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Breath of Fire


Welcome to my Breath of Fire walkthrough. With this at your side you should have no trouble mastering this game.

To start a file, choose "New Game" and decide on a name for your character. Like the main characters of most games, he has no default name, so when I'm referring to him I'll call him the Hero. Now it's time to begin.

1. The Dark Dragons Attack!

The game begins with the Hero sleeping. He awakens to find his home in flames. An old woman is here manages to wake him up. Before following her, check out the flaming piece of furniture on the right - it has a V.Ptn inside. Now follow the old woman, who will magically put out any flames that block your path. When you get downstairs, you'll find all the citizens of the Hero's village together in this room (the Hero's village is named Drogen, and is populated by descendants of the Light Dragons). This is the home of the Elder of the village, as well as the Hero. Talk to the blue-haired woman to the left of the door. She will move away so you can speak to the one next to her. When you do, the Hero's sister Sara appears. She tells you that members of the Dark Dragon clan have surrounded the village. Zog, the king of the Dark Dragons, is determined to take over the world, and to do this he must eliminate the Light Dragons, and that means you! Unfortunately, the Light Dragons have lost most of their power. The group prepares to counterattack, but Sara knows that they have no chance. She turns everyone to stone so that the fire cannot harm them, while she tries to distract the Dark Dragon army. Some soldiers capture her and take her to their commander, Jade. Jade's orders from Zog say that he must destroy all the Light Dragons, but just as his men are about to finish Sara off, she fights back. The soldiers run like scared chickens, but Jade is not so easily deterred. He tells Sara that the Dark Dragons are after something called the goddess keys. Although Sara fights with everything she has, Jade is far stronger than she is, and he takes her hostage. As the village burns, the story of Tyr the goddess is told. Long ago, the two Dragon families were as one. But when Tyr, a wish-granting goddess appeared, the family was split into two clans who fought for her power: the Light Dragons and the Dark Dragons. A Light Dragon warrior of those days used a set of seven (not six) keys to seal her away, and these are the goddess keys. If brought together, they could release her. Back in the Elder's house, Sara's spell wears off and most of the villagers leave the ruined town. The Hero, however, takes it upon himself to defeat Zog and save the world. Open the treasure that appears to get 300 GP. Enter the shrine outside the Elder's house and talk to the statue to meet the Dragon Lord. He will save your game. Next head to what's left of the item shop and get some Herbs, Antdts and Mrbl3s. Don't bother getting any armor or weapons yet. Now leave the town and walk around to fight some enemies. Even the weakest of bad guys are tough at this point, but keep fighting until the Hero reaches at least level 3 (level 4 is preferable, though). Any time your need some HP, return to the Elder's house and talk to the old woman for a free rest. When you're satisfied with your level, leave Drogen walk along until you reach a castle called Camlon. Several people have fled here from Nanai, a port city to the northeast that was overtaken by the Dark Dragons. It also seems that monsters have taken over the castle here. Someone needs to take care of those monsters, and the Hero is the only one around willing to try. The enemies inside are tougher than what you've already seen (watch out for Glooms that cast T.Bolt spells), but you can refill your HP at any water fountains you find. Make your way through the castle until you reach stairs leading into the basement. Take all the treasures down here to get a BronzSD and a Gauntlet. Equip both of these and climb the stairs to the left. Head south to reach another set of stairs and more armor for the Hero to equip. After ascending the eastern stairs you'll find two treasures and a flight of stairs going up. Open both treasures before continuing, but open the left one first. On the top floor you must face a giant Frog. His attacks are very strong, and he's probably faster than you at this point. Use an Herb whenever your HP drops into the teens, and attack on every turn where you don't heal. Like most bosses in this game, he will keep going for a few turns even after his HP is gone, but you should be able to defeat him easily. You will probably gain about three levels when you win, and all the monsters in the castle will disappear. Take the treasures here and head outside. Suddenly there is an earthquake. The Dark Dragons now have control of a device hidden beneath Nanai called the Quake Control. The king of Camlon asks you to go to Nanai and put an end to the quakes. Nanai is easy to find, but it is well-guarded by the Dark Dragons' sentries. Head out into the fields and wait for nightfall before heading inside. While in Nanai, you will be kicked out of town if you come within three steps of any Dark Dragon soldiers who haven't fallen asleep yet, so watch your every move. Check out any accessable houses to find money and items. You main destination in the large building in the center of the city. Deep under the ground, try to reach the treasure to the west. It contains a great deal of money, which you should return to the surface with and buy a LongSD. Sell all your old armor too. Back underground, make your way to the next set of steps, but don't miss the B.Stn along the way. In the next large area downstairs, head east to get some armor and money. Continue until you reach a large flight of stairs, at the bottom of which you'll find a Dark Dragon Knight, who is manning the Quake Control. This guy is easy to beat. His strongest attack does 20 HP of damage, so use an Herb anytime your HP is at 20 or lower. You will probably get to take your turn before him, so he should be an easy boss. When he's defeated, check out the Quake Control and remove the key you find in it. An earthquake will strike, so step on the blue circle to the right and you'll transported out of Nanai just before the entire town explodes! Back in Camlon, the king's men tell you your next destination should be Winlan, a kingdom to the east. There is a hidden route through it to reach the eastern lands.

2. A Grounded Flight

Be sure to save your game before embarking on your journey to Winlan. You can get there by proceeding through what's left of Nanai and then heading north. On the way, try using your new key in battles. It turns out to be one of the goddess keys, called the E.Key. It will deal 30 HP of damage to every enemy in sight! In Winlan, you may notice that the people have wings on their backs. Check the houses and the inn for any items, by any needed supplies from the item shop, and save your game at the dragon shrine. You will learn from the townspeople than you need the king's permission to use the secret path to the east, so head for the castle. Head due north inside the castle and speak to the woman in white. You will overhear a conversation between her and the king's daughter, Princess Nina. It seems the king is ill, but they don't want the townspeople to panic, so they're keeping it a secret. However, Nina seems determined to find the Remedy for her father's ails. For the meantime, they lie to the Hero and say the king is away. They show him to a guest bedroom and offer him lodging. He quickly takes advantage of the offer. You suddenly have control of Nina (you still have all the Hero's items, though). Explore the castle to find some useful equipment and other items. On her way out of Winlan, have Nina stop at the weapon shop and buy a BronzRP and a SuedeGN. Once you leave Winlan, head west and you'll find a cave. Inside, Nina will quickly be stopped by two soldiers sent from Winlan to help her. They are a welcome addition to Nina's escapade. Put Sr-2 at the head of the group, because he has more agility and you will avoid more monsters that way. When fighting monsters in this cave, have Nina use the E.Key every time, as her attacks are not as strong as the soldiers' are. If your HP begins to drop, try Nina's Cura spell, but try to conserve your AP. Explore every inch of this cave. You'll find a variety of useful items, including the elusive I.Ore, which you'll need later. Do not leave the cave until you have picked this up! When you exit the cave, you should arrive at the town of Romero. This place is really messed up. The Wizard in the nearby Tower of Karma has tainted the ground with a potion that revived the dead as a hoard of zombies. Not only that, but he is also suspected of kidnapping some of the girl from the town. However, the townsfolk may tell you that this Wizard has the Remedy Nina is looking for. Buy a Gown for Nina at the weapon shop, save your game, and leave through Romero's western exit. Head due west to enter the Forest of Despair, the path to the Tower of Karma. If you want to proceed quickly, head due west to reach the other side. However, I recommend you search the forest for treasures, as the ones here are quite good. When fighting enemies, always destroy the Spiders first before they poison you. One attack and the E.Key should finish them. If you see any red mushrooms on the ground, step on them and push A to get some HP. However, yellow mushrooms hurt you. When you reach the Tower of Karma, explore every part of the place. You'll find all sorts of good items, such as M.Drops. These are some of the best healing items in the game. Then head to the right of the healing fountains at the beginning to find a ghost named Morte. He tells you to leave and battles you. Use the E.Key and he's a wimp. Go up the stairs behind him. To get through this area quickly, walk no rth and then west around the outside of the room until you reach some stairs that go up. On the next floor, find some more stairs that go down. In this room, fall into the hole on the right to reach more stairs. From here you should be able to reach Mortea, Morte's brother, who isn't too happy about what you did. This guy is just like his brother, but a lot stronger. Again the E.Key is vital, but you'll need to use a lot of Herbs and such as well. Nina's Cura spells are even better, because healing spells automatically get to go first. Keep a close eye on your HP and you should be fine. Climb the stairs behind him and step on the switch to extend the bridge over to the other tower. Here you will find the missing girls from Romero. Step on the switch inside the doors to release them, making a clear path to the stairs. However, first take the stairs that go up, where you'll find healing water and a dragon statue. Continue back down the steps where the girls were and keep going until you reach a strange, dark room. This is where the Remedy is! However, the Wizard appears before you have achance to search for it. Suddenly the room fills with gas. It is a strange gas called the Xeon Gas (not xenon, for all you chemists), which is toxic to people from Winlan. Now you must fight the Wizard. All of your party members now have 1 HP left, but do not cure. The Wizard will not fight back, so use the AB mode. However, nothing you do will harm him because of the gas. Eventually Nina tells the soldiers to go get help while she distracts the Wizard, and Sr-2 runs off. Now the Wizard begins to attack, and you have no hope of winning, so let him defeat you. Meanwhile, Sr-2 turns into a giant bird and flies to Winlan. He is pursued by some Dark Dragons who have allied with the Wizard. Sr-2 dies after informing the castle guards of the situation. They need to send a rescue party, but the problem is that Xeon Gas. Their only hope is in the Hero, since he is not from Winlan. Now that you control the Hero again, agree to the plan and head for Winlan's weapon shop. Be sure to buy some ChainML here. Leave Winlan and you'll ride on the back of a soldier who also turns into a big bird. You'll evade the Dark Dragons and land on the roof of the tower. The Hero is now accompanied by Sr-3. Head downstairs to find the room with the dragon statue. Save and head for the Wizard's room. Sr-3 waits outside the room because of the gas. Do not proceed directly to the Wizard. Instead walk around the outside of the room to get a weapon called the Rang. Do not equip this yet. Now it's time to fight the Wizard, who is still holding Nina hostage. As for Sr-1, no one knows. Do not use your sword on the Wizard - the E.Key is much more effective. The Wizard's strongest attack only deals 15 HP of damage, but he will usually take his turn before you, so use an Herb whenever you get to 30 HP or less. Using this strategy, you should defeat him in no time, at which point you'll probably gain a level. Before he dies, the Wizard cries out that he was perfecting an Eternal Life Potion. Now you have both the Remedy and Nina, who is so weak that the Hero must carry her to the roof. Sr-3 gives you both a lift home, as Nina is too young to turn into a bird. Back at Winlan, head for the king's room in the castle to witness Nina restore the king to good health. Remember to equip the Rang on the Hero. It may not be as strong as the LongSD, but it hits every enemy on the battlefield! You should still save the LongSD for fighting bosses, though. The king, now healthy, asks if he can do anything for the Hero in return. His only request is to use the tunnel to the east, which the king easily agrees to. Nina, realizing Zog's power, agress to join him in his war against the Dark Dragons. Head down into the basement and talk to the soldiers. They will allow you to cross the bridge to the east, the home of the Forest Clan.

