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Version 1.0 made 6/1/01. E-mail:
1. Update list
2. Introduction
3. Best Known Times/My Times
4. General Tips
5. Break the targets Strategies
A. Luigi
B. Mario
D. Link
D. Samus
F. C. Falcon
G. Ness
H. Yoshi
I. Kirby
J. Fox
K. Pikachu
L. Jigglypuff
6. Credits
7. Legal Disclaimer
8. Thanks
6/1/01 - Version 1.0 - This FAQ was created.
6/15/01 - Version 1.1 - Updated strategies for the following people: Samus and Jigglypuff. Also added a General Tips Section and a section for my Personal Best Times.
7/25/01 - Version 1.2 - Updated strategies for the following people: Yoshi, Samus, Ness, Captain Falcon and Fox. Updated the Best Known Times section.
8/2/01 - Version 1.3 - Updated strategies for the following people: Mario, Captain Falcon, Luigi and Kirby. Updated my Personal Best Times section.
8/13/01 - Version 1.4 - Updated strategies for the following people: Kirby. Updated my Personal Best Times section, the Best Known Times section and the General Tips section.
I decided to start this FAQ simply and mainly because I got interested in perfecting my Break the Target times. I went to the Smash Brother’s message board on GameFAQ’s and saw a topic for Break the Targets, and was completely awed at the amazing times I saw. When I was told it was possible to get under 3 minutes, I could hardly believe it, and wanted to see if I was up to the challenge of doing it. With this FAQ, all the knowledge and information I gained (with the help of many others) on Break the targets will be available to you, including the best ways to do every level.
Also, I will mention that I did indeed make it under three minutes, though it was not easy. It should be easier for people new to BtT becuase of this guide.
I don’t want to scare anyone away, but I would first like to list the best known times achieved and who got them: (I will update this regularly)
TOTAL TIME: 2’31”40
Luigi 12”71 (Japan‘s SSB Debugger’s)
Mario 9”31 (malva00)
DK 10”50 (malva00)
Link 12”59 (malva00)
Samus 9”23 (TylerF) (that’s me)
C. Falcon 10”59 (malva00)
Ness 18”90 (Matthew H.)
Yoshi 15”77 (Matthew H.)
Kirby 15”93 (Japan‘s SSB Debugger’s)
Fox 11”29 (malva00)
Pikachu 9”83 (malva00)
Jigglypuff 14”75 (malva00)
I am still amazed at some of those times.... (actually no, no I’m not really)
These are the times I have achieved:
Luigi 13”57
Mario 9”90
DK 10”67
Link 12”85
Samus 9”23
C. Falcon 11”50
Ness 20”07
Yoshi 16”11
Kirby 16”05
Fox 11”73
Pikachu 10”81
Jigglypuff 15”45
Now, onto some tips that can be used for any level, and then the main part of the FAQ, how to get the best times for each character.
Thanks to HTEM!
1. The targets will break with the slightest hit. Hit them with the weakest attack possible(faster).
2. Before you start, check all your character's moves(like you didn't already know that).
3. The C button jumps and the control stick jump are different. Learn to use them at proper times.
4. Press start to look at the map and plan out a strategy.
5. If you really can't pass a certain time, try a completely different strategy. You might realize something. (very important)
6. Press Z if you are about to land while in the middle of an air attack, you will be up on your feet and ready to go immediately. This is a great technique.
7. Try to get your jumps barely making it onto a platform.
8. If there are more than 1 ways to do it, then try all of them.
This section contains the fastest way that I know how to Break the Targets for every character. I will try and make these guides as clear as possible. Here we go:
A. Luigi
Targets 1,2)Hold B and the control stick in the upper right position before the announcer says GO, to do an uppercut on the first two targets.
3)Once you land, do a single jump onto the yellow moving platform. run to the right and fast fall off the yellow platform. When Luigi is near the target, Up B to the left, hitting the target and land on the yellow platform again.
4)Jump off so Luigi's head does not hit the blue part that juts out off the blue platform, jump again, positioning yourself near the target, and once again Up B to the right, and land on the tall blue platform
5)Press A to hit the fifth target.
6,7)Run the left, and right when are you are about to fall off the platform, Jump left, so that Luigi will have done his double jump instead of his first jump. Keep holding left, and, as Luigi lines up with the target on the left, throw a fireball to hit the target on the high left, and hit B again at the right time so Luigi throws another fireball that hits the other target on the left.
8)Then, fall down fast and to the left to land on the small blue platform. Fall down to the left near the next target, and use Right + A attack to backwards kick the target.
