Paintball Grenades

Materials Needed:
Paintballs (or the solution thats in them)
A pot (if your using paintballs)
A rubber tube (something like the squadbuster)
A ball bearing a little bigger than the diameter of the tube
A pin
Some string
A syringe
First take the syringe and fill it, either using the paint from the paintballs by heating them in the pot, or just by making your own. Take the tube and seal off one end, by melting it together. Then fold the tube in half and tie the string tightly around it, so that it holds each part of the tube together, just like the squadbuster kind, and insert the ball bearing into the other side, you can dip the unsealed end of the tube in very hot water, to expand it, so the ball bearing will go in nice and snug, poke the pin through the tube, right next to the ball bearing, so that it holds it in place. Dip the end of the syringe in water, inject it into the tube, and insert the paint. When it is all the way
full, it will pressurize the grenade just enough, so that when it is struck against something hard, it will spray all over the enemy. To use it, pull the pin out of the grenade, and simply throw at something hard, ie. a tree, a rock, ect.
*** NOTICE *** Emailed in
I figured out some stuff about salt peter for your smoke bombs. The
names are-Nitric Acid, ammonium salt, and ammonium nitrate. I have read
it can be very explosive, or can ignite immediately. It is also bad to
in contact with it directly with your skin. It can turn red, and burn.
Osco Drug stores have it.
It would be cool if you posted this on your site, but you don't have
Tony Marriott
Never use aluminum cans for this project. Never alow sugar during melting process to become 'carmelised' or burned. Most importantly, Never alow iron of any kind (scrapes in a pot are enough. Use a good tefelon coated pot for this). Here are the reasons. Saltpeter(Potassium Nitrate KNO3) is a oxidizer. Placeing a metal like iron or aluminum in its presence with a stablizer like sugar or even carbon creates a reaction along the order of N^6/AB. Well and above enough heat to bring most metals to the exchange point. Now you have just introdused metal in its gas form, to a extream heat. Ever hear of thermite? This is the basic princple behind it. So for saftey (and to keep yoruself from getting locked up)
1) Use 1 part saltpeter(KNO3) to 4 parts sugar.
2) Use only a heavy metal container made of steel (I found a old army tank round cut down to 4 inches high works great!)
3) Do not use more than 1 inch thick of this in a container 3 inches around. You figure out how to ajust for the levels to match that>
4) It is much more simple and MUCH more legal for you to just go out and buy marine grade no heat smoke creators. Run you about $12 for
three of them. They produce very low heat levels. No you cant hold them, but they should be low enough not to set wet grass on fire.
5) When useing smoke bombs of any kind. ALWAYS have someone standing just upwind, in view of it, with a class A/B/C/D fire extinquiser
and a class A/B CO2 type for any grass or ground fire.