3. The River, the Ring, and the Robot

Once you leave Winlan, follow the road southward. The enemies here are a little tougher, but the combined force of the Rang and E.Key should be enough to defeat any foe out here. Eventually you'll reach a branch of the road that leads into a forest, but it is blocked by a huge tree and you can't pass. Remember this for later. Continue following the road south until it disappears. Walk south down the hill here and then east to find the twin villages of Tantar and Tuntar. You may notice that the river between them has run dry. Enter Tantar first (the one on the left). The people of the Forest Clan are living here. They look a lot like foxes or wolves. If you talk to the locals, the story is that the Dark Dragons have put a huge boulder in the river to block the supply of water to the villages, and will not remove it unless the people of Tantar give them their special treasure, the Ring. It also seems that the chief of the neighboring village of Tuntar wants them to agree to the Dark Dragons' demands, which is a bit unusual for him. On the second floor of the chief's house in Tantar you'll meet Terry, who was chasing Dark Dragons in the Forest of Despair until he was wounded by an arrow (the Forest of Despair is the one you passed on the way here). Check the chest here, as well as the one in the inn. Find the house in Tantar that has smoke coming from the chimney. There's a blacksmith inside who will take the I.Ore you found while on the way to Romero and make a Saw out of it. This is vital for reaching the Forest of Despair. The only thing you might want from the weapon shop is a Bandana for Nina. Next check out Tuntar. You'll hear about various things here including a man named Bo who can navigate forests, as well as a port town to the south. Everyone is also interested in something called the Stone Robot. One man even claims he saw the chief near the Forest of Despair, even though now he's right here in town. The chief's daughter, because she cannot go to see Terry, who she is engaged to. When you're finished here, return to the Forest of Despair and use the Saw to cut down the big tree. This forest is somewhat of a maze, but you'll want to find all the treasures here (there are five total). Your goal, however, is the dungeon in the northeast corner. The enemies in the forest aren't a big deal if you remember to use the E.Key with Nina. Inside the dungeon you'll encounter some Dark Dragon guards. Using the E.Key makes them a lot less difficult. This is a difficult dungeon to get through though, because the direct paths are usually blocked by traps. When the guards are defeated, walk down the steps to the right to get some stuff. Return to the upper floor and walk around the outside of the room until you reach more guards. Defeat them, walk through the archway, and head south to get some treasures before going downstairs. Go down more stairs here to get more treasures, including something called a WolfHT. Although no one can use it yet, it will be useful later. As before, take the longer path around the outside of the room and you'll eventually reach a larger group of guards. They are holding the chief of Tuntar captive! Apparently the one in town was a fake. The guards are just as easy to defeat as before. The chief offers to show you where their stash of weapons was, so let him. As it turns out, this was the chief in town, who was a fake. He locks you in a trap and releases a dangerous creature called Pog to devour you! Pog is somewhat of a tough boss. With two heads, he sometimes gets two attacks, and they can be very strong. Use the E.Key every turn. Don't risk letting your HP get low; use Herbs without hesitation. Pog is relatively easy to beat, but you're still stuck in the cage. Suddenly an arrow hits the switch to release you. Its source is Bo, the Forest Clan warrior. He has already rescued the real chief while you were battling Pog. Now the imposter chief shows his real identity: a Dark Dragon General! Now the Bo joins the Hero and Nina in fighting this menace. This guy can be tough, but one shot of Bo's Fry spell will cut him down to size quickly. Regular attacks and the E.Key can take it from there. The General is not killed though, and will return to fight another day. Bo now makes a welcome addition to your little band. You'll want to equip him with the WolfHT you found. Once you have Bo, leave this dungeon and head for Tantar and Tuntar. If you encounter animals in the field now, Bo can use his bow to shoot them and get various kinds of meat and antlers, which are extremely useful. Use a Mrbl3 to keep enemies from coming while you are hunting. Stop in Tantar first to get a ShortBW for Bo. In Tuntar, talk to the chief and his daughter. They say you'll need the Stone Robot everyone was talking about in order to move the rock. However, you first need to reach a place called Agua, which is near Romero. With Bo in the lead, you can walk right through the trees north of Winlan to reach Romero quickly. However, you'll want to go in when it's dark out. If you talked to the daughter of the chief of Tuntar, the zombies will be even more active. Head for the house in the upper right corner of town to find the chief of Romero. He offers to tell you about Agua if you get rid of the zombies. Next head upstairs and talk to the girls here. According to them, there is a cave to the southwest that holds Cleansing Water that can fix the tainted soil. Once you've heard about this, talk to the old woman in the graveyard. Your characters will ask her for the WtrJr, which can carry a large enough amount of the Cleansing Water to rid Romero of the zombies it is infested with. Although she is reluctant to lose her dead husband, she agrees, and you can now jump into a grave where you'll find the WtrJr. However, before leaving Romero, head to the weapon shop to get ChainML for Bo. You should also stock up on supplies at the item shop. Also, in the basement of the house in front of the chief's you can get a Map. Push the lower right jar to the right, the upper right one up, and the upper left one left. Then move the barrel and push A while standing on its previous spot to get the Map. While outside, you can look at it by pressing Start. When this is done, leave through Romero's western exit and walk south through the woods to reach a cave on a small island. Cross the bridge to get in. In the first room is a four-way intersection. To proceed straight through the cave, head north and then east. However, I recommend you get the NiceHT in the northwest corner first. The enemies in this cave are strong, though. Don't let your HP get below 20 or you could easily be taken out by an Ameblob or a Mage, both of which can cast strong spells. If you run into trouble, it might be wise to use a Mrbl3. However, you'll want to get lots of experience, so only use one if it's absolutely necessary. After going down a flight of stairs, head as far north as possible to reach the next floor down. On this floor, the stiars leading to the Cleansing Water are directly to the left, but first you should go up the steps to the north to get some important stuff, including a BronzHT that will help the Hero a great deal. When you reach the lowest floor, step into the water and press A. The WtrJr will fill with the Cleansing Water. You'll suddenly be back in Romero, where you can at last fix the soil. In the chief's house, you will get a slew od treasures as a reward including something called a Tablet that will let you get into Agua. Once you have this, leave Romero and walk northwest through the woods to find Agua, which looks like a palace hovering over a lake. When you reach the end of the stone walkway over the lake, your lead character will read the password on the Tablet, causing Agua to lower to where you can get in. Climb the stairs inside, and use the floating tile to the south to get across the pit (the gate to the north is locked). Then head northwest - picking up treasures along the way - and you should be able to reach some stairs on the north wall. On the next floor, use another floating tile to reach a platform with three different tiles. You'll want to try all three, because each one leads to armor, but take the lower left one last, because this leads to the next floor. When you reach a platform with two floating tiles on the next floor, take the left one first to get some armor, and then the right one to continue. On the top floor, use the tile on the right to reach the center platform. Equip your LongSD when you get there. When your LongSD is equipped, approach the glowing pillar and press A. A creature called Wisp will appear. He is the guardian of the key here, and to get it, you must prove your strength by defeating him. This boss is much harder than those you've seen before. He will usually take his turn before you do, and his attacks will often hit all of your party members. Use Bo's Fry spell and the E.Key at every opportunity. If you have F.Stns or C.Stns, they might help also, but don't use too many (there's another boss you're going to need them against later). Wisp has a lot of HP, but keeping healing and use Acorns to replenish Bo's AP to cast more Fry spells. Wisp does not have a "second wind" (he doesn't keep going after his HP is gone), which is a relief. If you want to speed up his demise, use Nina's ATK-Up spell on the Hero. When Wisp is defeated, he disappears. Press A again to claim the KngKey. This key is what operates the Stone Robot, and is also one of the goddess keys! Leave Agua and return to Romero to sell all your extra armor. You should also put the Rang back on the Hero. If need to lighten your inventory, put the Tablet into storage for later use. Next, walk east to the Forest of Despair, then head north and go up the hill. Continue east and take the path that goes down the hill on the other side. Here you will find the Stone Robot. You can enter it by stepping into the foot on your left. At this point there's only one path to follow, and you'll soon find a large mechanical heart. However, someone has beat you to the punch: the Dark Dragon General! He and his Lancers are now determined to steal the KngKey and use the Stone Robot themselves. The Lancers should be easy prey for the Rang and the E.Key, so deal with them first. By the time you defeat both Lancers, the General will already have taken some serious blows from the E.Key and Rang. You should now have no trouble beating him again. However, he again manages to escape. Use the KngKey on the heart and the Stone Robot's juices start flowing. Head northeast and step on the teleporter (blue circle) there. In the next room, pass the first teleporter you reach and step on the second. You'll get an Acorn if you step on the teleporter on the left of this room, but you'll have to start over from the heart (no big deal). Step on the other one when you get back here. In the next room, the first teleporter leads to a couple of awesome treasures, so don't miss them. When you get back to this room, take the second teleporter, and from here it's easy to find the control room for the Stone Robot. The device here looks like the one you found the E.Key in. Use the KngKey on it, and the Stone Robot will come to life. At your command, it marches to the river and destroys the rock blocking it with an enormous laser blast. At last the river is flowing again. With this accomplished, exit the Stone Robot and return to Tantar. Talk to the chief. He realizes that if anyone needs the Ring the Dark Dragons wanted, it's the Hero. He'll let you into his basement, where you'll find a Key that will let you enter the cave where the Ring is hidden (this is not a goddess key, by the way). With this, return to where the Stone Robot has moved to and you'll find a cave. When you emerge from the other side, you'll be in an area that was previously underwater. However, the release of pressure on the river has caused the water level to drop, allowing you to reach another cave. In here, use the Key to open the gate, then descend to the lower levels of the cave. Eventually you'll reach a room that a river is running through. Step into it and jump over the waterfall. Pass the first flight of stairs you come to, and search the other areas for treasures. Go down the second flight of stairs, and continue until you reach another watery area. Your ultimate goal in this room is to fall over the waterfall, but there are three treasures you'll want to get before you do. When you do fall, make sure you pick up the SkySH; it's a big help to Nina. After you've found the SkySH, head east to find a blue treasure which holds the Ring. Give it to the Hero and step on the teleporter to get out of here. If you have Nina's Warp spell, you can use it to get back to Tantar in a snap. You'll find that everyone from Tuntar is here as well. They are here for Terry's wedding. You can now watch as he and the daughter of the chief of Tuntar are wed (in the Tantar chief's house). After the wedding, the chiefs will tell that you can cross the river to the south using the Stone Robot. There you'll find a port where you might be able to catch a boat to Scande, the home of the Dark Dragons. However, when you leave Tantar, you realize you have made a terrible mistake. Having left the power on in the Stone Robot, the Dark Dragon General has taken control of it, and blasts Tuntar to smitherines! However, when he tells it to destroy Tantar, the Stone Robot doesn't listen. Now is your chance to take control of the Stone Robot again. However, I must warn you that the next boss is one of the hardest challenges in the game, so you should find someplace where the enemies are tough and spend some time working up. A good place is the dungeon in the Forest of Despair, because you will get lots of C.Stns and Meat from the enemies here, which are vital for this next battle. If you have the time and patience to reach level 17 (which seems like an eternity), do it. If not, level 15 will have to do. When that's done, go back to Tantar. Sleep at the inn if your HP or AP isn't full, then head for the Stone Robot. Head for the control room the same way you did before, but equip your LongSD just before you enter it. Here you'll find the General, who is determined to get the Ring from you. He's tired of being defeated by you, so he transforms into a huge green monster called Gremlin. This will probably be the most difficult battle of the entire game. Use Bo's Fry spell every turn, and use Acorns when his AP runs out. Don't hesitate to use your B.Stns, C.Stns, and F.Stns (scratch that; hesitate until he reaches his "second wind"). The Gremlin's worst attack is when he breathes fire at all of your party members at once. You'll want to have lots of Meat to counter this. His second wind, however, is the hardest part of the battle, and it lasts a long time. Even worse, Gremlin will use nothing but his fire-breathing attack during his second wind. You'll probably be using lots of Meat here. Use any items you need - don't worry about saving them for later, because you need them now. The battle will be intense, but you can do it if you worked up. Now the General is at last dead. Suddenly, the Stone Robot begins to move on its own. After your party evacuates, the Stone Robot, perhaps in repentance for its awful deed, throws itself into a volcano. Because of this, the volcano erupts, and hot lava flows into the river. However, the lava quickly hardens into stone, allowing you to cross to the south bank (you might want to sleep and save first, though).

