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Newsletter #19		November 5, 1995


Next Saturday, at 3:30 p.m. EST, three new teams will enter NASA.
These entries, led by Jason Miller, Ted Frank and Mike Cha, will
each draft 16 players off existing NASA rosters to serve as the
original members of their franchises.

The festivities will get underway at 3 p.m. EST, with the NASA
Expansion Draft Preview Show, hosted by Bob Costas and Keith
Olbermann. Scheduled guests include three-time NASA champ
Rany Jazayerli, NASA Commissioner Joe Sheehan and anticipated
draftees Jim Abbott and Tom Gordon.

NASA managers are encouraged to touch base with me this week
to assure me of their availability for the draft. This would
be the Mafia definition of "encouraged", so get in touch, guys.

Instructions for joining the draft on IRC. Type "IRC" at your
system's prompt. Once in, type "/server",
then "/join #nasadraft". This will connect you to a low-volume
server and the channel we will all be on. I expect the draft to
take between two and three hours.

If this is a problem, please contact me and we will attempt to
make alternate arrangements. 

For the draft, each Expansion Team will have two minutes to make
their selection. After a selection is made, the team losing a player
will have one minute to pull back the appropriate number of players.
The clock begins ticking on the next pick when these pullbacks
are announced.

These are stringent limits, but there has been a lot of lead time
for the established franchises to determine their draft-day
preferences, so everyone should come in prepared.

Best of luck to everyone, and I look forward to seeing all of you
there next week!


The trade freeze goes into effect at midnight PDT, Thursday November
9th. No player movement is permitted between then and the last
pick of the Expansion Draft.


The Free Agent draft list has been revised and is included at
the bottom of this newsletter. Only players on this list are
eligible for the FA draft.

The draft will begin on MONDAY, NOVEMBER 13th. This is a change
from previous newsletters. My intention is to get the draft
done before the Thanksgiving break. With 33 picks, I figure 
it will take a week.

The draft will work in much the fashion it did last year. I will
e-mail the current selector with an draft update and inform him
it is his team's pick. (In some cases, I may e-mail two teams ahead,
to get them ready and request a two-name list.) After each round,
I will send everyone an update (roughly each round, depending on


Next winter, the Free Agent Draft will be folded into the Taam
Expansion Draft. This draft will include all players who would
normally be free agents, along with players who do not have
rookie status (as defined by NASA) on the following teams:

Atlanta Braves
Chicago Cubs
Los Angeles Dodgers
New York Mets
San Diego Padres

These picks are governed by the rule which currently governs FA
picks: they may not be traded until January 1. However, I *strongly*
encourage everyone to carefully weigh the value of these picks
before dealing them. Barring trades or free agent losses, the following
players will definitely be available in this draft:

ATL:	Greg Maddux, Tom Glavine, John Smoltz, Javy Lopez, Ryan
	Klesko, Chipper Jones

CHI:	Mark Grace, Frank Castillo, Steve Trachsel, Kevin Foster

LA:	Mike Piazza, Raul Mondesi, Eric Karros, Ramon Martinez,
	Ismael Valdes, Hideo Nomo, Karim Garcia

NY:	Jason Isringhausen, Bill Pulsipher, Todd Hundley, Rico
	Brogna, Edgardo Alfonzo

SD:	Joey Hamilton, Andy Ashby, Glenn Dishman, Trevor Hoffman,
	Tony Gwynn, Ken Caminiti

They're valuable, folks. Treat them as such. And treat 1997 Rookie
picks accordingly, as there will be some inflation there as well.


Two managers have signed on as NASA backups, both with extensive
Strat pedigrees. Nate Orzoff ( and Jim Beauchemin
( Feel free to add them to your mailing lists.


The Internation Baseball League is looking for openings. Contact for more information.


Steve Bonek's Muncie Superbas won the lottery for the first pick
in the 1996 Rookie Draft. The draft orders for NASA are as

1. Prospect Park (First Round: Muncie)
2. Santa Clara	 (First Round: Prospect Park)
3. Muncie	 (First Round: Santa Clara)
4. Orange
5. Cedar Rapids
6. Kenmore
7. Expansion	 (First Round: Ted Frank)
8. Expansion	 (First Round: Long Island)	
9. Expansion	 (First Round: Mike Cha)
10. Brussels
11. Mayne
12. Inwood
13. Wichita
14. Yellowknife
15. Kansas City

Free Agent:
First Round:

1. Mike Cha (Exp.)
2. Ted Frank (Exp.)
3. Mayne (via Long Island (Exp.))
4. Inwood (via Prospect Park)
5. Santa Clara
6. Muncie
7. Baltimore
8. Cedar Rapids 
9. Kenmore
10. Brussels
11. Mayne
12. Inwood
13. Wichita
14. Yellowknife
15. Kansas City

Second Round:

16. Long Island (Exp.)
17. Ted Frank (Exp.)
18. Mike Cha (Exp.)
19. Kenmore (via Prospect Park)
20. Santa Clara
21. Muncie
22. Orange
23. Cedar Rapids
24. Kenmore
25. Brussels
26. Mayne
27. Kenmore (via Inwood)
28. Wichita
29. Kansas City
30. Kansas City
31. Mike Cha (Exp.)
32. Ted Frank (Exp.)
33. Long Island (Exp.)


