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Terms Of Use

If one wishes to enter the following site and any of its links, they automatically agree to these terms of use.

The viewer(s) agree that they in no way will take any legal matters against the author or any other authory submitting plans to this site. If anything on this site is illegal, e-mail the author and it will be removed immediately. No copyright laws were broken during the construction of this site.

1.) If any of the item are built the user(s) take full responsibility for all of the consequences. If the user(s) use(s) any of the information on this site he/she/they may risk (a) possible injury (b) possible death (c) possible destruction of property (d) possible arrest for breaking the law. If one wishes to use these items, the user(s) must take full responsibility for his/her/their actions. Any arrests, destruction, injury, or death, is in no way the fault of the author or any of the other authors that submit plans to this site.

2.) The user(s) understands that not all of the items were built by the author of the page, and not all of the products are tested prior to posting. Some of the plans may not work correctly or work at all. This is in no way the fault of the author. The author will not be held responsible for any malfunctions in the way the items work. If something goes wrong contacting the author of the page may not serve any purpose, except that the author may remove the item from the options. If any injuries result from improper assembly or improper instructions, they user(s) must contact the original author if it is not the author of the page.

3.) The user(s) agree that he/she/they have checked the legality of certain production of products in the user(s) area. The user(s) agree to take full responsibility of all legal matters that may result from building these plans, or having posession of them.

4.) a.)The user(s) agree not to reproduce, sell, alter, or post any of these plans without the consent of the author from this page. If any of these plans are reproduced, sold, managed, or posted immediate action will be made and may result in legal matters. If one would like to post plans on his or her site, e-mail the author and a response will be given. b.)The user(s) agree to repect all copyrights and will not reproduce, sell, alter, or post any of the items that belong to the author. If the author is unknown, e-mail the original author of this page to discuss legal matters, copyright laws, and reproduction.

5.) The user(s) agree to accept any changes that may be made and any other laws that may come into effect. The user(s) understands that these terms of use may change without notice.

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