4. A Golden Opportunity

Before you continue with your journey, try using Nina's Warp spell to get back to Camlon. You'll find that the town has been completely rebuilt! Check out the homes to find a variety of good items. For the hero of the community, which is you, all items and stays at the inn are sold at a huge discount. And if you talk to the man in the center of town with the Hero in the lead, you'll find they've erected a golden statue of him! Back in Tantar, cross the lava field created by the Stone Robot. In a group of four trees here you'll find a building that looks like an enlarged dragon shrine. If you took off your LongSD after defeating Gremlin, put it back on before you go inside. You should also put the Hero at the head of the group. The wise man inside will only allow the Hero to enter. Pick up the Melon here and drink some water before talking to the Dragon Lord. He says that a step of the Hero's "training" will be completed if he defeats the Dragon Lord in battle. The Dragon Lord appears in a form called Talon. Use the E.Key on every turn that use don't heal (use an Herb whenever you drop below 30 HP). It takes a while, but this guy is easy to beat. When you win, the Hero will learn three spells: SnoDr, FlmDr, and ThrDr. These allow him to turn into different types of dragons in battle. You will usually be using these against bosses, so you can sell your LongSD now. Continue south past the large dragon shrine. You might notice a small square surrounded by flowers or something. Here you'll find a boy who is stuck running in circles. Use Bo to reach the bare spot in the forest here, and you'll find that some fairies have cast a spell on him for trying to cut down trees. Once you've spoken to both of them, enter the cave to the southwest. The enemies in here are quite hard, especially the Shadows who use the Rub spell, which can kill a party member instantly. Use a Mrbl3 if things start to get hairy. Luckily, the path through this cave only splits in one place, and you should go south when it does. When you emerge from the cave, you'll find the port town of Auria. This is the port you were told about. However, when you try to get in, some soldiers mistake you for thieves, and place you under arrest. The man in the cell with you will pick the lock and let you escape, but first stand in front of the water in the northeast corner to get some PrisnCL. You are now free to wander the streets of Auria, but don't get too close to any soldiers or you'll be sent back to jail (similar to what you had to do in Nanai). Your first stop should be the local item and weapon shops. The merchants here are fish folk from the subaquatic realm of Prima, including the infamous Gobi. You can buy fishing equipment from the item shop if you like, but there are three things you absolutely must get: A Vitamn, a Pouch, and a G.Bar (you'll probably need more money to get the last one). From Gobi you'll want to get a Rapier and a LongBW (don't worry about SageML - you'll soon find something better, and the BroadSD isn't worth it now that you have dragon spells). If you still have 20,000 GP after buying everything but the G.Bar, you're in good shape. On the upper floor of the store you'll find a man with hiccups. Give him the Vitamn to fix them and he'll give you a reward of 5000 GP! There is also a piece of furniture in the back of the room that will move when you push it to the side. In this hidden room is a jar with a Life2 under it. Next you can talk to the sailor at the west dock and ask to use his ship, but he'll tell you it belongs to a rich man named Ross. Next check all the houses for treasures and chests (there are a lot). However, in the upper right house, don't take the treasure in the upper left corner of the first floor or a woman will spot you and have you sent back to jail. However, on the second floor of that house, there's a man with a sore back. If you talk to him with Nina in front, she'll give him a massage, and he'll be so grateful that he'll give you 20,000 GP (when you get your second female character, Bleu, you can return here and do this again for more money)! In the house in the upper left corner, you'll find the mother of the boy the fairies cast a spell on. After speaking to her, return to the fairies and speak to them, then head for the square where the boy was. The fairies offer to free him if he stops chopping down trees. When you return to Auria, his mother will be ecstatic over his release and give you another 20,000 GP! At this point you should have enough to buy a G.Bar. While here in Auria, you may notice something peculiar: it never seems to be night. The townspeople claim it to be the work of the LtKey, one of the goddess keys, which is hidden in Ross' home. Examine Ross' house for treasures and chests also. One contains a really weak piece of head gear called a G.Tiara. However, you can sell it for 11000 GP! Then talk to Ross. He offers to let you use his ship to reach Scande, but only if you help him first. His daughter is locked in a safe with the LtKey and can't get out. If you get her out, you can use his ship. However, no one knows where the key is. You're going to have to find someone who can pick locks. A town to the east, called Bleak, is populated by thieves, so that would be the best place to look. To reach it, head for the cave east of Auria. The enemies in here aren't very difficult, but there are a few new faces. Head down into the basement using the stairs in the first room. All the gates in this dungeon are locked, so head west and then north. Continue north until you can't any more. Walk around the outside of the room until you reach another intersection. Head west to get some treasures (you can't equip the ShellHT yet, but you'll want it later), then south to go up the stairs. At the next intersection, head south to get out of here. Outside, you'll notice it's dark near Bleak. You'll find out why later. Ignore the tower you see, and walk around the outside of the area to reach Bleak. In Bleak, you'll find out what's up with the sky. The tower you passed used to hold both the LtKey and the DkKey, but the LtKey was taken to Auria. As a town of thieves, the residents of Bleak are all out to swindle you. Don't give any money to the girl who claims to be a fortune teller. However, do stop by the weapon shop to get a WoolRB for Nina and BronzAR for Bo. If you have money to burn, get a MetalSH for the Hero as well. There's something suspicious about the inn, though. The innkeeper offers to let you stay for free! However, if you stay there, he'll steal some money while you sleep. But if you bought a Pouch in Auria, you'll catch him in the act. He'll return the money, and give you 5000 GP to keep you quiet. Now he really will let you stay for free from now on. You won't need the Pouch anymore, so sell it. For you fans of fighting games, go and see the "magician" in one of Bleak's homes. Agree to see his show, and put 100 GP on the table. When he asks you to look behind you, say no twice, and then say yes. For some reason, you now see a character from Street Fighter II! Unfortunately, you still lose the money. Next head for the master thief's house. Take the treasures upstairs, then talk to him. He knows a man named Karn who could open the locked safe in Auria, but he's in Krypt right now. You'll need to travel to the desert to find him, so the master thief offers to give you an Icicle to keep you cool in exchange for a G.Bar. Do it. Save your game, then head for the cave to the southwest. Finding your way through this cave is simple, but the enemies will sometimes get tough. When you reach the other side, you'll be in the desert, but you won't be allowed to exit that side of the cave without the Icicle. The enemies in the desert are unlike any you've seen before, and are very strong. Your first goal should be the village of Arad, located to the south and a little east (the Map helps). In Arad, you can rest for free and talk to the Dragon Lord at the inn. If you talk to the villagers, they'll tell you that the mayor has something that will get you past the quicksand around Krypt. When you talk to the mayor, he says that a giant SandWorm appears whenever there's a new moon and eats their livestock. He offers to give you his treasure if you destroy the SandWorm. As it turns out, there's a new moon about to occur, so the mayor lets you rest in his house until darkness falls. At night head for the northeast corner of town. When you see a pile of moving dirt, walk toward it and the SandWorm will appear. This guy isn't very strong, but he does have a lot of HP. Use Bo's Fry spell and the E.Key a lot. You should also use the Hero's new ThrDr spell to become a fearsome dragon that deals 130 HP of damage every turn! If Bo runs out of AP, just use regular attacks on his turn. When you defeat the SandWorm, the mayor will let you open his treasure, which contains the Fife. You should also sleep and save before continuing with your quest to find Karn. Leave Arad and walk southeast to find Krypt. Stand on the stone in front of it and press A to use the Fife and get in. Walk around the outside of the first room and go down the stairs. This room is full of treasures, but many of them have traps, so don't open them yet. Head southeast to find more stairs (if you fall into a pit in this room, you'll find steps to get back up along the north wall). The enemies in Krypt are a little harder than what you're used to, but they're nothing you can't handle. The only exceptions are E.Chests. Their defensive power is very high, so have Nina use the E.Key every time you fight them. After going down the large stairs, you'll be in a room with two platforms to the north. One has a treasure on it, but it also has a trap that will take out your lead character (use a Life to bring him/her back). The other platform has a rock with a B.Rang stuck in it. It'll be a while before you can get that. Continue north and you'll find an angry monster called EyeSpy. Apparently Karn has already slipped past him, and now he's determined not to let you do the same. Use ThrDr, Fry, and the E.Key on this guy. As you attack him, some of the eyes surrounding him will disappear. Once this happens, have Nina use healing spells on any character whose HP drops to 25 or lower, or EyeSpy will finish them off with a lightning attack that hits all party members. He does have a second wind, but it won't last long if you're using ThrDr. When EyeSpy is gone, head down the stairs and open all the red treasures to get all sorts of good stuff. But when you open the blue treasure, the room starts to fill up with water! Luckily, Karn appears and quickly disarms the trap. Bo quickly informs Karn of the help they need from him. Karn agrees to open the safe if you help him find what he was looking for here in Krypt first, the Book. Head downstairs and he'll join your group. Equip him with some armor, and put him at the head of the group. That way you can open locked doors and disarm traps. Head east from the steps and follow the corridor, opening doors as you go. When you have a choice of direction, get the two treasures on the left, then open the door and go downstairs. After going up the stairs at the end of this corridor, head south to get some armor, the down the stairs in the middle of the room. When you reach the bottom floor, you'll be in a room full of caskets. There's eight of them, arranged in a tic-tac-toe formation with the steps as the center square. No matter which one you open the Book will always be in the last casket you check. Even though the Book is kind of a joke, Karn doesn't care. Now make your way out of Krypt, but on your way, stop in the room with all the treasures and open them. Karn will disarm the traps if you have him in front. When you exit Krypt, step into the quicksand and you can get out at one of the corners. Stop at Arad to sleep and save your game. But before going back to Auria, you've got some treasure hunting to do. First, use Warp to get back to Winlan. If you noticed it the first time, there was a locked gate you passed while going through the secret tunnel. Karn can now open that, and it's full of treasures. Among these treasures is the awesome FlameRP, which will make Nina's attack power go way up. However, if you don't equip it, you can use it as an item in battle. You can use it as many times as you want, and it will inflict 90 HP of damage on an enemy! You will also find a BrokenSD here. Although it is much stronger than the Rang, the Rang is better because it strikes multiple enemies. Next head for Romero. Take the Tablet out of storage and go to Agua. You should also put the Fife into storage for now. With Karn's lock-picking abilities, you can quickly open doors and reach the top floor where you fought Wisp. When you do, head west and open the door. Use the tile to cross the gap, then walk along the cliff outside to reach a platform with a treasure on it. Inside it is a FlameSH, which is incredibly strong. Next, head up the stairs to the left. This is an area you're not supposed to know about yet. Stand in front of a dragon statue a press A. If it's the left one, you'll get LifeAR, the strongest piece of body armor in the game! Next do it in front of the right one to get the IcyDR, one of Karn's best weapons. With these things, you'll be a force to be reckoned with. The dragon shrine to the north is empty right now. You don't need to worry about that until later. Leave Agua and put the Tablet back in storage. Finally, head to Bleak and enter the cave to Auria. Instead of turning left at the first intersection, head north and open the locked door to pick up another G.Bar. Continue west to reach Auria, but you'll want the Dart in the basement if you didn't get the IcyDR. You can now open the safe in the basement of Ross' house, but his daughter has orders not to let anyone near the LtKey. The reason is because Ross wants to give it to the Dark Dragons as a bribe to keep them from harming his family. She only wishes Ross would change his mind, but the only person who ever could was his deceased wife. As it turns out, there might be a way to do it, but you'll have to go back to Bleak first. Remember the tower near this town of thieves? That's the Tower of Light and Dark, and it's your next destination. On the first floor, open the locked door, get the treasure, and go upstairs. Next walk southeast and talk to the old man. He offers to give you his treasure if you can beat the ghosts on the top floor. Head up to the next floor. The enemies in this tower are quite strong, like Choppers. Use Mrbl3s if you need to. On the third floor, take the stairs on the left to get some treasures, then ascend the ones on the right. From here, go up the stairs to the south. Take the stairs directly in front of you after that. They lead to a dead end, but you'll get lots of treasures along the way. When you get back to where you came from, walk south (passing the stairs which originally brought you here), and walk east and then north to find more stairs. There are two sets of stairs in the next room. The one on the right leads to treasures, so take those first. Upon ascending the other stairs, you'll find the DkKey, but its guardian, Cloud, won't give it to you unless you can defeat him. If you want to make this fight go quicker, you can unequip the FlameRP and use it as an item, but you don't really have to. Use ThrDr right away. Use Bo's Fry spell continuously (use all the Acorns you like). With his IcyDR, Karn does a good deal of damage just by attacking. Whatever you do, don't let anyone's HP below 45. Cloud has a nasty eathquake spell that takes that much from everyone! If you keep healing anyone injured, you shouldn't have much trouble defeating this guy and claiming the DkKey. Once it is removed, the tower gets a lot brighter. It won't always be dark in Bleak anymore, either. Leave the Tower of Light and Dark now, but talk to the old man on the way out to get something called a Mirror. It is supposed to be able to communicate with ghosts and spirits from beyond the grave. Now head back to Auria. Talk to Ross (he's in the dining room to the right). You can use the Mirror to make the ghost of his wife appear and convince him to give the LtKey to you instead of the Dark Dragons. However, the Dark Dragons are probably on their way here already to get it. Head down into the safe and talk to his daughter. She'll let you in if you agree to help drive off the Dark Dragons when they come. You can get the LtKey from the pillar at the top of the tower (no boss to fight). It is now possible for night to fall in Auria. Now head for the docks. The sailor has heard from Ross that you did him a favor, but the Dark Dragons are blocking the way. Once the Dark Dragons realize you have the LtKey, they'll attempt to take it. You must now battle two enemies: an Archer and a Knight (not the same as the one in Nanai). Use ThrDr to make the battle go more quickly. Bo's Fry spells also help to wear down the Knight, and the E.Key is always good. In fact, this is one of the easiest bosses of the game. However, a barrage of cannon fire strikes Ross' ship. The Dark Dragons have stopped you from reaching Scande! Well, not necessarily. Gobi tells you that if you can destroy some rocks blocking part of the northern cave, you can sneak into the Dark Dragons' camp and steal their ship. Give Gobi the G.Bar you found in the cave in exchange for GnPwdr. Head for the cave north of the city, but turn left when you're inside. You should find a passage blocked by rocks, but you can use the GnPwdr to get rid of them and enter the Dark Dragons' camp. As you head toward the boat, you'll have to battle a couple of SpearMen, but they're easy to defeat. When you board the ship there'll be an Archer to beat, and later an Archer and a SpearMan together. Finally you must a face an officer who transforms into a Squid. ThrDr and Fry spells are incredibly effective on this guy. Use them every turn. He appears to have a weakness to all thunder magic, as it does 50% more damage than usual. He does have a second wind, but it only lasts about one turn if you're using ThrDr. Search the rest of the ship for items before heading back to Auria. When you get there, be sure to rest to get your AP back. Then talk to the sailor and you're ready to sail. Karn agrees to stay with your group, and Gobi shows up to hitch a ride to Prima. Now it's time to sail. However, more Dark Dragon ships appear and block your path. The Dark Dragons quickly board your vessel, and are headed by the brother of the man who turned into Squid. You must now battle a slew of Archers and a SpearMan in three different groups, and between battles Gobi will be leading you downstairs, so you have no time to heal except during battle. After defeating all those soldiers, you have to fight their leader, who turns into a beast called Octo. This guy is like a tougher version of Squid. Again use ThrDr and Fry, as well as any B.Stns you might have. Keep using these attacks and he'll be history before you know it. However, the battle has caused some GnPwdr in the room to light, and everyone jumps overboard. The explosion destroys all the ships, and everyone is sucked underwater.

