Download plans
do so, click on Tools\Online Services\Add statistics...-->
**These plans are for you to download for personal use. Do not sell these plans. You are allowed to sell the address to this site, but not these plans. If I find out that you are selling these plans on any site I will take revenge.
**You are not allowed to put these plans up on your internet site without my permission, example your web site!. I will not give permission to hardly anyone. If you want to make a web page, come up with something yourself.
The plans are in Word '97 format
and zipped up.
To unzip them goto www.winzip.com, download and install winzip. Then download the plans which are a zip file. After installing winzip double cilck on the plans file and they will be able to be viewed.
Click here to download the plans
I claim no responsibilty for actions carried out by these plans