[ Log Title ]

The Gulf City Art Museum is showing its new Gargoyles exhibit. Several stone gargoyles holding eggs. It is opening night.

Karen comes through the exhibit, taking photos of the people around, as well as the objects.

Eduardo is looking through the works. He has a martini in one hand and chats with some of the others.

Karen brings up her camera, snapping a shot of Eduardo.

Thunderstrike sits on a stone bench, eating an hors d'ouvre, and looking at a Boticelli painting.

There are many people around. They seem to be dressed very nicely with expensive jewlery and what not. There are plates of cheese and pate on crackers as well as beef tartar being served. Wine and champaign are also available as well as other mixed drinks. Classical music is played in the background.

Karen moves to take a picture of Thunderstrike, as well as whoever looks important.

Eduardo smiles at Karen and continues to mingle with the others, seemingly at home in this element.

Thunderstrike says, "Oh, hey, Karen..."

Karen smiles softly at Thunderstrike, "Hi Mister Taylor." Her smile fades a bit, "How are you doing?"

A guest book sits near the entrance and one can see that many people are from ivy league schools on the education part..

Thunderstrike shrugs, "Not bad. Some of the work here... It's quite nice. How're you doing?"

Michael Goldwasser and Molly Ashton finally arrive. The couple sign in and begin looking over the art.

Karen drops her head a bit, "Well, I'm worried sick over Tommy. I haven't seen him all afternoon or evening. But okay, otherwise."

Eduardo thinks . o O (Thunderstrike and Goldwasser together. This should prove entertaining even if this 'art' is a bit morose.)

Thunderstrike nods to Karen, "I understand. If I see him..." He lets his words trail off.

Karen nods sadly, "Thanks.." she brings the camera back up and takes a picture of Goldwasser.

Goldwasser tries to push away Karen and strings Molly along by the arm. "Molly my dear.. Look at all the fine art here. You are as beautiful as they are.. No cretin like Taylor would be found Here, I bet... " Goldwasser stops his sentence as he sees that all the art is of ugly statues.. and Taylor IS here.

Molly Ashton smiles, then sees Thunderstrike, "Well, I guess, like usual, you're wrong, Michael."

Karen frowns, and grumbles, "..TV personality.." and moves to take more photos of other subjects.

Thunderstrike says, "I tend to do that to him." He nods, "Michael. Nice to see you."

Molly Ashton smiles sweetly at Thunderstrike, "Hello, George. It's nice seeing you with proper clothing on. Does this mean the weather will stay as it is?"

Goldwasser brushes his thinning hair back. "Yeah.. George. What are you doing here?" He looks over the statues and the eggs that each one is holding. "What monstrosity is this? This isn't art!"

Karen moves over to Eduardo, "You look really nice, Ed."

Thunderstrike smirks, "You know how unpredictable the weather is, Molly. You should ask Michael."

Some people start talking to Eduardo and Karen. What? Eduardo is from Harvard. They seem interested.

Molly Ashton tells Goldwasser, "Those are famous pieces of sculpture, Michael. _Really_, you're embarrassing me. There's a legend with them in it."

Eduardo takes a glass of champagne and says, "I should have dressed up a little more. I wasn't expecting black tie for this. You look stunning."

Karen blushes, "Thanks." She moves next to him, as people start chatting at the Harvard man.

"Harvard? Its a grand place. Much better than here. Bunch of ranchers and fisherman. Haha", comments one person.

Goldwasser pulls Molly back away from George. "REally, Molly? What kind of legend?" He looks over the statues and comments, "Hmm. They dont seem to be damaged by weather at all.."

Molly Ashton explains, "It's quite a silly little legend. Something about the eggs granting the user wishes."

Thunderstrike takes another hors d'ouvre and takes a look at the statuary, "Wishes? Hrm."

Eduardo says, "Yes, very nice. But I think you should know, I'm a rancher and proud of it. One nice thing about Harvard is that one doesn't have to put up with as much snobbery when one is a student there. Don't forget, that wonderful school was built by people that were ranchers and fishermen.""

Eduardo thinks . o O (Clod.)

Molly Ashton smiles at George, "Why yes. It's said that whoever rubs the egg will get 3 wishes. I think they stole it from the Aladdin idea."

THe man just huffs and puffs out his chest and walks away from Eduardo. "Oh Really.. " He goes on to find more intersting or richer people.

Karen grins and wraps an arm around Eduardo, "That's telling him."

Goldwasser can't believe it! It's their date! Not George's. "Molly..." He grits his teeth in anger. How dare she talk to him! How rude! It's all his fault! Michael draws Molly closer to him. "Dear.. Tell me now.. How do you know this?" . o O (I should look into this!)

Molly Ashton gives Michael a cold look, "I study Art History. I'm a teaching assistant. It's my job to know."

Thunderstrike looks at Molly, smirks mischeviously, then looks at Michael, "Any three wishes, huh?" He reaches out towards the statue, "Nah, better not."

Michael gives a hard stare at George Taylor and says out loudly, "But You dont have some freak messing up with your History!" He pulls Molly away from Thunderstrike and takes her to look at the biggest statue, that of the Gargoyle. "This guy looks pretty tough.", he comments.

Eduardo grins at Karen, "Some folks forget their place. Fortunately, I don't have Juan Carlos' temper. My father can't stand egomaniacs like that."

A young lady comes up to Eduardo and Karen and ask them to take a picture with her and the statues.

Karen nods to the woman and goes to take her picture.

Eduardo says, "I think this is your forte, Bonita."

Molly Ashton snorts with disgust, "You two are so one-track minded. I should find a man who is more well-rounded." She spots Eduardo, walks over to him, and waits until Karen away, "Excuse me, dear." She tells Karen, "He's too much man for you."

Karen frowns, then takes the requested photo. o O (She has 2 men fighting over her??)

Eduardo can't help but laugh, "Miss, you don't know how funny that really is."

Molly Ashton tilts her head, "Oh?" She smiles, "You could tell me, maybe?"

Goldwasser goes back to George. "Now look at what you've done!" He stands there expecting an answer.

Thunderstrike just shakes his head, turns away, and looks at some of the sculpture, "Michael, just lay off."

Eduardo says to Molly with a slight bow, "Eduardo Benito Sandoval. A pleasure to meet you. Let's just say it's a little joke between my friend and I. Seems your friend over there has let his ego override his manners. To let such a nice young lady get away from him. C'est impardonnable."

Molly Ashton nods to Eduardo, "I _know_. I really wish those two would just get over it, and concentrate on the more important things." She attempts to take Eduardo's arm, "But you look like the kind of man who would treat a woman like a goddess."

Karen finishes with the photo and turns to see Molly moving in on Eduardo. Her eyes widen, she places a hand over her mouth and walks in the other direction.

Michael Goldwasser cannot believe this night. That young ruffian is stealing his woman! His woman! And George.. Why does George have to ruin his life? He stares at the Gargoyle and at the egg. Then something comes over him. A shiver. A shive r of excitement. He looks around and nods. Time will come..

Eduardo says, "A goddess? Maybe not that far but definately remember to treat a woman like a lady, with respect. So, what do you think of these Gargoyles? Very gothic, no?"

Molly Ashton nods to Eduardo, "They're quite the find. Ancient, really. Are you interested in the arts?"

Eduardo says, "Oh, a touch. This isn't really my particular favorite medium. I prefer paintings. El Greco is a favorite of mine."

Goldwasser goes over to talk to a security guard. Meanwhile a man walks over to George. "George Taylor?"

Molly Ashton smiles genteely, "I prefer the great expressionists, myself."

Thunderstrike nods at the man, "Yes?"

Eduardo says, "Yes, I understand they are very popular."

Molly Ashton grins at Eduardo, "I guess it could be said I like a man with a lot of Monet?"

Karen is meanwhile in an opposite corner of the room from Eduardo, trying to not laugh.

Eduardo says, "Ah, clever play on words."

Molly Ashton asks Eduardo, "So, are you seeing anyone?" She looks across the room, "That China girl?"