5. Up to the Gills in Secrets

Next thing you know, you're stranded on a desert island. Gobi offers to take you to the underwater civilization of Prima, but you'll need Gills to get there. He offers to sell some to you for a million GP, but you can't carry that much! He says you can pay him back later. However, he needs to go get them first. Now playing as Gobi, head south to the beach to go underwater. Th enemies down here are strong, and Gobi is weak, so use Mrbl3s. Head due west to reach Prima. By the way, Gobi can equip the ShellHT you found on the way to Bleak. In Prima, don't bother with the shops yet. Head for the large building directly to the north. Talk to the Guild Owner on the right and inquire about the Gills. He says they're not here, and you should go to Gant if you want them. After speaking with him, leave Prima and take Gobi to the south beach. You won't need Mrbl3s back on dry land; the enemies here are Slimes and Fleas. Head west to reach Gant. If you search the chests in the houses you'll find a few items, including the HrGlas. This changes the time of day, but you won't need it because you have the LtKey and DkKey. Put it in storage. Your destination should be the large house at the top of the many flights of stairs in Gant. Talk to the elderly man on the right (you may notice that the people here look like bulls or oxen of some sort). He says that the Dark Dragons have taken the young men of the village, and they are being held in a fortress on the other side of the mountains, where they're being forced to build a secret weapon. He wants you to take some Goods to the Guild Owner, and you should. Take them from the treasure and return to Prima. Talk to the Guild Owner and give him the Goods. He'll give you the Gills in exchange. However, there is a letter with the Goods saying Gant has been attacked. Suddenly there is an attack on a small boat that was passing overhead (the Dark Dragons strike again). The only survivor is taken to one of Prima's inns, but a ghost has already appeared to take him to the Nether World! This is an important person, it seems, and Gobi has an idea. In exchange for money, he agrees to go get the Hero and his little gang to shoo away the ghost. When bargaining with the Guild Owner, you can try to hold out for more than the 5000 GP he originally offers you. When you've reached an agreement, head east to the little island and get the Hero and the rest of the team. However, don't go back into the water right away. Use Nina's Warp spell to go back to Gant and pick up a HeroSP for Gobi. You should also sleep there, because your party is probably still low on HP and AP from fighting Octo. Then head for Prima and pick up the following things: a LightSH, SuedeRB, and EvilRP for Nina (hang onto the FlameRP, though), a PoisonBW and a RangerVT for Bo, SpineCL for Gobi, and HornHTs and IcySHs for anyone who needs them. As for which party member to leave out of the coming battle, let Karn take a break, because you'll definitely need the other four. Then head for the inn and do battle with the ghost, Morteo. Use the ThrDr spell right away. Nina should cast Zom1 on her turns. Have Bo cast Fry until he runs low on AP, then use the FlameRP. Gobi also has some nifty little spells which he can only use underwater, so they apply here. Use EbbX when Bo's AP runs low. If Bo still has some AP, have Gobi use the FlameRP. With this strategy Morteo will be history in no time. With Morteo gone, Ox (the survivor) awakens. He tells you that he is one of the skilled Metal Smiths of Gant. However, the Dark Dragons have captured the other Metal Smiths and taken them to their base to build a secret weapon. Ox now eagerly joins your group. Head back to the Prima shops to get a HornHT and an IcySH for him. Next head to Gant and buy him a SpineHR and some MetalAR (you may need to get more money first). While you're in Gant, head for the large house with Ox at the head of the group. In the room where the Goods were, there's a piece of furniture to the right. Push it to the side and break the rocks in this secret room. Talk to this man with Karn in front to learn a spell called Shin. Cast it right away. Karn, Bo, and Gobi will join to become one person, who's really strong in battle and can hunt even better than Bo himself! Now you've got some work ahead of you. Warp to Romero and take the Tablet and Fife out of storage. Go into Agua and head east on the second floor. You'll find a wall that's partially broken. Put Ox in front and press A to knock it down and get what's inside. When that's done, head for Bleak and go into the cave that leads to Auria. Head due north and pass where you got the G.Bar to find another loose wall for Ox to break. Take what's in there, then Warp to Arad. Use the Fife to get in and go down to where you fought EyeSpy. Have Ox break the rock that holds the B.Rang. It's broken right now, but you can fix it pretty soon. The reason I wanted you to get it now was so you could fight E.Chests and G.Slimes to get money for the SpineHR. Fight as many as you need to get it; it's well worth the effort. After buying the SpineHR, put the Tablet and Fife back in storage. Now that you're prepared, head toward Prima and turn west. You should find another beach leading to an area you haven't been to before. Be careful, though. The enemies here are stronger types than what you're used to, including M.Scorps, R.Slimes, and Chimera. Walk south and you'll find a Dark Dragon dungeon. Enter and go downstairs. Use Ox to break the rocks and get treasures before going upstairs. Don't bother equipping the GiantHR; it's not as good as the SpineHR and requires two hands to use. The EchoHT is good for Nina, though, and that baby has a hidden power. Any spell that targets the person wearing it will instantly be cast back at the caster with no loss of AP! Now go upstairs. The enemies in here are mostly Archers and SpearMen, but there are a few Sorcerers to contend with. If you see a soldier standing in the corridor and you fight him, you'll be face-to-face with a LancerX, who are strong but give good experience. There are a total of three of them. The other treasures in this place are nothing special, so if you want to proceed quickly, put Ox in front and bust the wall to the north. Break the next one after that, and then the one on the right. After that, walk to the right a little and then north to find another loose wall. Go through it and head east, and you'll have no trouble finding the stairs. However, you won't fight any LancerXs this way. When you get downstairs, you must face a boss called Toad, who is a transformed Dark Dragon officer. This guy is very strong. Use the ThrDr spell immediately. If you have B.Stns or any other attack items, don't be afraid to use them here. Toad has more than 2000 HP and his attacks can take off 50 HP at once. Karn should be in his Shin form, and Nina should be using the FlameRP as an item. If you start to get into trouble, you can use Nina's spells, but remember that Ox has Cura3 for emergencies. Toad does have a second wind, but it doesn't last long and you should have no trouble winning if you use lots of Cura spells. When Toad's gone, Ox can free his friends. However, not all the prisoners are here. The secret weapon is now complete, and the Dark Dragons have taken it and the others to their fortress of Nabal. Ox's wife is among them. Ox is worried because Nabal is known for its tight security. However, there is a man who lives near Gant that might be helpful because he used to be in their army. But first, head up the stairs on the right and head north to leave this place. Walk north from there until you reach a forest. This place is populated by strange birds called GrimFowl, but they won't attack you. If you have a good eye, you might notice a man in a green cloak standing in the trees on the left. He says you should get help before going to Nabal. Continue north and you'll find Nabal, but you can't get past the wall of soldiers by the entrance. Once you've seen that, Warp to Gant and head east, passing the beach, and you'll find a small tent. The man here is the one Ox's friends spoke of. He is intrigued by the B.Rang you have (if you haven't gotten it yet, he'll tell you to). He says you can probably find someone in Gant to fix it. Return to Gant and talk to the man in the large house to get it fixed, then return here. The B.Rang is a big improvement over the Rang, so equip it on the Hero right away. You should also put the original Rang in storgae, because you don't need it anymore but you can't sell it. When the man to the east sees the fixed B.Rang, he is impressed, but he knows that strength alone won't get you into Nabal. He says that GrimFowl usually ignore humans. The only exception is when their eggs are disturbed. If you could get a GrimFowl angry, you might be able to use it as a weapon. With this new knowledge, return to the forest where the GrimFowl were. There should now be an Egg in one of the nests, but put back Karn in his Shin form before you take it. When you try, an angry GrimFowl attacks you. Use ThrDr right away. Surprisingly, this is an easy boss to beat, and as long as you have Nina use the FlameRP instead of attacking you should win easily. Take the Egg when you win, and slowy start walking north. If you stop between steps, you'll soon have an army of GrimFowl chasing you. When you reach Nabal, throw the Egg into the fortress. The GrimFowl will rush in and cause chaos among the guards. The inside of the castle is easy to get through. Just remember to push the two pots by the stairs and take what's under them. Head south at the bottom of the stairs and you'll eventually find a Dark Dragon officer. He doesn't have time for you, so he runs off, leaving you to deal with his three henchmen, who each turn into gooey beings called SlimeX. Do not use ThrDr in this fight - use FlmDr instead. Slime creatures tend to take more damage from fire attacks. These guys can do a lot of damage with three of them together, so concentrate your attack on one at a time. However, a dragon cannot select its target, and always goes for the default, so start with the one in the back, then the one on the right, and finally the left one. Nina will be very busy curing, but use the FlameRP when she isn't. Don't let your guard down when there's only one left, though. When all three are little puddles, they converge into one big SlimeX. However, as only one enemy SlimeX is easier now than he was before, and he doesn't even have a second wind. When he's dead, Ox breaks open the cell. However, his wife informs the group that the weapon is being loaded onto a ship to be used against Prima! At the docks, the Dark Dragons board their ship and are gone before you can do anything. Ox's wife appears again and tells you what the secret weapon is: a torpedo! You also find out here that Ox's wife is pregnant. For now, your party returns to Prima (if you return to Nabal, you can break down a wall in the cell to get some treasures, and there's a Clog on the ground at the lower left corner of the dock). The Guild Owner recommends you meet the sorceress from Wisdon. Talk to the man upstairs (Karn will not be in his Shin form right now, so cast it again before you forget). He'll tell you that Wisdon is the town the moves around in the desert. If you have the Statue you can get in. Step into the bed and press A to get it. Now Warp to Arad and sleep before continuing. You can usually find Wisdon just north of the town. Save when you get there. Head down the stairs in the center of this ancient town and walk north until you reach a crossroads. To the left and right are some good treasures to get, and to the north are the stairs to proceed. The enemies here are relatively easy, but they do get annoying, so you can use a Mrbl3 if you like. On the next floor, the treasure contains an OldSP. It's not as good as the HeroSP, but you can sell it for some quick cash. In the next room, use Ox to smash down walls and claim what's in the four corner rooms (the one to the northwest is reached using the stairs in the southeast room). When you're done doing that, climb the stairs to the north in the main room, and enter the large building here. Drink some water before you go upstairs. There you'll find the sorceress, but she is guarded by three spirits you must prove yourself against in order to meet her. Your first opponent is Wisp. By now this guy will be so easy you won't even need dragon spells. Next you have a rematch with Cloud. Defeat him the same way you did before (you probably will want to use ThrDr). Your last challenge is a new foe named Myst. You'll definitely want ThrDr against him. Myst takes his turn relatively late, but his spells can be very strong. Try to keep your HP high against him. Still, he isn't much harder than the other two. Once you've defeated all three, Myst wakes up the sorceress, who introduces herself as Bleu. She's a bit cranky at first, but when she realizes you're fighting against the Dark Dragons' fleet, she willingly helps out. She gives you the OldEgg, and tells you to put in into a warm place. When it hatches, the Dark Dragons won't stand a chance. If you're looking for someplace warm, head for Prima. Stop to sell any armor you don't need anymore, then head north and you'll find a cave that leads into a volcano. On the first floor, pick up a SharpBW for Bo (head due east) and some more money too (northwest corner, and the stairs are just south of here). Be careful around AmeblobXs in this cave. Using Mrbl3s here may be a wise decision. On the second floor, go up the stairs immediately to your right to get a M.Drop. You can also pick up more money on this floor, and the stairs are to the west. Take the Herb from the treasure and head west until you find a ledge that sticks out over the lava. Walk to the edge of it and drop the OldEgg into the molten rock below. Suddenly, you're back in Wisdon. Bleu now joins your party to help fight the Dark Dragons. Back in Prima, rest and then you're ready for the Dark Dragons. The Guild Owner also informs Gobi that he might be able to get his "license" back soon. One of Prima's citizens will transform into a larger fish for you to ride on. But when he surfaces, you're surrounded by Dark Dragon ships. Luckily, the Typhoon Bug from the OldEgg appears and cuts the enemy's numbers in half. The reamining Dark Dragons dive underwater and a large battle ensues. You're about to fight a boss, but you might be better off without using Shin. A good party might be the Hero, Bleu, Gobi, and Bo. While the fish battle the soldiers, you must take on a general, who turns himself into a giant crab called Pincher. This guy is susceptible to thunder attacks, so use ThrDr with the Hero and Fry with Bo and Bleu. Bleu's Boom spell also works well. Gobi also has a new spell called EcoX which does a good bit of damage. Pincher's spells are very strong, and you'll need to use items like Meat and even WMeat since Nina's out of the battle. Have Gobi handle most of the healing. It will be tough without Nina, but it can be done if you use lots of healing items. When you succeed, you'll see a scene in Scande as the Dark Dragon king Zog speaks to Jade, his second-in-command who kidnapped Sara. Zog is upset with the Hero's interference, and orders Jade to destroy him and take back the goddess keys. After the meeting, Jade is confronted by four of of his most devious and underanded soldiers: Cerl, Goda, Cort, and Mote. Jade leaves it in their hands to get the goddess keys and bring them back. As for Jade himself, he seems preoccupied. I wonder why that is... Back in Prima, the Guil Owner congratulates you on your victory. Gobi has also decided to stay with the party, as does Bleu. Don't forget to stop by the Guild Owner's place to pick up the Sphere, returning Gobi's license. Now, when underwater, put Gobi in the lead and press A. He will turn into a big fish, allowing you to swim around without fighting enemies.

