These plans sent in by: badger
I saw an idea listed for this, but they didn't seem too confident it would work. I'm here to tell you that the "baking soda/vinegar" grenade DOES work. I used one last night in a game as a matter of fact. Here's how I make them:
Materials needed:
- 6" of surgical tubing (3/16" diameter)
- 1 clamp
- 1 syringe (30cc or larger)
- vinegar
- paint
- baking soda
- rubber band
1.) Tie one end of the tubing off (right at the end, don't want to waste tubing).
2.) Insert 90cc of white vinegar into the open end of the tube. Push the "vinegar bubble" down to the tied end if it's not already there.
3.) Twist the tube several times at the end of the vinegar bubble. (You're just twisting the tube in half to separate the two parts.) Place a clamp on the twist to keep it twisted.
4.) Mix 40 - 60cc of baking soda with 80cc of paint (paint can be watered down to make mixing easier and paint go further). Inject the 120cc of solution into the remaining part of the tubing and tie it off.
5.) CAREFULLY remove the clamp being sure that the two tubing parts are still separated by several twists. Put a rubber band around it and you're set
To use it:
Whenever you're ready to use it, yank off the rubber band, untwist the tubes (you'll see the two parts begin mixing), shake, and throw before it blows up in your hand! I find that with these amounts listed above you have between 10 and 20 seconds to get rid of it before it blows. It takes some experimenting to get good at exactly when to throw them. When it explodes, it will explode EVRYWHERE and will sound like a small gunshot! It's perfectly safe though. I've had many go off right in my hand. It doesn't hurt and the acid of the vinegar is already nuetralized by the baking soda. Using surgical tubing is the best because it's tough enough to withstand being bounced around in a pack. It's a great paint grenade for those of us that are too poor to buy the 'real' ones. These things cost less than $1 to make. Happy Paintballing!
P.S.--If anyone knows what a REAL cheap paint (non-toxic and washable of course) is that can be used (besides children's crayola -- it's kind of expensive), please let me know.

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