The man goes to shake Thunderstrike's hand. "Hi I'm Clay Martin. I brought these statues from Europe over here for the exhibit. How do you like them? These grand creatures of stone and earth?" Clay playfully nudges George on the shoulder. "It looks like your lady is getting away from you." He becomes serious again. "But seriously. These are worth a fortune. I am glad you are here." Clay points out Michael Goldwasser who is speaking with a guard. "He seems to be up to something. I hope I can count on you."

Eduardo says, "That 'China' girl? She is my very good friend, Karen. But she's not my girlfriend if that is what you mean."

Thunderstrike says, "Count on me? Er, I'm not sure what you mean, Clay?"

Molly Ashton smiles, "Oh, good. So, you went to Harvard?"

Clay has already left the vicinity. You wonder what he means. In any event, Clay goes to Karen and shows her around and gives her good photo ops with him and the statues. He is after all, the person who brought them over.

Karen smiles and takes the photos with Clay.

Eduardo says, "For a year. My family and I decided that it would be better if I was closer to home. Harvard is a very interesting place but a tad on the predictable side. I like life with a little more spice."

Michael finishes chatting with the guard and comes back over brushing by George. He heads over to Molly. "Molly, What are you doing? You are on a date with me!" Eduardo might recognize Michael as the WOLY weather man.

Thunderstrike walks over to Michael and growls quietly to him, "Michael, don't be an ass. Molly wants to talk with this guy, let her talk."

Molly Ashton lets out an exasperated sigh, "Oh, yes, Michael, I am. My misfortune." She lets go of Eduardo's arm, "My apologies, Michael. For a moment, I wanted to know what it felt like to speak with an actual man."

Eduardo says, "Hello Mr. Goldwasser. Enjoying the display?"

Michael looks quickly over to Molly and pulls her closer to him. Then to Eduardo he replies, "Yes. yes.. Of course." To Molly he says, "Molly, please can you tell me more of these wonderous gargoyles?" Michael looks over to George. "Maybe George can learn something too.", he sneers.

Molly Ashton nods to Goldwasser, "Of course. Come over here and I'll show you the grey one."

Eduardo addresses Thunderstrike and says, "Good Evening, Professor. It seems Mr. Goldwasser is still a touch stressed."

Clay tells Karen, "Yes, It took me a long time to unearth these statues. Many of them were broken and for some reason could not be put together. We only brought in the whole ones for display. They were all carved like this as if ready to offer something in their hands. We found the eggs seperately. It seems like the eggs match each statues colour and that is how we decided to put the eggs in the hands."

Eduardo calls out to Molly as they walk away, "Au revoir, Belle femme."

Thunderstrike nods, as he watches Molly and Michael, "He's always stressed around me. I can't imagine why."

Karen nods to Clay, "It makes sense." She looks at the eggs, "They look very interesting, really. It should make a good spread, tomorrow."

Eduardo says, "You would think he would have a sense of humor about it all. Everyone on the island knows you can change the weather at a whim. No point trying to fight it."

Thunderstrike shrugs, but keeps watching Molly, "He takes it personally. I don't know why."

Another gentleman comes over to George and Eduardo. "Greeting Gentlemen. How do you like the displays?" This man is just another from the crowd. He seems to have drunk a tad to much wine, but nevertheless seems quite friendly.

Molly Ashton points out certain things on the egg, "Look at the craftsmanship on it. You can't even see the chisel marks. It's perfectly round."

Eduardo says, "Very interesting. I definately wouldn't want to run into one of these in a dark alley."

Thunderstrike tries to see if there's any written plackards or anything about the history of these statues, who made them, or the like.

Eduardo addresses Thunderstrike and says, "Did you happen to catch where these were found?"

The man puts an arm around George and takes a sip of red wine from his crystal glass. "Yeah. Ugly mugs they are. Don't you think that.. they belong in the History museum though?"

Clay takes Karen back to where George and Eduardo and the drunk man is. "I searched all over Europe. The large one was found in England. The others I found in Ireland, Scotland, and Whales."

Thunderstrike shrugs to Eduardo, "Not sure. I mean, sure, they're historical, but in the same way that any great work of art can be."

Karen smiles, seeing that Eduardo is Molly-free.

Eduardo says, "Odd that gargoyles so similar were found in so many different places."

Eduardo looks closely at the Camoflague Gargoyle. "What kind of stone is this?"


A winged gargoyle, apparently no more than three to four feet tall. Difficult to see as it tends to blend into its surroundings

Karen eyes the stone, "Wow. It really just vanishes against the backdrop."

Clay admits, "We don't know. If we want to find out, we will have to take a sample.. And I do not want to break it. Some of the other statues were made of marble or different types of igneous or metamorphic rock."

Thunderstrike looks at the placard, "It says there were some other ones that were broken..."

Karen snickers to Thunderstrike, "They must have hatched."

Clay nods. "Yes. We didnt bring in those for display. Those were sent to the University for analyzation while these were on display. After the analysis is complete, we will take the statues for a US tour. It is odd though. They were broken like some weapons were used on them. It didnt seem like erosion or earthquake of anysort."

Karen's mouth purses into an 'o', "Ohhh. Wow, that's groovy."

Thunderstrike says, "Could've been some sort of temple desicration or something?"

Eduardo says, "Weapons? You would think that masonry tools would be more effective."

Clay shakes his head. "I dont know.. They weren't found in those areas."

Clay nods to Eduardo. "Yes, It would seem as such, but Why would someone use masonry tools to destroy these pieces of art?"

Meanwhile Goldwasser is getting more info out of Molly.

Molly Ashton chats with Michael, telling him a lot of the legends.

He tries to be nicer and smoother to get the information he needs. . o O (Nothing ventured... nothing gained...)

Eduardo says, "Why does anyone deface art?"

*psst* *psst* *psst* It seems like Michael is doing a good job with Molly after all. He was just nervous probably at the beginning.

Clay smiles, "George, what do you think? I am not an expert on people."

Thunderstrike takes another glass of champaigne and walks closer to where Molly and Michael are.

Molly Ashton seems to have finished her lecture to Michael, and glances back at Eduardo, "My, he's quite attractive."

Eduardo says, "Jealousy. Superstition. Pettiness. It could be just about any reason. Man has committed much worse atrocities through history. Any idea when the statues were destroyed? Time period wise?"

Michael turns his head as George approaches. "You dont like to mind your own business, do you George?"

Clay tells Eduardo, "Well, we think its about 1000 years ago.. But we aren't sure. We can be way off. That's what the analysis will tell us hopefully."

Eduardo takes another glass of champagne, he looks at it holding it up to the light, "Any idea how old the statues themselves are?"

Michael walks past George and get a glass of Champaign as well. "Molly? Would you like some wine?"

Molly Ashton tells Michael, "Nonsense, Michael. George is welcome with us, any time."

Molly Ashton nods to Michael, "Please."

Clay chuckles at Eduardo. "You have quite an inquisitive mind, my young friend." He walks over to the gargoyles and looks at them. "No.. We dont know. And that is what we hope the University will help us with. The displays here are to help the University and our research group. We thank Mr. Klinsman for his help in getting the information setting up communications with this. He is one of the archeologists that is helping with the analysis of these artifacts."

Miachel goes and gets a glass of red wine, a sweet merlot, for Molly.

Karen grins, "Well, then, it'll be solved easy. Pop-- er, I mean, Mister Klinsman's good at what he does."

Clay blinks. "Oh you know him?"

Karen nods to Clay, "Yeah. He's a good friend, kinda, even though he's older. He even got me and my guy together."

Michael relents his barrage on George and asks, "George. So what do you make of this exhibit?" . o O (Making peace now and making trouble later. I love it. I shall have revenge.)

Clay chuckles, "I see." He goes to shake Eduardo's hand. "You are a lucky man!"

Thunderstrike says to Michael, "It's... Well, I'll admit, the things are sort of homely, but they have a charm to them. A strength. I prefer paintings myself, but these have a nice intesity to them."