6. The Changing Winds

Before leaving Prima, get a ChainHT and a LightSH for Bleu. With Gobi as a big fish, there are all sorts of new areas to explore. First, head north towards the volcano, then make a left turn and swim over the deep area. Continue west and a little to the south and you'll reach the island of Tunlan. The people here speak a language of music, and you can't understand them, but you can still go shopping. Pick up a BoneCN and GuruCT for Bleu, and a MystRB for Nina. Also if you put Gobi in front and press A while standing behind the empty spot in the large shop to the east, Gobi can buy and sell things from customers. You can do this in Prima also. The reason I'm telling you this now, is because once you've beaten Pincher, you can sometimes get a Sleeper, Gobi's strongest weapon. See if you can get it. Next, head for the main building in Tunlan and turn right inside. Go up the stairs and down the next ones to find a room filled with treasures. Walk towards the one on the far left and a statue will come to life and push you into a hole. Down here, look under the box on the right to find the elusive Rod5. Push the other boxes to find a hole and get out of here. If you don't have bait yet, go to Prima to get some. Your next destination should be the town of Romero. Use Bo or Shin to walk north through the woods, past Agua, and to the west until you reach a well. Equip the Rod5 and some bait and you can pull up a DragonSD! Don't equip this, but do hang onto it. Next, head for the dungeon where you fought Toad, get through it, and go west. Eventually you'll find a dragon shrine like the one where the Hero learned his dragon spells, and that's exactly what it is. You don't have to equip the DragonSD, but the wise man won't let the Hero in unless you have it. Inside, drink some water and pick up the Mrbl2 (you'll find out what that's for later). Then talk to the Dragon Lord. You must defeat him again to get the new spells, but this time he becomes a bird of fire called Bain. Bain is very fast, but his attacks aren't too strong. Use ThrDr against him (I thought SnoDr would be good, but I tried it and I was wrong). Use Melons or Cures if your HP drops below 40, and you should have no trouble beating this boss. When you win, you'll get four new dragon spells: IceDgn, FirDgn, BltDgn, and GldDgn (this last one only works against the undead, so BltDgn should be your spell of choice). Next, use Gobi to swim north from Tunlan and you'll find a beach. Be prepared to fight some tough enemies here, but make your way east and then north to find the town of Gust. Right away you might notice that a lot of people in town are acting insane. Those people whose brains haven't turned to mush yet say it tends to happen when the wind comes from the north. They also say there's a bridge to the north that will take you closer to Scande, but the Dark Dragons have destroyed it, and the only person can fix it is missing. You can pick up a Sash in the inn, then check out the weapon shop. Get a MoonBW for Bo, as well as some WorldML, which is also good for Ox. If you can spare the cash, get a FlameSH for whoever needs it (this is not the same as what you found in Agua). Next, head for the house in front of the inn. This is the home of a flute maker who has lost it. There is also a box in here that's so heavy even Ox can't move it! However, you can move the small box on the right side of the room. When you do, push the southernmost barrel to the side, push the next to to the sides, then push the corner ones up and the center one over. Talk to the man here as Karn to get a new spell called Debo. This joins Karn with Gobi and Ox, and is stronger than Shin, but it only works underwater, so you won't get much use of it now that Gobi can turn into a big fish. Still, it's useful to have. Save your game and head north. Eventually you'll reach a door Karn can open (don't let the pollen from the big flower touch you). Inside, you'll find a lot of treasures, but they're guarded by mini-bosses called Rouges. Luckily, they aren't hard to beat, and they give lots of experience. There are a total of seven of them. You don't absolutely have to fight them, but you'll miss out on lots of items and needed experience. However, the other enemies in here are very strong, so I recommend using Mrbl3s. When you finally reach the next floor, you'll be confronted by Cort, one of the four men working for Jade. He sprinkles a potion on your party and vanishes. It causes your party to srink to the size of tiny insects. The stairs are too step to use now, but you can find a mousehole in the north wall. If your Mrbl3 has worn off, you'll have to fight Roaches in here. They aren't tough, but they're fast. Eventually you'll find some friendly mice. They let you sleep here for free, and if you talk to them you can continue northward. Here you'll find three K.Roaches that have taken possession of the mice's cheese supply. You must now fight all three at once, and they are tough. Use Shin and leave Bleu out of the fight - you need Nina for her Cura spells. Use the Hero's new BltDgn spell to attack all three K.Roaches at once. Don't get cocky when you see their HP drop quickly; they have really long second winds. Still, if you concentrate on attacking one K.Roach at a time (and use BltDgn) you'll have no trouble winning. With the K.Roaches gone, return to the mice and sleep again. Talk to the one north of the innkeeper and he'll give you a M.Cura which will restore you to your normal size. Head down the new set of stairs you find, and use the tiles to reach Cort. There are only two places where you have a choice of direction, so head south at the first one and north at the next. When you reach Cort, he sends a monster after you called RugaX. You'll defintely want BltDgn against this guy. This guy has some strong attacks, but he's fairly slow at taking his turn. Bleu is sometimes useful with her various attack spells, but you're probably better off using Nina for now, because you can just use the FlameRP when you're not healing. This is actually an easy boss, and he doesn't even have a second wind. Cort runs off, but the injured RugaX suddenly transforms into Nicholie, the boy who can fix the bridge. He tells you that the flower you passed on your way here is what's driving people insane, then he passes out. Nina tries to use her spells on him, but he's too hurt for them to work. The gang decides to take him back to Gust, where his girlfriend is having a fit because you hurt him. Bleu says she knows how to heal him, but she'll need some Oil, which you can get from frogs. Bleu says you can find some in a place called the Frog Cave. She stays with Nicholie. Before you go there, turn Karn into Shin and check out the hill to the left when you go back into Gust. A man there will tell you a big fly ate his lunch. Go inside the cave and you'll find the elusive G.Fly. He's in a bad mood and attacks you. This guy is both fast and strong, and his HP is a bit excessive as well. Use BltDgn against him. Nina will be kept busy healing damage, but it doesn't take too long to beat this guy. When you defeat him, walk to him and press A to pick him up. Next, Warp to Tunlan and swim east using Gobi. You'll quickly find a passage blocked by stalagmites, but Gobi can swim over them and reach the beach. Here you'll find the Frog Cave. Talk to the frog in the back. He'll give you some Oil in exchange for the G.Fly. Return to Gust and give the Oil to Bleu. She's in the house to your right when you enter the village. While Bleu finishes up with Nicholie, head north of town. It seems evident that Cort's flower must be destroyed. When you get there, Cort intends to let it eat you. Now you must do battle with this FlowerX. Use BltDgn right away. FlowerX has strong attacks and can also poison you, so Nina will usually be busy healing. As long as you do that you should beat this boss easily. Cort disappears again. Back in town, everyone is back to normal. Talk to the flute maker to get something called a Maestro. You'll need this later. When you go see Bleu, you'll find that Nicholie has turned into RugaX again! You must now defeat him again. Use the same techniques as you did before. With Bleu's help, Nicholie is finally back to normal, and hurries to fix the bridge to return the favor. Bleu also rejoins the party. After sleeping, assemble your party in this way: Shin, the Hero, Bleu, and Nina. Now head north to where FlowerX was to find the bridge. It has been fixed, but you find Nicholie lying unconscious with Cort standing over him. Cort now transforms into the vicious HornToad to take on your party. You'll defintely need BltDgn to beat this guy. On Bleu's turn, use her Chill spell for a quick hit that delivers 100 HP of damage. The HornToad has tons of HP (about 4000), so it also wouldn't hurt to use a Mrbl1 with the BltDgn. HronToad likes to repeatedly attack the lead character, which is usually Shin. Keep using Nina's healing spells on him, becuause he'll turn back into normal Karn if his HP gets too low. And it gets worse during his second wind. Instead of attacking one character, he now jumps and causes earthquakes that damage everyone at once. His second wind is a long one, too. The real trick to winning this battle is keeping your HP high. If you can do that during his second wind, you'll have no trouble defeating HornToad. This will at last be the end of Cort, and you can now cross the bridge to the west and continue your journey to Scande.