9)Then if everything has been done in a timely manner, the blue moving platform should be coming towards you. Jump on it, and right before you are about to land on it press B to launch a fireball so that it hits the next target, but not the blue part that seems to guard the target.
10)Now simply run right off the platform and put yourself in a position to Up + B the last target!
B. Mario
*Mario’s level takes time to perfect, as do many characters. You can get under 10 seconds with this strategy.
1)Jump up and Up+A the first target.
2)Fast fall to the right and do right+a to kick the target. Z-cancel.
3)Double jump onto the platform that goes out to the right, and shoot a fireball to the right.
4)Double jump and Up+A attack onto the up and down platform.
5)Turn around and shoot a fireball. It should hit the lower of the two targets in front of you.
6)Single jump (I recommend using a C-button) just over the target in front of you and shoot a fireball. It should hit the target at the very bottom-left of the stage.
7)Fall down and Up+B to hit the next target and to land on the high platform.
8)Jump lightly with a C-button and shoot a fireball.
9)Fast fall right after that and down+a the next target.
10)When the final target comes, sway to your left and reverse aerial kick it. (right and A)
*DK’S course is the hardest one to get a great time in, and I had to spend around 3 hours STRAIGHT to get mine in the 10’s. It is not as hard to do it now though, so just keep practicing.
1,2)To get the first two targets, turn left and down B. This should be done simultaneously.
3)Jump to your left, jump again. Right after the second jump, Up A the target on the left right moving platform.
4)Fall and the very right edge of the left-most platform, and I mean the very, very edge. Punch the target.
5)This is a tricky one. You're going to try to jump to the platform above you and land in two jumps. Jump to the right so that you are at the right edge of the platform above you, and then jump to your left to land in front of the boxed-in platform. Punch it.
6,7)Jump slightly to your left and up A for the two targets above you, land to the right.
8)If everything was done perfect, the yellow thing that sways left and right should be coming toward you. Without turning right, jump on it. Now turn right. Jump off and forward A the top-most platform.
9)Forward A the second one, staying on your left.
10)Try to quick fall and hit the final, bottom-most platform.
**I believe the absolute lowest you can get with DK is 10”50 (or somewhere very close). Now, if you are having problems executing everything so perfectly and can’t seem to have the yellow platform moving towards you when it’s supposed to, then do this:
Instead of using the UP A attack on the last two targets before you jump on the platform, jump up and slightly to the left and use DK’s UP B attack on the last two, and float hard right to the yellow moving thing. If you time it right, you will be able to land on the yellow thing that way, though your time won’t be as good. (still less than 11 seconds though)
D. Link
*The trick with Link is the boomerang, as you will see in this guide:
1)Turn left and tap A.
2)Double jump to the platform to the left, while taking out a bomb in the air. Throw the bomb at the target on the left.
3)Double jump up to the next platform. Then do a triple jump, timing it so that you hit the target on the left platform but land on the right platform.
4,5,6)This is where the real tricky part starts for Link. Take out a bomb, jump, and throw the bomb up so it hits the very edge of the target high above you, making it bounce off the target and not explode. Then, it should fall down and hit the other two targets in the chute.
7,8)Fast fall down the chute right after you throw up the bomb, and right before you see the first target in the chute, throw the boomerang to the left so it bounces off the wall and hits two targets: the target on the up and down moving platform and the target enclosed in that box.
9,10)Land and double jump to the next platform. Double jump again to the next platform. Throw the boomerang against the wall on the left, triple jump out of the way right before it hits you, and hit the target in the top left corner with your triple jump, while the one in the top right will be taken care of with the boomerang.
**A lot of things have to happen right for this to work out, but when it does, your time will be in the 13’s or 12’s possibly.
E. Samus
*I updated Samus’ time again with a new strategy to get her even lower into the 9’s, though I’m keeping my little strategy that got me a WR secret ;)
1)Tap A
2)Jump and tap A for Target#2.
3)Jump to the left so that the wall is between the target and you. Use Samus’ LEFT + A attack to flamethrower through the wall to hit the target.
4)Then, fast fall back onto the gray platform, and double jump and use Samus’ Up+A attack in the air to land on the moving platform and hit the target on it. Turn to the right.
5)Jump up and shoot to the right where the arrow is to hit the target to the far right.
6,7)Fast fall back down on the moving gray platform, turn to the left, and double jump and shoot the target on the left. Then start fast falling to the right and hit the target in the air to the right of you while falling down.
