Sent in by: nyricky

I saw your webpage and it says you should submit ideas. I know how to make a cheap trip mine thats not dangerous. First, you make a tube grenade (which you have plans for on your page) thats similar to a squad buster. Grab some fishing line, a key ring, and a sottering or hot glue gun. While your making the greanade, take the pin (before you put it by the bearing) and sotter or hot glue the key ring to the end so it looks like this o--- Then, finish the grenade. Tie a few feet of fishing line tightly around the ring on the pin. Now, go out to the playing field. Put the grenade down pointing in the direction you want the trip mine to spray. Then, put a large rock (must be heavy) on top of the grenade. Next, tie the string tightly around a nearby tree. (Should be about a foot off the ground). Make sure the rock doesn't cover the end of the grenade where the paint comes out. Then, when someone walks into the clear fishing line, the pin pulls out and the weight of the rock pushes the bearing off the grenade. Paint flies every where and you're left with an empty tub and a pissed opponent, or even more pissed team mate =)

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