Karen blinks, and then sees the other gossip hounds around. o O (Oh good grief. Tommy will kill me. If he ever comes back.)

Eduardo shakes Clay's hand with a slightly confused expression. "Oh, I think you misunderstand. I'm not her 'guy'. I'm just a friend."

Karen nods, "Yeah. He's just a friend."

Thunderstrike says, "What's your view on them, Molly?"

Clay laughs, "Oh oh! I see. Im sorry. I apologize." He goes and shows Eduardo and Karen some more statues.

Eduardo says, "Funny. They look like that Lodestone fellow's ugly cousins."

Karen places a hand over her mouth to stop from giggling.

Michael nods at George's assessment and agrees, "Yes. They do look strong.. Very strong. I like it. I like strength, you know, George? I think Molly appreciates a man with strength as well."

Eduardo looks at Gargoyle, "Now this one. He's straight out of a nightmare."

Clay almost spits out his wine. "Ah yes. We should bring him up to compare." He laughs uncontrollably.

Molly Ashton certainly seems to appreciate a man with her eyes follow Eduardo, "Hmph. What _does_ he see in _her_?"

Michael feels like taking out his stress on Eduardo rather than George now.

Thunderstrike gives Michael an exasperated look, "Would you lay off, Michael? Molly's not some prize to be won or lost, she's a person. A human being. And we're not on a playground. Act your damn age."

Michael sighs, "Yes.. Im sorry. It must be the alcohol.."

Clay tells Eduardo, "Ah this one is a grand prize. We didnt think we would find any one so big and whole! All the others were broken and destroyed."

Thunderstrike frowns exasperatedly and looks more closely at the statues, muttering about immaturity.

Eduardo says, "Wait a minute, you said that the ones that were destroyed were destroyed a thousand years ago?"

Karen regards Eduardo, "What's weird about a thousand years?"

Clay corrects Eduardo, "Oh No. Im not sure. We think so. Some were destroyed then some later. We will have all the answers by the end of the month, hopefully."

Michael looks over to and egg and almost touches it. He takes his hand back and looks around.

Karen tells Eduardo, "I need a drink of water." She walks over to a water fountain.

A man walks up to Thunderstrike, "Yes, those immature fools. I cannot believe they allow ranchers to Harvard! The nerve of them!"

Clay looks over to Molly, "I beg your pardon?"

Eduardo watches Karen leave, "I guess these weren't that uncommon then."

Molly Ashton tells Clay, "Oh nothing."

Thunderstrike looks at the man, "I'm sorry, I have no idea what you're talking about."

Eduardo thinks . o O (Someone needs to be taken down a notch.)

Molly Ashton moves away from Michael and the egg, heading to the drinking fountain, as well.

The man takes his glass of wine and points it over to Eduardo. "That silly man thinks he has class like the rest of us."

Thunderstrike arches an eyebrow, "Ed's got lots of class, sir. As for the 'rest' of us..."

The Security guard seems to be acting funny as he starts walking along the the path and tells Everyone but Michael Goldwasser to step back from the statues.

Michael Gold Wasser seems to be very very close to the Gargoyles.

Karen is leaning over the fountain, drinking, her head turned to right. Her attention clamps down on Goldwasser.

Eduardo thinks . o O (I wonder if this will work.)

Thunderstrike keeps an eye on the Security Guard... Something not right about him...

Molly Ashton gets up behind Karen and pretends to trip. Her hand reaches out to steady herself, and instead she grabs the back clasp of Karen's dress. The halter starts to slip. "Oops. Sorry, dear!"

Clay turns to see the Molly and Karen action. His face turns red.

Redder than before anyways.

Eduardo moves across the room and quickly pulls the table cloth off the sign in table to wave it and wrap it around Karen, "Hola, Bonita. Seems you have a spot of bad luck."

Thunderstrike averts his eyes.

Karen gives Molly a dirty look, then sighs at Eduardo, "Yeah. Bad luck." She whispers to Eduardo, "That guard's being weird."

Thunderstrike says to Michael, "Uhm, Mike? Guard wants folks away from the statues..."

Karen thinks . o O (I guess my consolation is nobody took photos, since /I'm/ the one doing that.)

Eduardo nods and winks, "Maybe you should go to the ladies room and straighten up. You don't want to be underdressed for an occation."

Karen nods to Eduaro, "I'll be back in a flash." She walks off to the rest room area.

The guard then rushes over to Michael and tosses him to the ground before Michael can do anything. The guard pulls out a gun and points it at the others. "Alright everyone down. THese gargoyles, belong to the Druid-Circle!" The guard starts taking the eggs...

Karen hears the words 'Druid Circle' and starts running to the Ladies' Room to change into Dasher.

The guard fires a warning shot at Karen. "Stay where you are!"

Karen gasps, "OH MY GOD!!"

Thunderstrike clenches his fists, and his eyes glow slightly. He then sees Molly, and the glow subsides. . o O (No. No powers this time. Gotta think this one through.)

Thunderstrike says, "Hey, it's okay, just take the dang things and go."

Karen continues to run (like a normal person), "Don't shoot me!! Let me go!"

The Guard shouts out. "Stay where you are or I will shoot!"

Karen shakes her head, "I'm totally embarrassed and I'm NOT standing out there like this!!"

Thunderstrike walks towards the guard slowly and calmly with his hands up, "Look, I don't know what you're doing, but you're in charge here. You probably know who I am, so let's just take this slowly, all right?"

The guard turns the gun to Thunderstrike. "You dont want to do this.. The druid circle will stop you!" He turns his gun to TS and shoots!

*Blam!* The guard is so nervous he misses a point blank shot and falls over some of the statues with the recoil, knocking some eggs loose to the ground.

Thunderstrike ducks the bullet, "Druid circle? Working against someone who is the living storm? I think you've got your priorities screwed up, son!"

Molly Ashton screams at the gunshot.

Eduardo runs across the room and tries to tackle the gunman, "Ok, pal. Time for a lesson."

The guard shrieks, "Ah.. The Gun is hot!"

The guard had to juggle the gun after the recoil and he held on to the wrong end.

Eduardo dives into the fallen guard, slamming his shoulder into him. "Ok. This is why I didn't go out for football."

Karen clutches the tablecloth and two bags, does a quick look-around to see if anyone's watching. Her mouth curls up in a slight smile as everyone's watching the guard and Eduardo. She sprints into the Ladies' Room.

Thunderstrike lashes his foot out to remove the gun, while saying directly to the Harvard guy, "You! Call the police RIGHT NOW."

Eduardo runs and grabs the displaced handgun, he comes up with it and holds it with one hand looking at the 'Guard'. "Ok. You can give up now or you can face a superhero like Thunderstrike with your bare hands."

Karen gets into a stall and turns into a blur of red as she changes from her dress into the Dasher costume.

The guard fears! And without thinking tries to rush away from the group. He just ends up knocking all the eggs from the gargoyles much to the distress of Clay Martin.

The Guard shouts out in fear. "The Druid-Circle will get you all! My Life! My Life is over!"

Thunderstrike chases after the guard and tries to grab hold of him, "Nope. It's just beginning. Granted, it'll be beginning behind bars..."

Thunderstrike reaches out and snags the guard by the shirt, entangling him up in a bear hug.

The guard tries to break free! He kicks and struggles, "NO ! YOu will all die!"

Eduardo says, "Professor, don't let that look fool you. He's pretty tough."

Goldwasser tries to get out of the area by crawling along the floor.

Thunderstrike struggles, "Believe me, I get the picture."

Dasher finishes changing and runs back into the room, a red blur and gust of wind accompanying her. "Sorry I'm late, Thunderstrike! Oh, did you start the party without me?"

Thunderstrike says, "Maybe you could give me a hand?"

Dasher claps.

Dasher smirks, "Kidding. I'll be right there."

Eduardo moves to help the nearest patron up, "I think the show is over for the night. If you will all move to the lobby and wait there. The police should be along shortly."

