Blowers, Mike
Diaz, Alex	Bautista, Danny	Rodriguez, C.	Cooper, Scott
Incaviglia, P.	Becker, Rich	Boggs, Wade	Zeile, Todd
Johnson, Lance	Hulse, David	Alou, Moises	Anderson, Brady
Kelly, Roberto	Jackson, Darrin	Burks, Ellis	Bell, Derek
Sierra, Ruben	Martinez, Dave	Huff, Mike	Hamilton, Darryl
Williams, G.	Mitchell, Kevin	Greer, Rusty	Hill, Glenallen
		Raines, Tim	James, Chris	Howard, Thomas
		Sheffield, Gary	Polonia, Luis	Jordan, Brian
		White, Devon	Williams, B.	Kirby, Wayne	
				Baines, Harold	Vaughn, Greg

Bere, Jason	Assenmacher, P.	Brantley, Jeff	Briscoe, John
Bergman, Sean	Benitez, A.	Carpenter, Cris	Bankhead, Scott
Butcher, Mike	Cox, Danny	Darling, Ron	Gardiner, Mike
Carrasco, H.	Dettmer, John	Doherty, John	Hammond, Chris
Fossas, Tony	Eldred, Cal	Fassero, Jeff	Hough, Charlie
Frey, Steve	Groom, Buddy	Finley, Chuck	Leiter, Mark
Habyan, John	Hernandez, J.	Granger, Jeff	Magnante, Mike
Helling, Rick	Hernandez, R.	Henke, Tom	McDonald, Ben
Jarvis, Kevin	Hesketh, Joe	Lima, Jose	Meacham, Rusty
Key, Jimmy	Ignasiak, Mike	Lloyd, Graeme	Palacios, Vincente
Kreuger, Bill	Klingenbeck, S.	Morris, Jack	Pall, Donn
Langston, Mark	Lorraine, A.	Ontiveros, S.	Rijo, Jose	
Monteleone, R.	Mulholland, T.	Rueter, Kirk	Smith, Lee
Moyer, Jaime	Mussina, Mike	Scott, Tim	Ward, Duane
Nelson, Jeff	Pavlik, Roger	Tavarez, Julian	Williamson, Mark
Otto, Dave	Perez, Melido	Trombley, Mike	Witt, Bobby
Perez, Mike	Ruffcorn, Scott	Wegman, Bill
Pulido, Carlos	Ryan, Ken	Worrell, Todd
Sanderson, S.	Stottlemyre, Todd
Timlin, Mike