I'm still waiting on stats from Dave Collins, Kevin Hansen (who may
have been abducted by aliens) and Rany Jazayerli. Once I have
these, I'll start work on the yearbook. I anticipate it available
sometime after the New Year.

Because of the work involved, and the printing costs, et al. I
am going to charge a small fee for the yearbook. It will cost
$5, which will also cover first-class postage. Because I will
be using QuarkXpress to produce it, an e-mail version will not
be available.


Muncie sends Mark McLemore to Brussels for Willie Greene

Prospect Park sends Willie Banks, Hipolito Pichardo, Mike Henneman
and Cecil Fielder to Santa Clara for Bip Roberts and Paul Molitor.

Inwood would like to move into the Rookie Draft top five, either
by trading up from #12 or making a straight deal for a pick. They
also are taking offers on Mike Stanley, Rafael Palmeiro and
David Wells, and would like to acquire one additional Free Agent draft pick

Kansas City has some third-base depth and would like to exchange it
for help at 2B, SS and C.

That's it for now. Attached are the Free agent and Rookie draft
eligibility lists. See you all next week!

				--Joe Sheehan,
					NASA Commissioner


Mike Aldrete		Willie Fraser		Jose Mercedes
Manny Alexander		Lou Frazier		Matt Merullo
Andy Allanson		Dave Gallagher		Keith Miller
Ruben Amaro		Ray Giannelli		Mike Mohler
Eric Anthony		Greg Gohr		Greg Myers
Joe Ausanio		Tom Goodwin		Warren Newson
Mike Bielecki		Lee Guetterman		Sherman Obando
Brian Bohanon		Eric Gunderson		Joe Oliver
Shawn Boskie		Mark Guthrie		Gregg Olson
Bernardo Brito		Joe Hall		Jose Oquendo
Jeff Bronkey		Atlee Hammaker		Mike Oquist
Jarvis Brown		Shawn Hare		Mike Pagliarulo
Tom Browning		Gene Harris		Craig Paquette
Steve Buechele		Greg A. Harris		Jeff Parrett
Damon Buford		Lenny Harris		Lance Parrish
Dave Burba		Mike Hartley		Brad Pennington
Terry Burrows		Bill Haselman		Robert Perez
Domingo Cedeno		Eric Helfand		Mark Petkovsek
Wes Chamberlain		Dwayne Henry		Steve Phoenix
Norm Charlton		Phil Hiatt		Jim Poole
Mike Christopher	Mark Holzemer		Tim Pugh
Vince Coleman		Rick Honeycutt		Scott Radinsky
Darnell Coles		Sam Horn		Dennis Rasmussen
Jim Converse		Vince Horsman		Rick Reed
Brad Cornett		David Howard		Dave Righetti
Rod Correia		Tim Hulett		Erik Schullstrom
Jim Corsi		Jeff Huson		Joe Siddall
Tripp Cromer		Riccardo Ingram		Joe Slusarski
Mark Dalesandro		Dion James		Mark Smith
Danny Darwin		Joel Johnston		Tim Spehr
Rich DeLucia		Mark Kiefer		Matt Stairs
John DeSilva		Kevin King		Dave Stevens
Mike Devereaux		Mark Lee		Doug Strange
Rob Dibble		Jesse Levis		Franklin Stubbs
Steve Dunn		Doug Linton		Gary Thurman
Robert Eenhoorn		Brian Looney		Ron Tingley
Dave Eiland		Barry Lyons		Lee Tinsley
Kevin Elster		Kevin Maas		Andy Tomberlin
Alan Embree		John Mabry		Jeff Treadway
Bryan Eversgerd		Bob MacDonald		Fernando Vina
John Farrell		Candy Maldanado		Frank Viola
John Flaherty		Jeff Manto		Ed Vosberg
Scott Fletcher		Norberto Martin		Jerome Walton
Kevin Flora		Carlos Martinez		Bob Wells
Tom Foley		John Marzano		Derrick White
Tim Fortugno		Russ McGinnis		Matt Whiteside
Eric Fox		Pat Meares		Kevin Wickander
John Frascatore		Henry Mercedes		Carl Willis
						Craig Worthington