Everyone just stands there watching.

Eduardo notices his voice crack right in the middle of the statement.

Dasher moves over to Thunderstrike, "Okay, hand him off to me."

Clay runs over and gathers his eggs. "Oh Lucky.. THey werent broken.."

Eduardo says, "Got all your eggs?"

The arrogant man asks THunderstrike, "Where is the Restroom! Oh Heavens!"

Dasher asks Thunderstrike, "Should I run him over to the police?" . o O (Drat. I didn't get any shots of this.)

Eduardo helps people up, making sure to help Mr. Loudmouth himself.

Clay puts the eggs back one by one.. until he reaches Gargoyle. "Oh no..."

Molly Ashton starts complaining, "See what I mean, George? I can't go anywhere you are that -this- kind of thing doesn't happen!"

Thunderstrike hands the guard over to Dahser, "Yeah, you might want to do that. Oh, and by the way.. That photographer wants to take some pics of you some time... Might want to arange that with her..."

Dasher nods to Thunderstrike, "I'll try to, but I'm usually running around." With that, she takes off with the Druid Circle man. A gust of wind follows where she used to be.

Thunderstrike begins to say, "Molly, look, I'm s...." He stops and looks at Clay, "Oh no... What...?"

Molly Ashton seems totally put out, "Oh! And Michael's gone, too! This is JUST great!"

Eduardo says to the arrogant drunk, "Harvard does teach us to help folks in need. It's around the corner to the right."

Clay falls to his knees and begins looking around some more. "The egg for the Gargoyle is missing!"

Molly Ashton grabs a glass of champagne, "I can't believe this! I'm SO humiliated."

Eduardo says, "Gone? Dasher. There is a man missing and an egg too. If you put that guy under wraps." He tosses her his necktie. "Then you might be able to find him."

Clay frantically searches the grounds until he happens upon some smelly liquid. "What the.." He gets up and goes to the restroom.

Molly Ashton snorts at Eduardo, "That red bit of fluff already left. So much power, so little brain."

Karen comes out of the Ladies' Room, adjusting her dress, "That's better, at least. What happened?"

Thunderstrike looks at Molly and just shakes his head, "Look, Molly, please...." He shrugs, "You're going to be this way no matter what I do, I think. I'm sorry you had a rotten evening. If you want I can get you a cab home."

Molly Ashton seems placated by that, "Okay, George. That would be fine."

Clay and the arrogant man return. Clay asks, "What shall I do? You must all help me!"

Eduardo says, "Are you alright Karen? I'm glad to see he didn't hit you." He takes a closer look at the gun he is holding. "Guess this should go to the police as well."

Thunderstrike says, "Help you what, Clay?"

Eduardo says, "Find his missing egg?"

Karen nods to Eduardo, "I'm ok." She gets closer to him and whispers, "Did I leave too soon?"

Clay nods. "My Egg. My precious egg. The university will never give me any more grants."

Eduardo says, "One of the gargoyle eggs has gone missing. As has Mr. Goldwasser."

Karen facepalms, "Swell. Well, he has to go to work, doesn't he? Catch him at WOLY."

Thunderstrike nods, "I can't see Michael being a thief. He probably just ran to get away from the lunatic with the gun. Look, I'll do whatever I can to help, but right now I need to hail Molly a cab."

Eduardo says, "Sir, I'm sure it will turn up. Maybe when we get everything cleared up." He walks over to pick up the fallen sign in book. "We know everyone that has been here. Yes, make sure the young lady is safe, Professor."

Molly Ashton tips her nose up a bit, "It's about time someone started paying attention to my needs." She holds an arm out for Thunderstrike, "George.."

Eduardo looks back at the large Gargoyle, "Just a guess. It's the big fellow's egg that is missing."

Thunderstrike gives the big gargoyle a final glance, and escorts Molly to the elevator.

Karen looks over at the large one, "Okay, so we just meet Mike at WOLY and tell him he accidentally left with the egg?"

Clay nods to Eduardo. "Yes.. It is.." He looks over to the stone statue. "All is lost.."

Karen looks to Clay, "That's a bit pessimistic, no? It's just one egg."

Clay sighs, "I hope so. I will have to report to the committee and see what they say. The first night, and a disaster. Woe is me!"

Eduardo notices the couple leaving, "I'm betting she was a sorority girl. No, Karen. It could be a coincidence. But I would like to know he's safe. But chasing people all over the island isn't really what I do. You have that reporter instinct. I'm just a lowly rancher."

Eduardo thinks . o O (Woe is me? Drama minor I bet.)

The police and media (other than Karen) come and take over!

Karen nods to Eduardo, "Yeah." She rubs her chin, "Okay, so assuming the egg didn't walk away by itself, why would Mike take it?"

Eduardo hands over the gun and tells the police what happened that he noticed. Omitting certain parts that don't apply.

Eduardo says, "Maybe because he hopes the legend is true. That they grant wishes."

Karen makes a face, "Oh, swell."

Eduardo offers his arm to Karen, "I should get you home. I wouldn't want your squeeze to worry."

Karen gets a sad expression, "He hasn't shown up all afternoon, Ed. Did you hear what happened?"

Eduardo says, "I heard a little. Maybe we should stop and pick up some Pistachio ice cream on the way home."

Karen nods to Eduardo, "Yeah. That'd be good. Then, I can think about everything." She takes Eduardo's arm.

Eduardo takes Karen down to the lobby and to the parking lot where a red thunderbird awaits. "I know a great place that has Pistachio ice cream."

Karen manages to smile, "I'm sorry I messed up. Sometimes, I'm -too- fast."

Eduardo says, "No, you're fine. No one was hurt other than my pride a little."

Karen snorts, "Right. Your pride. That little witch of Thunderstrike's totally ..." she growls, "and you talk about -your- pride?"

Eduardo says, "Well, at least you haven't got anything to be ashamed of."

Karen blushes bright red, "Thanks for the tablecloth."

Eduardo says, "Never let it be said I wasn't willing to give a lady a little help."

Karen lets out a sigh, "Oh well. The ice cream will be nice."

Eduardo says, "Nice place. Never heard of this Druid Circle before."

Karen tells Eduardo, "They're not heavily known, and they usually remain secretive. Magic stuff. Plus, they aren't really Druids. A guy named Blaze used to talk about them. He disappeared."

Karen leans against Eduardo, "Maybe he went to the underground. I looked before, but he wasn't there. Maybe he'd go, though."

Eduardo opens the passenger door for Karen, then moves around to open the driver's side and climbs in, "You know where the place I have in mind is. But I'll need to change. Remember? Pistachio?"

Eduardo starts the car and pulls out into traffic. "I'm sure he's fine. He can see trouble coming from a mile away."

Karen nods, "He says so, yeah."

Eduardo says, "Had to drive tonight. That place isn't really a biker hangout."

Karen asks, "Oh? Not Miranda's?"

Eduardo says, "No. Not Miranda's. What ice cream did you put in the freezer for me?"

Karen facepalms, "Pistachio."

Eduardo says, "Give the little lady a cupie doll."

Karen grins a bit, "What a night. I know where Goldwasser hangs, since news and TV folks know where each other is. We'll get the egg back."

Eduardo parks in an alley near Westcott Auto. "Give me a sec and I'll let you have the car to change in in private." He pulls off his shirt and slips off his pants and shoes showing a spandex outfit beneath it. He pulls out a small pouch that expands to produce his boots gloves and mask. After slipping these on Altura Altera slips out of the car by shrinking and hopping out the open vent window. "Let's check on Super Sniffer.

Karen changes in a single second blur, and is outside, "Good idea."

Altura Altera says in his tiny voice, "Even a blind squirrel finds a nut now and then."

Dasher smirks, "Well, I hope his nuts are okay. Want a lift on Dasher Express?"

Altura Altera hops up on Dasher's shoulder, and says in that miniature voice, "Tally Ho!"

Dasher grins and sprints off along the street, a gust of wind following.

