sent in by : Jason Jewer
MiniMag Flashlight(Canadian Tire or Walmart)
Cheap Laser pointer (Business Depot)
2 6"Lengths of small guage wire. I used 1 pair from CAT3 cable.
Scope mounts.
1. Open up the front and remove the bulb, and the little piece that says "Do not remove".
2. Figure out a way to mount the lasr diode in the front prtion of the Minimag. A small o-ring wil give it some movement for sighting. I used a diode from a laser
pointer I purchased from business depot. Mine slid in from the back and rested perfectly against the hole where thre bulb mount was. I had to soldier
connectors onto the back of the diode so one contact touched the battery terminal, the other contacted the inside body of the flashllight. A little bit of hot
glue will seal the other connector so it does not contact battery also.
3. The battery cover must be cut down to account for the lessened space inside the battery chamber. Use a hacksaw to remove the small lip in front of the
threads. Drill a tiny hole through the back (just large enuf to fit 2 wires through.
4. Cut a pen spring in half. Soldier one wire to the end.
5. Remove the spare bulb from the red plastic piece inside the battery cover. Cut about 1/4 of the red piece off. Cut about 3/4 of the ridges inside the red piece
so the pen spring can slide in and stop with the wire protruding form the back. Wrap the other wire around the outside of the red plastic insert. Twist both
wires together and feed them through the hole in the battery cover. The spring should stick up and act as a battery contact.
6. I used the mounts from a broken bushnell rifle scope I had. They fit the mag quite well with strips of leather inside to protect the anodizing. and insure no slip
7. You have a stright working laser sight!
Sight adjustemnts
Optional (but recommended of you want any kind of accuracy.)
I used thumb screws form my PC case.
Other half of pen spring
1. Drill 2 holes in the of the minimag where the twist grips are. 45degrees to each other..i.e. Top and rigt side.
2. Force thread then thumb screws into the holes. Be careful and patient. It should take about 10 minutes.
3. Stretch out the pen spring and position it against the laser diode, so that the diode is pushed toward the screws. Screw the lens cap on.
You should now be able able to fully adjust the sight on the fly.
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