Notes I say thanks much to Mr. Kevin Lu for letting me use the characters and background for this story. I began writing this while Mr. Lu was producing the Crystal Trilogy so this may not fit completely in context with his series. But too bad because I’m writing this! I’m a major TRIGUN fan and constantly have it referred in the story. My main character’s favorite show is TRIGUN much like his real life counter part. He refers to himself as being like Legato several times though the story. Note: His real life counter part actually does have gold eyes. (Weird huh?). Anyway, I don’t care if you use my character(s) in your fan fics, as long as you give me credit. I’m not much into the comics and am not so familiar with it’s characters so please bear with me here. I do know enough to write a story based off it’s world though. And keep in mind though that this is also based off Mr. Lu’s stories, so first… read his stories before this one. Second… I don’t care if I’m wrong about something because this is my story so I’m always right. And third… I don’t want feed back from you guys, regardless if it’s good or bad. Now for the lousy legal stuff. Sonic, Knuckles, Tails, Robotnik and company are copyright of Sega Kevin, Nikki, Alex, Why Kit and Zhi Wei, and the ROATA team are copyright of Mr. Kevin Lu TRIGUN is copyright of Yasuhiro Nightow Sotsu and any other characters I might add are copyright of me This story contains mild language and some intense situations. It would probably be rated PG-13. Also another note… Sotsu (the main character) often thinks to himself though this. It appears as normal text but it should be pretty obvious. No other character’s thought will appear as normal context. Other character’s thoughts will appear in quotes like normally. Also my writing greatly differs from Mr. Lu’s. Don’t worry though, he may be a better author, but he doesn’t have the writing touch of a person who loves to put together action scenes. Watching too much TRIGUN helps putting together action scenes since the action in that show is great. Be sure to check out my other fan fics. Flametorch @ Story of Wes @ Sonic Absolute @ and @ Sotsu (which is the present one your reading) @ same sites as Sonic Absolute Yes I am an insane person so = P on you ?-Nicholas D. Wolfwood-? Chapter 1: Enter Mobius He was no more then 15. He sat there on his bed, his face in his hands. Pain was sorrow mixed inside of him like some form of a vile concoction. The grief caused his stomach to tighten. Hate, pain! Why did God give me this life? What did I do that was so horrible? Why must I live in so much pain?> Dr. Robotnik looked over the profile of Kevin on his screen. "These ex-earthlings have these powers. How can I harness them? How!?" he banged his fist on his chair as he shouted. "Why can’t you get an earthling for yourself?" Snivley asked. "That’s it!" Robotnik stood up, causing Snivley recoiled expecting the doctor to pelt him. But he wasn’t angry. "I will get my own Earthling!" Robotnik exclaimed with happiness. Though he remembered the two that he had earlier, that ended up betraying him. He figured he’d be ready just in case that happened this time. Robotnik began to frequently type at the console in front of him. He accessed the Warp Zone control unit and began to sequence in several codes. A white light began to form in the middle of the room. A cold wind began to blow about. He looked up at it and didn’t move. What is going on? What new pain has begun to unwind for me now? What… what is it? The light grew and enveloped him. He blacked out. The next thing he heard were footfalls. He felt himself moving… he was lying on something. Please tell me I’m dreaming… what have I been abducted by aliens? What the hell is going on? "He’ll be awake soon," a voice said. "Good prep him and put this on," a louder voice said. "Yes sir," the other replied. He felt something cold and hard clamp around his neck. It wasn’t that tight on him but he felt wouldn’t be able to take it off by slipping it over his head. He felt some form of large gloves fit onto his hands. Then shoes and an earring being pushed through his left ear. He finally felt capable of opening his eyes. "He’s waking sir," that same voice from before said. He forced his heavy feeling eyes open. He looked to see to forms starring down at him, both silhouetted by the lighting of the room. One was a very round man with some wild hair jutting from the sides of his face. The other was very small and human-shaped but had a set of red eyes gleaming in the vast darkness. He was forced to slightly shut his eyes as he looked up at the large lamp-light beaming into his face. "Where… am I?" he asked. The smaller figure reached up and turned down the lamp, and simultaneously the main lights of the room evened out. The round figure had a ridiculous orange mustache, round goggles hiding his eyes, and a red and black outfit. He seemed familiar, but it couldn’t be, that doesn’t make any since. The other figure was some form of an android. His red eyes seemed to lessen in intensity. His features were round and simple. "Can you hear me?" the large round man asked. The voice seemed to echo inside his ears for a few seconds but it cleared. "Where am I?" He asked still very confused. He felt that he was on a stretcher in some sort of medical area. There were various types of medical devices scattered about the room, but they seemed to be of some strange technology. "You are in Robotropolis. On Mobius," the round man said, his tone seemed to be hinted with excitement. "Wha… where? What’s going on?" he asked, he sounded frightened but yet curious. "I brought you here. You were brought through a warp," the