They get into the secret base------

Rikki tells El Cid, "It is very bad. Fugitive."

Night Eagle stands in his usual place, observing the goings on around him. As the door opens, he turns his head to watch the next entries.

Lookout looks at Ce'cetar and says, "Radio and TV signals are transmited through the air like... uh, like light you can't see."

Dasher comes into the common room, a gust of wind behind her.

Lookout says, "It's out of the spectrum of your vision."

Altura Altera hops off Dasher's shoulder and says in his tiny voice, "Whoa! Looks like the gangs all here."

Lookout is sitting, completely exhausted. "Hey, folks."

Dasher sees Lookout and runs towards him, "Oh my god!!!"

Ce'cetar says, "So there are spectrums that I cannot see, and ...?!?"

Ce'cetar is distracted by Dasher's desperate reaction.

Lookout says, "Hey Dash. How has been -your- day?"

Night Eagle continues to look upon the others, raising a brow as he watches them. From time to time a slight shake of his head to himself.

Dasher lets out a loud sigh, "It was horrible you'll never guess what happened and Thunderstrike's girlfriend is horrible and the egg is gone."

El Cid turns to Rikki for a moment. "I...heard..." He says sternly. "Could you...perhaps elaborate on exactly how this came to happen?"

Lookout says, "OK, OK, I'll explain."

El Cid turns to look at Dasher for a moment. "Dasher, just this once, I'm going to ask you to slow down, it looks like there's a lot of chaos in here at the moment."

Altura Altera hops across the room and stands in front of Night Eagle, and says in a tiny voice. "Hiya Chuckles."

Dasher nods to El Cid and then sits on the floor.

Lookout waits for everyone to calm down.

Ce'cetar looks between Lookout and Rikki, thinking about something. And by the looks of it, it's an uphill battle against a superior opponent.

Lodestone enters the the Common rooms and sits down on his Lava Chair. He tries to be quiet, a late comer to the place as usual, he doesn't want impose on any conversation. Let's just hope Double A isnt on the Lava Chair.

Night Eagle glances down at the small Altura for a moment, and doesn't reply to the 'chuckles' greeting.

Rikki waves to Lodestone, "I am greeting you!!" She wipes more water off herself.

El Cid looks over to Rikki. "Now, how did you become a fugitive?" He says curiously. "I heard something about this on the news, but I'm sure it's all just a big misunderstanding..."

Lodestone waves at Rikki. "Hi Rikki. Greetings." The stone man smiles.

Rikki tells El Cid, "The "man" came to get me. A nice boy helped me, and so Rikki punched the federal man. Then the boy told me to run. Rikki runs fast."

Lookout says, "OK. So, FBI people were hurting Rikki because she's an alien. So I pulled her out of their way, and now they're hunting her, and I had to bring her here."

Ce'cetar says, "Do the FBI use 'spectrums'?"

Lodestone says, "Spectrums?"

This seems to grab Night Eagles attention. "You're harboring a known fugitive?"

Rikki tells Night Eagle, "No. The harbor is outside."

Ce'cetar looks at Night Eagle and says, "Should she even be a fugitive?"

Ce'cetar turns to Lodestone and says, "Spectrums."

Lookout says, "Not any more than other people, Cetar."

Lodestone addresses Ce'cetar and says, "Spectrums?"

Lookout says, "Actually, we're harboring -two- known fugitives, but Rikki doesn't count."

Rikki rubs her ear, "Oh, they talk of Rikki a lot. They have APB."

Night Eagle replies. "You're job is to uphold the law, not dictate them or create them as you see fit." he states. Then turns his attention on Lookout. "Two?" he states.

Lookout points to himself.

El Cid blinks to Rikki. "Just a moment...' He says. "What nice boy helped you, and why did you hit the federal agent?" He sighs, the crackling sound coming from his helmet mike. o O (Just what I needed for my day. With any luck, I'll be needing to hire that Kelci woman for therapy sessions to keep from going insane. If I'm not lucky, I'm already insane.)

Dasher places her face in her hands, "You know, when I thought it couldn't be worse.."

Rikki imitation grins, "Tommy Targa helps Rikki out of Zober's. I am worried of him. Federals are after him. APB."

Lookout says, "Oh yeah, he too."

Altura Altera hops up on a free bean back chair and relaxes. "Not my job to uphold the law, Muchacho. That's the police's job. I just help protect the innocent. Hunting down waitresses doesn't really qualify."

El Cid thinks . o O (Tommy? Oh, my sweet lord.)

Lookout sighs. "With enough luck, they'll be hunting so many people by the end of the week they'll just ditch it."

Night Eagle remarks. "I would -highly- suggest getting ahold of an attorney and turning yourselves in." he states.

Lookout turns to look at Night Eagle and says, "Rikki doesn't have rights, you know."

Rikki asks, "I would like Perry Mason."

Ce'cetar nods, as he suddenly comprehends something.

El Cid turns to Lookout for a moment. "Well, then we should get her some..." He says sternly. "On the other hand, even if we do, we'll have to deal with this nasty charge of assaulting a federal agent."

Night Eagle retorts to Lookout. "You're not helping her case, or anyones by assisting in her escape." he states. "When they catch her... and they will catch her... it will be that much worse for everyone."

Lodestone blinks and looks around in the confusion he is in. If they need his help, He is sure they will ask.

Ce'cetar says, "Rikki, can you hear what the FBI are saying now?"

Rikki tells Lookout, "Rikki is sorry. She should have not told you about the visits they make Rikki do."

Rikki nods to Ce'cetar, "They are very not happy with Rikki."

Lookout turns to look at Night Eagle and says, "Eagle, I don't think you understand. This is not arrest for crime. They want to cut her apart like a frog in a science fair."

Altura Altera says, "Really Amigo? Care to prove you aren't an alien as well? If they start rounding up the aliens, who's next?"

El Cid looks over to Lookout. "I think dissection is a little excessive for a crash landing, don't you?"

Ce'cetar says, "Are they saying anything that would make people unhappy with them?"

Lookout turns to look at Rikki and says, "It's OK, really. This couldn't go on for longer."

Rikki nods to Lookout, "I am being fine."

Lookout regards El Cid and says, "Why do you think I'm making such an effort here?"

Altura Altera says, "Do we just let them take folks away because they aren't born human? I mean, if they take Rikki. Ce'cetar would be next. THen who? El Cid for having an unlicensed weapon? Dasher for Speeding? Lookout for security risks?"

Ce'cetar says, "They would not 'take' me without a fight."

Dasher bites her lip, "They could do that?"

Night Eagle replies firmly. "Your credibiltity is in question first of all, as you're a wanted criminal yourself now." he says. "Second." he holds up two fingers. "Your methods are impulsive, with no thought of consequence. You realize now, that everyone here will be suspect because of what you did, that everything we have worked towards is going down the drain because of your impulsive behavior."

Lodestone gulps as it looks like he would be next.

Dasher nods to Night Eagle, "You're right. You want us all to turn ourselves in, including you?"

El Cid sighs. "Lookout, I don't like to go against the government. They're the government. They know what's good for the people. But I think this time they are making a mistake." He turns to Night Eagle. "Chin up, for once, Night Eagle..." He says calmly. "We can still work this out."

Altura Altera says, "From what I understood they were just 'taking Rikki' Did anyone say what the charge was?"

Lookout addresses Night Eagle and says, "Of my impulsive behavior? Mister, if my behavior had been impulsive I'd be being hunted for manslaughter."

Rikki tells Altura, "It was no charge. It was for free."

El Cid thinks . o O (Oh, this is not going to be easy...)

Lookout sighs. "There was no charge. They were going to take her just because they could."

Ce'cetar turns to look at Lookout and says, "Manslaughter is wrong here?"

Altura Altera turns to look at Rikki and says, "The charge, like what Perry Mason proves wasn't what they said his client did."

Lodestone thinks . o O (What are spectrums? Rainbows?)

