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Chapter 8


The engines cooled down as the two Scimitars landed in the hanger bay. Soon they were pushed out of the way into the flight line.


Rick let out a long sigh, looking down at his precious picture, He thanked her for making it, blowing her a kiss as Johnson opened up the canopy.


"They didn't even touch you, Rick!" He looked inside, Rick frowning at him.


"Tell that to the Krant I shot down. Two missiles and dozens of Mass Driver hits and he was still going! Fast little bastard, too! I thought he had me..." Rick got out, seeing Pilgrim's heavily damaged Scimm.


"That makes two of you...Except they actually hit Pilgrim." Rick stepped back once he was off the ladder.


"God, did they get him? Looks bad..." Johnson shook his head.


"Evan got out alright, flak hit his Scimm in the belly when he was firing a missile. Lucky guy, they could of nailed him right there!" Rick nodded, Meg walking back over to the flight line. Soon Allison and Rokain were landing their Hornets, both looking worse for wear. Rick walked over to his friend's fighter.


"Allison! How was that one?" She looked over from the side of her Hornet, several shot marks on the right side. She had a big grin.


"Damn, what a rush Rick! I love it!" As soon as she was off the ladder, she was bouncing up and down.


"A couple more kitties came over on the way home, Jakkah Sabbath was one of them! He's Blacktooth's lackey, has about fifteen kills or so. Almost had him, we got into a scrap, he outran my Hornet in his Salthi though...He seemed scared!" She smiled.


"Good Allison, bet he'll get ripped apart for running away, it's against their code!" She laughed, Rick patting her on the shoulder.


"Well...I guess we got to go to debriefing now, I need to talk to you later about a fighter I saw..." She looked over, the other pilots heading over to the mission room.


"Alright, I'll talk to you later Rick." They hugged for a brief while before going to be debriefed.


Several hours later, everyone was assembled in the hanger deck, Mollo taking a spot on a pedestal covered in blue carpet.


"I would like to thank everyone for their efforts in the Enyo system. I believe we can win the Vega sector back for the Confederation." He paused, before continuing.


"No most of you are familiar with combat, I hope you are since this is going to be a long war. We're going to receive some new pilots soon, hope you can teach them something." The six pilots looked at each other, nodding.


"Anyways...I have some awards to hand out. Will First Lieutenant Rick Eyven please come up to the stand?" Rick stood up, surprised at his name being called. He went up.


"For his actions concerning the defense of a Drayman transport, holding off five Kilrathi fighters while the transport jumped to safety, without the aid of a wingmate...I would like to present the Bronze Star to Lieutenant Eyven." He pinned the star onto Rick's uniform, it gleamed in the light with a warm glow.


"And also I would like to award him his Fifteen Missions and Ace pins. Congrats Lieutenant." Mollo pinned the pins right next to the Scimitar pilot pin and the Five and Ten Mission pins on Rick's uniform, the entire crew cheering for him. He smiled and snapped off a salute.


"Thank you sir." Mollo saluted back.


"Thank you, Lieutenant. You're one of our finest pilots." He smiled, Rick nodding and going back to his spot, even though he felt that he wasn't worth the comment.


"And will Second Lieutenant Maegen Covan come up to the stand?" She looked up to him, knowing what it meant, feeling full of pride in herself. Rick pushed her up, she was so happy she couldn't walk up.


"And for her actions in today's battle, destroying a Ralari-class cruiser while other fighters were held up fighting Kilrathi resistance, and for also destroying two enemy Dorkir transports, crippling the Kilrathi ability to attack the Confederation, I would also like to award Lieutenant Covan the Bronze Star." She felt him pin the star, she felt like jumping for joy, she had done good for the family name.


"I also would like to give her Fifteen Missions and Ace pins she has won." Soon her chest was full of pins, she felt like a heroine.


"Merci, merci Commander...I don't know what to say..." He smiled as she saluted.


"You're welcome, it's great to have people like you here." She smiled as she ran back to her spot, jumping and latching onto Rick.