Pat Ahearne		LaTroy Hawkins		Jorge Posada
Jose Alberro		Jimmy Haynes		Arquimedez Pozo
Tavo Alvarez		Wilson Heredia		Ariel Prieto
Scott Anderson		Jose Herrera		Brian Raabe
Shane Andrews		Orel Hershiser		Brad Radke
Luis Andujar		Bobby Higginson		Joe Randa
Scott Baker		Dave Hollins		Mike Remlinger
James Baldwin		Dwayne Hosey		Al Reyes
Brian Barber		Joe Hudson		Karl Rhodes
Brian Bark		Rick Huisman		Ron Rightnowar
Kevin Bass		Edwin Hurtado		Mariano Rivera
Howard Battle		Danny Jackson		Ruben Rivera
David Bell		Jason Jacome		Joe Roa
Alan Benes		Mike James		Sid Roberson
Andy Benes		Derek Jeter		Rich Robertson
Yamil Benitez		Doug Johns		Ken Robinson
Erik Bennett		Doug Jones		Frankie Rodriguez
Mike Bertotti		Ricardo Jordan		Henry Rodriguez
Bud Black		Matt Karchner		Steve Rodriguez
Ben Blomdahl		Scott Karl		Jimmy Rogers
Brian Boehringer	Brian Keyser		Mo Sanford
Bobby Bonilla		Rick Krivda		F.P. Santangelo
Joe Borowski		John Kruk		Benito Santiago
Terry Bradshaw		Matt Lawton		Curt Schmidt
Doug Brady		Darren Lewis		Danny Sheaffer
Mark Brandenburg	Felipe Lira		Keith Shepherd
Melvin Bunch		Keith Lockhart		Bill Simaas
Jeromy Burnitz		Mark Loretta		Mike Sirotka
Edgar Caceres		Mike Maddux		Pete Smith
Mike Cameron		Ron Mahay		Zane Smith
Ramon Caraballo		Josias Manzanillo	Chris Snopek
Rafael Carmona		Isidro Marquez		Clint Sodowsky
Giovanni Carrara	Sandy (Angel) Martinez	Steve Sparks
Jerald Clark		Dan Masteller		Mike Stanton
Terry Clark		T.J. Mathews		Todd Steverson
Tony Clark		Brian Maxcy		Shannon Stewart
Brent Cookson		Derrick May		Darryl Strawberry
Ron Coomer		Jamie McAndrew		Chris Stynes
Martu Cordova		Roger McDowell		Scott Sullivan
Reid Cornelius		Willie McGee		Jeff Suppan
Jim Courtright		Jim Mecir		Mark Sweeney
Tim Crabtree		Paul Menhart		Mike Sweeney
Doug Creek		Mike Morgan		Tony Tarasco
Johnny Damon		Jose Mota		Scott Taylor
Scott Davison		Lyle Mouton		J.J. Thobe
Jim Dedrick		Oscar Munoz		Larry Thomas
Cesar Devarez		Matt Murray		Mike Thomas
Chris Donnels		Mike Myers		Dilson Torres
Mariano Duncan		Phil Nevin		Salomon Torres
Ray Durham		Chris Nichting		Chris Tremie
Chris Eddy		C.J. Nitkowski		Michael Tucker
Ken Edenfield		Les Norman		Scooter Tucker
Vaughn Eshelman		Jon Nunnally		Tim Unroe
Ramon Fermin		Jose Oliva		Ugueth Urbina
Chad Fonville		Eric Owens		Andy Van Slyke
Ron Gant		Orlando Palmeiro	Ron Villone
Jason Giambi		Jose Parra		Joe Vitiello
Steve Gibralter		Jeff Patterson		Tim Wakefield
Brian Giles		Dave Pavlas		Jeff Ware
Brian Givens		Rudy Pemberton		John Wasdin
Curtis Goodwin		Alejandro Pena		Scott Watkins
Kevin Gross		Shannon Penn		Don Wengert
Jeff Grotewold		Troy Percival		Sean Whiteside
Matt Grott		Carlos Perez		Chris Widger
Mark Grudzielanek	Tomas Perez		George Williams
Tim Harikkala		Andy Pettite		Mitch Williams
Mike Harkey		Jeff Pierce		Nigel Wilson
Greg W. Harris		Jim Pittsley		Steve Wojciechowski
Scott Hatteberg		Mark Portugal		Bob Wolcott
						Greg Zaun