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Neon Genesis Evangelion

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 Japanese Name: Zerogoki
 Status: Prototype Evangelion
 Pilot: 1st Child, Rei Ayanami
 First Appearance: Episode 5
     The first fully-functional Evangelion created, it is piloted by Rei Ayanami, and although tests were run with Shinji as pilot these were rather unsuccessful. The Evangelion went bezerk during its activation and again during testing, and has exhibited hostility toward both Rei and Gendou. It is unknown whose soul was used as the core of this Eva, but it is suspected by some that it was Naoko Akagi's soul, and her original anger at Rei and Gendou would explain the Eva's outbursts at them. This unit recieved a new appearance after the severe damage it took from the battle with Ramiel (episode 6); it was finally destroyed when Rei initiated its self-destruct in order to defeat Armisael and save Shinji (episode 23).