7. In Your Dreams!

Before continuing on your journey, stop at Drogen or some early town and buy lots of Mrbl3s. You're going to need tons of them in the next area. After crossing the bridge Nicholie fixed, head west and you'll reach a field of mostly dirt (the enemies in this area are much more difficult than before, but you should be fine even without a Mrbl3). In the center of the field is a hole in the ground. Enter it to find Gramor, village of the moles. Enter the room young see a young girl mole peeking out of. There are several moles in here, but one of them is asleep. This is Mogu (the little girl is his sister). He was fighting against Mote (another of Jade's men) and was put into a coma. They say he will wake up if the monster in his dreams is defeated. To enter his dreams, you'll need an item from Tunlan. When you offer to get it, the moles will give you a Cowl. Between this and the Maestro you should now be able to communicate with the people in Tunlan. Head there right away, enter the castle, and talk to the old woman in green. She agrees to give you the Bolster (the magic pillow which will take you into Mogu's dream) if you can keep the princess from giving the TmKey to Zog (this is a goddess key), because she is in love with him. When you try to talk to her, she refuses to give the key to you instead because she wants eternal youth from Tyr. When you go back downstairs, the old woman tells you that the code to enter the safe where the TmKey is kept is written on the princess' back. Leave Tunlan and use the DkKey to change it to nighttime. When it's dark out, return to the castle and go up the eastern stairs like you did on your way to the Rod5. However, on the second floor there's a crack in the left wall you can walk through. From behind the plants you can spy on the princess as she swims and find the combination to the safe. Now head for the room with the statues that pushed you into the hole and talk to the old woman. She'll try to open the safe, but then realizes that it's backwards, because you were looking at the princess' reflection in the pool! However, it's too late, as the princess discovers your plan and appears in the room. Bleu uses a spell to blow open the safe, but suddenly Cerl appears and steals the TmKey for herself! After a bit of a quarrel, the old woman allows you to take the remaining treasures in the safe. To get the treasures on the far left and right, open them from the side to avoid falling into pits. Among them is the Bolster. Return to Gramor and use it to enter Mogu's dreams. The characters in the dream tell you that the monster is in the North Tower. When you step on the gray tile inside, the walls become invisible (until you step on a red tile). The enemies in here are also hard, so use Mrbl3s. Walk east until you stop, the north until you stop, then east again, then north again. Don't step on the gray tile up here - turn left instead. Walk south and then turn left. Walk nienteen steps after the walls disappear and turn north. Walk five steps and turn east, and walk north again when you can't go east. Here you'll find a little guy who challenges you to a fight. He transforms into Mothro, the monster who is causing the dreams. Fight him, but you'll realize you can't hurt him, so run. Use Bleu's Exit spell to get out. Return to the town and Anne will tell you that they've found Mogu's Courage (Mogu's emotions have been separated into separate characters by Mothro). Leave town and cross the bridge to the southwest to find the infamous "gas field". This is one of the toughest mazes in the game, and the treasures aren't really any good unless you plan to sell them for quick cash. The enemies here are also extremely tough, so use Mrbl3s constantly. Try to follow the path without stepping on the bones whenever possible, because you will usually be hit by gas clouds and take damage if you step off the path. Eventually you will reach a horizontal wall of clouds which block you from going north. To continue, you must walk north on the immediate right side of a single square of bones to the right of the rocks. After you head to the left, walk north from the spot that is due south of a single spot of bones that is way up there. The next spot is east of there, and from there you can reach the end. In the cave you'll find Courage. After some coaxing, he joins with the other emotions to form the true Mogu, who joins your party. Now make your way back through the gas field and save at the town. Return to the North Tower and make your way back to Mothro. Seeing that Mogu is whole again, he runs up the steps. Follow him. On the next floor, take the only possible path until the walls disappear because of a gray tile. Continue north until you hit a wall, then head west all the way, south, west, and south. At this point the walls will reappear. Take a right turn and follow this path until you reach a directional choice. Head west to find the stairs to the next floor. This next floor is easy. Follow the path until the walls vanish. Continue east until you can't, then south, then east, then head south four spaces and turn right. Head east again until you stop, then north, and east again. Walk three spaces up and head right, then north when you stop. The walls should reappear now and you can easily find the stairs. The fourth and final floor has only one path, and you'll find Mothro at its end. Unlike before, you won't miss every time, but Mothro can still dodge lots of attacks. Don't waste your AP on spells. Instead, use people with strong physical attacks. A good party is Shin, the Hero, Ox, and Nina (leave her in for healing spells, and use FlameRP on her other turns). Use the BltDgn spell with the Hero - it will usually hit. Mothro can use the deavstating Para and Rub spells, which will wreak havoc among your party. The big problem with Mothro is that he starts out on his second wind, so you can't tell how much damage you've done. He has about 3500 HP, so it may take a little while. Once you've beaten him, you'll exit the dream and Mogu will awake and join your party for real! Mogu is a very unique character. If you have him in the lead on the main map area, he can dig in dirt areas and find all sorts of useful items! Now that you have the ability to dig, you have alot of places to check out. First, if you Warp to Camlon or Romero, you'll find a spot on the ground with a dragon symbol on it (it's north of Nanai and southeast of the Cleansing Water cave). Dig here and you'll find a man who will teach Karn the Doof spell. This combined Karn with Bo and Ox to form an ultra-strong creature. Use it right away. Your next stop is Tantar. Head northeast from the cave which led to the Ring to find another dragon symbol. You'll find lots of good stuff in here (the upper right chest has a trap on it, so put Doof in front when you open it). Next, Warp to Bleak and go into the house behind the dragon shrine. Have Doof move the large crate and go down the stairs. There's another crate down here, under which you'll find the ClearCL, which are really strong. Now use Doof to move the crate in the back of the main room to find another man who will teach him the awesome Puka spell. Before trying it out though, use Doof again and Warp to Gust. In the flute maker's house is another crate which has an EarthRB under it. Now you should use Puka. It combined Karn with Bo, Karn, and Gobi to make the strongest creature of all. Now walk down to the beach south of here and press A while facing the tile with the dragon symbol on it. If Puka is in the lead, he will beathe on it and it will open. Inside you can get a LoveBR, which gives you 1 HP with every step you take! There is another one of these near Auria with a DarkBR inside. However, Puka has another power which is even better. In addition to getting "Slam" attacks, he will sometimes execute a special roll attack which is twice as strong as his normal attack. And when this occurs on the same turn as a Slam, you'll get a quadruple strength attack. A Mrbl2 gives Puka an automatic roll attack on the turn when you use it. Now that you have this little powerhouse, Warp to Gramor and head through the cave to the south. The enemies in here are very strong, so I don't blame you if you use a Mrbl3. The D.Fleas here can cast Rub and take out even Puka in one shot! When you emerge from the other side, you'll be in a frozen place full of snow. Ironically, the town here is called Spring. Go there and stop at the weapon shop. Get an IronCW and a GaiaMask for Mogu, and QuartzAR for whoever needs it. The townspeople will tell you that snow is an unusaul event here, and that someone must be messing with the weather controls in Spyre, the tower to the south. Head there and use Mogu to dig and get into the basement. Use a Mrbl3 on this floor. If you don't, you'll be fighting enemies from the end of the game like Golem and BlazeX (who casts BoltX)! Once you go down the stairs you won't have to worry about them. Search this next area for treasures before going up the next flight of stairs. You can find a Cure2, A.Ptn, Shell, WorldAR, and FlameAR. When you go upstairs, you must now climb the six floors of the Spyre tower. Each floor has stronger enemies than the one before (you probably won't need a Mrbl3 until the last floor). The first floor, grass, is populated by Slimes and wimpy monsters. The stairs are to the northeast. The next floor, rain, has monsters like Warhogs and Zards. The stairs are to the southwest. The next floor is a desert, and as you might expect is populated by desert enemies. Head east to find the stairs. The next floor is covered with ice and snow, and has enemies like the ones around Gramor and Spring. The stairs are to the north. This next floor is up in the sky, and contains enemies like the Phoenix. These guys can be hard if they gang up on you, so head southwest to find the exit quickly. The last floor is in outer space, and is populated by a whole slew of powerhouse enemies. Don't be ashamed to use a Mrbl3 here. To the northeast you'll find the weather controls. However, when you examine the pillar on the right, you'll be confronted by Mote. He puts the whole party into a dream just as he did Mogu! The only differnce is that this world is a creation of Mote's mind, not your characters'. The only way to escape is by defeating Mote. You should now be in a dream town populated by all sorts of people Mote has trapped there, including a man with a passion for climbing towers. There is also an inn, an item shop, and a dragon shrine. If you've done everything you need, leave town and head south to get up onto the hills, then walk north and west to find a cave. I must warn you that the enemies in here are equivalent to what was in the cave leading to Spring, so be careful if you aren't using a Mrbl3. Go downstairs and head north until you reach more stairs. Follow the path on this floor until you can turn to the south. Here you'll find lots of treasures, but a trap will be sprung, trapping you here. Jump into the hole and head east to find some stairs that eventually take you back to the first room. The treasures are worth it though, because one of them is the Trident. This is a weapon for Gobi, and the only one that's stronger is the Sleeper. It's best to leave it unequipped, because when used as an item it hits every enemy for 95 points of damage! Make your way back to the room where you fell, but pass the treasure area and go up the stairs there. Pick up the treasures on this floor and make your way north until you meet a man who looks similar to Mote. This is Mote's conscience, and he will allow you to proceed. On the next floor, drink some water and talk to the jar to find the Dragon Lord and save. You'll definitely need Mrbl3s when you go through the north door. The strange tiles here will spin the path around, but you can always tell which way is which by where your character is facing. When you reach the first one, continue in what direction your character is facing. Do the same for the next one as well, and the one after that. For the fourth one, have your character make a left turn (i.e. if he's facing south, head east). Go straight until you hit another one, at which point you should make another left turn. Go straight until you have to turn to continue. At the next spinning point, continue in the same direction. Take the first turn after this tile and you'll find another one. Continue going straight and you'll finally reach the other side of this area. In the room you arrive in, there are two fights of stairs. Take the one on the right and walk across the tiles to the south. Put Karn (probably as Puka) in front and walk around near the southeast corner to find a hole. Jump into it and go up the stairs. In this room, go up the next flight of stairs, do the same in the next, and equip the DragonSD on the Hero before continuing. In the next room, take the stairs in the lower right corner to reach Mote. When you first start fighting him, you won't be able to hurt him. Try not to let your HP drop at this point or you'll be in deep trouble. After a few turns he'll break out of the fight to gloat about his strength. That's when his conscience appears. He weakens Mote, and the battle begins anew. Now you'll be able to damage Mote. However, spells have almost no effect on him, so use a physically strong party. Puka, the Hero, Nina, and Mogu is probably the best idea. Do not use dragon spells, because they don't work either. Using ProtnAs id a good way to boost your attack power. Mote will attack furiously, so Nina will usually be busy healing. At first Mote seems weak, but there more damage he takes, the stronger he becomes. When Nina isn't healing, have ner use the Trident. Amazingly, it does work. If you get to the point where Mote's image is totally clear, you'll want to start using Mrbl1s with the Hero to increase your damage, and even the Mrbl2 with Puka. Mote's second wind is even worse, so you might want to save these special attacks until then. Mote can be a deadly opponent if you let the damage build up on you. Nina should heal almost every turn to prevent this from happening. As long as you can keep your HP up, you can defeat Mote and leave the dream world. You should now be back in Spyre, where you can take the SkyKey and return the weather to normal by using the machine on the left. Return to Spring to rest and sell any items you don't need. You may even want to sell the FlameRP now that you have the Trident. Also, equip the Rod5 and some bait and head for the dock at the northwest corner of town. Here you can reel in some DragonAR. Only the Hero can use it, and it's not as strong as the LifeAR, but you still need it. You can also put the DragonSD in storage now. Don't forget to save your game too.

8. A Stitch in Time Saves Nina

When you're through in Spring, walk through the waterfall to enter a cave that will get you closer to Scande. To find your way through it is easy, but a few of the enemies are tough. When you exit the cave, be on the lookout for enemies like the Phoenix, D.Flea, and DogfishX. Head south and you'll find the village of Carmen. However, something is wrong here. The people seem frozen and do not move or speak. The only one who isn't is a man named Alan, who was away when this started. He says something must have happened in Tock, the tower to the east. Before leaving, examine the houses for items. You should find a RubyBR and a W.Ant. Then save and head for the east. If you step off the hill to the south and continue east you'll find a door Puka can open, and you'll find a WindBR inside. There is also a digging spot to the north with a HeroBW inside, Bo's best weapon (warning: the chest has a poisonous trap on it)! Finally, go up the hills and use Bo or Shin to get through the woods to Tock. Turn back into Puka when you're inside and drink from the fountain to the north. Stepping on the arrow tiles makes you teleport two spaces in that diection, allowing you to often pass through walls. The stairs are to the north, but make sure you pick up the IcyAR and EvilCN first. There will be a few new enemies here, but nothing too bad. To continue on the next floor, step on the arrow to the left, then the one south of you, then the next one to the east. Now head north and walk around the outside of the room until you step on an arrow that takes you to the stairs. The next room is easy, but then you'll reach a room filled with arrows. First, step on the arrow between the second and third pairs along the north wall. Now walk right one and down two, then down one, left one, and left again to get the first treasure. When you've gotten it, make the first three moves the same, then walk down two, down one, right one, right again, and up one. Get the treasure from the front, then walk one step right and one down to the arrow, then right one, right again, then keep going up until you reach the steps. Here you'll find Cerl, Jade's henchman (or woman) who stole the TmKey. She has used it to freeze everyone in Carmen. However, she recognizes Alan just as you are swept into the portal. You will now be just the Hero, and must make your way back to Carmen. If you die you'll be back there anyway, but you'll lose lots of money. In Carmen, Alan will tell you that he and Cerl were friends as kids. He doesn't believe she would ever help the Dark Dragons, and goes to Tock to see for himself. Follow him. Return to Tock and make your way back to the top floor where Cerl is (you'll probably want to gain levels until Bleu learns BoltX, but that won't take long). Alan is trying to talk to Cerl, but she has changed a great deal since her childhood. She beats up Alan, and proceeds to take care of you as well, turning into a strange and formidable beast. Make sure Karn is in his Puka form, and use BltDgn. Bleu's BoltX is also a big help. Use Nina as for your fourth character, because you'll need to heal a lot. If you get a chance to attack with Nina, use the Trident. Cerl can use the Para spell like Mothro, but you'll probably be through with her before she has the chance to do any real damage. However, just when you've got her on the ropes, she sucks you into another portal, threating to advance time until the people of Carmen are gone. Nina and the Hero are separated from the group and end up at Cerl's little hideout. However, the doors of this building are controlled by Cerl's mind, making it impossible to enter. Use Warp to get back to Carmen quickly. In Alan's house, you will learn about what happened to Cerl when they were young. She was exiled from her home and he didn't stop it, and now he feels guilty for it. However, he has a clue for you. There is a large tree to the south near the ruins of a town. Alan and Cerls used to eat the Fruit which grew on it. It might make her remember all their good times. Leave Carmen and head to where the WindBR was, but head southwest from there. Folloow the path and you should find a large tree. Put Ox in the lead and press A. He will punch it and knock some Fruit out of it. Now follow the path eastward to find Cerl's hideout. When she smells the Fruit, the doors swing wide open. Go upstairs to meet up with Cerl, but she's tired of fighting and gives up. She feels bad for hurting Alan, and lets you take the TmKey. But now an even greater threat appears. Jade's strongest henchman, Goda, has appeared calling Cerl a traitor! Cerl holds him off as you escape, but Alan appears and runs into the building as it fades away into nothingness. You should now be back at Tock, where Nina uses the TmKey to fix what was done in Carmen (the treasure in the back holds a MystSD, but it probably isn't worth the long trek to get it). However, when Nina tries to pull the key out, something goes wrong and she is sucked into a time portal! Your party jumps in after her, but they are only transported through space, not time like Nina. You should now be in Tunlan. Remember the mysterious man in the GrimFowl forest? He's here recommending a doctor in Carmen. If you talk to Tunlan's natives, they'll tell you that a girl fell from the sky long ago. She's in one of the houses. When you go to see her, you realize that it's Nina, only she's wearing different clothes. She was sent back in time, and has been here for years. However, she has amnesia and doesn't remember you! This presents a problem. Return to Carmen and talk to the elderly man in the large house next to Alan's. The doctor here can make a Tonic that will cure amnesia, but to make it he needs a P.Fish, a Root, a C.Nut, and a W.Ant. Before leaving to find the ingredients, talk to the mysterious man, who is now hiding in the trees at the northeast corner of town. Talk to him and search the spot he stood on to find a Pass. First to get a P.Fish. Walk along the path to where Cerl's hideout was and continue until you reach a bridge overlooking the infamous red water that surrounds Scande (the enemies here are very strong, so use a Mrbl3 if you need to). Fish from this bridge to catch a P.Fish. Now you need a Root. To get this, Warp to Gramor and find the spot of dirt in front of the strange-looking tree to the southwest. Have Mogu dig there and you'll find a Root. Your next task is to find a C.Nut. This is probably the easiest ingredient to get. Warp to Tunlan and have Ox punch the palm trees until you find one. As for the final ingredient, the W.Ant, you probably already have some of those, but if you don't, you'll have to fight hundreds of enemies until you can find the extremely rare white deer and kill it to get its W.Ant. When you have the ingredients, take them back to the doctor to get the Tonic. Take it to Tunlan and give it to Nina, and you'll at last have her back, and because she has spent all this time in the past, she's much older, and can turn into a bird if you press A with her in the lead!

9. Victory at Last?

Before leaving Tunlan, try opening up Gobi's shop and seeing what kinds of items you can get. Be on the lookout for the PowerRP, DarkDR, Mallet, GlowCN, EvilRB, and MaskSH. These are incredibly strong pieces of equipment that only rarely come along. The DwarfBW is another useful item. It isn't nearly as strong as the HeroBW, but it allows Bo to use a shield! When you've had enough of Gobi's place, leave Tunlan and use Nina to fly north of Agua. There is a small island here with a building you can't get into. Put someone other than Nina in front and press A while standing behind the taller section of the building to get the Tri-Rang, one of the Hero's best weapons (you can now put the B.Rang in storage). Just to the east is another island with a spot for Mogu to dig into. When you've taken all the treasures there, fly to the desert. In the southwest corner beyond the mountains is a well you can fish a DragonHT out of. There is another well just southwest of Gust that is surrounded by mountains. This well contains a DragonSH. Be sure to give both of these to the Hero. Next, return to Carmen and get a PowerHT for Karn and Gobi. Finally, fly south toward Scande, but head for the southeast corner of the continent. You should find a digging spot where Mogu can unearth all sorts of good stuff. Also, if you ever need to gain levels again, head for the island where you found the Tri-Rang. The M.Slimes there give 9999 experience points with every victory! When you have all this stuff, fly north from Nicholie's bridge to find an extremely large dragon shrine. It doesn't need to be equipped, but you can't enter unless you have the DragonAR. You must now battle the Dragon Lord's third and final form, Avian. Use BltDgn right away. Use Melons or Cures any time your HP drops to around 50, because this guy packs a punch and can finish you off fairly quickly. Use a ProtnB if you have any. As long as you keep your HP high, though, he's a wimp. The Dragon Lord will teach you the awesome Rudra spell as a reward for your victory. However, you might notice that there are supposed to be nine dragon spells, but you have only eight, and you've already fought the Dragon Lord three times. To find the final spell, you would normally have to figure out a riddle written on an item called the Slab. However, you have me, so I'll tell you. Once you have both Rudra and the DragonHT, head for the Cleansing Water cave and go down to the room where the water is. Since you also have the Gills now, you can walk down into the water (the WtrJr will also refill, and you can now use it to completely restore your party at any time). Down here you'll again find the Dragon Lord, who will teach you the ultimate dragon spell: Agni! This spell combines all eight party members into one ferocious creature which inflicts 999 HP of damage to all enemies on every turn! When you have the Agni spell, it's finally time to head for Scande. Use the Pass the mysterious stranger gave you to get past the guards. If you talk to the soldiers in Scande, you'll learn that Zog had captured some of the Mole People and ordered them to dig up something called the Obelisk. However, the crafty moles have escaped. Your main destination is the top of the large tower, where you'll find Zog. However, the elevator won't work for some reason. Examine its controls and you'll find that some pieces are missing. A man by the tower will tell you that a man from Spring climbed this tower recently, so head for Spring. Check in the houses until you find a man sleeping in bed. This is the man who climbed the tower, and is also one of the people you rescued from Mote. He'll give you the B.Part as a thank you. This is the piece you need to fix the tower, but it's broken. To fix it, head for Gant and talk to the man who fixed the B.Rang (you'll need some help from the old woman to get him up). He'll quickly fix them for you, turning them into the Parts. Return to Scande and use the Parts to fix the elevator and reach the top. Inside the tower, you'll find the "mysterious stranger" again. He blocks your way, saying you'll need another item called the D.Hrt to defeat Zog (the D.Hrt is a legendary weapon that can destroy any dragon). Go back down the tower and head for Tunlan. One woman there will play a song for you whose simple melody severely injures the Hero. This is the D.Hrt, and she'll store it in a bottle for you to hear later. Heal the hero and head back to Zog's tower. There are several different paths in here, and lots of enemies too. They can be hard at times, but I recommend you fight a few to see how they measure up before deciding whether or not to use a Mrbl3. Avoid stepping on switches for now. First, head right and you'll find stairs which lead to a Mrbl1 and the IcyCN. If you already have the GlowCN, leave this unequipped so you can use it as an item in battle (this weapon casts an even stronger spell than the Trident). Next, go back to the main entrance and head west to find some more stairs. There are a few treasures to the east on the second floor, then head south to find more stairs. From here there's only one path to take, so you don't need any directions from me. When you reach Zog's chamber, take Karn out of any simulated form you have him in. Zog is determined to make the world his own, and transforms into the most enormous dragon you'll ever see! His attacks are nothing special, but he has a whopping 16000 HP, not to mention his second wind! Don't cast any dragon spells on your first turn. Have your fastest character use the D.Hrt and you'll see Zog's HP go way down. However, the Hero also loses lots of HP, and Zog will probably finish him off this turn. Once you have the Hero back, use the Agni spell, and from there Zog is a total wimp. Zog is gone, but he vows his men will avenge him. The floor collapses when he dies, and you fall all the way to the bottom of the tower.

