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help the site

If you can help me out with this site it would be much appreciated. There are many things I still need, sucah as...

- Graphics
I'm really bad with graphics ;_; I need a site banner, buttons, and anything that could help make the site look cool.

- Audio
I'd like some *.wav samples from the game, and any mp3's / midi files that I dont have here.

- Contributions
If you've drawn a picture, made some wallpaper, written an SC5 related story/article/guide and would like to see it here, just e-mail me!

- Link exchange
I'd be hapy to link to your SC5 related site, if you do the same. Just let me know you're URL, and where abouts on your site the link to mine is. (no banners just yet though. Not at least untill I get mine done)

- Other stuff
If there is any way you could help, or have comments/suggestions, dont just sit there staring at the monitor, contact me! ^_^

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SC5 part 2
(coming soon)
Space Channel 5
story | Ulala | other characters
Image Gallery's
Ulala gallery | screenshot gallery
Game Help
game guide | cheats & codes
mp3's | midi Wallpaper | misc. downloads
fan art | fan fiction

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