Night Eagle remarks. "And you contacted people of importance, Media, politicians so that the island knew about the situation?" he questions Lookout.

Lookout addresses Ce'cetar and says, "Yeah. Keep that in mind."

Altura Altera turns to look at Ce'cetar and says, "Very Wrong."

Rikki rolls her sleeve up, showing El Cid, "Trouble start when Lookout sees my arm." Unlike the rest of her skin, the skin on her forearm is mottled, scarred and bubbly. "It is Rikki's fault."

Lookout looks at Night Eagle and says, "The media doesn't want to go against the FBI. Though I bet after this little heist, something is bound to show."

Night Eagle continues. "You thought this threw, you weighed the circumstances... and this was the best you could come up with?"

El Cid blinks and turns to Lookout. "So you don't actually KNOW what they were going to do to her, do you? It could have been a blood test, it could have been anything?" o O (Quetzalcoatl's teeth. This Targa fellow has made every hero on the island a hunted man or woman!)

El Cid looks over to Rikki's arm. "Is that...natural for your species?"

Lookout looks at El Cid squarely.

Lodestone asks, "I didnt know we were in the jurisdiction of the FBI. They go into Territories as well?"

Altura Altera looks at Rikki's arm, "What is that?"

Rikki nods to El Cid, "Yes. If one pours acid upon a V'l'tmaa, this happens to skin."

Lookout regards El Cid and says, "I dunno, the vials containing various acids, corrosives and some viruses and bacteria were a hint."

El Cid blinks and turns to Lookout. "Lookout?" He says curiously. "How did you discover this information. Where did you see these vials?"

Altura Altera says, "Acids? Who through that on you Rikki?"

Lookout says, "In the 'Department of Immigration' of the City Hall. Which probably became an empty room fifteen minutes after I left."

Rikki explains in a detached way, "It was doctor and federal man. They have Rikki come, to see what hurts her."

Ce'cetar says, "'Federal'? As in FBI?"

Lookout says, "Yep. The Adrian guy."

Lodestone sighs and sits there listening.

Lookout turns to El Cid and says, "NOW you believe me?"

Altura Altera says, "To see what hurts her? They did this on purpose to see if it would hurt you!?!" He grows and turns glossy as he gets to his feet. "They do this to innocent people at the department of immigration?" His voice takes on a deep hollow sound but has a noticable amount of rage in it. "They just go burning people to see what it would do?"

Ce'cetar says, "It does not sound like a friendly custom."

El Cid turns to Lookout. "They keep these substances in the department of Immigration?" He says calmly. "Actually, Lookout, I'm still entitled to a certain amount of skepticism..." He turns to Altura Altera. "You calm down this instant, sir. Rage will get us nowhere."

Lodestone decides the Mess Hall will be a safer place. Its getting scary in here.

Lookout leans back on the couch, tiredly. "I don't blame him, it was exactly what went through my mind at the time."

Dasher reaches up for Lookout's hand, "It'll be okay."

Altura Altera looks at Rikki and says, "Will that heal or do we need to get something to treat it?"

Lookout squeezes Dasher's hand.

Rikki tells Altura, "It is healed. Rikki has scars."

Night Eagle inquires then. "Who has seen these tests actually done on her?" he states, time to play devils advocate.

Lookout says, "Didn't have to. They admitted to them."

Night Eagle retorts. "They admitted to tests... or tests involving acids, bacterias and the like?"

Rikki nods, smiling unnaturally, "It is for national security threat to human race. If V'l'tmaa attack earth, they will know to put acid on."

Lookout says it elaborately. "Tests involving exposing Rikki to corrosives and earthly diseases. They were going to try smallpox that day."

Night Eagle asks. "And what Rights Organizations have you gotten ahold of?"

El Cid blinks. "Isn't your race from so far away that an attack on Earth is basically impossible?" He manages for a moment. o O (Though lord knows, if they find out about this, there will certainly be justification for one...)

Altura Altera gets an odd smile on his face. "So the government is using chemical and biological weapons on someone right here on our island?"

El Cid snaps his fingers. "That's it! That movie!"

Rikki nods to El Cid, "Yes. Is too far. Stars unknown. Was accidental hole in space Rikki went through."

Lookout addresses Night Eagle and says, "You think I had time for that?"

Night Eagle replies. "You had time to come here."

Altura Altera says, "Ok, Night Eagle, What's the phone number that they need?"

El Cid turns to the others. "It's like this. In a movie I saw, these humans get captured by aliens who want to invade earth. They show them films of King Kong, and other similar movies. The aliens decide Earth is too dangerous to invade. Maybe we could make the same trick work for us."

Rikki starts making clicking noises.

Lookout turns to El Cid and says, "Rikki likes King Kong movies, last I heard."

Lookout thinks . o O (Some day I'll figure what the clicking means.)

Rikki stops clicking, "Humans made King Kong. Why would that stop what happens to Rikki? Is good movie."

Altura Altera looks at El Cid and says, "Um, Do you think we need to use movies? If you haven't noticed the people in this room have as much power as a battalion of troops in World War Two. Our news footage should illustrate that this planet has powerful protectors."

El Cid turns to the others. "Between us, we have the skills to create a society, based on Rikki's information about it, that is so dangerous that they will have no choice but to stop the experiments. We just have to be careful about how we do it."

Rikki starts clicking again.

El Cid says, "We're not doing it to our own society, Altura. We're going to do it to the US government."

Dasher looks at El Cid, "Um, you totally lost me, man."

El Cid says, "I don't like doing it, but what's the alternative here, really."

Night Eagle remarks to Altura. "Call Greenpeace, the NAACP... Call the ASPCA if that is what is needed."

Lookout says, "I'll tell you what we need. What we need is to make sure nobody is ever hurt again just because it wasn't born in beautiful Earth.""

El Cid says, "Dasher, we create a fictional society similar to Rikki's that is far more dangerous than the real one, so dangerous that the FBI thinks that further experiments are likely to provoke this alien race into an attack on Earth. All we need to do is sell them on it."

Dasher's jaw drop, "Okay, now I know you're making _no_ sense. You want them to do bad stuff to her?"

El Cid says, "No, Dasher."

El Cid says, "We create the illusion that the society already KNOWS what has been done."

El Cid says, "We can force them to apologize."

Dasher looks mystified, "I want Night Eagle to think about it. It hurts my head."

Lookout thinks . o O (He CAN'T be thinking these things alone. Somewhere in a dark room there are like a dozen madmen writing stuff and telegraphing it to him.)

Night Eagle remarks to Lookout. "Really? And do you know what potential, uncureable alien diseases she has?" he says with a point towards Rikki. "Are you sure that she's not a spy of some sort, are you sure, or are you mearly going off of what you think and what she has told you?"

Lookout addresses Night Eagle and says, "How can I be sure -you- are not a spy of some sort?"

El Cid facepalms. "Night Eagle, that's enough. Rikki is quite capable of answering that question on her own."

Altura Altera says, "If she has an uncurable alien disease don't you think it would have already killed us all already?"

Rikki is still clicking.

Lodestone points at Rikki. "What is that clicking noise? Why do you do that?"

Altura Altera says, "She isn't human. She doesn't appear to be a carbon-based life form. Her race has a triple donor reproductive cycle. I doubt anything that she could have as a disease would effect us and vice-versa."

Night Eagle remarks to Lookout. "My reputation is not in question here." he states. "As for a disease, do you know the gestation period of alien diseases?" he remarks.

Rikki turns to look at Lodestone, "Rikki find things funny."

Lookout blinks. . o O ( Triple donor? )

Altura Altera says, "Rikki? How long have you been living on the Island?"

Rikki looks at Altura, then Lookout and El Cid, "Rikki ship crashed in January 1967."

Lookout says, "Anyhow, I trust her. I don't care whether you do or not."

Lookout thinks . o O (Mom said I should have been an accountant)

Lodestone says, "So the clicking is laughing?"

Night Eagle remarks. "The point is being missed. The fact is that you and she are now wanted by the FBI, and more then likely a few other organizations. So the question remains... what are you going to do about it?"

