Saved Games and Speed Mode
Chase and Airwar II use my Save Game feature, which is kind of complicated, so I won't go into how it works, but I will tell you
how to use it :) First, pause the game, then exit, turn the calculator off, whatever. When you go back into the game, as
long as you haven't messed with the variables, you will go right back into the game where you left off. (Paused) Chase and Airwar II
also use Speed Mode, which makes the game run a little bit faster by hiding your time (and giving u a higher score).
Some of the other games also have a save game feature, but it is a little different. These games will have a question, "Save Game?" at
the beginning. In these games, just exit at any time, don't mess with the variables, and if you say you have a saved game the next time
you play, you will continue your old game. (Running other programs counts as messing with the variables :))
For those of us without a cable
Remember to download the FA-122 Link Program and open up these programs in it to see the code. A note to all people unfamiliar with the locations of all the keys: On the back inside cover of the 9850 manual there is a chart of where
all the keys and commands are located.
The highscore system that I use, I think, is the best one out there. Instead of saving the score into a list,
which takes up a lot of memory and limits the use of the lists, or variables, which need to be used, my games store the
highscores into matricies, of which the 9850 has a ton of that are not used very much. The score is the determinant of the
matrix, and since it is a 1 by 1, is the only number in it.
On all of the games here with highscores, an extra 10 bytes of memory is included in the memory listing for the Matrix. If you are typing these
into you calculator, you have to type in ten less bytes than it says. The exception is Simon Says, where the matricies take up 210 bytes, so you only have
to type in 696 bytes instead of 906.
Here is a list of all my games: