Chapter 14: Then and Now The Chaotix treated Sotsu to a nice lunch at the local diner in congratulations to him being recruited. Sotsu insisted that they didn’t do anything because it was more of a favor to him that they let him be a Chaotic. Unfortunately, they didn’t see it that way and now Sotsu finds himself waiting to eat lunch with the Chaotix. "Really you guys shouldn’t have done this," Sotsu said as they waited for their order. "God enough with it. Yes we didn’t have to, but we did so be quiet and enjoy," Julie-Su replied. "Okay sorry," Sotsu replied. "Yeah man, thanks for savin’ us last night," Vector said. Come on hurry up with the food this attention is really getting to me. "Yeah. Well, thank you guys very much," Sotsu said as the waitress set a stand next to the table and began to set their plates to there rightful customer. "Wow this looks good," Mighty said as he began to dig into his Manwich and fries. Sotsu reactively watched out the window next to him. He had been cautious about windows inside restaurants ever since the incident with Remoan. He still wondered if it was a bad idea to leave those three at Knothole. Probably not best to think about it. "So what are you planning on doing later?" Espio asked Sotsu between bites of his meal. "I’m not too sure. All I had in mind for the time being was to help you guys. But seeing that not that much is happening… what can I say?" Sotsu replied, thinking about Kragok and the Dark Legion. "Well Kragok returning isn’t a small thing," Knuckles shot. "I know. I mean in the long run… it seems that I don’t have too much to do. Aside from the various hazards that seem to appear here and there," Sotsu replied as he took another bite of his sandwich. "Well. Why don’t you build yourself a life here in Echidnaopolis," Mighty suggested. Sotsu had always found the idea of getting a life as an absurd concept that consisted of socializing. Sotsu figured he was as socialist (let alone socialistically capable) as a rock. In fact saying that there’s some people who talk to rocks (rather strange people I guess), that means he’s less then a rock. "Yeah good idea," Sotsu replied. Idiot. "Thanks," Mighty said with a grin. Then silence feel over the group. Sotsu was unsure weather it was because they had caught on to his sarcastic reply, or it was just one of those times that the subject had to transit. "Hey! Did anyone see that one movie where that scientist has to escape that underground research complex? They have that cool government guy that appears every so often, but he’s always out of the way and he never talks until the end," Vector asked, trying to brake the unsettling silence. "Hey, that sounds like a neat movie," Sotsu said, only trying to help brake the silence. "Yeah it’s cool. Makes you wonder if that could ever happen?" Vector said scratching his chin. "Vector that doesn’t make any since. How could you open a portal to another…," Espio trailed off as he remembered that this city used to be stuck in another realm. "Okay you’ve got a point there," the lizard added. "So what do you guys usually do with your free time like this?" Sotsu asked. "Play arcades, watch movies, talk to people," Vector replied. "Actually Sotsu you’ll be coming out of the city with me," Knuckles said. "Okay that sounds neat. I’m gonna start my Guardian training right?" Sotsu asked. "Guardian? You’re not Julie-Su’s and Knuckles son are you? Cause I wasn’t informed on you guys having a child?" Vector asked. Everyone gave him a glare. "What?" he asked. "We’ll be out there for a week or so. Just long enough to get you figuring out most of the stuff yourself. I’ve already talked with the Brotherhood about you. They say that they figure the Ancient Walkers have something planned for you. They’re just worried about your potential, as they were with mine. They’re afraid someone might develop into another Dimitri," Knuckles explained. "Well I don’t think I have the will to kill anyone. Let alone to really hurt someone," Sotsu replied, he knew that he defiantly could never kill anyone, but he knew that he wasn’t an angel when it came to him hurting anyone. After all, his main source of power is pain… that already gives him an evil-like tone. "I’ll do my best to stand up to the Brotherhood’s exceptions," Sotsu said as he finished off the last bite of his sandwich. Later that day Knuckles took Sotsu out of the city. The sun rested on the horizon. The sky held an orange color as the two echidnas made there way to a barren spot near the edge of the island. "You’ll be expected to train out here everyday," Knuckles finally said as they stopped in the middle of the barren spot. "What am I expected to be training?" Sotsu asked as he looked