El Cid turns to Altura Altera. "I was there when she crash landed. She is harmless. She's not the sort of being who goes out to wreak havoc." o O (Unless you consider bad taste in television havoc)

Lookout slumps back. "Wait till there's a search warrant. Haven't seen any so far."

Altura Altera says, "So, you've lived here for over 2 years? Nice to know that we're being protected from this dangerous person in such a timely manner. Now we are going to get a lawyer and we're going to let the student body know what's happening. Rikki's a favorite of lots of the people there."

Altura Altera reaches out and grabs the phonebook.

Altura Altera thinks . o O (And you don't know trouble until you've seen a college campus outraged about something.)

Night Eagle retorts to Lookout. "Glad to see you've thought this through carefully." he states as he turns from the room.

Lodestone thinks . o O (The clicking is laughing. Who wouldve thought.)

El Cid turns to Altura Altera. "Think carefully, Altura. You could start a riot. People could be hurt."

Rikki nods to Night Eagle, "It is all careful."

Altura Altera says, "That's a good point. I don't want anything like that."

Rikki asks Lookout, "Maybe Rikki should just go back."

Lookout grumbles. "I was careful. I didn't break any jars of acid on their heads."

Altura Altera opens the phonebook, and starts looking for lawyers.

Lookout regards Rikki and says, "*sigh* I don't think we can go back."

Rikki nods, then sits, "You want for Rikki stay in here, or out in water?"

Night Eagle exits, as he does he comments to the others, Lookout in particular. "I would suggest you find a solution to your problem.... quickly." he states as he leaves.

El Cid turns to Lookout for a moment. "We?" He says curiously. "Listen, everyone. We need to come up with a plan of action."

Lodestone wonders, "Maybe Nighteagle Works for them."

Lookout regards Rikki and says, "You'll be staying here, I guess. There's food and beds, though I don't think you use those. There's a TV over there, and some books on the library... If you need anything else, feel free to ask."

Altura Altera thinks . o O (Solution to problem. Step one, remove stick from Night Eagle's butt. Step two Celebrate. Step Three Find Lawyer.)

Rikki nods, "Many thanks. Rikki try to not eat your human food, so will not leave you without." Having said that, she swallows the towel whole.

Lookout blinks.

Altura Altera says, "American Civil Liberties Union? Hey now that looks promising."

Lookout says, "OK, who said she didn't eat?"

El Cid says, "If we do not have a plan, everything we stand for stands to go to waste here. I do support my government, but there are times when they do things that people simply have to stand up against. We will have to..." He stops and watches as Rikki eats the towel. "be...very...careful..." His voice trails off."

Altura Altera raises his hand, "Me, I thought she said she didn't eat."

Dasher tries not to laugh, "I think that was Solace and El Cid who don't."

Lodestone comments, "I dont need to either."

Lookout turns to look at Rikki and says, "OK, we had a misunderstanding. We'll be better if you eat Earth food, it's easier to get than, uh, towels."

Lookout says, "... what do you like to eat, anyway?"

Rikki bows her head, "Apology. Rikki can get nutrient of anything. Is what makes her species very good space scouts."

El Cid turns to Rikki. "Did you...tell the government people this?"

Altura Altera says, "Well, don't eat the plants. Solace would be very upset by that."

El Cid thinks . o O (Oh, god, no. They probably think that because she can eat anything, that humans are food to her race.)

Rikki nods to El Cid, "They ask of many things. I tell them V'l'tmaa only scout and seek. Very scared. Klaatu barata nicto."

Lookout says, "And, uh, this is supposed to be secret. So you don't tell any non-heroes about it."

Lookout gestures to the place

Rikki nods her head, "Rikki has seen. Rikki is looking for one-armed man."

El Cid pauses for a moment. "No one armed man is coming after you, Rikki. That's only from Television. Just because you are on the run, too, doesn't mean a one armed man will show up."

Rikki asks, "So, we take me back to Silver and Gold?"

Lodestone says, "Silver and Gold?"

Rikki tells Lodestone, "Federal man have friends. Silver and Gold. They come to take Rikki, today."

Lookout turns to Rikki and says, "No, now this'll be your home for a while."

Lodestone says, "What weird names. You'd think they have names like Mr. Smitha nd Mr. Anderson."

El Cid turns to Rikki for a moment. "He brought superheroes with him?" He says curiously. "Oh, this is just not good..."

Rikki hangs her head, "Rikki sorry. You should have let Rikki perish in crash. All would be easier."

Altura Altera says, "Anderson? Where have I heard that name. Oh yeah, that accountant who lives next door to the weather girl. Arthur Anderson."

Lookout addresses Rikki and says, "If I fell on your planet, would you do that?"

Rikki shakes her head, "My people would fix ship."

Altura Altera turns to Rikki and says, "Don't worry Rikki. Most of this crew lives to help folks like you out."

El Cid turns to Rikki gently. "No one is going to let anyone perish here..." He says calmly. "We'll find a way..."

Lookout nods. "... I'm doing the next best thing, I guess. Is there anything you need from your house?"

Rikki tells Lookout, "Rikki owns no things she needs." She imitation-grins, "Remember, Rikki was drifting in space for many decade before gravity pull her here."

Lodestone wonders what the plan is. "I dont get it, Lookout, What are you guys planning?"

Lookout regards Rikki and says, "Well, is there anything you -want-?"

Rikki simply says, "Rikki want to have own place and serve drinks to humans."

Lookout says, "Lode, right now I'm planning some sleep. Ask Altura what he's planning."

Altura Altera sets the phonebook on the table open to the ACLU phone listing. "Maybe we shouldn't call from here. Just in case."

Lookout tilts his mouth. "We're, uh, working on that."

Dasher nods to Altura, "I -do- have some contacts with what used to be a communist student group. They're good at taking up causes."

Altura Altera says, "I don't think we should count on them for help."

Lodestone blinks. "Communists? I dont think so."

El Cid turns to Dasher. "That is a VERY bad idea, Dasher. The current administration got elected by being tough on Communism."

Lookout says, "They've got better."

Dasher nods and leans against Lookout, "Okay, you make the plan, then point me where to run."

Lookout yawns. "Plan is sleep."

Altura Altera says, "I think we'll try the ACLU first."

Dasher looks unhappy and sighs.

Lodestone smiles, "We can use Rikki as bait and let them come to us. Then we.. " *Smack* the fists of lodestone slam together, "We get to ask the questions." He chuckles and adds, "Just kidding."

Lookout opens his eyes wide. "WHAT?"

Altura Altera says, "I'll make some calls first thing in the morning. Unfortunately, the offices are closed at this hour."

Lookout looks at Altura.

Dasher nods to Altura, "Good plan. Maybe I can gather something, although I have to find Goldwasser, too."

Altura Altera says, "And let's not make any of these calls from here."

El Cid turns to Lodestone. "Excuse me?" He says to Lodestone. "We cannot solve this problem with fighting, unless you'd really like to fight Superteams that we have all idolized for many years." He turns to Altura Altera, and then looks at Dasher. "Goldwasser? What's happened to him?"

Lookout moves towards Altura purposefully.

Altura Altera says, "Yes, Goldwasser. Geez it's a busy night."

Dasher seems embarrassed, "Not one of my finest hours. Anyhow, we think Goldwasser has stolen an egg from the Art Museum."

Lodestone looks at El Cid and says, "I said I was kidding!"

Lookout claps a hand on Altura's shoulder and calls him to a corner of the room.

Altura Altera says, "Funny, I think you were very fine, Dasher. Yeah, Ok Lookout."

El Cid blinks. "Goldwasser? A thief?" He manages for a moment. o O (This just keeps getting better and better.) He says to Dasher. "You're sure?"

Altura Altera goes to the corner with Lookout.

Dasher winces, "Yeah, well, there's this woman, and then the legend about the egg granting wishes.."

Altura Altera calls out, "He 'Might' have stolen an egg. No solid proof yet."