8)Tap down, and drift right, tapping A to hit the target between the two ledges
9)Continue to the bottom ledge, and shoot the bottom target on the left with B when you line up with it. (shoot it in the air)
10)while the shot is still on its way to the target, after you land use the up B attack to quickly break the final target, which is above your head at this point.
F. Captain Falcon
**Thanks to dszurko082185 for the strategy! I tweaked the strat a bit and found this to be the fastest way:
1)Double jump over the wall to the left, and do a down+A attack while fast falling on the up and down platform. Make sure you Z-cancel.
2)Turn around. Jump twice and use and Up+A attack on the target in the air.
3,4)Fast fall down and do a back+A attack on the BOTTOM target behind the wall. Z-cancel, and IMMEDIATELY jump up and use an Up+a attack. Start drifting towards the right.
5,6)Jump towards the right and land on the stationary “prong”. Fall to the right and use a forward+A air attack to hit the two targets.
7)Go to the right and double jump, using an Up+A air attack to hit the next target.
8)Jump up once onto the stationary gray platform. Then double jump and use an Up+A air attack on the target high up.
9,10)Fast fall back to the stationary gray platform you were on. Run off to the right, and use a forward+A air attack. then fall to the left and use an Up+A air attack to hit the last target.
G. Ness
**I don’t thinks Ness’ course is that difficult personally, though learning how to PK thunder the first four out of five targets efficiently can be a headache.
1)A to hit the target.
2)Double jump to the first ledge to your left. Before you land, PK Thunder to the target in front of you.
3)Stay where you are and PK Thunder to the bottom left target (you have to weave around the bricks).
4)PK Thunder to the target above the yellow arrow pointing up. You may need to press start to see where the PK Thunder is.
5)PK Thunder to the target at the top left. You will need to press start as a guide to where your PK Thunder is.
6)Fall down to the right off the ledge and Jump once and use Ness’ RIGHT + A attack to hit the target and land on the ledge to the right of the target you just hit.
7)Jump twice to down A the target above, land on the ledge.
8)Jump twice and over the brick, land inside the tube-like opening. Quick fall and weave around, backward-aerial-kick the target.
9)Fall and down A the next target.
10)Quickly PK thunder through the straight, long tube to the target.
H. Yoshi
*Finally somebody figured out how to do Yoshi’s level and get in the 15’s! Thanks to dszurko082185 for figuring out this Yoshi strategy!
1)Run to the left and do a forward A attack.
2)Jump and do a back A attack while drifting to the right.
3)Do a forward A smash attack to hit the target in the box.
4)Make sure you are facing to the right. Then do a double jump and land on the highest platform still facing to the right. Then do another double jump and back A attack that target on that little platform in the air while landing on it. (That is why I told you to face to the right because his back A attack his quicker than his forward A attack.)
5)Run to the left and fall off the platform and hit the target that is on the left side of the wall. This is the tricky part. You have to hit the left part of the target and I mean hit it so you barely touch it. Use your up A attack. But while you are doing that up A attack you have to also start drifting to the left. Make sure you fast fall down.
6)While you are fast falling throw an egg at one of those 2 targets all the way on the left side of the stage. Then land on the platform below. It doesn't matter which target you hit.
7)Then do a double jump and hit the other target with an egg.
8)Here is another tricky part. You have to run to the right and fall off the platform. While you are falling do a forward A attack to hit the target next to you.
9)Right after you destroy that target do your second jump. If you did everything right and fast enough that platform that moves left to right should be heading towards you. Right before you land on that platform throw an egg at the target that is above you. (It is the target that is below that platform that moves up and down.) Hope fully right after you throw the egg you will land on the left to right platform.
10)Then simply run to your right. Fall off and jump and do a up A attack to hit the last target.
I. Kirby
*Overall, I would say this is an easy course.
1,2)Use an Up+B attack going to the left, and it should hit the target behind Kirby, and you should land on the left part of the platform, hitting the second target.
3.)Jump up three times, and use an over+a air attack to hit the target.
4)Jump once lightly (with a C-Button) in the air to the right, and use an Up+B attack to hit it, and go to the left to land on the platform higher up.
5,6)Jump twice to land on the highest platform. Quick fall through the chute and down A when Kirby is almost past the first target to drill kick both targets.
7)Back+A for the next coming target.
8)Jump once to your left and sideways drill kick the target on the left-right moving platform.
9)Jump off and jump until you reach the 9th target. You will need to jump once over that platform and hit backwards+a to break the target. You should jump 5 times overall to get from the moving platform into the cove.