around. "Everything: mind, body, and spirit," Knuckles replied. "Okay. Am I the only person who’s going to be out here?" Sotsu questioned as he walked over to a large flat rock. "Not unless someone likes to be around nothing for some reason," Knuckles replied. "Well, I need to get back. I’ll leave you out here for now. When I come back here in a few hours you can come back to the apartments. C’ya later," Knuckles said as he walked back. Sotsu sat on the rock and looked over the land below. The view was amazing. He felt as if he could see to the other side of the world. "Wow it’s tranquil," Sotsu said to himself. He looked back in the direction where Knuckles walked off. He was out of sight. "What to do?" the black echidna asked as he sat cross-legged. He saw another slightly smaller rock a few yards away. He concentrated on the rock until it finally budged a little from the ground. Then the rock rolled a few inches, leaving a hole where it’s original resting place was. Sotsu got up and lined himself with the rock. He then ran toward it and when he was close enough brought his right foot into it. The rock tumbled back several yards when his foot made contact. "I didn’t think I was that strong," Sotsu mumbled to himself. "Well considering I have Knuckles strength, geez, I guess I am that strong." "Hmm I wonder." Sotsu looked about the barren area. It looked as though no living creatures were around. Sotsu kneeled on one knee and touched his right hand to the ground. He forced his energy into the ground, which caused it to shake a little. A few cracks began to spider-web across the ground as a few large boulders pushed their way to the surface. I knew that’d work. Forcing long buried objects to surface. I wonder though, weather most of my power if Chaos Energy or Psychic Energy. I am a Guardian so I have control over the Chaos Energy. Interesting… Sotsu walked over to one of the newly risen boulders and placed one hand on it and closed his eyes. He stood there for a few seconds then removed his hand. The stone began to sizzle as it heated to high temperatures. The molecules of the stone had began to become hyper active, thus, raising it’s temperature from itself. Sotsu opened his eyes to see the air about the stone waver and sizzle. Then he closed his eyes for a second. The stone split in half with the sound of a thunderclap. I hope the Brotherhood aren’t taking this like they took it when Knuckles was exhibiting his powers. After a few hours of testing some more potent powers, Knuckles came by and took Sotsu back to the city. Knuckles asked Sotsu to report his progress daily, he said it was important for him to monitor Sotsu’s development. All Sotsu asked was how he could tell when it was Chaos Energy that he was using. Knuckles replied that he wasn’t sure. This worried Sotsu. He didn’t know what his power’s origin actually is. Perhaps it really doesn’t matter. But then again, the Chaos Energy is pretty potent stuff. If he didn’t know how to control it then he might end up hurting someone. But that’s why he’s doing this training right, to learn how to control his Chaos Energy. He was sure all answers will come in due time. Sotsu now found himself starring out of the window of his room. It was around eight at night. Below the lights of passing cars came and went, looking like large fireflies rushing along. The cars of Echidnaopolis were hover cars, they made very little sound. Sotsu was fascinated by the technology they had. Not only that, but he was also very interested in the Echidna history. The little he knew was what he had obtained from reading the first 19 issues of the Knuckles comic. It was unfortunate that he had never read a single Sonic comic. It was really quite weird how things had turned out. He used to be a hyper-pessimist that spent all of his time writing fan fics for people online that he didn’t even know and played D&D and Warhammer with his friends when they came over (which was a rare event). He had no social life whatsoever and was afraid to socialize with people. Then ever once in a while he’d play guitar or piano. Now he was a strange echidna on the planet Mobius and has psychic powers and is a kind of clone of the present Guardian of the Master Emerald. What the heck? Why does all of this kinda freaky stuff have to happen? Let alone his friends are here as well. Sotsu headed out of the apartment complex and walked about the streets. He had no idea where he was going, just wandering. He wondered what kind of locations this city had. No doubt the echidna’s were mostly decent people with lots of pride, so he had little to worry about getting mugged or robbed. But that didn’t mean that the threat wasn’t totally diminished. Besides, he