10. A New Holder

Amazingly, you aren't killed. Here you'll find the Hero's sister Sara! She is glad you defeated Zog, and takes the final goddess key from the treasure in the basement. Now you have all seven. Sara says they must be destroyed so Tyr can never be released and asks you to give the other six to her. But when you do, Sara laughs an evil laugh and the mysterious stranger who told you about the D.Hrt appears and reveals his identity: Jade, Zog's second-in-command! Sara gives him the keys, as Jade has total control over her mind. The two of them then leave for Agua to release Tyr! When he's gone, head for the south corner of the room and a hole will appear. One of the Mole People appears and digs a hole for you to escape. Jump into the hole and you'll see lots of Mole People watching an older one called the Great Digger. Jump into the hole he makes to get back to Scande's ground floor, then take the Tablet out of storage and head for Agua. You can also put the Pass in storage now. You might also want the HrGlas back now that you don't have the goddess keys. When you reach Agua, head for the area atop it where you found the LifeAR and the IcyDR. Go into the shrine and you'll meet up with Sara, but she seems to be rapidly switching back and forth between being good or evil. Go up the stairs after her and you'll find Jade, but you are too late. He has already released Tyr. Remember the tower on the island where you found the Tri-Rang? The tower now completely rises out of the ground, bearing a doorway. If you step on the teleporter here to follow Jade, you'll be sent to this tower right away. If you like, though, you can exit it and return directly to it later. The enemies in this tower a a bit difficult, so it might be best to use a few Mrbl3s. The treasures in this tower are no big deal, so step on the northeast tile in the main room to reach the southeast stairs. On the next floor, walk east, passing the holes in the floor, and you'll reach stairs that go back down (turn north to get the AgileAR in this room). In the next room, step on the switch to the left and follow the northeast passage, then turn south and head west. Turn north at the first chance and step on the switch to open a path to more stairs. Next to the stairs is a treasure which contains the FlameDR. It isn't quite as good as the IcyDR and DarkDR, but it can be used as an item if you like. From here there is only one path until you reach a room with blue floors and candles. When you try to approach the stairs, you will be blocked by a force field that drops all your characters' HP to 1! Sara appears to taunt you, but has another mood swing and drops the barrier. She explains that Jade is using a spell to control her mind, but sometimes she can break free, and this is one of those times. You now have a chance to heal yourself, but don't do it. Just make sure Karn isn't simulating any other forms. When you try to continue, the spell on Sara reactivates and she turns into an enormous white dragon. Use the Agni spell on the first turn and your HP will be totally replenished. Now it's time for the ultimate brother-sister brawl! Sara may have a few strong spells and about 15,000 HP, but if you're using Agni she's no trouble at all, and she doesn't even have a second wind. Sadly, when you win, Sara is killed, but you did the right thing. Go down the stairs, cross the bridge and drink some water. Go down the stairs past that to get Mogu's StoneHT. Go up the stairs to the right of the treasure and walk along the wall to find a secret path to more stairs. On the next floor is a scene like Mogu's dream world: walls and floors which disappear. However, you can skip them by heading south and walking until you reach a tile which takes you across a gap. From there walk south and continue until you reach the stairs. You will have bypassed every gray tile! On the very top floor you'll meet up with Jade. He has already released Tyr and has become incredibly powerful. He unleashes a devastating atack on your party which totally blows the top floors of the tower away. When you awake, your party consists of only the Hero, and you're in the Elder's house in Drogen. He says Sara came to him ina dream and told him to help you. When he awoke he found the Hero lying unconscious outside. Suddenly Nina appears and explains that the Hero has been unconscious for three days! If it wasn't for Sara sending them here, everyone would have been killed in the explosion. Next Karn arrives bringing bad news: Jade has activated the Obelisk, a hovering fortress that was buried beneath Scande. This shows just how cruel Jade is, because Scande was totally destroyed in the process. Outside you'll meet up with the rest of the group, who are all ready to head for Obelisk and take on Jade. Fly to Scande and you won't be able to find it. Floating above the spot where it was is Obelisk. Fly into it to go inside. When you enter, you'll find that there isn't an entrance, so Mogu will have to dig to get it. However, when you try to dig through the crack at the north end of the room, Mogu will tell you he can't get through it. Go back outside and press A with Nina in front to get off Obelisk. Fly north to Gramor and find the Master Digger. He says he could break into Obelisk if he had a town treasure called the I.Claw, but one of the townspeople has misplaced it. To get it fly east and you'll find a small island with a house on it just east of Camlon. Here you'll meet an old woman who collects weapons for a hobby, and is wondering if you know anyone else who does. As it turns out, you do know one: the old man near Gant who told you about the GrimFowl and the B.Rang. He is amazed that you found another weapon buff, and asks you to give her a List of weapons for him. You 'll find it in one of the treasures in his home. Take it back to the old woman. She'll asks you to take something to him which she can't identify. Take the Wtzit back to the old man, he'll examine it and tell you it's not a weapon. He then gives you a letter to take to the old woman while he studies the Wtzit further. When she reads the letter, she'll tell you she's not interested in it if it's not a weapon. She then gives you a second letter to give the old man. He tells you that he figured out that the Wtzit is actually the I.Claw you've been looking for! He lets you have it after you give him the second letter. Take the I.Claw back to Gramor. Talk to the Master Digger with Mogu leading the group and he'll teach Mogu a new digging technique for using the I.Claw. You can now use this technique to get into Obelisk. Mrbl3s are practically a necessity here. The place is crawling with Gargoyles, BlazeXs, Golems, and Rugas, all of which have strong attacks and tons of HP. Once you're through the floor, head south and follow this path until you reach some stairs. Walk down them. In the next room, head north across the gap, then step on the floating tile to the southeast (if you head northeast you can get the FlameHR, but it really isn't worth it, especially if you have the Mallet). Continue from here and you'll find Jade's best man, Goda. Apparently he too managed to escape from Cerl's hideout before it vanished. He warns you to turn back or he'll have to destroy you, then walks off. Follow him and go downstairs. Once you're downstairs, make sure Karn isn't in any simulated forms and head north. You'll again be confronted by Goda, who has transformed into a stone giant, and this time he means business. Use Agni in this bout, though, and you'll beat him so fast his head will spin. When Goda is defeated, he explodes, creating a passage through the north wall. Go through it and go downstairs. From here, you can head in any direction you want; each path is exactly the same and leads to the same place. Getting through the room filled with hearts and floating tiles is easy if you use a Mrbl3. When you reach the stairs in the center of that room, ascend and use the floating tile next to you to reach the center platform and go downstairs. Make sure Karn isn't melded with any other characters at this time. At the north end of the room is a throne upon which sits Jade. He offers to let the Hero join him, but say no. When you do, he transforms into what is probably the ugliest monster you've seen yet. Use Agni right away. Jade is probably the only boss in the game who still presents a challenge when you use Agni. This is mainly because he can use the Rub spell to wipe Agni out in one hit, and you'll have to use a Life2 or something to get the Hero back. Jade can also use the awesome BoltX spell, which can deal 400 HP of damage in one turn. Don't let Agni's HP drop below that number. Use a Cure if it does. On top of all of this, Jade has about 25,000 HP and a half-descent second wind, too! Just keep attacking until your HP gets to 400 or lower, at which point you'll need a Cure. Keep that up and you should be able to beat Jade no sweat if he doesn't use Rub. When he's defeated, Jade almost seems happy, because he knows you'll have to face Tyr and that she'll crush you. The he dies. Don't bother healing or changing Karn into Puka right now. Instead, stand on the space to the left of Jade's throne and push A. Here you'll find the EmporSD, which is probably the best weapon in the game. Equip it on the Hero right away. There is also another weapon behind the pillar on the right: the StarHR. There is only one weapon Ox can use that is stronger than this, and that's the Mallet. I'm hoping you have it so that you won't need to equip the StarHR. Why? Because when it's used as an item, the StarHR casts the awesome Comet spell, dealing 400 HP of damage to all enemies on the screen at no cost of AP to you! Now step on one of the tiles in front of Jade's throne to meet Tyr, the goddess of destruction. Surprisingly, she looks like a little girl! Ask her to grant a wish and she'll heal your wounds, refilling your HP and AP. Talk to her again and say you don't want a wish. Then she realizes you're here for a fight. You'll now enter a battle with the Goddess, but she refuses to fight back, so just use the AB option. When her HP gets low, she'll stop the fight and ask what she ever did to you. Talk again and she'll ask you to be her friend. Say yes and Sara will appear. She says if you use Agni, she'll be forced to show her true self. Now you'll have to battle Tyr again, but this time she'll fight back. Use Agni and hit her once and the battle will temporarily stop. Now Tyr is really mad, and she transfoms into a slimy, drooling, snake-like monster with about six heads; the true Goddess! Use Agni right away. The Goddess doesn't seem to have much HP at first, but her second wind is long enough to outlast Jade. Her attacks, however, are no big deal. Just use a Cure when your HP drops to below 300, since there's no way the Goddess could do more damage than that. However, you should be warned that the Goddess is so fast she will take her turn even before Agni. The battle will be long but probably not hard. When you win, that's it; it's all over; you've defeated both Tyr and the Dark Dragons. Now this group of heroes that forms your party has become a legend. However, I must tell you that there is a different ending to the game. When you fight the Goddess the second time, where you're supposed to hit her once as Agni, don't do it. Instead, use the Hero's Rudra spell and turn Karn into Puka. Bleu should be casting BoltX. As for your other character, use Nina. This Goddess has a strong attack, and can also use Bleu's Chill spell, which inflicts 100 HP of damage to all of your party members. Nina will be busy using Meat, WMeat, Cure2s, and M.Drops (or CuraX if you've been working up a lot). This is a long battle that is not easy to do, especially if you're not the patient type. Luckily, there is no second wind to this Goddess.

Well, that's the end of Breath of Fire. I hope you enjoyed it. Let me just tell you right now that this isn't the end of the story, though. Tyr has vowed to get back at the Light Dragons, and if you want to find out how, you'll have to play Breath of Fire II!