"As for the other pilots...Valentine has won his Ten Missions and Ace pins, Pilgrim his Ten Missions and Ace, Artimis her Ten and Fifteen Missions, Honeybee his Ten Missions and Ace. Please come up here and receive them." All four got up, receiving their pins and their applause...Rick clapping for Allison the most, she looked over and nodded at him. As they got off the pedestal Mollo started talking again.


"...We are going to be moved to the Alcor system. Kilrathi forces seem to be moving supplies there to their systems on the front line, let's beat them out of there!" Everyone cheered, applauding the Bronze Star winners the most, Rick noticing that since they had the medal that they were apparently heroes.


"Thank you everyone, good luck in the next system...Dismissed." As they started to leave the ceremony Mollo ran up to Rick.


"Eyven...I would like your input on Hell's Unicorns." Rick looked at him, surprised again.


"What do you mean?" Mollo looked at him.


"You've proven your worth...I need to know what pilots are the best, which ones need to train harder. Once we get those new pilots we're going to have to train them in their baptism of fire..." Rick thought about it for several seconds.


"I guess I'll go along with it. What do I have to do?" Mollo nodded at him.


"You just have to recommend to me which pilots do you think are the best, which ones are the best wingmates and such." Rick looked over to Meg, and back at Mollo.


"Ok, I will then. Thank you." Mollo nodded, relieved of having to pick teammates.


"Thanks, Rick." Rick saluted him as he walked off, Meg looking at him.


"Se sentir bon, Rick?"


"Yeah...I am." She had a smug look on her face.


A little while later Meg and Rick walked into the rec room, almost empty save for Pilgrim. Rick had expected Allison to be there, but she was nowhere to be found. Pilgrim noticed the two and waved them over.


"Hello there, Delta, Swordblade. Good work out there." The two nodded, saying their thanks.


"...Have you seen Allison around?" Pilgrim shook his head.


"She and Honeybee are on patrol...You lovesick fool." Rick shuddered, then nodded and looked him over.


Pilgrim's real name was Evan, where he came from Rick didn't know. He was twenty-three, yet he seemed as if he were older. Rick hadn't flow with him much, but from what he could tell Pilgrim was a good pilot, wouldn't shoot until he was ready. Had brown hair and blue eyes, seemed like he was thinking about something more important all the time. Still, Rick preferred him to Valentine - He was gonna get himself killed soon.


"Why call me a lovesick fool?" Evan shook his head again, a long sigh before he started.


"Well...You're always with her nowadays, before she just used to be by herself...All alone...Seems like you're moving in on her, it'd be so easy to since she's lonely..." Rick got a little pissed, his intentions being judged by someone he barely even knew.


"And how could you tell what I'm doing?"


"Simple, Rick. She's just attached to you since nobody else would talk to her. If other people paid attention to her she wouldn't give a shit about you either way. But they don't, it's a shame...I can't tell if it's her problem though, she wouldn't talk to me...I'd really like to..." Rick thought about what he was saying, a simple angry little phrase floating around in his head before he talked again. Had to get off the subject...


"So...How did we do out there?" Evan looked at Rick, a smile on his face as if to say he had made an enemy back down.


"Well, Rick...We did good out there...Hope we can pull off a second act." Rick looked at him, puzzled at first for his odd smile and then for what he had said.


"Why do you say that?" Evan laughed.


"Seems like we're lucky here...The Kilrathi are evil...This is going to get bad soon, Rick...Got a light? Rick nodded while pulling out the lighter, Meg and Rick both quiet. While looking around lighting a smoke for Evan he saw the scoreboard:


Pilot:               Sorties:           Kills:

Hell's Unicorns (Scimitars)

Delta               15                    12

Swordblade   15                    8

Pilgrim            12                    6

Valentine        11                    3


Honshu Hornets (Hornets)

Artimis            18                    11

Honeybee      12                     3



He noticed he was at the top...And he barely knew anything about flying, he felt. Otherwise that Krant would have been an easy kill, it almost got him before he even knew what had happened. He sighed, could the Confed really win this war? The smoke from the cigarette started to fill the room, Mae waving it off.


"La fin de notre premier acte..."



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