wasn’t heading to far from the apartments. Sotsu found himself a bench near the entrance to a park area. No one was there. He sat and watched as cars went by. He looked up at the vast star filled sky, once again he looked about the constellations. All of them were unfamiliar to him. How long will it be before I can adjust to this life? I’m no longer the degrading, no one I use to be. Now I’m an important and unique figure in this society. But what’s more is… will my life actually improve, I am someone, but with that… I have responsibility. But with responsibility… I can prove myself as a worthy person. Perhaps things are changing for the better. Perhaps I have a chance to be happy for once. Perhaps I will…. Sotsu was cut off as a swift blow came to his head, he blacked out. Sotsu awoke to find himself in the back of a moving truck. He was tied up with rope. His head was sore where he had been hit. There was someone in there with him, but he couldn’t tell who or what it was because of it being too dark. "You’re finally awake," a harsh voice spoke. "Who are you?" Sotsu asked as he set himself upright. "The question is… who are you?" the voice sounded angry. "My name is Sotsu. Now answer my question," Sotsu snapped. "I don’t care what your name is! I want to know what you are!" "I’m… I’m an ex-earthling." "Is that so? We’ve heard of there being some of you around Knothole. It’s a big deal to us! I’ll tell you what. You never return to Knothole… and we’ll keep your friends alive is that clear!" the voice was practically shouting at the top of his lungs. "Fine. But that doesn’t mean they can’t come here," Sotsu replied. "No! I mean I don’t want you being in contact with any of the other ex-earthlings or the Chaotix are as good as dead!" "Who are you?" Sotsu shouted. "That’s not important," the voice said, then Sotsu felt a hard blow to his head. He awoke to find himself in his room at the apartment complex. A cold rag rested on his forehead. It was still night. "You’re awake," Knuckles said as he came into the door with a white bowl of hot soup. "I’m happy to see that. Here Julie-Su made some soup for you," Knuckles added as he placed the bowl onto the wooden nightstand next to the bed. "Wha’? What happened?" Sotsu asked as he sat up, as he rubbed at the second knot on his head. "You were knocked out when he found you in front of the building here," Knuckles said as sat down in a chair. "All I remember is sitting in the park, then I was hit over the head. Then I found myself tied inside of a truck and some guy told me that I was not to talk to any of the ex-earthlings any more. Then I was hit over the head again. Now I’m here." "Hmmm. What did the guy look like?" "I don’t know it was too dark to see. I didn’t use any of my powers at the time because I was worried that they might kill me on the spot. I wasn’t sure if there might have been someone holding me at gunpoint." Knuckles sat for a few minutes rubbing his chin. Sotsu could tell that he was worried. "I’ll look into it. For now I want you to rest up. We may have some big trouble ahead of us," Knuckles said taking off out of the room. "Alright. Tell Julie-Su I said thanks for the soup," Sotsu said as he took the bowl into his hands. He looked into the bowl. It was chicken soup. He looked into his reflection. It reminded him of the first time that he saw himself as a Mobian. To think that one’s life could change so much in the course of a few seconds, that is, the few seconds it took for him to get from Earth to Mobius. To think that he was given a second chance at life. If one such person had a choice to risk gaining a better or worse life, would they take it if they were in his shoes? Most people probably would, but was it his life that was bad, or was it himself? Sotsu began to slowly sip at the soup. It was good to have some homemade food again. It was good just to be in a decent home again. Living in Knothole was like living in a hole in the wall. Looking back on the place he used to call home… it always seemed that he never felt comfortable there. But this place, with the Chaotix and Knuckles, this place felt like home. It was his home now. Reflecting back on his past, Sotsu realizes that he must not dwell there while the future is waiting. What waits ahead for Sotsu will change his perspective of what it means to be who he is and what influence he has on others. But what is present is a danger. One that is apparent, yet it’s origin and motives are unknown. The most dangerous enemy is an unknown one because you don’t know where they may strike from and what they’re capable of. Now Sotsu had to be on guard. The lives of the Chaotix as well as his are now at stake. -Nicholas D. Wolfwood-