round man said with pride. "No way? That’s not possible! I must be having a nightmare," he jumped off the stretcher and the ground came up to meet him hard. His body seemed to feel different. He could steady himself as he tried to stand back up. "He hasn’t adjusted. It might be a while before he can walk… give him time," the robot said in it’s hollow voice. "Okay then," the round man began," If you need anything call me. I’ll be back here in an hour or so." The pair walked out a double door. He was left to figure things out by himself for the time being. He noticed his hands were… different. White gloves covered two large hands. Each hand a pair of spikes jutting out. He saw that his arms had a coat of black fur. "What… what have I become?" he asked as he stood up and finally leveled himself. He looked to his left where a mirror resided on the wall. "Dear god," he whispered seeing that his reflection mimicked him. He awkwardly walked toward the mirror. A black colored echidna starred back at him. He had gold-colored eyes. His feet and hands were larger then a human’s proportions and still rather felt light. He wore white gloves of some sensitive material. He had large green and black shoes. Christ, what size are these? He remembered being a human wearing size 11 even though he was only 5’ 10". Around his neck… was set a thick metal collar. His ear also had a small silver hoop thought it. "No…," he began," No! This isn’t a dream this is real!," he felt the pain return, he set himself on the stretcher’s edge. "What new torture have befallen me this time?" Hmmm… interesting. He stood up and walked to the center of the room. He stretched out his arms and pivoted them. His fists felt strong but yet his arms still were agile. He punched into the air. His 10 years of Taekwondo had always relaxed him, but now with his new strength, it was much more enjoyable. Around 45 minutes later the round man entered. He was happy to see the visitor was up, even and doing martial arts too! "Well it seems you are fairing well," the round man said. The black furred echidna stopped and looked at his host. He felt like he was shorter. He wasn’t actually able to determine his height by the various objects around him. If this man was the size of a normal five and half to six-foot human… his new body stood perhaps four feet. "If I’m not mistaking," the echidna paused," your Dr. Robotnik." "Yes that is correct! I never got your name though…." Robotnik said. "My name is…" he hesitated. He thought it only to be right that since he was a new person he should free himself from the shackles of his other existence. "Hmmm… so you seem to have suffered a memory lost just as predicted it to be possible," Robotnik explained. "Well then you choose a name for yourself." He thought for a moment or two. Searching the name that he liked from various thing such as games, shows, the bit of Japanese he knew, and even the D&D campaigns he played. "Sotsu," The echidna said. "Sotsu, then it is. Come on," Robotnik gestured Sotsu to follow him. The pair headed down various halls, paths and though doors. Sotsu looked on in amazement at the advanced technology. They finally arrived in a small circular room. Once side of the wall held a large transparent screen. After a few seconds the lights in the room dimmed and the screen popped up with a map of some forest location. "This is Knothole. Home of Sonic and the Freedom Fighters," Robotnik began. Sotsu looked upon the location wondering how would it have been possible to build such strange structures. Him having studied in architecture, he was always interested in how people developed what buildings they used. Knothole seemed to be made of simple forest material. But the shapes… "If you don’t as of yet know, you have psychic abilities here. I will let you test them out. But your ultimate goal is to rid me of the Freedom Fighters. If you take action against me that collar on your neck will send a shock though you… and stop your heart." "Hmmm… So it seems that it’s Sonic’s life or mine," Sotsu looked upon his situation. "That is correct. I am glad that you are looking upon this thoroughly," Robotnik commented. "Well then. I have a mission! It must be done." Robotnik showed Sotsu to a living chamber that he was to stay in for the time being. There wasn’t much in there. A mini-fridge that contained various nutrient-foods, a plain bed, a few lights set about the room, and a closet. "Psychic powers," Sotsu said blankly. He stared into his left hand, starring into it’s palm. What am I doing? I’m not Legato! "Guitar," Sotsu focused on that object… his guitar he had. Then it slowly materialized in his hands. His good old Cameo half-electric. He sat on the bed and strummed it a time or two. It was in tune. But with these over-sized hands how proficiently could he play? He tried out a couple cords… he seemed to manage well enough. So he began to play "Over the Hill and Far Away". He had to be careful with the spike on his hands though. He didn’t want to damage his guitar. He then placed his Cameo in the corner. It ended up fading out as he thought of something else he might be able to do. "What have I became? With this potential I have the capability of…" he trailed off thinking of the things he could do. How dangerous and horrible it could be, but equally how beautiful. He remember Legato Bluesummers talking about his ability to kill everyone in the blink of an eye. But then he remembered super heroes who used their abilities for the good of mankind. "No, I must not become sympathetic. I have a mission. If not for this, then my life will end. The pain of being forced against my beliefs. I’m sorry Sonic, you have to die."