Lookout mutters to Altura Altera, "... just... me... really tired and... this..."

Lodestone sits down to listen to the story. He wonders what Rikki is up to.

Lookout mutters to Altura Altera, "... if... a... you saw... tomorrow to think about..."

Dasher tells El Cid, "I'll check Goldwasser's haunts, and maybe have Lookout sniff around the museum, just in case that looney didn't take the egg."

Lodestone scoots his chair next to Rikki. "Are you worried, Rikki?"

Rikki tells Lodestone, "Rikki does not worry of this. I will be saved or die. There is no room for worry."

Lodestone asks Rikki, "So is your race of peoples planning to attack us?"

El Cid turns to Lodestone. "I don't think her race is of a military mindset, Lookout."

Rikki answers, "No. V'l'tmaa is so far away they do not know this side exists."

Altura Altera thinks . o O (She's a scout. A scout for what?)

Lookout pats Altura's shoulder. "Thank you. Now I'm going to sleep. Rikki, wake me if you have any problems. Any new problems, that is."

Rikki tells Lookout, "Rikki will."

Lodestone nods and smiles at Rikki. "We will save you and make sure everything is alright." Then to Dasher and El Cid and Double A he asks, "Egg? What he stole an egg from the supermarket?"

Altura Altera says, "I'm sure we will. I'll let you know about the phone calls."

El Cid turns to Lodestone. "I think it was from an art museum. Which means it's either not what it appears, or it's worth a lot of money."

Dasher snaps her fingers, "The Druid Circle guy!"

Lookout nods. "Sure thing." He heads down the corridor, too tired to make his way hom.e

Altura Altera says, "It was a stone egg that was found with these creepy gargoyles."

El Cid turns to Dasher. "Druid Circle Guy?" He asks her curiously. "I think there's a piece of information I'm missing here."

Dasher tells El Cid, "The first guy who tried to steal it was the guy from the Druid Circle. We caught him."

Altura Altera says, "One looked a lot like The Demon Accountant from last year."

Lookout thinks . o O (Breasts, hmph. At least the Kirk guy ends his night with the alien girl. And she doesn't have 'triple donor' either.)

Lodestone says, "Druid Circle? IS Michael Goldwasser part of the Druid-Circle now?"

El Cid pauses for a moment. "So there's another demonic creature out there? Is that what you're trying to tell me?" He takes a deep breath. "I don't think Goldwasser knows a Druid Circle from a Crop Circle."

Altura Altera says, "I doubt it. But he was talking to that guy before it happened."

Dasher shakes her head, "I doubt it, unless the egg does that to someone. But there was a guy I met who used to talk about magical bad guys called the Druid Circle."

Lodestone says, "Who is it?"

Dasher explains, "They're not Druids, but they use dark magic or something. They're usually hidden, sort of."

Lodestone says, "Does Thunderstrike know about this?"

Altura Altera says, "I better get going." He scribbles down some phone numbers. "I'll see you folks later. Dasher, please be careful."

Dasher smiles at Altura, "You, too."

Dasher tells Lodestone, "Thunderstrike was there, and caught the guy."

Lodestone nods. "Oh.. Was Goldwasser angry at him again?"

Dasher nods, "Yeah, they were fighting, over this chick who's not even worth it."

El Cid turns to Dasher for a moment. "There's no explaining love, Dasher..." He says gently. "Sometimes, you are very surprised by the one who comes into your life."

Dasher nods sadly, looking at the hall, and then looking at Altura. "I know."

Lodestone smiles at El Cid. "So, the love bug got you too huh?"

Altura Altera puts the phonebook away. "Take care all."

Rikki tells Lodestone, "Rikki can eat anything, get nourished. Rikki -likes- certain type of rock hard to find."

Lodestone gulps.

Lodestone says, "What is it?"

Rikki makes some kind of strange noise, then says, "It has no name on this planet."

El Cid turns to Lodestone. "Well, that settles it. You need to be more careful what you ask for."

Lodestone nods at El Cid. "Yes Indeed. You know.. No one has talked about it, but Im very interested in the upcoming Election. Who areyou going to vote for, El Cid?"

El Cid turns to Lodestone. "A hero never divulges the political affiliation of his secret identiy, Lodestone. It's not polite. People of both parties look up to you. It's not right to come out for either side."

Lodestone says, "Oh. I see."

El Cid says, "You're unfairly influencing the election results."

Lodestone then asks, "So, You aren't going to vote?"

El Cid says, "Besides, if you do it once, some sinister villain might cause you to come out for a candidate they prefer the next time around."

El Cid says, "Oh, I will vote, in my Secret Identity. But who I vote for is private."

Lodestone nods. "YEah I suppose so." Disheartened, Lodestone goes over to Rikki. "It's nice that the tremors have stopped huh?"

Rikki nods to Lodestone, "Yes. It was too shaky."

Lodestone asks Rikki, "So what will you do now?"

Lodestone also asks Dasher, "You ok?"

Dasher lets out a sigh, "I guess. Maybe. No. I'll be okay. Just kind of, you know, bumming a bit."

Rikki tells Lodestone, "Rikki hide here until not need to."

Lodestone looks at the Chalkboard and sighs, "Darn.. I havent met up with Winter yet.. I wonder what is up. Little Jamaica huh?" Then to Rikki, "Sounds good. I'll make you food when I'm around."

Lodestone asks, El Cid, "What new cases are you looking at El Cid?"

Lodestone says, "Maybe I can help."

El Cid turns to Lodestone. "Well, I've been working on getting some of the kinks and bugs out of my armor, Lodestone. I'm going to try and save Rikki, that seems like a worthwhile task.'

Rikki claps, "Ah! Worthwhile!"

El Cid turns to Lodestone. "I just can't believe that poor beleaguered weatherman is a criminal. Someone must be influencing him.'

Lodestone shrugs. "I dont know. Love can cause many weird things too. Dasher, You said Him and Thunderstrike both love the same woman?"

Dasher nods and sighs, "Yeah. They both are trying to get that Molly Ashton to date them."

Lodestone says, "What's so special about Molly Ashton?"

Dasher snorts, "Nothing that -I- can see, that's for sure."

Lodestone nods at El cid. "I think Saving Rikki, is good."

El Cid turns to Dasher for a moment. "Well, perhaps one of us should speak to Molly, then. Someone who isn't involved in this crazy love triangle." He turns to look at Lodestone. "I don't have eyes for Miss Ashton. I could do it."

Lodestone says, "Ok. Just make sure you don't fall for her too."

Lodestone smirks.

El Cid turns to Lodestone. "That isn't funny." He says pleasantly. "I don't think you have to worry, though."

El Cid thinks . o O (Donna would claw my face off.)

Dasher snickers, "I thought it was funny. However, you never struck me as going for a "pretty face"."

Lodestone says, "So, Molly is pretty then?"

El Cid turns to Dasher and shrugs. "What face?" He says cheerfully, tapping the helmet, and making his way for the exit. "I'll see you all tomorrow. I need to contemplate the wisdom of trying to trick the government into believing Rikki's people already know what was done."

Dasher nods, "Yeah. She's very pretty."

Dasher waves, "Take care, Cid."

Lodestone waves. "Take care. El Cid..."

Lodestone dances with Rikki. "Want to dance?"

Rikki tells Lodestone, "Rikki is not good dancer." She points to Dasher, who seems to have fallen asleep, "Red fast lady should be taken to a resting mattress."

Lodestone picks up Dasher and takes her to women's dorm and sets her down. He comes back out. "Yeah."

Rikki grins, "Very good. All good hero people."

Lodestone laughs, "Im evil! Just kidding."

Rikki makes a smile, "Rikki eats and Rikki needs to sleep, too. Since I cannot leave, I will be here and you see me."

Lodestone nods. "Ok Rikki. I will sit here on the chair."

Lodestone sits down on the chair.

Rikki nods and stays seated. Her eyes go dark and she doesn't move.

Part 2

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