10)While facing left, jump 2 1/2 times up and Up+B attack the target.
**If everything is done peachy, you should get around 16 seconds. Good luck.
J. Fox
**Easy to get in the 13’s with, takes more time to get in the 12’s with him. Extremely difficult to get into the 11’s!
(before go, hold up on the analog stick to jump)
1)Jump and UP + A.
2)Fall to your right and tap A (while airborne) to kick the second target (z-cancel to mount in ready position). (Z-cancel means to press Z when you are landing, so that you can get back up faster.)
3)Jump twice towards the right for the 3rd target, after your second jump, press B to shoot a laser at the target (while airborne). Shooting a laser is quicker than attacking it.
4)Jump twice again and shoot another laser at the target above the moving platform, land. Try and get behind the target when you shoot it, and then fall as far left on the platform as you can.
5,6)Turn around if you aren‘t already, (while standing) and shoot two lasers for each target (nifty huh?)
7)Jump twice towards the target in the air to your left. Use the laser gun on it.
8)Keep falling to your left. Once in position, fire fox (Up+B) towards the target to the left inside the boxed in area. If you want to try and get Fox into the 11’s and get a quicker rotation of the target through the moving platform, you need to use Fox’s Up+B as horizontally as possible, it is quicker.
9)Quick fall (tap down) until you land on the bottom platform. Turn around and time you laser shot so it goes through the crack and hits the vertical moving target.
10)Run left off the platform, while falling turn right and shoot the laser at the last moving target.
A NEW RECORD! (hopefully) ;)
K. Pikachu
1)B attack to the left.
2,3)Turn to the right and B attack to the right twice.
4,5) Jump and use UpA attack, then jump up again to the moving platform and use UpA again.
6)Land on the platform and double jump on to the grass platform TO THE LEFT. Then double jump to the well (U-shaped ) structure while facing right, and right before you land on the right part of the well, use Pika’s B attack so that it hits the target beside the grassy patch on the right.
7)Turn around and B attack to get the target in the well.
8,9,10)Double jump so you can LEFT + A attack in the air to get the target on the stationary platform while going under it, and then while falling left, use DOWN + B to get the last two targets (you need to keep falling left after you use DOWN + B)
L. Jigglypuff
*Difficult to get in the 15’s, but with some effort you can do it.
1)Jump up and hit the first target with UP + A, while floating towards the right.
2)Hit the second target with DOWN + A drill kick.
3)When you land from hitting the second target run to the left a little bit and jump up to the left three times, and hit the target in the air, and continue to the left and land on the long platform that juts out.
4)Fall down to the left near the target, then jump up and use UP + A to hit the target and land back on the platform.
5,6,7)Fall down to the right, fast fall, and on the way down, hit the target on the level you first started on with and A attack. Now, this is the hard part. Keep falling, and fall to the left, and hit the platform that goes up and down with a drill kick (DOWN + A) but don’t land on it. Hit it so you go to the left of it, and if you are fast enough, you will land on the platform that moves right/left and the same drill kick will get the target there.
8,9)From that platform, jump to the platform that's below the 3rd to last target. Jump up and UP + A it, and continue floating towards the right to the target. B punch to hit it and land where it was.
10)Then, finish by flying under the ledge and going up to hit the last target. (you can get to it in two jumps and UP + A it.
I would like to thank all of the following people:
PerfectDonkeyMoon (PDM)
He got me started into this whole thing, and if he didn’t post a topic about BtT times at GameFAQ‘s, I would have never done any of this.
Helped with a LOT of the strategies here. Without his help I doubt I would have even made it off the ground and probably would have given up.
Once again, a person who helped with strategy and discussion in the topic PDM made.
Had to include him, he was helpful in PDM’s topic also, though he works more on BtPlatforms. (his time is under 5 minutes)
Go back up and l@@k at the best known times section.... ;)
Gave me the idea for the General Tips section.
He figured out how to do Yoshi’s level the fastest and helped a great deal with Captain Falcon as well. (finally got your name right!)
Just E-mail me at if you plan to put it on a site. You have to give credit to me saying that I wrote the FAQ and credit to the other people in the Credits section. Also, you have to keep the text of this document EXACTLY the same as it is on here. This FAQ is meant to help people, so simply E-mail me if you want to put it on a site.
I would like to say thank you for reading this FAQ, and I‘m sure it will help you. I will keep it updated whenever I get a new strategy for a character, or when a new legal record is set for a time.
Email me at: if you have any better strategies I don’t already have listed here, or need more help.
Good luck!

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